Author Topic: Apologies and a complaint  (Read 3730 times)

Offline tyilung

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Apologies and a complaint
« on: May 28, 2012, 08:58:34 am »
Well i'm sort of complaining and apologizing at the same time. I got banned for a month for "Sexual behavior" because i mentioned a dirty name several times complaining once and making a joke the second time. But now i realize i was being a bit hypocritical because i was annoyed little kids would see those people and my small cousins watch me play. But i realized since i mentioned the name more then once it would be the same as seeing the name on the character and they might get curious and make a character. I'm not asking to be unbanned i shall do my time but i just apologize. The thing i'm a bit annoyed about is that they found the time to ban me yet the dirty person wasn't banned i believe. Also i see alot of swearing in general and bad names more often because the moderators are never online almost. I understand there not superhumans and cant do everything but maybe you should maybe recruit 1-2 more? Because if the mods are doing other things some should be online and they could trade places.  And I'm sorry if i don't understand some things i don't know about the admin system or anything like that.  Anyway apologies again,See all my Feralheart friends in a month  :o) Sorry if i said anything stupid but i wrote this late at night because i cant sleep. >;]

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 09:14:24 am »
... Report the people you see? It's easy really, while a mod can't see everything, there has got to be at least ONE person on FH that is seeing these people do wrong, and yet no one reports them. Hiring one or two more mods isn't going to stop it, it won't solve the issue. Because one or two more people doesn't mean the mods are going to spot it. But if people would actually be bothered reporting, then they would be gotten rid of. Sorry for the rant, but SERIOUSLY?! The only way to be 100% certain that a mod is seeing what is going on is if EVERYONE is a moderator, because there will ALWAYS be something the mods can't see, and hiring a TON of mods just to make sure they are covering every pixel of FH at every second of every day is ridiculous.

To report, all you have to do is take a screenshot that includes their username and evidence of their wrongdoing. Simple. YET NO ONE DOES IT.

Once again, sorry for the rant, but it is starting to get ridiculous the amount of people who think just going out and grabbing more people for the mod team is the answer to everything. You saw these people doing wrong, and complain they haven't been banned. Guess who has some part to play in that? You do.

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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 10:12:44 am »
I agree with Kyugima. I once saw a character who had a dirty name, and I wanted to report it, but I didn't know how to take a screenshot, and I wasn't sure anyone would believe me without proof. Now, however, I know how to take screenshots, and I will use that ability to make the site a little more clean. I also agree with you tyiung, they should make it so no one swears on the site, It's really corrupting a perfectly inosent game, and it needs to be stopped.
We should work together, and bring this to the mods attention.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 11:11:39 am »
We should work together, and bring this to the mods attention.

Mods already know people swear, or do you really believe they are ignorant to the point they wouldn't know people swear? Just thought your post was a little ridiculous in that regard. The issue is people don't report swearing, and if a mod can't see it it can't be stopped.

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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2012, 11:33:02 am »
Kyugima pretty much says it all right there you cant seriously blame the MOD's for there being so many rule breakers out there and yeah the mods aren't always around but that's when the MOD's need us to catch the people they cant, Threads like this have been bought up countless times and the points made are generally quite poor. Possibly you guys could make a tiny bit of difference by smacking that screenshot button when you see a rule breaker and reporting it to the MOD's so that they can do their thing.
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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2012, 02:37:17 pm »
Yeah. Sorry. I was up late last night cuz of a sleepover, but yeah:)


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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2012, 06:31:03 pm »
Well, I usually never report people because there are too many people with dirty minds out there. Why do people blame the mods and even Kovu? The poor guy's in a state of apathy and the moderators are doing all they can. I especially blame ghost because he was exceptionally rude. Kyugima is right and we should stop ranting and making them feel restless.


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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 06:59:55 pm »
That's true, but it should still be brought to the mods attention, I mean, there are younger kids on Feral Heart as well, and when they see swearing and dirty words, they sometimes repeat them. You know kids, they always try to copy us, and sometimes they don't know what they're doing.


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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 07:42:55 pm »
Doesn't need to be brought to mod's attention, like is already stated, they know what's happening. Its players that don't assist in helping of problem that cause issues. Mods can't be everywhere and watch everyone, as stated, and so if you see it, report it. Otherwise you've no reason to complain about the way they're trying to handle with the tools they have.

Offline Natasha23

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Re: Apologies and a complaint
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2012, 08:59:18 pm »
How come I got banned for just role playing? It was my first time playing, and I just went, -KiKiara sits down and flicks her tail as she wonders where her cubs could be including.. her long lost mate, Kovi. She misses him and hopefully she pride she is in now can help her not remember them so she won't feel so sorrowful- and I logged off because I had to eat then I get back on and it says I'm banned for 12 months and 15 days then a day after that It said I'm banned for 1 month and 19 days. I don't know whats going on!!