Author Topic: [NOW ACCEPTING] Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Semi realistic Roleplay))  (Read 19016 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2013, 03:47:43 am »
______Antheia Carme_____
Antheia walked through the crowds of people, many of them looking rather emaciated and hungry, off to the side she heard a fight break out. A tired sigh left her mouth and exited into the crisp air, a drunk man fell over a food stand, enraging the stand keeper. She laughed softly at the mortals activities, her blonde hair hanging out of her hood, her hair rolled down her chest all the way to her belly button. Behind her she heard a frightened man yelling gibberish at people "There's a creature in the woods!" Antheia turned her gaze to him and walked up to him "What kind of creature?" the man looked at her, his heart racing. "He looked just like a normal boy but he killed my friends!" the man then ran off to who knows where, Antheia sighed and left the town, she decided to go visit some of her forest friends. Once out of the town's limits she sprinted forward, the wind throwing her hood back and releasing her hair. She came to a slow jog when she reached the forest's edge, she calmly entered the forest and let out a high pitched whistle, a fox named Darwin jumped onto her shoulders and licked her ear "There you are! I was wondering what was taking you." he said. Antheia laughed "Sorry Darwin, it was a little hectic today." she said as she lifted him off her shoulders and held him to her chest "Anything new today?" she asked, her hair falling onto the fox's body. Darwin batted at her hair like a kitten "Eh, nothing really. Just a few hunters came through but they weren't looking for any of us, oh and Francesca was looking for you." Antheia laughed "What does she want now? A scarf?" Francesca was her wolf friend who always wanted whatever Antheia was wearing. The Todd laughed "Probably." Antheia set Darwin down and walked through the forest, it's beauty always memorized her, the way the sun's rays shown though the canopy of the trees made it seem like it was all a dream.

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2013, 05:00:18 pm »
Her human ears twitched, as she heard something run from the forest. "Hunter..." Lilac muttered, Cane ordered the pack to follow, and when they were more in the woods they transformed into the wolf forms. Her silver and white fur, glowed brightly at first, but it died down. She sniffed through her sensitive, black nostrils, and smelt something. "Fox..." She snarled, showing off everyone her white pearly teeth.
She didn't really like other animals, but it wasn't her fault. "Calm down." Cane growled, but then he sniffed in to, hoping to find a good scent of the fox. But then he smelt something else... "Vampire..." He snarled, loudly.
"WHAT!" Marcus, another wolf in the pack almost jumped out of his skin, he hated Vamps.
"Well... What do we do?" Lilac asked, but no one heard her, over Marcus snarling and mumbling to himself. "Marcus! Shut it!" Lilac snapped in her serious voice. Marcus looked at her in surprise, and clamped his jaw shut. "Well... What do we do?" Lilac repeated, her three tails swishing.
Cane grumbled, "Maybe... We should scare her away?" Everyone agreed with that, and they started to stalk towards the scent.
"Circle the area... So she can't escape..." Luka, the beta explained, not really caring what Cane thought.
"Good idea..." Lilac sighed, she went right in front of Antheia, well maybe a couple of meters away. She hid behind a large bush, that had a little hole where she looked in with her glowing red eye. She saw the male fox,  chatting to the vampire. "What do foxes do these days..." She whispered to herself, looking down to her paw for a second, but then she looked back up. So she could see Antheia's face clearly; she couldn't wait to scare her. She waited and waited, but she knew that the Alpha had to make his call. He was already half way up the tree, so everybody could see him to make the call. Lilac was looking up at him, as he was opposite the vampire, but he was hidden behind some leaves.

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Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2013, 09:13:57 am »

Age:18(by appearance)
Appearance:Allisah is a young female angel with long light pink hair and pale aqua colored eyes.She wears a silver and gold Valkrie-like suit of armour with a shield on her right arm.She wears thigh-high armor boots,and over her left leg a long sash made of white feathers.Allisah wears an image of a golden bird on her chestplate.Her weapon is a gunblade(a sword that can take the shape of a gun) and she summons it at will.Her wings appear only when she needs to fly.
Personality:Allisah is determined,concentrated, independent and prefers to be a loner.She is wise thus she never engages in a battle without a serious reason.She is kind and friendly only towards animals and children(human ones) and shows no fear to her enemies.Allisah loves wandering around the forest and to feel the power of nature
Power:Can read people and animals' mind throught eye contact.
Weakness:This brave warrior has also her own fear that becomes a weakness,fear of seeing people dear to her dying.
Past:Allisah was found and raised by a human family who loved her like their own daughter.But the plague took them all,and remained homeless.A terrible sadness filled her heart,and she could not bear the thought that she was alone.But as she grew,she found out that the people whom she loved will never be gone if she kept them in her heart.However,she preffered to never face the pain she once fought bravely and tried to not get attached by any "friend".She alone learned how to survive in the human world,and learned to call the forest her "home".But after a couple of years,Allisah met a human,a 14 year old girl who was living in a hut in the woods.She became good friends with her and many years they lived together.But one day,a giant beast attacked them,killing her friend.As revenge,Alissah managed to kill the beast but she couldn't bring the lost one back.She blamed herself because she failed to protect another person dear whom she shared a sisterly love.She buried the girl's lifeless body in flowers near her hut and fled away.Since then,she continued her life the way it was.
Other Info:Her eyes turn completely white when angered.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 06:20:00 pm by ~FuzzletheFox~ »


