Author Topic: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]  (Read 95389 times)

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #300 on: September 14, 2012, 11:56:33 pm »
((We're waiting on Blacki and Fused, right..?
I may make a post later tonight if there's no change.))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #301 on: September 15, 2012, 01:54:39 am »
Guws, I'm SOOO SORRY FOR INACTIVENESS X.X I got a 90 on a math test, and got grounded from my computer TT-TT (Stoopid Mom... I have to get hundreds on err'ything TT0TT)

I'll post tommorow, I've just gotten back from a football game, and I ate too much sugar and impersonated old, angry people with my friend too much T-T. I'll try to post tommorow! D=

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #302 on: September 16, 2012, 01:23:17 am »
((Seriously?! Grounded for getting a 90? I would be lucky if I got a 75 on my test ._.'
I would get it if it was a low score, but really? That's just tough >_>'
I'm sorry Blacki! I hope you'll be able to post soon >.<))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #303 on: September 17, 2012, 03:21:43 am »
Thank u for.. being sorry? /Epicfailure TT-TT

Anyway, I'm able to post now :3.

I'll probaly be moar active now anyway~ My mom figured out that sometimes my teacher only gives meh a day to go over everything for a test we have the next day >_<. <--Why I got a Ninety.. xDDD.

Le RP Posteh-

"This should be reeeally easy." Kyeshui taunted in a slightly over-confidient way. The Lucario didn't seem quite intimitated though, simply embarassed if anything at all. Though, one could not blame him- being taken on by over-confident rookie exploration team that doesn't seem to know anything about this world at all. Kyeshui, however- as aggnorant and happy-go-lucky as he was, didn't take this into any sort of concern, and simply started anticipating what attack he should use. He would have to choose quickly, that was obvious. They couldn't afford to lose the first attack anyway.
"Aura Sphere's my strongest, but he probaly has some knowledge over that, because he's a Lucario and all... Forcepalm woud be a good choice though, not as strong as Aura Sphere, but-" he didn't have anymore time to think it through, as L was already readying to use his first attack, an aura sphere.
Luckily though, Aura Sphere required concentration, and that could be broken by the simpliest of distractions. "Electra, hurry up! We have to hit him now so he can't attack first!" Kyeshui called over his shoulder to Electra, who still remained in her orginal position. Right now seemed to be a moment where the riolu was actually trying to use his brain for something good.

"He's trying to break off my concentration.." L muttered to himself in a slightly 'disgusted' way. The riolu had already managed to cut off a little bit just by blurting out his plan to his partner, Electra. Perhaps he had underestimated the two when they were in battle- he had thought of them to be stupid traveling morons at first. Obviously, he had been proven wrong just by the riolu's reactions. Another move would be smart, yes, it would brilliant rather. Anything but aura sphere really, even 'Bone Rush' or 'Rock Smash' would be perfect for the situation- with a flaw though, of course. If L could manage to hit the two with Aura Sphere, it would be an automatic K-O. "I would win, the end..". L thought to himself with a hardly noticable smirk spread across his face.
It'd be best to take the chance, anyway. . .

(Done~ Also, guys, I've just noticed that Kyeshui's personality seems to be all out of place, so I'm going to try to sort of make it less complicated xDD.

I also believe I might make another character, :3

Kyeshui's new 'less complicated' personality-

Kyeshui tends to be friendly to most people, and of course, even if they do deserve it, he doesn't like seeing them being punished for their crimes- a majour issue for a team member on an exploration team. Of course though, being new around here and all, he's clueless of what it what, and what's this or that called most of the time, this should change over the time though, of course. He's also abit strange too, as one second he might want to do something, and the next he isn't too sure about it. Usually this doesn't happen though, only on some occasions. And while he seems to be clueless and highly incapable of forming plans within his mind, he's actually quite good with making up plans.
This is probaly an advantage that makes up for the disadvantage when it comes to being an exploration team member- as he usually manages to accidentaly trick the enemy Poke'mon into thinking he's a clueless, idiotic, Poke'mon that's over-confident and thinks too highly of himself and his team members.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 01:27:58 am by -Blacki »


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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #304 on: September 19, 2012, 01:28:20 am »
Le Bump.

Finished RP post :3

Offline jesija

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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #305 on: September 19, 2012, 03:13:08 am »
(( :P Keep in mind that when Jade describes Kyeshui as over-confident, it's just in her mind.))
Jade's eyes flickered over the now Sky-form Shaymin with an air of slight annoyance, she could only hope that no one had noticed the commotion. It seemed like the trio out there were immersed in the tension of the battle, so they probably just ignored it... "Shush," The absol said lowly, eyes darting back out to watch the riolu and electrike intently. Kyeshui sounded quite confident of his own abilities, and judging by the aura sphere he had displayed earlier, he may have thought he had every right to be proud. However, this was a dangerous situation, and had the outlaw been anyone else besides L, the criminal would have slipped off un-noticed by the time the riolu's gloating was over. This was the team's first outlaw though, and with time, they would learn that most outlaws, upon being caught, usually fled.

