Yes it would. As for Seasons, I got it the day it was released. Oh, I love it when your mom plays the same games you do.
. xD... Anyways...
We all have that derp Sim, right....? o3o. Gawd, that werewolf father needs to go back to school. He rode a horse backwards and gains skill slooowww (Not a perfectionist) Something wrong with him? LOL
And, I LOVE Supernatural. Personally, the aliens are quite funny. I haven't sighted some yet, and it's funny when the sims, like in Sims 2, can get abducted and come back pregnant with alien babies. (Ah, gotta love strangetown... e.o. I've had a dude come home pregnant with aliens.) Personally, I like the witches best... but I'd love it for the zombies to be a bit... more... zombie-ish? xD
Medieval is awesome, although, The whole quest point deal can get confusing.
As for weather, I've found a cheat....
First, you need to do the code that enables this.. (Shift ctrl c, then type it) testingcheatsenabled true
And shift click the ground, click weather, and your playing god experience is enhanced x10!
Anyone need an easier way to be a millionare without typing 'motherlode' five hundred times? First, make your family, move them in a cheap house, and enable the cheats. The do Shift ctrl c, and type...
familyfunds [insert last name here] [insert amount here. no commas, max is 100,000,000.) Unpause the game and you can afford virtually anything! Even that dream house across the street!
*Jumping everywhere*