Author Topic: The Rant Of All Ultimateness  (Read 1722 times)

Offline jesija

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The Rant Of All Ultimateness
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:18:28 pm »
Now, before I start spewing all this negativity, let me tell you that I have nothing against Feralheart. Not a thing. This game is my top FAVORITE game and I have met many wonderful people through the game and forum, and I think that they are going the right way with making it. I love love loooove this game, and I love the forum even more.

On the other hand, there are some things that I would like to rant about. I like ranting. I don't think ranting will help anything, but I rant because I feel like it. Some of these might not be rants though. Many will have ideas of my own I'd like to share xD Feel free to reply to the rants and share your thoughts! I wanna see what you think!

Bad Tokens/Failed Map Servers etc.
It does get quite irritating when you go through thirteen bad tokens just to get into the game. This pretty much deters me from playing, and when I log out to change something on my character really quick and try to log back in, it takes hours. Not sure how this can be helped, or if it's just some kind of bad connection thing you have to deal with.

Character designs
Customization is BIG on FH. You can make your own items, make maps, presets, if you want to customize it, no doubt FH will allow you to. Then there are some people who don't have the artistic talent to make a preset, or maybe they just want to quickly make a character and not have to design it from scratch. So they go and customize their character from the already set markings that you can choose from. They choose their height, their weight, muzzle length, blah, blah, blah. My problem with the set markings is that you can only choose ONE color for all of the markings. What if I would like to make the head markings red, and the body markings brown? Maybe I would like to combine two body markings together?
This isn't THAT much of a problem, with all the possibilities of presets. I WOULD like to have seperate marking decisions though.

Believe me, FH is MUCH better than Wolfquest when it comes to physics. You cant walk up a vertical wall. Depending on how wlong you hold the space bar, you can control how high and far your character's jump is. Its kind of amusing to see a dog fall from a mile height in the air and do a bomb spiral down and land, only to recollect itself as if he did not break every bone in his body. But at least make an animation where an animal falling from a certain height falls over on its back or side in pain for a few moments. Makes it more dramatic.
AND BWAH the wings. The anatomy of the felines and canines on FH is very good. The wings, both bat and angel, are hardly realistic. Angel wings are supposed to look feathery and soft, why does it look like it would poke someones eye out?

Last one, and the longest... *sighs*
There are plently of roleplay rants out there. This one is particularly about FH's roleplaying. I'm not talking about the forum roleplay though. In-game.
Why so many pack and group roleplays? Why not try a few loner roleplays? I see so many wolf packs and prides to, and there is one particular group name the FH community has glomped recently...
Thats right, it's WARRIOR CLANS. Sweet baby STARCLAN, (derp) don't even call me hypocritical on this one because I am in a FORUM warrior cat roleplay. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I walk into Flourite plains, there is a BRAND NEW WARRIOR CAT ROLEPLAY Starring four clans pitted at eachothers throats! FUN.
I'm not ragging on warrior cat roleplays, some are pretty good acually, but many have the same unoriginal plot.
Speaking of unoriginal plots, ever heard of 'Eat, fight, mate, die' roleplays? These are just... so...BORING. TRY SOMETHING NEW FOR ONCE NYA.

Going into the literacy part of this rant. There is a difference between UNREALISTIC and ILLITERATE. Here, I'll even explain it to ya:
Unrealistic is when your character has unnatural fur colors, is a dragon/mythological creature, has fantasy-like powers, and can do things normal animals can't.
Illiterate is wen u tlk lick dis, wif nu gramar wutsoever.
This is why sparkledogs/AKA PEOPLE WHO DONT WANNA USE BORING BROWN, RED, BLACK, AND GRAY ALL THE TIMES, get such a bad rap! Just because it's unrealistic doesn't mean we act like a bunch of unoriginal shiny farts! I for one love to make unnatural colored characters (with colors that arent eye blinding) and still rp literately and give the character a good personality and backstory. Not to say that realistic roleplays are boring, they certainly are not.

Next is the difference between powerplaying and godmodding. People tend to lump them together or get the definitions mixed up, so here:
Powerplaying: When you control someone else's character, as well as your own, without the other person's permission.
Godmodding: The term applies to "Godly-modification" or "Godlike-modification" to a character, through skills such as evasion and the like, as well as the character's personality which usually consists of a superior.

See? Huge difference.

Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;


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Re: The Rant Of All Ultimateness
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 07:24:53 pm »
Bad token problem should be better now with server caps. 200 limited to each map. No more fighting to get it; it will tell you the map is full


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Re: The Rant Of All Ultimateness
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 07:48:37 pm »
I certainly agree on the character design. I've seen this suggested before, though this apparently went unnoticed. I doubt if it is terribly hard to implement, but I know nothing of matters like this.

As for the bad tokens; I usually notice an impending bad token by moving my cursor across the loading screen. In my case, if it moves smoothly without 'skipping', I almost certainly receive an in-game error of some sort, whether it'd be "unable to connect to map server" or "bad token". ESC has certainly saved me some time. I am uncertain if there is any simple solution to bad tokens and the like.

I am not bothered by the explosion of Warrior Cats, seeing I have quit roleplay after 3 years of bad Wetpaint chat-based wolf roleplay. But yes, I fathom it's rather irritating when Warrior clans keep on being created when there are so many out there.