Offline Arkayy

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2013, 09:53:17 pm »
((Accepted. :D I may only take a few more people but im not sure yet. Also, I won't be on this weekend sadly to post :())

  His eyes narrowed warily as he watched the girl come closer to him. The other identical figures that were following her lept down and followed her lead. Rai reached into his pocket to feel what he had to use for weapons. Nothing but a few blades from earlier. Great... "I was hoping it wouldnt have to come to this, but you leave me no choice." he muttered lowly. He briefly gazed around at his surrounds of seemly abundant trees and lept back, pulling out one of the blades. The group stood ready for an attack but were surprised when he dug the knife in the tree bark as he began to progressively climb up a tall oak.

  "After him!" He heard Jade yell, motivating him to pick up his pace. He could hear movement on two of his flanks. Rai stopped on a sturdy enough branch to hold himself and peered up alertly as one lunged at him with a longsword. He moved from the longsword just in time to escape with a mild scar up the side of his cheek. Quickly, he sought the figure's vulnerable spot with a series of slashes to the chest from his knife. The man flinched holding his chest, spacing and dropped his sword. Rai gripped his shoulder firmly to roll over him, snatched the sword before it could fall to the ground, and slit his throat. Luckily, he quickly shifting over to see Jade appear and blocked her sword's trail with his longsword.

   He pushed her back so she landed flat on her back and before the girl had any time to retaliate, Rai planted the heel of his boot firmly over her wrist. He gave off a small devilish  smile as he forcefully twisted his boot, satisfied when he heard her wrist snap unaturally. She let out high pitched and loud enough the birds occupying the trees near fled. As he drew the sword back to make a last blow, a immense burning pain shot up near his chest. He peered down, startled as he spotted the arrow lodged deep into his right side. He followed his red gaze to where it originated and was even more shocked seeing numerous sets of eyes locked from in the trees.

   "Tch... You think I would come unprepared against the demon of the north, the blood reaper?", she smirked  confidentally."Not a chance. You shouldn't underestimate me." Rai frowned slightly but still didn't waver the emotionless expression he had compared to this thoughts. If I continue and try to fight them all, more reinforcements will most likely be called. I have to get away while I still can. Snapping back into reality, he saw Jade stand up and lunge back at him. Rai blocked the first attempt at a hit by grabbing her bad wrist that was still gripping the katana before it hit him. But as he did, she pulled out a pocket knife and gorged it deep across his eye socket.

   Pain swelled the cut quickly as he jumped back, whining mildly under his breath like a hurt puppy. Rai cupped his hand over his blood eye and glanced back up seeing Jade had called the rest to open fire on him. Arrows flew down at him looking like thundering rain from the distance. He frowned and did what his instinct told him to do. Run.


Offline silverMarie

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2013, 08:21:12 am »
______Antheia Carme_____
Antheia giggled quietly "So this must be the traditional Werewolf hate Vampire thing, eh?" Her acute hearing was able to detect them before they even arrived, she looked up into the trees in the direction where one was and grinned. Then her crimson gaze trailed over to one in a bush(Lilac) "Why do you wish to harm others? I have done nothing to you or anyone in your pack." a sigh left her mouth "Oh well." she scooped up Darwin and sprinted through the trees. A small laugh escaped her mouth as the trees whirled by, she knew it would be awhile before the wolves would catch up to her. "What was that about?" Darwin asked "Not sure, just the typical Werewolf hate vampire thing I suppose.." Darwin laughed "What fools." Antheia laughed "Be nice Darwin." Antheia came to a stop at a sparkling blue pond, she gently laid down Darwin and sat down cross-legged on the soft grass. Her fingers delicately brushed through the green grass, her hair rolling down the length of her arm, Darwin walked over to her and laid his head on her lap. Antheia began to hum a relaxing tune to herself, the sun laying a golden blanket over her and the Todd. Darwin let out a purr like sound as her fingers brushed through his thick red fur, Antheia slide onto her back and let Darwin lay on her stomach and chest, she continued her little tune until Darwin snored softly. Antheia sighed, "It has been a while since I slept.." her vampiric 'blood' kept her from sleeping, she hugged the Todd closer to her and closed her eyes, and let the forest sing her a song.

