Author Topic: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 7/16 update]  (Read 4308 times)

Offline RaivenWings

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.:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 7/16 update]
« on: June 21, 2012, 09:04:01 am »
.:The Heart of a Demon:.

Who or what you are doesn't matter. It's not how long long you live; it's what you do with your life. This is the basic thought of one of my most beloved characters, Demon.
Before I get to stealing Silhouette's idea (love ya, gurl XD), these 'journals', I need to explain a few things about said character. Although honestly if you don't know me or my characters this probably won't even be read by you so who cares, right? Haha~
Demon is a heavily scarred gray wolf... at least in appearances. He's slightly taller than the average wolf, and has chocolate brown eyes. But what he is, is in fact his name... he comes from demon blood, and so because of that, he is much stronger and usually faster than his normal canine counterparts, along with quickened healing. But what he inherited from his father's demonic genes was more than just power... but in fact another living consciousness. This consciousness is known as Fang, and is a powerful and evil being. Fang hates Demon will a loathing passion, and will take any chance to take over Demon in a desire to destroy those Demon cares about, because if Demon's will is shattered... his own consciousness will fade into nothing, and Fang will have a body of his own to reek havoc upon the world of FeralHeart.
Demon is a kind-hearted and brave individual, and will almost always put others ahead of himself. He doesn't have many friends, but those who are he is loyal to like no other. He's a powerful and kind ally, and will not resort to killing if he has other options.
Fang... on the other hand... is a murderous monster. He is a living nightmare, and quite the powerful at that. He enjoys watching others in pain, and has a habit of letting his mouth run to inflict more damage of the mind before he strikes with physical force. At his powerful, he is able to shift between forms, and is known to have dark horns and something bat-like wings. Although Demon holds him back as often as possible, Fang is able to surface when Demon is weakened mentally, in a dark/powerfully demonic place, or whenever Demon is close to death.

Anyway that ramble is over. SO. Enjoy these~

Check out Silhouette's "May's" Journal here!
Check out FerretFoo's "Seveta's" Journal here!

Screenshot edits done by myself
Demon preset and Seveta (1) preset made by Shiro
Candela preset made by Silhouette
 Calith preset and Seveta (2) preset made by myself
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 07:50:04 am by Raiven »

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Offline RaivenWings

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.:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal]
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 09:04:25 am »

Things were looking fine, if only for a few fleeting moments. I'd finally found May again, and yet... we found ourselves attacked by a friend of Lazuli's... which meant he wanted me dead.
I'm sorry, Lazuli... I hadn't meant for any of this to happen. I can blame Fang all I want, but... I can't hide the fact that I wasn't strong enough to keep him from hurting you, from... taking your life.
As it turns out... I was too weak once again. Lightning attacked, and between May and I trying to reason with him... It was no use. But I... I didn't want to have him suffer the way Lazuli did, but in the end, darkness consumed me.

I found myself trapped within my own mind once more, watching without being able to help. I was fighting but I was so weak... Our shared body has been mortally wounded, and right now there's nothing I can do about it but wait and let Fang have his control for now, because when he is on the surface my body heals so much faster. Not that I really have much of a say at this point.
He left May alone, and I thank whatever god there must be for that. For once he was smart enough to know not to damage my body further, and now I'm not sure where we're headed, but... I think I might know. If I know Fang, then he'll head for the place his ally resides... the BloodLands.
All I can do is wait in this darkness... and hope Fang doesn't get any clever plans with Seveta when he finds him. I'm sorry, May, that I couldn't kill Lightning when I had the chance to myself.

So ironic. After allowing May to deal with being the one to destroy Lightning, I now find myself running into Candela, Lazuli's daughter. Such a powerful little creature... and quite the dark soul at that. It's a pity, really, that she doesn't think to use it to her advantage.
I thought I'd inform her of Lightning's demise, and give her a little hint about May at that. If I'm lucky she'll think lesser of May, perhaps even spite the Guardian Wolf. She's too clever, though, to be easily corruptible, and she hates me already, so she could never be a direct ally. Although... she may be useful with other reasons.  She holds such a strong power, at times it almost awe-worthy.
It would have been nice to teach that little brat some respect for her elders, though, and I would have been able to had it not been for some desert canine I think had called himself Calith. Either way... he injected some sort of poison into me, and now along with the wounds I received from Candela's damn blade, it's making it quite difficult to manage in this already-weakened body. Bloody and full of venom I find myself straying towards a land I didn't think I'd get to visit again, hoping to visit an ally I thought would have ceased to exist.

Finally... I thought the pain would never stop. I find myself lying in the bloodlands, but... I don't think I need to fear Seveta at the moment. After he helped Fang (and me) with the poison I forced Fang back once more, and... the conversation that followed, if one could even call it that, was interesting to say the least. Seveta... is he, perhaps, regaining a bit of humanity? He mentioned Cross several times... Perhaps that young bloodwolf has gotten into his heart somehow. I think it's possible; he may be dark, but he's not as twisted as his brother Zanaris was. And when I see Seveta now... I see him struggling with his darkness.
I hope that whatever is getting through to him can keep it up. He practically apologized for his actions against May and I -- granted it was not formal, but I can understand... He's trying. There is something of the old him left, otherwise he would not have bothered to spare me, and he certainly wouldn't care about his nephew.
That reminds me... I need to find Cross. And Candela, too, although I'm less than enthusiastic about running into her. She and I don't exactly see eye-to-eye, but at least she only wants to tear out Fang's throat... I think. I need to explain to her... try and fix the wrongs Fang's spoken of May. That bastard... my darker self is too clever for his own good.
My leg is feeling better, although my cheek is still pretty damn sore. That's gonna leave a mark, I'm sure. Poor Lightning... Candela won't understand right away, but maybe she'll come to accept later. May and I may not be friends of her's or Cross, but we're certainly not their enemies... We're not the lies Seveta and Void once made us out to be.
I'm so tired... although I'm still watching Seveta's figure fade into the red mist of this land's dawn, my eyes are growing heavy. I will do as Seveta says; as soon as I'm rested, I will leave without a word. Besides... I have others I need to seek out before I speak to that bloodwolf again.
Maybe I can tell him his apology is accepted.

