Author Topic: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Seveta the bloodwolf 7/31/12 DOUBLE UPDATE}  (Read 4941 times)

Offline FerretFoo

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~The Way Of The Blood~

Before the pages of his life from here on out become recorded, lets take a moment to familiarize ourselves with this wolf. Seveta is know as a bloodwolf, a species of wolf who has the power to manipulate blood. He stands taller than the average wolf and dawns a pelt of black, blueish underfur, and crimson markings. His eyes are black like death and purple like the void, his mind being just as deadly as the blood he controls. Seveta has stepped through many changes in his life, he didn't always look how he finally looks today. Residing inside him are two demons that have merged into one whole new demon that have allowed this wolf to further his power. These demons weren't bestowed upon him willingly they took him just like they took everything else.

*In The Beginning*
I remember it as if it were yesterday. The clear skies of the lands I called home. It was me, my brother, my mother, and father who was the current leader of this pack at the time. My brother Zanaris was the one everyone wanted to be. That wolf held power like no other, a temperament that got everyone's blood pumped...except mine. brother you were strong, you were respected highly...but you were stupid and ignorant. I remember those days how out on the fields we would rough house with each other, I do miss those days even if those were violent times. I was never truly giving the credit I deserved...I held more brains then anyone within that pack, but it seemed brawn was all that matter which was what I lacked. The ways we were taught how could those be right!? It makes no sense why we had to mangle or even kill our own kind during training just to become stronger. The system of justice was just as harsh, one wrong against the pack and it was your life that would be given as payment. Though most of all...why, just what was the reason why we had to go every two moons to the platform to "bleed ourselves" into the land? Was this some form of religion or possibly this was how we made sure everyone knew this was out land?

But those were the old days back before what had happened. A plague of darkness swept over the land like a violent storm...I don't know if anyone was spared its wrath for I wasn't nor was my brother. These lands were forever changed, the sky turned to red and all those that resided within it all vanished. It was only me for the longest time going from corrupted soul to another corrupted soul, it felt like my hell was never ending. But those times are behind me now my brother has long since been dead and this power grows ever more within me. Just how long can I contain myself before I start giving into their vile ways?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 09:07:12 pm by Ferret »
I need something new here...hmmm

Offline FerretFoo

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Seveta the bloodwolf}
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 11:49:42 am »

I have been beaten, bruised, torn to shreds beyond what a mortal wolf should be able to endure. A drag myself now like a pup who is just now learning to walk. The threat of a vile corruption which should have never existed is now no more. Tiberius, your life fire has been extinguish by your own blood...keep it that way. It has taken me half a sun's descent upon this blood littered land to make it back to the den. Here I shall rest and recover my wounds. That was what I thought for awhile till the scent of family came to me. I hadn't forgotten him, Cross my nephew...both he and I don't see on the same page it seems. I am the twisted uncle who likes to murder and torture everyone. Wait..this is true, what have I been doing? I told myself from the start I would never fall victim to the original ways...there was no one but me now that could enforce this. It seems for awhile now I have been following in my brother's long gone footsteps. It seems I have been blinded by the darkness all under my own accord. What kind of uncle am I? I taught you all the right things in the all the wrong ways, I thank you Cross maybe one day I will be forgiven if not slightly for the wrongs I have done?


I sit here now upon this platform of blood. My mind has been filling lately with my past, with my nephew...and my actions. I still can't figure out what had come over me, but I feel myself changing now. Though this change will have to wait, something had stepped into the blood lands. A familiar face of sinister origin an old friend known as Fang. He came to me with poison coursing through his cursed veins, oh what had he done now. He was lucky along with Demon for the Sevara mushroom. This little beauty was one of the good things that came out of the bloodlands. It will take a little bit for the poison to leave but in a few hours he should be alright. Right before my eyes Fang was pushed back and Demon regained control of his body. We had a short conversation which was more then what I expected to have. I have allowed Demon to rest in the lands, I could have killed him there but I just don't have that urge now. Now I return back to my den to rest, but before I left I asked if he could the next time he saw my nephew, to tell him I was sorry. I wonder if he will and if Cross will accept it, though I have my doubts.