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2013, 12:59:41 pm »
This sounds awesome!

Name: Katy (goes mainly by Kate)
Race: Vampyre
Age: 12 1/2
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has blonde hair that goes down past her shoulders. Her eyes are blue, and her skin pale.
Personality: Kate is smart and sly, and doesn't really care about others that much. She doesn't have a rivalry with werewolves or any other supernatural or that matter. She is a very good actress.
Power: (if I may) Can control people if they look in her eyes
Weakness: Sun light, steak through the heart
Other form description or picture*(If Needed): N/A
Past*: N/A [found out in rp]
Other Info*: N/A

Name: Sophia (is okay with being called Sophie)
Race: Shapeshifter
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Picture: N/A
Appearance: Sophia has long, brown, very curly hair. Her eyes are brown, and her skin naturally slightly tan. She has long legs and is quite strong and fit. She often wears her hair in a ponytail.
Personality: Sophia is very comedic and silly. She loves animals and is amazing at drawing. She mainly draws horses, dragons, and wolves. She is nice, but slightly shy, to strangers, and loves to fly.
Power: Can shape-shift into a wolf and a panther
Weakness: Being away from the sun too long (idk XD) [Too long = 24 hours or more]
Other form description or picture:


 (Yes, that is a panther, not a cougar or mountain lion or whatever)
Past*: N/A (in rp again)
Other Info*: Sophia can half-way change. (Such as: She looked fulyl human except for two wolf ears sticking out of her head and a panther tail.)

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2013, 03:38:19 pm »
Lilac watched the vampire notice her, and growled, her tail flicking in annoyance. She watched the vampire speed off, into the distance, and Cane made the call. They all started to sprint across the large forest, her white paws thumping noisily, on the ground. The twigs snapped, and the leaves rustled as the pack sprinted across the undergrowth. Lilac stumbled over a thick log, but soon recovered, she saw who was at the front of the pack.. Of course! Marcus. She thought, the scent was strong of the vampire, but she was getting away fast.

Soon she heard the flowing water of the river, and the trees lightly, swaying. A slight smirk appeared on her white muzzle, a tooth sticking out. She started to push herself faster, her legs stretching further. She smelt the scent getting closer and closer... "Pack.." A wise voice came from beside Marcus, "don't give her a chance, she will just run away..." Cane mumbled. The pack nodded, and muttered in agreement, stumbling over the twigs.. A small yelp came from the back of the pack, so Lilac skidded to a halt, and turned her head while the pack ran on. "Lilly?" She yipped, looking at the fallen wolf. Lilac trotted to the wolf, and lifted her up by her brownish auburn scruff. Then they both carried on side by side. "You scared?" Lilac asked. "Not really." Lilly answered, her voice shaky, obviously she was lying. "I will take care of you, don't worry." Lilac barked in a soothing voice... "Thanks..." Lilly giggled, trotting ahead of Lilac, "We better get going!" She yipped, and Lilac  strode after her, her pale pink tongue lolling out of her mouth.

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Meep Meep.

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2013, 01:57:12 am »
((Accepted. X3 i like how your characters are like opposites. I think i'll only take one more person. Depends if people drop from the rp. And i decided ill be posting a second description for a character later.))

   Rai tried to keep his swift pace, but his pursuers were begining to close in on him. He surveyed the area with little time to think. A ledge laid several feet ahead of him. I could possibly getting away by leaping off, but there's no promise i won't break a limb. He skidded to a halt on the borderline of the cliff, surveying below. His neon ruby lifted spotting a hawk soaring in the distance and shifted back to the forest where his pursuers were coming for him. At the first glimpse of there appearance, Rai's instincts took over. He lept off before the group could strike.
  He flinched as he was falling and rolled over, very cat like. When he impacted, his arms and legs became tense, swollen with pain from using them as safety cushions. I don't think anything is broken. I was lucky... The flush of stress he displayed dispersed as he let out a sigh of relief. Shakily, he staggered up, trying to recalibrate his sore muscle. Rai let out a mild groan of discomfort and stretched his arms, but froze when he heard something snap. As he peered back down, he felt his left arm become numb.
   His eyes narrowed cursing under his breath. At the same moment, he heard movement closing in yet again. "What? How did they..." he frowned and shook his head. Rashly, he darted off again. He couldn't let them catch up now. Ironically after thinking that, he tripped from not watching where he was going. Rai blinked and looked over spotting an angered skunk, realizing he tripped over it. His eyes widened innocently seeing its tail rise, "I swear I didn't mean to... I-". He flinched shutting his eyes and let out a startled yelp like a dog's.
   "I hate animals..." he grunted as he watched the skunk run off snickering after getting his revenge. His eyes twitched with annoyance before sighing. He picked himself up slowly and walked fast paced searching for somewhere to hide. Rai had no other choice at the moment. Luckily, he found a small cave near the river and ran over to it hastily. Rai curved around a rock  falling silent. He froze seeing shadows run across into the cave. He closed his eyes praying that they wouldn't find him and somehow, it seemed his prayer was answered.
   "Ew! What's that smell?!" one of the followers yelled echoing into the cave. "Stop being a baby." he heard Jade snort,"It's just a skunk. Damn it! I think we lost him! He's probably gotten away by now... Let's go." He blinked in disbelief when he saw the shadows vanish. Rai cautiously searched, stepping out form hiding and to his relief, no one was there. His breathing slowed to the normal rate. Thank the gods there gone... Rai stepped out of the cave glancing into the sky exhausted. I better find somewhere safe to rest and to look at my wounds.


