Author Topic: Dhaoine Uisce  (Read 1778 times)

Offline Dark Greyodon

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Dhaoine Uisce
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:42:37 am »
I have created a species of canine that inhabit seas, rivers, pools, and any small or large body of water large enough to dive into and swim about in.


Typically, these creatures have either a snowy white or very pale gray/blue pelt with luminescent ring like patterns and pupilless teal eyes, although they can also have darker gray or teal coats with violet or gray eyes, although the luminescent markings always occur and are a trademark symbol of the Uisce.
They have long, muscular tails used for propelling them through the waters and highly thick fur used to protect them from the extreme frigidness of the icy seas that they prefer to inhabit.
They are omnivorous and have a diet that consists of seaweed, marine life, dead animals that faced the terrible misfortune of being frozen in the ice, and if they are hungry enough, adolescent wolves and lone felines.
Abnormally sharp teeth line their mouths, which are dark teal in color, and they use these for combat and slicing through thick chunks of ice blocking their paths. Being omnivorous though, they have flat molars in the back of their mouths, which they chew seaweed with and crush smaller pieces of ice coating their typically frozen meals.
They are tall and have muscular bodies (especially when it comes to their legs) which is required for their sort of environment.

The Uisce when first encountered are kind, timid, quiet, and for the most part, introverted, although they have a habit of following both man and animal whenever they come across them (however, if said man or animal is being still, they will be discouraged and leave them be). They love to help out those in need and it is rare to see them act harshly towards an innocent bystander for no apparent reason, although they are certainly not known to allow anyone to push them around. They are also generous with territory and tend to only claim territories as a place that they will typically rest and eat at rather than a land that must be fiercely guarded.
However, like anything, they have a dark side and are by no means perfect.
They have an extreme violent streak and will brutally maul and kill those who consistently bother them and then take their innards back to hang as somewhat of a prize and a work of art.
They are also highly antisocial and will rarely stick by anyone's side for more than a week or two, and will retreat to be with their own kind, never to be seen again, when an unwanted friendship or alliance begins to form.
Rulers tend to aggravate these animals for the most part and Teaghlaigh (their word for "pack", "pride" or "herd) leaders are very uncommon--each member in the Teaglaigh is equal, but that does not mean some members will never be more popular than others.

Natural habitat:

The Uisce prefer to inhabit icy wastelands surrounded by vast seas and oceans as they are most suited for life in this environment, but they have been known to travel as far south as sub-tropical regions (despite being extremely uncomfortable in these areas). They will often stray towards the water if placed on land, but it is possible for them to survive without being near oceans or lakes, although they will be very unhappy.
Occasionally when they are overheated and no water is nearby, they will resort to digging a deep, narrow burrow large enough for only one Uisce to inhabit and will wait for the sun to set.
When the moon has risen, they will leave their burrow and set out to search for waters, but if their search proves unsuccessful, they will retreat to their burrow once again and either attack whatever new animal has inhabited it or share it if the new inhabitant is willing.

Natural enemies:
Uisce and gray wolves tend to have spats, although it is possible for them to get along and their dislikance of each other is by no means extreme. They occasionally fight with large felines as well, but only because large felines tend to attack them first.

Other: Their lumiscent rings can be used for the dual purpose of leading those lost at sea to shore, or luring in pray hypnotized by the soft glow of their fur patterns.

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Re: Dhaoine Uisce
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 04:52:06 pm »
Good Details, very long, and doesn't jump (Doesn't jump from one topic to another), I like it! You should write books.

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Offline Dark Greyodon

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Re: Dhaoine Uisce
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 01:42:59 pm »
Thank you so much! That was the most flattering response to my writing I have ever gotten.
I was surprised anyone even read  my post, actually, so your comment was an even more delightful surprise.