Author Topic: [NOW ACCEPTING] Spirits of Nirvana ((Supernatural Semi realistic Roleplay))  (Read 19060 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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Name: "Alastrina is the only alias for my human form. No surname has been given to me for no one has accepted me into their accommodation or even have kindred relations."

Race: Known as the Gate Keepers, these supposed third otherworldly beings were man-made when recent discoveries a millennium or so ago about certain "magic connections" which allowed for the use of magic and supernatural occurrences. The magic connections are usually referred to as "gates" or "lines" depending on which sub category you're referring to  (Gates: Hell, Heaven, or different universe or any out of worldly connections. Lines: Anything in world that could've crossed over from Hell, Heaven, or different universes and is currently present in the real world.) All lines are connected to certain people and the flow can be controlled by the Gate Keepers if they see that this person is causing harm to the balance.  The gates are something that Gate Keepers would never cross over towards but rather guard and try to seal up, possibly even dragging those back into which they came form.

The Keeper's own existence are basically agents of the laboratories hidden deep under the ground and for the government to act as guardians in order to keep balance within the nations. They are unknown to humans and are very rarely spoken about unless in laboratories where they're created in.

Age: "My physical human age takes that of one nearing their young adult stage (19.) My actual age is certainly not the oldest but then again, age doesn't define."

Gender: "The gender of a Gate Keeper is ambiguous if they're part of the recent generations. As being part of the first generation, I was created as a female."

Appearance: Alastrina stands at accordingly 5"4 in both of her forms with multiple faded scars on her stomach and under her throat but her straighten blonde hair usually curls in in order to cover up the mishaps of her own creation. The image below and above reveal how her different forms change throughout and within in all Keepers they keep the marks they obtain in their human form (ie: if they got a black eye, it will appear in their Keeper form) She carries around a notebook in which she writes her observations for special moment within her human form but not even a page has been filled. Her weapon of choice involves bow and arrows which is on her back.

Personality: As head of the Linked Reality for the Isles of Nirvana, Alastrina is one to take up responsibility and to take forth action but she is the type to keep her thoughts reserved and only speak when necessary. Her own personality is basically an avatar of a teacher that tries to pave way for the humans that do confront her and ask her for advice (which sometimes bothers her but she accepts her own role.) With other Gate Keepers, she is a respected being that is left alone to do her business and will come into the most spontaneous times to take action and rescue/help another Keeper if they're in danger without another word.

Well, on Earth, she is generally curious about the different types of experiments that came to be besides her own kind and will often keep a mental data base of collected information when someone interacts with her. She will not go out of her way to actually get to know someone unless she happens to help them in any case. Alastrina often finds herself believing that reality on Earth is often augmented and controlled by puppeteers as it seems as humanity has lost their touch of reality. However, she is rather patient towards those that come for advice and will not easily fall for rather suspicious and not provable information. She often tries to point over just about anything to someone in order to help them but will not directly bluntly state the problem.

*Her abilities including having "Lined Vision" which allows her to look into the Lined Reality form.
*She can transform into her Keeper form but will disappear from the human world and when in this form she can control the lines in which any person has. She may tie "knots" or "severe" the lines to the lines in order to control how much they do use up (in case the person is misusing their power/magic or for personal reasons (the person is using the last of their powers and will die.)) However, the lines are in no way connected to life and only to the magic connection.
*Her keeper form may drag in others to the Linked Reality and she can hover around and pick them up and fly them around.
*The ability to seal off gates to prevent any other beings from entering Earth or leaving.

*The scars on her throat and stomach will cause her immense pain if brutally placed pressure on in any of her forms.
*Her human form is average and can be killed off just like any human.
*Due to her loyalty towards those she might be infatuated with, she will can be bend to someone's will in order to protect them.  
*In order to go into her Keeper form, it requires concentration which may take several minutes and makes her vulnerable.

