Author Topic: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams  (Read 35308 times)

Offline Vespian

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #100 on: August 17, 2013, 04:52:13 pm »
I had this dream last night, actually:

I was at one of my old houses, sitting on my bed and browsing through the Apps on my Kindle when I heard a loud bang come from outside my room. Curious, I'd get up and walk to my door, only to hear some kind of mumbling. It sounded like my little sister's voice. Alarmed, I'd open the door and dash to her room only to see her having chains coiled around her bed post and her starring out her window, continuing to mumble some weird jibberish.
"Addi?" I would ask, watching her in a cautious manner as she'd turn to face me. "Cookie..." she'd mumble, starring at me with a ravenous look. Before I could hardly budge, she'd charge, tackling me onto her bed where she'd commence in raveling the chains around my arms and legs. Caught, I could feel my heartbeat grow rapid as I'd peer up at her with eyes alluded with fear.
"My cookie. I missed you cookie. I want you cookie!" My sister's yells would nearly deafen me, as she'd pull out a giant rolling pin and slam it on my body, rolling it flat and smooth. At first, I thought it wouldn't do anything except crush my vitals and bones. Though, as I'd look down, eyes teary due to the immense pain, I'd see myself transmorphing into a giant chocolate chip cookie.
I would scream, yanking against the chains as my torso would become cookiefied. Luckily, my sister wasn't the strongest being on earth and I'd manage to wriggle my wrist free, only to tear the chains from my other arm before shoving my sister off of me. She would laugh like a mad man as I'd dash, running out of her room only to slam the door in her face as she'd pursuit. However, being persistent, she wouldn't give up. Struggling, I'd barely manage to lock the door as I could feel her body pounding against the wooden barrier between us. I could hear her screaming 'Cookie!' over and over until alas, she grew tired and calmed. Without hesitation, I'd run back into my room and barricade myself within it's domain, never to come out until I knew it was absolutely safe to do so.

And that, my floofs, is why over half of the time I'm in my room browsing through the forums. To distract my mind from that horrendous dream of oddity.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 04:54:19 pm by Vespian »

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #101 on: August 18, 2013, 07:14:48 pm »
Hm, strange dreams! I've had too many to count!
However, I had one that's perfect for this thread.
I recall I had an interesting dream that somebody hacked into FeralHeart, except they didn't just mess with the game. They pretty much hacked into the laws of physics and corrupted everything that made sense. And for fun, they trapped us in the game as our characters.
I can't quite remember too much after that, but everyone was freaking out and there was havoc everywhere. I was a lion though, which was pretty rad.

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #102 on: August 18, 2013, 08:48:32 pm »
i saw this thread i immedintly thought of my childhood dreams, don't know why but there was two that was all about death o.o

1: I was in the feild with my dad, peaceful day just flying my kite then suddenly the sky gone red and this huge t-rex popped out of no where and ate my dad whole o.o

2: ok so i was in like the hills they were black and dark grey and i saw this old rugged shed, i walk up to it and find that all the plants around it were wilted. i see this tall wooden door and i open it, once i did there was a hamock and two skunks. One was in a cage with a golf vest and hat and golf club along with a golf ball, the other skunk and the hamock were girls and had very big red lips. Once they saw me walk through the door they go all wide eyed and have rabies in their mouths... I woke up from there O.O

Pretty, ok REALLY, odd dreams, why would i have them and what were they ment for? explain please, XP
and i never had a dream ever since those two...
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 08:50:21 pm by RubyFire »
I have nothing... so don't bother looking at this xD

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #103 on: August 18, 2013, 09:16:45 pm »
@RubyFire:Truelly weird dreams. Hehe. :D
Maybe you were eaten while you awaken from the second dream, and you didin't had any dreams. :D

Lol, here is another dream i had 2 days ago.
I woke up in a spaceship, flying in the cosmas, as i looked around, i saw other solar systems, until i heard a voice from the radio station thingy: |"Don't worry, your safe, but your on the mision..."| The other half i can't quiet reamember. I landed on a really weird planet, as i hooped on something flying, i can't describe myself. I flew over the tree's, as there were like million of aliens from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (xD) Then i hooped on a brown horse. Running away, as fastes the horse could. Million of thoes aliens chased me, of course with a man. Blackman, with blonde hair. (Yeah, for the Blackman blonde hair, i watched a movie before going to sleep. It was called: "Gabriel".) After i stopted running, i choped fast into my small spaceship, as i tride to hide myself. I looked outside upside down, and that Blackman, tride to get me, but i wa fast. Then i flied with my spaceship, and the dream ended.

lol, this is the weirdest dream.
I don't know why, but i kinda dream aliens lately. Hehe. :D

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #104 on: December 16, 2013, 03:11:45 pm »
I had THE scariest/weirdest dream EVER two nights ago.