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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2013, 05:07:19 am »
______Antheia Carme_____
Antheia could hear the thundering paw-steps of the approaching werewolves "I wonder what their deal is." she almost hissed. Darwin lifted his head and blinked multiple times "Like you said, it's the typical Werewolves versus Vampires." he chuckled, Antheia "Yeah, well I'm getting tired of it." Darwin looked at her, his eyes full of worry "You know you could take them all out in a matter of seconds and just end this.." Darwin whined, Antheia didn't want it to go that way but the wolves were just bringing it on themselves. Antheia stood up and held Darwin close to her and waited for the wolves to reach her "I'll take out the smallest ones, shouldn't be all too difficult." Darwin looked up at her, a whine escaping his black muzzle "Don't do this Antheia, this will just cause more problems." he nudged her hand. Antheia looked down at her friend "Fine..But only because you are so adorable." she mumbled under her breath. Darwin wrinkled his nose "Do you smell that! It's absolutely horrid!" he growled, Antheia laughed, she wondered if it were her friend Raru the skunk "He must have got another victim." she laughed. Antheia ran through the trees again, "The smell of this skunk will cover my scent from those dogs." she growled, Darwin nodded his head "Sure will, they will never find you now." The fowl odor of the skunk spray became stronger, so did the smell of blood, it had been almost two days since Antheia had 'eaten', her mouth began to water at the smell but she pushed it away. Antheia came to a slow when she saw a woman in a white mask being followed by a few others, Antheia nodded her head as the woman walked by, "Who are they?" Darwin whispered "Not sure, but I don't have a good feeling about them.." Antheia saw Raru chewing on some berries "Hey Raru!" Darwin yelled as he jumped from her arms and trotted over to her. The skunk spun around and smiled at them "Hiya guys!'' Raru's fat little body wobbled towards them "Who did you get this time?" Antheia asked "Oh just some boy, he tripped right over me." Antheia growled, she wasn't very fond when others harmed her friends. "Which way did he go?" Raru ran up to her and jumped right into her arms "Thata way!" he pointed with his small paw towards a cave, the smell of blood was becoming stronger by the second. A few feet ahead she saw a male figure looking up at the sky "That's him." Raru hissed. Antheia stormed up to him and held Raru face to face with him "Why I outta!" Raru said, but it was coming out as squeaks to the boy "Raru!" she hissed, Raru flailed his paws at the boy's face. "Did you trip over my friend?" she questioned, she still held Raru close the his face "He wants you to say sorry." "Yeah you better!" Antheia growled and pulled him back to her and Darwin "Raru! Shut it!" Antheia turned her crimson gaze back to the unknown boy and awaited for an apology, not noticing his wounds.
(I'm trying to get the characters to interact more instead of them RPing by themselves x.x)

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Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Experiment Rp)) - Now Accepting Members!
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2013, 09:21:34 am »
(School started,I hope I can keep up)

Allisah was sitting on the edge of a river that was flowing quietly.Besides the birds' beautiful songs ,she could hear howls in the distance,but she was not worring about it.However,she decided to move from her spot and sprinted deeper in the woods.The mist was hiding from her the distant sights,making hard for her to spot enemies.She stopped near a tree whoose long branches seemed threatening towards all the other living beings."This place...seems familiar"she said to herself."I guess it's been to long and I can't remember.....".She hardly tried to recall that lost memory but it kept hidden,blank,like an empty page.The wind was gently blowing throught her light pink hair and her sash made of feathers.But then,a small,incegnificant piece of her memories made her think of that day when she was found in the forest by that human family.Could that be the place where she was found lonely,crying?For many years since she spent most of her times in the woods,she thought she knew all the corners of it.But never encountered this one.