Other Form:

The "Linked Reality" in which the Gate Keepers can travel towards in their Keeper form (shown above for Alastrina) is all black-white scale with black filling up thin air and the sky as white takes on the man made structures (roads, buildings, etc.) along with trees and people and grey is for natural landscape such as hills and mountains. The "lines" are ranged from a bright yellow to grey orange and they take on shapes unique to each individual and these lines control the magic the person may use. A Gate Keeper can in fact ties knots in these lines to temporarily cut off the person's magic supply or in the worse scenarios, severe them from the "magic connection" and thus making the person "dull" and unable to use magic.

The Keepers have the ability to turn on and off their "Linked Vision" in which they can see the Linked Reality when in their human form but are unable to interact with any of the lines unless they concentrate and will disappear from the human world and into the different reality plane. Keepers do have their eyes change color as Alastrina's green eyes will morph into the odd yellow-green color above. The eye color that Keepers have when using Linked Vision is present in their Keeper form and thus, Keepers only have two sets of eye color.

A Keeper will either be absent in any plane of reality (Earth or Linked Reality) but cannot be present or absent  in both unless cloned or there is a genetic mutation when they were being created. However, if they happen to die, then they will be absent and only a small ball of energy will be in Linked Reality to show the last moments in which the Keeper took their final breaths.

(Regarding if Linked Reality has their own gate, it does not. Linked Reality is present within each gate as sort of an alternate reality plane and yes, these are present in Hell, Heaven, and different universes but will not be inhabited by any Gate Keepers unless in dire emergencies (ie: One Gate Keeper fails to throw someone back into their gate and gets dragged in. Another Keeper would have to go after them.)

"I am Gate Keeper "Altair" as it was the name they've given to me on my pod as they enhanced my human body in order for it to access to the Linked Reality but soon after they've given me a feminine name as one of my creators decided that several females should be able to participate. I've spend in actual human years, 3, to be actually formed and take out a human appearance as I was active in Linked Reality and kept charge of the Linked Reality port around the laboratory with other specimens. Very few made it out through the experiment without any scars or mutations and I wasn't those few with the flawless skin for I am still decorated with scars under her throat and on my stomach."

Much more will be revealed throughout the RP. [[and if anyone wants to actually know her from the past , please tell me ^.^ ]]

Other Info:
*The Keepers can view the Linked Reality while in human form but will need to switch into their other form when in concentration in order to actually work and interact with lines.
*Others can be taken into the Linked Reality but they will not be able to touch anything and will need to be kept under constant surveillance by the Keeper who is hosting them. However, other Keepers may touch them (and the people can touch them too) and this technique is usually used to drag others back to their own original gate (ie: demon to Hell's gate.)
*Alastrina is the current head for the Isles of Nirvana as most of the Keepers have fled towards more vast continents.
*This Gate Keeper can be seen traveling with levitation (though during the night), on a moped, or through linked reality but that would end up having her moped left behind.

[[Also, I do take all credit for creating this man made race and please please please do not steal it. I still need to work out on it a bit more ;w; . ]]
[[Done ^u^ ]]
[[Edit: ;-; Oh dear I hope the race can migrate into the RP well. If there are problems, I humbly apologize as I was caught up with my own imagination. ]]
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 03:00:03 pm by SoaringAway »

Offline tanatiger2002

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Okay, Ski has been added) ZeZe continued to look at the springs.She heard faint foot steps coming her.She stood and ran to hide behind a rock.She heard the steps coming closer and ducked lower behind the rock.She saw who it was and she looked around the rock. Who is that? She thought in her head as she heard him talking to himself. "She just had to leave me here.I see how it is, she must hate me." ZeZe listend to the man's words and perked her ears.She heard him mumble and he looked at the rock she was behind. Oh no, he saw me! She ducked down lower as he walked to her.He looked behind the rock and said "Hello, what are you doing here?Shouldent you be at home?" He asked her and ZeZe stayed silent "Oh, I forgot to introduce my self.I am Ski." He said to her and smiled."I-I'm ZeZe.And I have no home." she looked up at him and stood up."Really?You seem like you would.And nice to meet you ZeZe.And you diddent have to hide from me, I dont bite." He chuckled."Well.I should go." she began to walk away and Ski asked her."Why?You dont have anyone to talk to.Or to stay with." He grabed her shoulder before she could go any where."Because...Um..." she tried to think of an answer."Exactly, so why not stay with me so you wont be lonely?"
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 05:00:00 am by tana »
???? ??? ?????

