Author Topic: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)  (Read 3246 times)


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Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:40:14 am »
  Welcome to the sacred land of the Wolves of The Unknown. Three packs watch over the land. The Emyrs wolves claim most of the mainland. They have everything at their doorstep, prey, water, herbs. But, the pack is also the first target for the hunters that are encroaching on the land. Emrys' wolves are also a target for the other packs, due to all of the land they claim. In the northwest, the Demi wolves roam. Their home is on a small circular island, part of a small archepelago. Prey is abundant in their area, though lack of herbs sends them to the mainland for gathering. The southern archepelago is covered by Hydra wolves. Their island homes many herbs and plenty of shelter, but they lack sufficent prey. Fish swim in the lake and ocean, but fish can only last so long before they need bigger game.

  How will you affect the fate of these packs? Will they forever be rivals, fighting seperatley? Or can you help bring them together?

  As a new member, you need to learn your place among the others, learn the land and your territory, as well as the other packs' weaknesses. Will you rise up to the challenge and become the savior of the wolves? Or will you hide in a cave with your tail between your legs when the promise of battle errupts?

We are a semi-realistic wolf pack. Semi-real as in no rainbows x.x If you want to have a slightly unreal color such as maroon or a blue tint to your pelt that is okay. Any markings are accepted, wings are not. Mass markings is also fine and needed to see some member's chars. You must be semi-literate or literate and ACTIVE. If you will not be able to come on for a long period of time, please tell either Mythology (Myself) or Creed.

Emrys Pack
 You walk cautiously onto the unfamiliar land. Two large bear statues stand to either side of you and you quickly decide to follow the oaks to a ring of pines. You break through the branches and look around, 6 different dens surronded you. One reeks of rotted flesh, one homes various herbs and flowers, another is empty except for rock steps circling around it, the other two are filled with flowers. You slowly make your way into the den with flowers and a bear statue in it."Can I help you?" A low growl catches your attention and you focus on a dark wolf in the shadows, the Emrys alpha male, Mythology.

Alphas: Mythology (Male)
Scouts/Messengers:  Dark Flame
Pup Watchers: Tamari
Rankless/In Training:
Pups: Thea

Total Pack Members: 4

Hydra Pack
 Finding yourself pretty far southeast. Small hills jutting out of the ocean catch your attention. Taking a deep breath, you step into the water and swim from island to island until you reach the largest one. The shore is lined with palm trees and tropical plants. In the center stands four out of place oak trees. In the middle of the trees is a stone platform that the oaks have grown through and now hold in the air. On each side a ramp leads up to the platform, making it a secure shelter. A small lake sits off to the side, accompanied by a small dirt den. You knew this place from stories, the home of the Hydra pack. Sitting upon the platform you spot a large, dark female, she greets you with a warm smile.

Alphas: Timewarp (Female)
Pup Watchers:
Rankless/In Training:
Pups: Thea

Total Pack Members: 1

Demi Pack
 You stop a moment, shaking off your fur after the swim to the northwest islands. Looking up from the now wet sand, you gasp at the sight before you. A small lake sits to your left, sounds of ducks emitting from the shore, infront of you is a rocky structure, a platform surronded by short mountains. To your left sits a circle of trees, in the center of it a raised rock, figured to be a meeting area. A head peaks out from around the ramp to the main risen rocks. "Can I help you?" Creed raises a brow but smiles at you kindly.

Alphas: Creed (Male)
Sentinels: Reaver
Pup Watchers:
Rankless/In Training:
Pups: Torak

Total Pack Members: 3

These rules apply to the forums AND FH.

-Keep things PG-13 (i.e. Gore is okay but keep it at a minimal so no guts falling out, same with cussing, limit it as much as possible)
-Respect members of all four of the packs out of rp! We really dont care what you do during rp (Drama makes things more fun in rp ^^) :3
-In the rp, the usual rules are applied: Respect your higher rankings, do not command a higher rank, attacking members of your own pack or an allies pack is a no no, etc. etc.(Of course not everyone chooses to follow these :>)
-On the app where it says "Bloody" put 'tell' (Just so we know you read the rules ^^)
-No spam, 'nuff said.
-Begging for a rank/mate/whatever is not appreciated.
-Do NOT claim the map as your own


Punishments include being demoted to omega (mainly if a rp rule is broken), kicked out of the pack, banished for a certain amount of time, or whatever the alphas see fit.


