Author Topic: Species Separation?  (Read 2848 times)

Offline Haruki

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Species Separation?
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:28:26 am »

...Uh, guys? Why do we separate and denounce intermingling species? Is it just me?

Every time I go on general, people are advertising permanent prides/packs and will disallow anything unlike them. Maybe it's just me and my fond memories of ImpressiveTitle, but it baffles me that people expect others to change their character to conform to their standards. Why are wings frowned upon? I understand blinding neon sparkledogs, but why not some bright colors here or there?

It irks me that the prides are all permanent. Random roleplays, where people make friends, find love, go about interesting and spontaneous scenarios without solely relying on pride life as a means of interaction with others, that was fun.

I propose we start some sort of revolution. Something to change this, anything. A single step in the right direction.
Perhaps we could begin a map that is devoted to just random, all-species roleplaying (preferably literate, but hey, I'd like a million dollars too).

Or perhaps we could get a public group in-game that meets in specified spots in Flourite Plains or other places, maybe it could have it's own website. People can meet fellow roleplayers without interruptions of advertisements. We could form small cliques, make friendships, engage in revelry and soforth.

I believe something needs to happen. It's a daily struggle to find fun, new people ingame. Let's encourage intermingling.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 01:30:44 am by Haruki »

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Re: Species Separation?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 05:06:48 am »
Sometimes when you're limited to something, you find new ways to be creative.
Groups like that out there have their preferences, and they have a right to do that. :P

I don't think revolutions will really help anything, only separate further. If you walk around ingame, you see lots of people who run freely without a group and just make friends with the people around them.

Offline VexedCourage

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Re: Species Separation?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 05:43:20 am »
I'm with you on Haruki. I see a lot of roleplays in game and the restrictions placed on these groups are sort of.. annoying. Also I rarely see anyone just starting up a roleplay. Everything is planned and everyone demands to know the plot. What if there isn't a plot? What if there isn't a line we must follow, but rather step outside of the box to do our own thing. :)

Another thing that irks me is the need for mates and cubs. You don't need a mate and cubs to have an interesting character! :D


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Re: Species Separation?
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 10:46:00 pm »
I agree with you completly. Now, me and a friend were sitting in Fluorite the other day and she mentioned something nice. She said "I don't understand why people think a wolf and a lion can't be friends. It makes no sense." (-Dragonsnight <3) I do understand why people don't want a wolf and lion RP. But I like the idea of "canine and feline" RPs. (They sound like the same thing, but I mean all canine and all feline, not just wolves and lions.) This is something I have noticed as well; some people refusing to have one feline character. I have seen so many Canine-Dragons that it isn't cool. For heaven's sake; I've seen a lion character on the canine model once before. I love your idea. <3 :3

Offline Dark Greyodon

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Re: Species Separation?
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2012, 11:30:20 pm »
Personally, I think some RP'ers are too controlling.
I have been in many a group where I was very limited to my actions--I couldn't stray from the den, I had to look exactly like a certain species (I had a canine character with tiger stripes, and my wolf group requested the moment I walked up that I change them), I had to change my name to so-and-so, I had to have certain colors, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
I have also tried to make groups where people could look any way they wanted (as long as they didn't have too many neons, since entirely neon characters tend to literally hurt my eyes), could be any species they wanted and could RP in any style they wanted (as long as they didn't power play, since hey, who wants to roleplay with someone who just writes "I killed you, you are dead, so don't move"?), but it never did go over well. I would gather maybe four members after a couple of hours and then they would get bored of the group and leave.

I do think a revolution would be nice, because I want to feel united to all RP'ers, regardless of whether or not I'm a canine, feline, winged or non winged, bright pink or brown.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Species Separation?
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 02:16:47 am »
Do you really need to go all out like you can't do this stuff? People want wolf pack's, that's fine, people want lion pride's, that's fine, people want both, that's fine. Don't act like people who want a realistic pride/pack or want to have a certain species or rules in their RP are evil. I have a wolf only RP, doesn't mean I hate lions, it just means it's a WOLF PACK. I don't think along the lines of "OMG WOLVES R BETTA DAN LIONS OMG LIONS SUK" I just prefer my RP with just wolves because throwing in a lion would just seem strange. in the future I make make a RP with all species, who knows. But just because I don't allow lions in my RP doesn't mean I'm stifling creativity.

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Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: Species Separation?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 03:33:09 am »
Make a map, and if people agree, let them come to you. I can see exactly where your going with this, I joined a pride for a semi realistic and slightly literate good rp'ing. Since my friend was in it, and then..."Oh you can be a dark blue and black." Me: "Why not? I dont have wings, and we're semi realistic, idc if you have to say I was held down and my mane dyed from humans experimenting on me." Well...I had to make another char, and make it a greyish/blackish lion. Yay! x-x
The main reason that this caught my eye is, don't you notice almost all pups and cubs these days have sob stories about the other species eating their parents or group...Really grinds my gears hearing that and being blamed for some who take it too far.


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Re: Species Separation?
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2012, 09:29:51 pm »
What really BUGS me is that if there is an RP it excludes unrealistic looking animals or wings which puts my character out of the picture :(