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Offline Arkayy

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(Sweet baby jesus! That was a long description. I like how you did that though. Lol alright I'll add both to the front page later. Right now im really tired :/)


Offline SoaringAway

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[[ ;-; Eeeeeeep. I am so sorry for the superfluous of information but I caught over with my own imagination. OTL! Anyways, thank you for the acceptance! ]]

Offline tanatiger2002

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???? ??? ?????

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Offline FantasyDawn

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Allisah got up as the figure left,and she sprinted  into the forest,getting as far as she could from that spot.It was a quiet night,most of the living beings have gone to sleep.Allisah didn't needed to worry about hunters at night,she just needed not to get into one of their campsites.She climbed up  a tree till almost reached its top and then leaped on another's branch that looked solid in order to hold her.She leaned against the tree's trunk.A low,pale light rose throught her hands and as it faded,a long,runed sword appeared in her hands.She will use it just in case something would have gone wrong.A yellow light could be seen down,at like 100 footsteps from the tree she was located.It didn't took her mucch to understand that right there was a small campsite of hunters who lit a campfire.She just remained silent,even if those people couldn't hear  or see her.She looked up in the sky,the shining stars were covering the dark sky,and the pale moon was like waving towards those who were on the ground.


Offline SoaringAway

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« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 03:37:34 am by SoaringAway »

Offline Arkayy

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   Rai had followed the girl into the back guest bedroom. It certainly didn't have that homely feeling most rooms had. In act, it was almost like a life draining parasite. The ancient, falling apart bed appeared as if it had been dug out of a dumpster from the slums. The wallpaper had faded to a dusky tan, peeling off gradually, the fragments matching the dirt sewn carpet below him. Across the floor, was scattered bits off glass, articles of trash, and creaky wooden floorboards. He tilted his head staring at the grotesque artwork and sighed, "Didn't your mother ever tell you to keep your room clean?" She peered up at Rai smiling innocently. "Yes, but this was her room before she passed away."
  Immediately, he tensed up with regret for bringing up the subject, "Oh. I'm terri-" "Don't be. I don't care. She's gone isn't she? It doesn't matter if you bring her up or not." the girl smiled interrupting him as Rai stared in astonishment. She doesn't care? Even I can't help reliving some of my anguish thinking about my own... How could she be so content about it? Rai shook his head setting his confusion inside. He approached the bed, seating himself. The bed creaked a greeting as he sat. "Well? What do you think?" she smiled wearing an innocent look again. Rai managed to let a small smile slip out, "I think it's perfect in here. I was always into that dark and mysterious look this room has." He was lying through his teeth, but he couldn't help but oddly feel a little at home and safe in the rat hole.
   "That's great! I really do try to keep the place welcoming," the girl giggled slightly. Rai tilted his head. Welcoming? Hell... i would hate to see what your room looks like. He snorted mentally. Oddly, he noticed the girl was google eyeing the jewel that he wore around his neck, almost enviously. He shifted uncomfortably before mumbling, "I uh, think ill catch up on my sleep. It's been almost a week without sleep and i'm exhausted. Thank you for letting me stay here" Rai laughed nervously as the girl blinked nodding, "Right.. you do that. Night mister." She quickly shuffled out of the room to his relief. Rai stayed in deep thought for a bit, wondering about the girl before laying down. It wasn't much more comfortable than the floor, but it was something. At least i'm not out in the rain. He rolled over to face the window to watch the rain pound against the ground outside. Slowly, his eyelids fell feeling relaxed and soon fell into the void of sleep.


Offline FantasyDawn

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(ok so I wont be able to Rp anymore because school keeps stealing me alot of time and Ill have to leave this RP group.However,my sister who loves RP-ing and shares my account wants to join but she will have her own character so you can replace my former character with hers once shee will make her application here.Im sorry for leaving but at least she will roleplay instead of me)


Offline Arkayy

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(x.x dangit school! you ruin everything!!! Lol alright, i understand. It's perfectly fine.)