Author Topic: Off the Deep End  (Read 1046 times)

Offline Zarorah

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Off the Deep End
« on: June 05, 2012, 04:06:40 am »

The First Day
Everything will be okay, Pinkie.  You're just going on a little vacation!  Yep, that's all this is, a little vacation.  No need to worry, or be upset, or get paranoid.  You're going to be fine, and everything is going to be fine, and everyone's going to be fine.  When you get back, everyone will be happy.  They're going to miss you so much... So much...
First of all, why am you even here?  You didn't do anything wrong.  So what if you threw too many parties?  You can never have too many parties!  Parties are fun!  Everyone loves parties, and you throw them, so everyone loves you!  They're probably sitting in their houses, wondering who will throw the next party.  When you get out of here, you'll have such a huge party, all of Equestria will come!
Just sit back and relax, Pinkie.  You'll be okay here.  They like you here.  Everything will be juuuuuuuust fine!

The Third Day
Pinkie is sad. 
Pinkie just got told that parties aren't allowed here.  They might rile up the patients.  Pfft!  What do they know, anyway?  Parties make everyone happy.  The only people who don't like parties are the ones who have never had one.  How can you judge something you've never had, anyway?  Why can't you at least give these parties a chance?!  Maybe your patients won't be so stoic and depressed all the time!
Pinkie got put in a padded room today.  They're trying to make Pinkie forget the outside.  Pinkie like the outside.  Pinkie doesn't want them to take the outside away.  They closed the door.  Pinkie is lonely now.  Oh well, at least Pinkie has her other friends to talk to!

The Eighth Day
Pinkie was removed from the padded cell and put back in Pinkie's old room.  Pinkie likes her old room.  There is another pony, named Bon-Bon, here.  Bon-Bon's silly!  Why is Bon-Bon here?  Supposed possession?  Bon-Bon, how can you change your voice like that?  That's cool!  Will Bon-Bon teach Pinkie how to do that? 
Wait, Bon-Bon, why are you backing away like that?  Pinkie won't hurt you!  Bon-Bon, what's wrong?  Was it something Pinkie said?  Bon-Bon?  Are you feeling okay?  Bon-Bon, where are you going?!  What is that man doing to you?!  What in the name of Celestia is he doing?! 
Three Hours Later
Everything is okay, Bon-Bon.  Pinkie will make sure that everything will be okay.  That man won't hurt you any more.  He's taking a nice, long sleep.  Pinkie will go check on him in a bit, to make sure everything is in order.  Now, Bon-Bon, you know you can' t let your eyes just roll around like that, right?  Put your eyes back, Bon-Bon!  Here, Pinkie will get them for you.  See?  All better!

The Thirteenth Day
A new pony, named Flitter, was admitted to day, so Pinkie went to ask why.  What are "suicidal tendencies?"  Isn't suicide a kind of dance?  Oh well, Pinkie watched as Flitter was put into a padded room.  Pinkie wishes Flitter would quiet down!  Pinkie can hear Flitter all the way down the hall!  Shush, Flitter!
Bon-Bon, what are "suicidal tendencies?"  Do you know?  No?  Okay, Pinkie will go ask someone.  Nurse, what are suicidal tendencies?  Oh, that's what they are?  Oh, okay.  Pinkie thanks you for the information. 
Bon-Bon, suicidal tendencies sound like fun!  Pinkie knows what they are now, thanks to that nurse.  They're when you try to kill yourself.  Pinkie used to do that, and it was so fun!
Oh, look, there goes Flitter now.  Wait, where is Flitter going?  Why are Flitter's eyes closed?  Why is Flitter strapped down?  Flitter?  What's going on?
Two Hours Later
Boooooooon-Boooooooooon!  Pinkie's back!  Did Bon-Bon miss Pinkie?  Of course Bon-Bon did!
Pinkie got to watch the doctors put something in Flitter's head.  It looked a bit like a tube, but longer, narrower, and more flexible.  Flitter looks happier now.  Pinkie will go visit Flitter now!  Would Bon-Bon like to come?
Hi Flitter!  Bon-Bon and Pinkie just wanted to say hello!  What's that tube doing in Flitter's head?  Gosh, Flitter, just because your mouth is stitched shut doesn't mean you can't talk!  What was that, Flitter?  "Cut it out?"  Oh, silly Flitter, you know Pinkie can't do that! 

The Twentieth Day
Pinkie is scared.  Pinkie doesn't want to be sent to another facility.  Pinkie likes it here!  With Bon-Bon, and Flitter, and all of the other ponies!  Why would they separate Pinkie from friends?!  What did Pinkie do?!
Flitter hasn't talked in four days.  Pinkie has been trying to coax Flitter into ripping the stitches that prevent Flitter from speaking, but Flitter doesn't want to.  So, Pinkie took the liberty of cutting them out for Flitter!  But, Pinkie's knife slipped, and now, Flitter's sleeping.  Flitter's sleEeEeEeEping...
No!  Don't take Bon-Bon!  Bon-Bon is Pinkie's friend!  Bon-Bon keeps Pinkie company!  Don't take Bon-Bon!
Pinkie is angry.  The doctors took Bon-Bon.  The doctors; they will pay.  Pinkie will get Bon-Bon back!  Pinkie is going to get Bon-Bon back, and Pinkie will be happy!  So.  Much.  Happiness!
Come on everypony, smile, smile, smile...

The Twenty-Fifth Day
All of the doctors are sleeping.  They look so peaceful.  Pinkie wishes they'd stop smiling, though.  It's getting creepy.  Pinkie's going to clean her toys off now.  Can't have them getting dirty.  Bon-Bon?  Where are you?  Oh, there you are!  Pinkie was worried about you!  Pinkie thought Bon-Bon might have run off!
Bon-Bon, your left leg is missing?  Where is Bon-Bon's left leg?!  Leg?!  Where are you?!  Bon-Bon needs her leg!
Who is that, and what is he holding?  Oh, it's another doctor!  Pinkie must have missed one.  Is that... BON-BON'S LEG!  YOU GIVE THAT BACK TO PINKIE RIGHT NOW!  PINKIE DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE TO HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

The Twenty-Sixth Day
Pinkie woke up in something tight today.  Pinkie couldn't move her hooves.  Pinkie couldn't talk, either.  Where is Pinkie going?  Won't anyone tell Pinkie?
Labyrinth?  What's that?  It sounds like a fun place!  Starvation?  Dehydration?  Stop using big words!  Big words confuse Pinkie!  Wait, why is it getting darker?  Pinkie doesn't like the dark!  Where is Pinkie going?! Won't someone tell Pinkie?!  Stop saying Pinkie's gone off the deep end!

Unspecified Day
Pinkie likes it down here.  No one can hurt Pinkie.  No one can judge Pinkie.  Pinkie is all alone down here.  Pinkie is okay with that. 
Pinkie hasn't seen the doctors in a long time.  Pinkie misses them.  Pinkie is starting to get a bit lonely, but, for the most part, Pinkie likes it down here.
Pinkie heard footsteps!  The doctors are back!  Wait, you aren't a doctor!  No matter; do you want to play a game with Pinkie?  It's called, "Run, Rabbit, Run!"  You run, and Pinkie tries to catch you! No escaping!  Pinkie doesn't want to have to hurt you!

Come on everypony


[Insert some kind of image that still needs to be made here]