Things... aren't looking so good at the moment.
After letting Cross know about Seveta's apology, he went off the map. After I while I started to get a bit worried; what if Seveta was playing us? What if I had accidentally sent the young bloodwolf into a trap? Even worse; as I entered the bloodlands to check in on them, I scented Candela as well. And fear, pain, anger... and this set me instantly on edge.
However, my suspicions were met with a surprisingly hospitable Seveta, who explained what had happened to me. He looked different and as he told his story I understood why. He was an elder now, and a lot stronger. His story... he'd risked his life for Cross's... it made me realize that Seveta was indeed changing for the good.
This, however, was not taken kindly by Fang.
Both of us dropped, only to "awaken" within Fang's dreamy realm. Unable to do anything, I watched helplessly as he twisted his words and managed to trick Seveta into a terrible deal... one that could possibly end us all. Fang's own body for Cross's life... and protection. And something else that Fang wanted, although he has not reveled it yet, although I think... I might know what it is he wants Seveta to do.
As the deal was made we were thrown into reality once more, and I started to take off. If Fang caught me now... I'd be dead before I hit the ground so that Fang could finally have a body of his own, without Seveta's help. But they roused quickly, and as Fang started toward me Seveta helped me... he basically blocked Fang's path.
To make an already long story short, Cross and Candela came out, Fang upheld his half of the deal and granted Cross a protection spell, seen in the mark now imbedded on the young bloodwolf's forehead. After that, Fang left, and now I remain with Seveta for a bit longer... we need to discuss what to do, and how to stop Fang... or better yet, keep Cross and Candela from doing something stupid to break the deal between the two.

Ahh, the freedom of my own body. It is such a grand thing... pity Seveta's anger has turned toward me, but I believe my plans are indeed worth his wrath upon me. And for my plans to work, this body is required, as limited as it is.
After I'd left Seveta, Demon, Cross and Candela to bicker over the elder bloodwolf's choice to strike a deal with myself, I found myself wandering into Bridgeston. This dark city has indeed become something to admire; at least for a creature like myself. Faint is no where to be seen... likely ill due to the state of her decrepit region. Gathering inside information... I've found a girl known as Taylor has attempted to take charge of what's left of the humans, animals and the like, or is rather attempting to. Where they abide, though... that is yet beyond my knowledge.
This girl... she is both human and wolf, taking the form of a merle-pelted wolf at times, although I'm not fully sure how she's been able to shift forms as of yet. Demon met her, quiet a long time ago, and knowing his soft heart could easily consider her his friend. Quite the nice little tidbit of information I'm recalling...
Either way, I ran into her and a few other beasts, including a canid dragoness, a small boy, and an odd feline attacking a lesser demonic presence. Curiosity got the best of me, and I swooped in for a bit of entertainment. Although in the end I thought better of killing them all at that time; leaving Taylor to continue to attempt to control the large group of rebels should prove most entertaining, and besides; what would be the point of killing her if Demon was not to watch? Although she lost control of her group as the white demon scrambled away, she did prove enough of a voice to take a stand against me... something I would not have expected from such a feeble little soul as hers. After the unstable feline attempted to attack me I sent her flying into the nearby cars in the parking lot. Soon after a bit of foolishness I eventually let them escape, after which I went on my way.
During so... the lesser demonic spirit introduced himself as Inugami, and he is exactly that -- a body snatcher, so to speak. This creature... although weak in comparison to myself or even someone like Seveta, may indeed make a wonderful ally...
A body snatcher... he may prove very useful in the proper situation.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 07:48:50 am by Raiven »

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 6/20 update]
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 09:04:34 am »

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 6/20 update]
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2012, 09:04:44 am »

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 6/20 update]
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2012, 09:04:55 am »

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 6/20 update]
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2012, 12:04:41 pm »

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 6/20 update]
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2012, 12:04:58 pm »

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Offline Silhouette

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 6/20 update]
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2012, 01:16:29 pm »
Bah you'reso much quicker than me, I still have to make my banner and put it up! XD And you at least thought to reserve some posts in advance, I kinda forgot. ^^; Quite truthfully I love this, it'll be interestng to see different points of views, especially when they're in the same scenarios together.

P.S. It took me forever to notice Fang was in the corner, creepy o_O. But awesome x3

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 6/20 update]
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2012, 10:18:11 pm »
Hahhh yes Fang is a creeper XD

And thanks :D Hehehe, wait 'til later... I'll also be showing some of Fang's internal thoughts ;D

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Re: .:The Heart of a Demon:. [A Demon's Journal; 7/16 update]
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2012, 07:50:46 am »
Updated 7/16/12

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