And Jade also thought that announcing his plan aloud was pretty stupid, until she caught L's voice faintly off to her left.
"He's trying to break my concentration..." So he's putting on the arrogant act to distract L? I'm not sure how well that will go over... The guildmaster watched on anxiously, still in an internal battle as to whether or not she would interfere with this fight.

((I feel like I'm making Metis too soft for her fiery-ish personality, so I'm tryna make her seem more... In Character.
It seemed as if tension had filled Tensu to the brim after Metis thanked him for saving the whole gang's tails. There was an awkward pause as a sort of... guilty expression passed through Tensu's face like a ghost. He was silent, and after a while Metis began to think that maybe he hadn't heard her right. Or maybe he's just ignoring me. She thought, eyes narrowing, her head tilting sideways as if to prod "Well...?"
Right then, he spoke up, "Y-yeah, it was no problem, don't mention it." The vulpix simply nodded, and looked away, tails waving idly. That was... odd. I've never seen him act that way. She stood up, a subtle, troubled scowl on her face.
At that moment, Tensu jumped up and rushed past her, "I'm sorry, but I think I should go,"
Metis blinked, shock making her fur stand on end. "You'll hurt yoursel..." Her sentence died out, the scratchcat was already at the exit to the infirmary, muttering something about having a long day, and still having some things to do. And before she knew it he was out the door, scrambling for the ladder no doubt. The vixen was left staring dumbfoundedly at the hay-bed he was once on.
"I...What...?" She said, too confused to even go chasing after Tensu. Metis padded out and peered up the ladder, no sign of him at all. She let out a detached sigh, plopping down to her haunches. Why so sudden? He seemed perfectly content to rest in the infirmary a few mintues ago! She grit her teeth, her furious expression making other Pokemon drift away from her, as if she had just burst into flames. Maybe he just stuck around for the extra Poke, got himself healed for free, and tore off the first chance he got. She thought bitterly, though somewhere in the back of her mind, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone who had saved a couple of lives would ever do something so criminal-like.

Chimecho's bell rang out from above, signaling dinner along with the scent of food floating throughout the guild. Metis just lost her appetite.
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;


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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #306 on: September 20, 2012, 08:29:56 pm »
sdjsjdj Buuump~ :3

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #307 on: September 22, 2012, 03:10:39 am »
Perfect, Chikao, just perfect, the Meowth scolded inwardly at himself, kicking one rock after another with a harder force each time as his irritance grew. You might as well have said: "Okay! Thanks for healing me and all, so bye! Tail and ears lowered grimly, Chikao paused in front of a tree, and placed his forehead against it with a light thud. "Stupid stupid stupid," the words came out in a repeated whisper, head hitting tree each time it was said until he finally stopped.

Why did I just run out anyway... Eyes reopening, Tensu glared at the ground beneath his feet, arms hanging by his sides. He just couldn't help it, it was like he was being suffocated in there. All that guilt and memories of what he had done in his past... if he didn't know better, he'd think Metis was doing all of that to him on purpose. Alas, she wasn't, and she didn't even know who he really was. At this point, I think it'd be better for the both of us if she did know. Turning over, Chikao braced his back against the tree's trunk, seriously contemplating this for a second. It most likely won't end well, in fact I almost know it won't end well, but if I don't do SOMETHING this guilt is just going to eat me alive, and besides it's Metis's right to know.

"Gah!" the scratchcat shouted out in annoyance, paws to head as he slid down the tree. If any Pokemon were out walking about at this hour and weren't already looking his way, he was sure that drew some attention. At the moment, he didn't care. Why did everything have to be so complicated. Well... whatever I decide, I should at least come by tomorrow and apologize. With a sigh, Tensu rose himself up from the ground, flinching at the pain from his back. It was a lot better, but he shouldn't be moving around so much. Hopefully the pain will be gone completely by tomorrow.

Expression stone-like, but determined, Tensu began making his way away from the guild, off to find somewhere to rest and eat until morning came.

((That's all I'll put for Tensu for awhile now until morning comes, which I'm guessing is whenever Kyeshui and Electra finish their mission :3
So until then, don't feel like you have to wait on me cause I really won't have much to post xD))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #308 on: September 23, 2012, 12:52:40 am »


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Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chamber of Souls [ONE Slot open!]
« Reply #309 on: September 23, 2012, 04:55:03 pm »
((ima just enter Ranu into the RP now. Im tired of holding 'er back)

Cinni looked up suprised "Okay" she said sitting down as she heard a random noise of beating wings as a strong wind came and she stood by a wall so she wouldnt fly away by the strong gust. She heard a loud thump "What was that?!?!" she asked herslef

Ranu roared loudly and flew high. She hasnt ate in about a month from being almost caught by trainers and chased by Zekrom. She lait down on the ground and stared up at the midnight sky. She wondered If my family were alive I probably wouldnt be in this mess right now. Im just I guess a monster like everyone says. I guess I really am a phsycopath after all. Maybe if I just had friends to help me through my family being dead then I would not be such a monster as I am now. Ugh She couldnt help herself but a tear ran down her cheek and she was lost in thought and ended up falling asleep