I was in a mansion with my friend and had to go to the bathroom (This was after reading CreepyPasta :P)and I knocked on the door.  Some lady started talking weird languages and came out with a box with electric cords.  We ran into our bedroom where her mom was and not 5 mins later the lady came in saying: "If I pinch you, I'ma kiss you." We screamed as her mom went out and came back with some weird doohicky and killed her.
I am now terrified of the dark (again, first was weeping angels) and can't sleep...Thanks creepypasta.

The creepypasta I read was The Russian Sleep Experiment (I get scared VERY easily)

So there ya have it floofs, my weirdest dream of ALL TIME...well, I actually have another...

I am in my school and there are elephants outside :O and if you run/scream/jump they destroy the building.  I finally got sick of it and ran into their pen and killed them (no blood) XD


My mom and I were in a carrage and a horse came by sniffing on two legs...It reached out a hoof and made a weird noise, mom came and yelled at me for almost touching it :P

Some of my weirdest dreams...There ya go :P
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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #105 on: December 16, 2013, 09:43:24 pm »
I once dreamed I was a pineapple. A family ate the other foods as I wacthed, freaking out. Them they sliced me up and ate me.
Back again, let's see how long I stick around this time.

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #106 on: December 17, 2013, 02:25:46 am »
Oh lawdy. Hold on to your socks, my dreams are like acid trips.

Okay. So, I had this dream a while ago.

My two friends and I went to Peru (we go every summer with our youth group on a mission trip).
We climbed up one of the frikin' huge mountains, and on top was this huge wooden playground park thing (it's a park near my house irl called Sims Park) and there was also a Blackhawk helicopter. So naturally, I went for the chopper, painted it light blue and flew it around for a while.

Well, my friends and I ended up living at the park on top of the mountain in Peru. Our "house" was just a screened in littler area on one of the wooden platforms of the park.
           So, one lovely morning morning, I was sitting on top of the large "alligator mouth" slide, when I noticed a bunch of human silhouettes approaching in the distance. Only, they weren't people, they were ZOMBIES ohh nuu.

But, the way they changed other people into zombies, was they spit on their face instead of bite them.
So, I took off and hid in our little screened in house, but one of my friends was in there, and he was a zombie. He bit onto my arm and just hung on there (he's kinda... stoopid..) so I punched him in the stomach and ran off.

In the end, I wound up hiding under a slide, drinking tea with the band Skillet while the zombie apocalypse continued around us.

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #107 on: December 17, 2013, 03:51:06 am »

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #108 on: December 17, 2013, 04:07:30 am »
I had an odd dream just last night, I was here on the forums, and I had posted something (I dont remember what it was but it sure caused a lot of ruckus) whatever I had posted sent the entire Feral Heart players after me because of something horrid I had posted I was banned from the forums and in-game though before then I had tried deleting the post, but people were already spreading my name around and how horrible I was, some people even made protest video's of their characters warning everyone to stay away from me because I was mean and gross and terrible, it was so real to it scared me xD lol

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Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #109 on: December 18, 2013, 11:29:06 pm »
So I had a dream so weired that I drew it out because it was hard to explain and it looked like a five year old drew it with crayons.
So a little astronaut guy was flying through space on his rocket. he's passing all these poorly drawled stars and planets that are suspended by strings. He is stoped by a big green adorable dragon-snake alien that lived in a planet with a bunch of holes in it(just imagen a snail with holes in its shell and that's practily it. "Ey ey ey" said the alien
"What is it" replied the astronaut.
"Papi le sapi?"
"Papi... le... sapi"
"I don't understand what you're saying.Blow torch, is that what you mean?" and the astronaut magicaly has a blow torch in his hand and is magically out of his rocket.
"Hue Hue Hue!" replies the alien, and the astronaut then puts the tip of the blow torch in the aliens mouth(because the alien doesn't have any arms). With blow torch in mouth, the alien then uses his tail to turn the nob on the side of the blow torch.
Fire comes out of the aliens ears and his cheeks puff out. His vainy eyes pop out and the astronaut shouts "NO DON'T DO THAT THAT'S SO IRRISPONSABLE!!!"... the he leaves....
He's flyin' around and meets another alien just like the first only a little cuter.
"Papi le Sapi?"
"NO! NO MORE SAPI!" exclaims the astronaut.
The alien begins to sniff and with tears in his eyes he softly says"-sniff- le sapi -sniff sniff-"
The astronaut sighs and gets from a large pyramid of blow torches a blow torch. "Don't kill yourself he says as he hands him the blow torch. Just like the other alien he turns the nob and gets all crispy the same way the other one did. "forget it... I don't even care anymore." the astronaut says as he goes back into his rocket and flies away....