Today I have done something that I haven't done since I was just a pup. The sky has many wonders and as a pup I was fascinated by the stars. This day I once again took the time to relive those I have missed that relaxing sensation. I found myself while looking up into the night realizing I am coming to terms with myself. My past is now in the past, that is where it shall lay from here on out. I need not forget what I have done, but I no longer should reminisce on those foul is time to move on. I want my relationship with my nephew to improve even if it will never be a close bond like it could have been. That will never happen with my reminiscing on my wrongs. I was about to gather myself and go for a little walk around the vast bloodlands when I was greeting by the feeling of close blood. Cross, my nephew had come to see me, looks like I owe Demon my gratitude. As  thankful as I was for him coming he could have left that dog behind. That attitude of hers really gets to me, but she is Cross's lady so I will just have to deal with it even if I don't agree with it.
Everything was going ok I could see the doubt in his eyes though about me. The words I wanted to speak just wouldn't make their way out the feeling was there, but the words wanted to stay dormant. This looked like it was going to turn into a very silent night till a monstrous vibe hit me. My blood became so unsettled along with my nephew's, even the bloodlands was feeling it. I told him to run, but it was too late. Appearing right before use from a pool of blood stood the elder, just how!? I thought all the bloodwolves except for me and Cross now, were extinct! Some much heated words were exchanged as I stood before the elder blocking his path from getting to Cross. I know about the code, the ways, you need not remind me elder, but I never followed them then and I shall not continue any longer.
The was terrible, bloody I felt my life slipping from me. I was doing all I could against a foe much stronger then I. What was worse, Cross was involved in this and I just couldn't let anything happen to him...or Candela. I have no clue just how long it lasted but it felt for far too long. I found myself laying face first into the own blood draining from my body as I laid there helpless like a newborn. I thought this would be the end for me but a feeling had me look back toward the fight. What I saw then was far more horrible then I had ever wanted to see. Faren had my nephew encased in the blood tomb...a move used on those born with oddities to explode their insides and "cleanse" the lines once again. No, that was not going to happen, I couldn't let that happen anymore. I pushed the limits of my true blood form as far as they would go, I felt strength returning. Before I knew it I stood renewed, reformed...completely different. Faren was brought down to his knees then struck down in cold hard blood. That was over I had somehow pasted the boundaries of a regular bloodwolf and stepped right into the elder state without being trained by one. A new light has shined in the bloodlands, with the elder slain by me I am now the current existing one. I expect these lands to start returning back to how they were once again...but for now a rest is in order, I am sure Cross and Cand will agree.


It was a beautiful day in the bloodlands. I was starting to see everything much differently. The river that runs through, it may have been soaked in that crimson liquid, but it was still a river flowing gently along its path. The trees through all these years of taking in the blood of us have changed their color. From the bark to the leaves, it all was soaked in blood, but it still despite all that gave of that life preserving oxygen. Maybe it is just how I see it but this place really is beautiful. I still owed Demon my gratitude for passing my message along and I haven't left the bloodlands yet to find him...but something tells me he will find me first. I was right I felt his presence when he stepped into my lands. In those eyes of his I could see worry, he didn't fully trust me which is understandable. He asked me what had happened as from the last time I met, I look so much different now. I explained to him the events that occurred and reassured him Cross and Candela were well. I was expecting this to turn into a pleasant chat however it took on a much darker turn. Demon's dark old friend of mine named Fang decided he was going to surface.

I didn't know where I was, one minute it was my lands the next totally darkness. Standing there with those evil eyes was that hideous monster...never thought I would say that. I knew what he wanted, a body however I don't work for free anymore. Fang was going to have to make me an offer worthwhile. I found myself caught in a deadly mess my own silver tongue being used right against me. He wanted a body and my help with something, in return he would give my nephew a protection and if I refused Cross would bare the blunt of it. This was my mistake, I couldn't let him do anything to Cross...I agreed. I gave Fang his body and when we returned from this realm I encased Demon in a prism of blood. I wasn't going to harm him this was for his own protection, Fang would not be able to harm him through that. I am not afraid of that creature I have worked with him before, I know what I am in for. Fang held up his end of the deal, a symbol of some sort was placed upon my nephew's head, Fang best hope that actually gives protection. I was merely told that he would be back that I best be ready for my next half of this deal when he comes. All I know right now is that this other half will not be a good one, if I know Fang this is going to get violent. However Fang's work was already taking a hold as for the first time in awhile I snapped at my nephew, sorry Cross. I know what I have done was not smart, but I wasn't put into a very good predicament. Fang and myself are both risking something here, we both know this. I am not one to be trifled with I mean ever bit of my words. I may be putting my nephew's trust on the line but Fang has put up his life, I will destroy what I have created if I am forced to. I also will need to keep an eye on Demon...Fang is going to be after him, I know it.


Finally I found the time to do this, I have a lot of things running through my mind right now. This deal with Fang...I should have known better, but what else was I to do? Traveling from the bloodlands to the destination was nowhere near a short trip. I can only imagine just what this fiend was going to have me do. We arrived just as dusk was falling, I don't remember the day. This place was very unfamiliar to me...what where those towering structures I saw all around? Bridgeston, as I was told, is a city that was falling to pieces. The current Guardian Wolf of this region known as Faint was linked to this city in a very interesting way. Now I am familiar with Guardian Wolves, I have met some in my time, but I was told that this city's health had a direct impact upon the wolfess. From the looks of this place she was not doing so good. Fang, I could tell he severely distrusted me now. He saw me as weak as I had grown attached to my nephew. This is long as he does not harm to him, all will be well. That nightmare wanted me to make sure Faint could not interfere with whatever plans he had for this city. I highly doubt she could even if she wanted to. I pretended that I had come to my senses, that I was only using the boy...which is wrong. My slick rather convincing tongue has served me greatly in the past, it seems to be working on Fang...even if its just by a little. I headed off now to find the female, I had plans to dispose of her, but not the way Fang had in mind...don't think I ain't blind my dear old friend. If she is as strong as you say you wouldn't want her against you.


