Author Topic: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||  (Read 3500 times)

Offline jesija

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||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« on: July 27, 2012, 05:00:18 pm »
Welcome to the Arena.

Welcome, to the battle of the century!
No, seriously. This isn't just your ordinary 'sit in a boring little circle and pit each other at our throats' kind of arena. This place we battle in, complete with stairs to spectate and areas for you to chill or heal in... It has an eerie feeling of relaxation. An illusion, to make this place seem less deadlier than it actually is. No one is ever calm about putting their life at risk, so this place gives them a false reason to think its okay to fight mercilessly with eachother. Don't get us wrong, we take our fights seriously here.
Because its not just your pride, or the respect you get from winning.
Its your life that you are risking to do these battles.

Ahem, now that we are finished with the dramatic introduction, lets get down to business. 'Battle in The Arena' is a fighting rp, letting characters from everywhere, every gender, every species, and almost every age come together and battle. But, with such danger involved, it would only be right to set down a few rules, yes?
The OOC rules
1. You may NOT kill anothers persons character, outside or in battle. You must get permission from the person roleplaying the character.
2. Powerplaying, godmodding, mary-sues, or anything of the like will NOT be tolerated. If you do it once, I will give you a warning. Do it again, I will kick you from the group.
3. This is a LITERATE rp, with UNREALISTIC COLORED characters. Literate, meaning you must have correct grammar, punctuation, etc. and have a post length of at least 3 sentences. Unrealistic meaning, your character can be any color you want, but no neon colored characters, mkay?
4. This list of rules, 'The OOC Rules' should not be broken. EVER.
5. Also, characters with 'powers' must be toned down a bit.

So, lets get on to the roles you can play, eh? (psst....these rules are meant to be broken!)
The FIGHTERS [Currently allowing unlimited fighters]
These people are the light of the whole arena. They are the reason it exists. The fighters are put into the arena and are pitted against eachother to fight.
Rules for Fighters:
1. A fighter under the age of one year cannot fight in the arena. They must receive training from an older and more experienced battler until they are of age.
2. The host picks a 'style' of fighting, the number of fighters in one fight, and counts down the fight for them. They may not fight until the host has counted to one.
3. You may not kill and you may only stop when the host commands it or the opponent surrenders.
4. See 'styles of fighting' and get familiar with them so you know how to fight that way.

Styles of Fighting

Tooth and claw fight- A fight between two fighters that do not have special powers. May also mean two fighters that have powers but cannot use them for a change of pace. Considered the normal and most honorable fight, where 'Dirty-fighting' can be considered its opposite. Best for the fighters that have more brawn.

Dirty-fighting- A fight that depends on stealth and your abilty to avoid or even predict your opponents hits. It combines dodging, tripping, and lunges at the neck and stomach. Fighters who master this style often use their surroundings to their advantage, making them quite sneaky and diffucult to beat. Considered the less honorable of the two 'One-on-one' styles because it depends more on being clever and less on having strength.

Power play- (Doesn't mean what the name is, you may NOT powerplay when using this style.) Two fighters that have a special power fight against each other, using their special abilities to their advantage. These fights can be quite entertaining and unpredictable, due to how no two fighters have the same power, and it is a mystery whether or not they choose Dirty or Tooth fighting.

Group fights
Team battle- Two teams are selected of fighters regardless of powers or not, and the two teams fight against eachother until one team gives in or is defeated.

Free-for-all- A select few fighters are put into the arena and the fight goes on until the last fighter stands.

Dog-baiting- Usually used as a punishment for losing or breaking one of the rules. A fighter is restrained to one spot in the arena while 2 to 4 other fighters are set on him. They keep on until the restrained is fatally injured, or at worst times, dead.

((More styles coming soon!))

The MEDICS [Currently letting 4 medics join]
The medics hold a very important role for the arena. Their job is to heal a fighters injuries, either by herbs or their magical abilty to heal. The only rules for a medic is to always be honest, heal the injured no matter what, and do not get involved with violence.

The HOSTS and The JUDGES [currently letting 2 hosts join and 8 judges join]
The hosts are the people who enforce order around the arena, choose who goes against who, the style, and basically runs the place. The host may or may not be a retired champion fighter. The judges are the those who sit nearby the host, or perhaps the spectators of the fight. They place bets on the fighters, whoever wins gets their share of herbs or food or maybe a good seat for the next fight, while the loser of a bet often has to face another fighter in battle.

Well then, since we have all that cleared up, app time?