Steps To Join

1. READ the rules
2. Fill out the application
3. Once accepted download the map and make plans to meet Mythology in game for an invite OR send a request to .:Wolves of the Unknown:. (Be patient, I am on atleast once a day, usually, but I am not on 24/7... I have a life believe it or not)
OPTIONAL: Make an account on our site ^^
4. Roleplay and have fun with the pack! :D

Web Site:

Join Application
Code: [Select]
FH Username:
Character Name:
Character Gender:
Pack to Join:
Rank Wanted:

Rank Descriptions in post below!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 05:43:32 am by ~Avani~ »


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 05:42:05 am »

Your rank is your official status within the pack, it determines how you are treated, what you do from day to day, and how you are expected to act.

Alpha (A)(Add an F or M depending on your gender): Alphas are the leaders of the pack. Usually there is a male and a female leading together, though, in some cases there is only one. No one is to disobey their alpha or question their authority. *Has to be earned*

Beta (B)(Add an F or M depending on your gender): Betas are the alpha's second in command. When the alpha is gone, the beta takes over. Often, betas will be left in charge of making sure the other wolves due their respective jobs. The only one betas have to obey is the alpha. Usually a male and female pair.*Has to be earned*

Delta (D)(Add an F or M depending on your gender): Deltas are the back up betas. If anything were to cause the betas to lose their position or, if something happened to the alpha, become alpha, the deltas would become the new betas. Again, a male and female pair. *Has to be earned*

Sentinels (S): Sentinels are the lookouts of the wolf pack. They scout the territory and report any abnormalities.

Hunters (H): Well, uh, they hunt xD.

Healers (M): The medics in the wolf pack, they use herbs and plants to mend others.

Scouts/Messengers (SM): Scouts, aka messengers, carry messages to other packs. Scouts are required to be fairly brave as entering unknown territory is a dangerous task, but they aren't usually needed.

Warriors (W): Warriors are the wolves with the most skill in fighting in the pack. They are the first to march into the heat of the fight and often train others in the art of war.

Pup Watchers (PW): They watch the pups, make sure they dont run off. They also, a lot of the time, teach them basic skills. Such as: Hunting, fighting, rules, etc.

Rankless/In Training: These wolves are unranked but not disrespected, as omegas are. They are either young and in training, or new to the pack and unranked.

Pups (P): The little ones :D

Omega (O): Omegas are the least respected wolves. They are bossed around by most and are usually the wolves that did something to upset their alpha. Breaking ones rules often results in becoming an omega. It is VERY hard to work your way up the chain as an omega.

Add the first letter of your pack to your name and whatever letters that are in parenthesis next to your rank. If blank do not add anything. For example: EAM would be Emrys Alpha Male. HM Would be Hydra medic. DDF would be Demi Delta Female (XD Demi delta sounds funny).

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2012, 09:20:58 pm »
FH Username: HelloKitez4Ever.
Character Name: ColdIce.
Character Gender: Female.
Pack to Join: Emrys Pack.
Rank Wanted: Healer.
Picture/Description: ugh... She has very dark pelt, black underfur. Light blue, blind eyes. No markings.
Bloody: Tell.
Other!: Soon ill have a preset. One eye will be blind, another will be cinracted slit (Red). With one eye she is blind.
In-game - Orchee
deviantART - CatCoveredInChalk


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 10:42:35 pm »
Accepted! Contact Caninehugger in game when you catch me ;D


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 12:34:06 am »
*This is pretty dang late... ^^*
FH Username: MewTewb
Character Name: Yorka
Character Gender: Female
Pack To Join: Hydra Pack
Rank Wanted: Pup (Yeah, Yorka's a pup. XD)
Description: Grey pelt with white underbelly, black markings (May change the markings, but nothing too unrealistic. They're Mass markings, too- I just forgot what they were called, sorry about that.)
Bloody: Tell
Other: Yorka is an adventurous, curious wolf pup with a tendency to get into a little trouble from here to there. She likes to explore anything and everything.


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2012, 10:31:58 pm »
Accepted! :D Follow the little step thingys :3


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 06:25:40 pm »
Thanks! Sure, but I can't make accounts on other sites. (Don't ask why, it's confusing.) I'll try to meet up with you ingame. :3 But I'll still send a join request. (I still need to work on Yorka's bio and everything. XD)


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 11:35:15 pm »
Haha kk!


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2012, 11:39:13 pm »
All right, I'm in the map as Yorka... I don't see anyone. XD I also sent a join request... XD Waiting here at the portal... Doo dee doo. :3


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Re: Wolves Of The Unknown (Always Open ^^)
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2012, 01:08:47 am »
Sorry about that, all of us have been quite busy and caught up this week, should pick up next week xD Invite accpeted btw ^^