I decided before I would buckle down on my search for the Guardian Wolf, to take a little stroll through this place, get a bit more acquainted with the layout. I came to a rather odd district of this city. There were holes in the ground, they were all around. I overheard a conversation about a "zoo" in the south, is this a zoo? No time to dwell on that I had someone to find. Which wouldn't be too much longer either. Upon my entrance I was already picking up on a faint vibe of coursing blood. Weak blood this was, not even worth the time it seemed to check it out. But I had no choice if this wasn't Faint maybe they would know where to look. I followed the blood I was picking up on and I found myself in the junkyard as I overheard as well before. There stood at the other end a dark furred creature I let them be known I was here, addressing immediately that single name. They must have sensed me coming for they were quick to react. That voice seemed...vaguely familiar, no matter I shortened our distance and demanded she not get herself involved with whatever would happen to this city, or she would perish. I did feel a bit stupid and rather ashamed I was doing this. There was no way she could fight back, she wasn't even a threat...but Cross is more important than a stranger from another land. Quickly I brought the female down, draining her of that precious life liquid. I wouldn't kill her, only take enough to cause her to blackout. With the loss of all that blood, she would be out for awhile.

I felt her pulse become feint, that was enough I was if Fang ever found her he would know I did my job. I was just about to leave when a small white flame had appeared to me. This light was odd, what was I seeing? Could this be the soul of the city that was inside Faint? I found out soon enough as my staring caused me to be blinded temporarily as a beautiful white creature appeared. It looked like a wolf, similar to Faint herself...only white instead of dark fur. She spoke through the mind, she wasn't happy in the slight bit. But I wasn't deterred, this was indeed the city in the form of an animal. If the destruction of the city was what that damned beast wanted then I would just do it for him. Our fight was a brutal one, it carried on..and on. It wasn't till finally when I had the wolfess to the ground did my senses kick back in. She spoke to me, questioning me why I was doing this. I...had to question myself, this wasn't me anymore. I saw no real reason to be doing this other than trying to correct things the wrong way. I replied after I let her go and slumped to the ground, "A mistake" I explained further about this without falling into great detail. What was going to be a bloody battle turned into a casual, quite meaningful conversation with the city. This female took a liking to me, she understood my reasons even if I could have approached this situation better. My mind was clouded with far too much even for me. The wolfess passed me her dented halo that turned into a small ring just big enough to slip over my paw. This would be more than enough proof right here. I thanked her greatly and have offered to assist in anyway I can. This place despite is dreary look was rather interesting, I could assist this place in more ways than fighting to save it. From seeing this creature I knew there could still be hope for this place, but now I knew as well I would be playing on two side...and only one I would truly be helping. Hiding this from Fang won't be easy though I have hide worse for far longer. I leave now, heading back to find Fang after one of the most interesting experiences of my life. Fighting with the with soul of a city and then carrying on a conversation with it. Heh, besides Faint who else can say that?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 09:06:37 pm by Ferret »
I need something new here...hmmm

Offline FerretFoo

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Seveta the bloodwolf}
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 11:49:51 am »
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 02:24:50 am by Ferret »
I need something new here...hmmm

Offline FerretFoo

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Seveta the bloodwolf}
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2012, 11:49:58 am »
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 02:25:16 am by Ferret »
I need something new here...hmmm

Offline FerretFoo

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Seveta the bloodwolf}
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2012, 11:50:04 am »
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 02:25:27 am by Ferret »
I need something new here...hmmm

Offline FerretFoo

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Seveta the bloodwolf}
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2012, 11:50:10 am »
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 02:25:36 am by Ferret »
I need something new here...hmmm

Offline Silhouette

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Sevata the bloodwolf}
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2012, 02:01:48 pm »
O_O Wow, I think I may have started something. XD Once again, yay for alternate perspectives. 8D Really interesting too because I did'nt know Sev was that self conflicted inside. Anyway, nice! ^^

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Sevata the bloodwolf}
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2012, 05:48:04 pm »
XD haha well after reading yours and then Raiv's I just had to do Sev. Yep ^^ it is amazing isn't it? Learn something new everyday :P.
I need something new here...hmmm

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Sevata the bloodwolf}
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2012, 10:15:49 pm »
I spy epic Silleh drawing of Seveta :DDDD

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Re: ~The Way Of The Blood~ {Journal of Sevata the bloodwolf}
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2012, 07:57:27 am »
Oh yes you do :D
I need something new here...hmmm