Name: (May be your real name, might be your title as a fighter.)
Gender: (chick or dude?)
Age: (How old are you?)
Species: (Cat. Lion. Dog. Wolf. Alien. WHAT ARE JUU)
Role: (Host,, judge, medic, or fighter/fighter in training?)
History: (How'd you end up in this train wreck? ;3)
Appearance: (Pic or description.)
Roleplay Sample:

Once I accept you, go here and download the map:
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 06:17:07 pm by FusedHearts »
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline jesija

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 05:47:18 pm »
Name: Medic
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Species: Wolf/fox with the power of healing
Role: Medic
Personality: The wolf can often be curious and naive, but doesnt let it get in the way of her job. She can be cold or rude at times, even a bit strange socially. She is often serious and doesn't have a big sense of humor. Medic takes pride in her knowledge of herbs and healing. Some may take her as snobby or unprofessional, but those who gets close to her know that is a kind-hearted, protective soul inside.
History: She was a young pup when she was brought into the fighting arena by her father, her mother had died in her birth. Her father had tried to teach her how to fight, but she proved to be too physically weak to even land a hit. Her father was then punished by 'dog-baiting' when he attemtpted to fake her age and out her in a fight when she was 8 months old. Her father died by that punishment, and to this day still cannot bear to watch anyone die that way. Since she was orphaned by the dog-bait, one of the hosts agreed to take her in and she has been a medic ever since
A wolf/fox mix with a small, delicate frame and a brown pelt with light brown underfur. She has a mane of reddish brown and tall antlers sticking out from behind her ears. Her markings and eyes are a might green hue.
Roleplay Sample:
Medic raised her weary eyes from the floating crystals she had fixed her gaze on, the mint green visage hovering to a large, brawny tiger. His black and orange stripes were stained with freely flowing blood, gushing out of gashes on his sides and slithering down his flank to drip onto the ground below him. The wolf/fox hybrid yawned and lifted herself off the ground, motioning the tiger to sit on the soft bedding she was once lying on. Once the fighter had settled himself she stalked over to the collection of herbs that sat atop a thick deer skin laid out on the den floor. Medic picked up a red topped shroom from the assortment gently with her small, prick-like teeth and brought it to the tiger.
"Eat," She commanded, lumbering away again. The tiger snuffed at the 'hospitality' he was getting, but quickly crunched into the shroom, letting the odd tasting plant slide down his throat. Medic smirked as she heard the sound of the fighter's head slink down, hitting the floor, the sound of snoring emanating from his throat.
"Perfect. Lets get to the healing then," She said to herself.

Name: Dosa
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Species: Lynx
Role: Host
Personality: Usually jovial and strange, Dosa is easily amused when it comes to fights. Even though on the outside he is cheerful and non-chalant, he has a darker side that is more sadistic, murderous, and clever.
History: He was forced into the fights and into insanity, inheriting the position of a host because his father was a champion fighter and his mother was a host. So as not to soil the family name he clawed his way to the top and is one of the best known fighters, but soon retired to the role of a host. He still occassionally fights however.
Appearance: Will add a pic
((By the way, once you have one character with an rp sample you don't need to do an rp sample for any other characters you enter :)  ))
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 06:47:53 pm by FusedHearts »
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline Unspeakable

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 06:11:39 pm »
I'm trying to send mine it, but it gives me a message of, "The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator." What is that supposted to mean Dx xD

Offline jesija

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2012, 06:17:54 pm »
Send your application in or is it something with the map?
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline Unspeakable

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2012, 06:21:10 pm »
I'm trying to send in my application and its trolling meh :I Something about the upload folder being full or something.

Offline jesija

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2012, 06:24:33 pm »
Ah. Thats never happened to me before xD
Uhm, try modifying one of your posts and sneaking the app in there?
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline Unspeakable

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2012, 06:31:36 pm »
Name: Cavy
Gender: Female
Age: 2 1/2 [Near Young Adult or Adult]
Species: Wolf
Role: Fighter
Personality: Serious, darker, aggresive, loner, competitve.
History: Cavy's mother passed away leaving her dad to take care of her. Her father taught her everything he knew then he passed away from a fight. That day forwrad she would fight for her father and even get revenge.
Appearance: [There should be a picture.]
Roleplay Sample: Cavy slowly walked into the arena looking around seeing different kinds of lights. She shifted her paws looking at her team-mate. She gave a slight nod to him then turned to see two dogs walk into the ring. They had big claws and sharp fangs, but none of this mattered at the moment. Everyone's ears perked as the bell rung to start. The dogs rushed at them, but Cavy and her team-mate skidded out of the way able to jump on the opponets' backs. They bit the dogs everytime they could until they heard to ring of the golden, shiney bell and the shrill cry of the word, "Stop!" [Sorry its short ;_;]

Offline jesija

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2012, 06:41:59 pm »
((Good, good! ^_^ Accepted. Also, there are no bells. The rp is run completely by the animals xD Go ahead and download the map.))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline Unspeakable

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2012, 06:51:17 pm »
Thanks xD And yeah I always though a bell or something would make it spark or what not and stuff anyways thanks again, but another question, wheres the map link .3. [I'm complety clueless right now and I can't think sorry ^-^"]

Offline jesija

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Re: ||Battle In The Arena||Lit||Unrealistic||With a Map||
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2012, 07:01:31 pm »
If you read the whole first post you would know :P At the bottom of the first post there is a link to it.
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;