Author Topic: What Colours Should I Make This?  (Read 1828 times)

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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What Colours Should I Make This?
« on: July 16, 2012, 12:25:30 am »

Okay, here's some lineart I did in traditional since my tablet is broken and my parents won't buy me a new one (I'm broke). Please don't judge my lineart. I purposely went over the outline twice in two different pen sizes to give a kind of webby, glitchy look. I know, it's bad, but I've been working on humans, clothing, etc, and I wanted to draw something for practise. Besides, this thread isn't to complain about my lineart, it's to suggest what colours I should make it. If you want, I can kind of make this like a contest. Whoever suggests the best colours, I will give you a prize. Maybe a preset request, art, something like that. This is only if I get enough suggestions, though ;D
I'll give anyone who enters karma for the next two days :3

Here's the form you need to fill out:

Right Eye:
Left Eye:
Clothes (yes, she's wearing clothes, my scanner would only scan this much and she's wearing a tube top):

I won't accept neon colours, spam, or light pink. Here's her backstory:

Her name was Samantha. She was the perfect daugther, got straight As, did all of her chores, and asked for no rewards. She was nice to everyone and smiled all the time. She was beautiful, dressed in whatever her parents gave her, ate whatever she was given, and was grateful for everything. She played outside instead of watching TV or going on the computer.

That was, until her twelfth birthday. That's when things changed for her. Suddenly, everyone stopped talking to her. Whenever she came up to talk to them, they would just turn away. Her parents started taking her for granted and making her do everything around the house. If she messed one thing up, they would whip her. If she said one thing that they didn't like, they would punish her.

So, she started to rebel. She dyed her hair, cut her hair, she skipped classes, piercer her ears, and was never home for more than thirty minutes and overnight. Samantha called herself 'Death.' People still didn't talk to her, but she had a crush on a certain guy. She wrote him notes anonymously and they became penpals, but one day he didn't write back. It turned out he had died. She went berserk and burned down her neighbourhood.

Derp. That's about it.


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Re: What Colours Should I Make This?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2012, 12:31:16 am »
Hair:  A sort of mixture of navy and black B3.
Right Eye: Dark Forest green.
Left Eye: Crimson or midnight blue.
Clothes: A dark Crimson-blackish.
Choker: White, BI.
Earrings: Silver.

I hoped this helped~ |D