Author Topic: Goheh  (Read 1360 times)


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« on: June 22, 2012, 11:16:42 pm »
.:What are Goheh?:.
Goheh are dogs/wolves that are carnivorous, skinny, cannibals, blood-suckers. They're not vampires, they feed any time night and day, you want to try and stay away from them. They love to hide in upper places, like decks/porches, trees, and rooftops.  
.:The Goheh Tribe:.
The Goheh Tribe usually holds 2 alphas, 2 betas, and 6 warriors. There are a lot of followers though, and some Goheh are loners.
.:Tribes and Loners:.
Tribes of the Goheh aren't as strong as Loners. Strange? Well, to some it maybe, but what makes it sensible, Loners fend for them selves, take care of themselves, and fight for survival. Tribes, on the other hand, have roles in which they all work together. Even though strength comes in numbers, for the Goheh, that's not true.
.:Female Goheh and Pups:.
Appearances of Females:
Females usually have black markings, if not a black tail tip or mane, depending on the age. Females are the only kind of Goheh that can shape-shift their body parts such as, tails, ears, and manes. Female Goheh are skinny(you can see their ribs) small, and long. Their tails are sometimes skinny usually cat-like, as the same for ears. The Female Goheh have pups, but... They like to... eat them, some of them anyway. This is because, the smallest and feeblest is in Goheh term 'The Meal' and the Goheh eat anything that is small and helpless. But, they only eat the one that is the runt, but sometimes that isn't always true.
The pups that aren't the runts get to stay with the Goheh Tribe, and they're expected to be a good and experienced Goheh by the time they're at least 1 year old.
.:Male Goheh:.
Appearances of the Males:
Males have white coats with black markings, other then the females with brown/charcoal coat color. Males have always had WHITE coats with BLACK markings. Male Goheh are seen as almost Akita Inu's except for the tail and ears. The ears are back, dragon-like, and the tail, thin. They have long muzzles, are skinny(cannot see ribs), tall, short(length wise), and have cursing eyes(fire)
.:Goheh Customs:.
The Goheh have a religion, language, and their style. The Goheh relgion is Goheblisom, they worship the first dog blood-sucker hunters... They named it from their language 'ForsetGun' which means, 'Blood Sent'. The language of the Goheh is called 'Jubaliam' which means 'Goheh Langauge'. Most of the Goheh do not speak in the langauge, but mostly the alpha's talk it during ceremonies, or another special event, or when sending troops out to war. The Goheh have their own style as well, they like to paint with their tails, they paint with blood from their victims or a dead carcass, this activity is mostly done by the puppies and the males. Another custom is that.
.:Reproduction:. (I'll keep it non-graphic, I promise...I'll try Even though it's not xD)
When Fall comes around, the females go into season. The males usually will fight for the right of the female, this is normal for other dogs/wolves and several other animals, but... It's the one who looses, not the one who wins, now... You might say.. 'Oh, well then the Goheh male will act weak' No... They fight to their limits, if the one gives up, he is the one who goes with the female. Once the battle is over, the male will play with her, as if they were puppies this is called 'NotaQie' which means 'Play Mate' in the Jubaliam language.  After the NotaQie, they lay to rest beside each other with their tails wrapped around each others back-legs(The rest in the daytime) Once night arrives, the male howls to wake up the female. Once she is awoke, she sticks her fangs into his neck and pulls him toward the darkness of the den... And well... You know... Pow pow.. xD
.:Preparing for Pups/Pups Birth:.
Pregnancy for a Goheh is at least 3-6 weeks at tops. So, when it's 2 weeks till the birth the Female will wake up to no mate, this is because the male leaves 2 weeks BEFORE the pups are born. Nobody knows why this happens, but they do know that it has something with the fact of the father killing the pups.
Pups Birth:
When the pups are born, they cannot see nor hear, this applies to the regular wolves and dogs that are born too. But, they don't suckle, they eat meat first, which is where they learn blood-sucking, cannibalism, and being carnivorous. But sometimes, the mother gives the pups some of her blood to suck. She pulls her skin a bit and makes blood come out for the pups to suck of her wound. It is common that the mother eats the smallest and feeblest pup in the group, sometimes this does not happen, but mostly it DOES happen.
It's rare to actually SEE a Goheh, but if you do see one... You won't live long.


« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 02:29:50 am by Crimson-Eyes »