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Author Topic: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ [Inactive since 04/03/2013]  (Read 130594 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #830 on: January 28, 2013, 08:55:25 pm »
Gilda nodded in appreciation to find the much wiser witch to come up into the discussion but felt that the twins were left just to watch but these sot of events usually happened in family units. In the back of her mind, she already found herself doubting and trying to seal off her ears from any of superstitious tales of what Elluka spoke of the Stupid Butler and the Wicked Maid. She even found herself nodding at how the Renia the Wicked Maid had usually pursued the time on Earth to harass the mortals but then again, maybe Renia was a common name..

"The Wicked Maid isn't necessarily a part of history if we've dealt with the context of folklore. It is rather easy to pull off being sadistic for one. As for how the slave holder," she initially kept that name still as she wasn't going to go into what Elluka said. "Just as malicious as his partner but rather more ...sympathetic or se-- empathetic, either, when trying to call over Anne."

Offline Karakuri

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #831 on: January 28, 2013, 11:46:33 pm »
"Well, the Stupid Butler generally doesn't hurt people, per se. He's more inclined to chase down souls, yes. But actual living people? Only if his mistress ordered him to. Did you give him some kind of loophole to get out of it, somehow? Because he might've left if he wasn't necessarily disobeying orders. Something made him lie earlier, saying Anne wasn't the child they were going after." Continuing to inform the Vector of Protection, she just noticed the children looking at her, their eyes huge. "Can we...continue this conversation in private?" The witch asks Gilda, frowning. It was obvious she hadn't been trying to threaten Anne or anything.
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #832 on: January 28, 2013, 11:57:09 pm »
"Certainly for I, myself, is just as confused as the children.." Gilda nodded her head at the Vector of Memory, not even sure as to why Elluka was assuming that Anen was the child wanted. WHY was she wanted to begin with? All the female knew was that her acquittance from the previous night almost killed the twins and her if he didn't get his hands on Anne. She didn't even know where to start on either him or how she managed to compromise with him.  Maybe it was best not to speak of her earlier confrontation with him as it'll certainly turn heads and possibly blame onto her.

Gilda nodded her head at Elluka, wondering if the witch would wan t to speak privately now or later. All she waited for was the command.

Offline Karakuri

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #833 on: January 29, 2013, 04:36:14 am »
Elluka gets to her feet, and with a gesture of her hand, she walks out of earshot of the children.

Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #834 on: January 29, 2013, 04:38:57 am »
Gilda bows her head at the children and muttered that they'll be back shortly as she waved softly bye at them. She soon followed behind Elluka but occasionally shot a back glance at the twins but she squinted at Noir, as he was picking at his nose for no apparent reason. She shook it off as she returned her attention back towards Elluka.

Offline Karakuri

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #835 on: January 29, 2013, 04:49:34 am »
"Right then. You don't seem to believe in any of the deities, so you're going to think I'm a complete lunatic after I explain this mess. I know why those two were after the girl, and it had nothing to do with slave traffickers, or with her hair. Well...kind of her hair." Beginning, Elluka looks over at the Vector of Protection, frowning once more. "Tell me...have you ever heard the tales of the Daughter of Evil, Rillianne Lucifen, and her servant?" Was the witch's first question, making sure the younger woman at least knew of this before she started trying to explain this large wad of confusion.
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #836 on: January 29, 2013, 12:01:39 pm »
The Vector of Protection noted the frown Elluka presented when regarding her atheism but all in all, these reactions were familiar. Despite not being a believe, she had allowed the believers to go off into their own little worlds and such seeing as how her human Renia was surely not a goddess---. Denial at it's finest. At first ,the Vector nodded at the Vector of Memory but only her own tale could explain why she made such hesitant head gestures, "In Marlon, the children used to play about reacting the tales of Rillianne and Allen. Usually in a game in which someone was "it" or Rillianen and had to run about trying to find her Allen and thus switch clothes with him in order to avoid a 'game over."

Offline Karakuri

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #837 on: January 29, 2013, 09:06:27 pm »
"I take from your tone of voice that you believe the tales are for children. Even if you do not believe in any deities, Gilda, please do not think that the event of the Lucifenian Rebellion and the Green Hunting were made up. Those were real parts of history." Moving back to a neutral tone of voice, she continues the explanation. "As you know, many Bolganians put faith in the process of reincarnation. Then there is also the belief that Allen was brought on to be the Master of the Heavenly Yard. As those two buffoons were going on and on about some master that wanted them to bring back Anne, say theoretically, that Anne was Rillianne, and theoretically, the Master of the Heavenly Yard, Allen, was trying to reunite with his sibling. The pieces would fit. Anne is a blonde girl roughly the same age as Allen was when he died, with blue eyes, her name could be a shortened form of Rillianne, and...curiously enough...did she not say she felt as if she were looking for someone, but didn't know who? Was just following her instincts? Then there was Noir's comment about her possibly being a twin." Clockworker pauses to let this information sink into Gilda's mind. She was an intelligent woman, shouldn't take her too long. Elluka herself, having known the princess personally...or...as personal as one gets to a bratty tyrant as one of their closest advisers, had her suspicions about the child from the moment she laid eyes on the blonde, which, if Gilda though hard enough and connected some puzzle pieces, explained her talking to herself the previous night. Recent events, the appearance of Renia and Lorencio, had assured her this was what was going on. However, she waited patiently for Gilda's logical look on this. The witch was a logical thinker herself, but got too carried up sometimes in predictions and personal emotions.
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #838 on: January 29, 2013, 11:02:18 pm »
"I quite remember well the reign of the late Princess Rilleanne from the history texts," The vector of Protection wished to ensure that she certainly wasn't the type to allow the history world the world to be left out in the dark. "It is just how most Marlonian children have grown familiar with the tale from their childhoods.." The vector's green eyes glanced towards the side, her thoughts already leading towards the path of her own childhood. --The smile of a rebellious younger child with short and wild onyx hair that crept behind the dunes, avoiding the capture of the terrible legion of red. The small girl was  however, cloaked, just as the others were as she needed to identify her twin in order to secure her safety. Jack, was her name. Jack Leone. The sisters were usually part of the "Blue Army" but for rather rare occasions they were chosen as the "Princess" and "Servant." Only, the elder sister was usually represented as Allen while the younger was Rilleanne. Possibly due to their characteristics.

'Unlike, those foolish games, you couldn't save her.' A voice irked her subconscious as she instinctively whacked the back of her own head but commented softly, "I apologize, there was a mosquito biting me." She soon found herself nodding at Elluka's explanation but a chill went down her spine, being reminded of the conversation the witch had with herself and drew the connections, all in all. Still, she wasn't as easily swayed to believe on the instant that the Masters were of any 'good' but even an atheist can deny a god when face to face. However, noting that Lorencio AND Renia, are now considerably higher beings than her and how in the master of the Heavenly Yard's name she interacted with both and almost died with her recent encounters bothered her tremendously.

"Damnit that Lorencio," was all she muttered to herself, with her  thoughts slipping about but after that, she covered it up with her response. "Certainly if this is the case, her search is far from over alas with her twin missing..." However, the Marlon woman glanced away from the witch with a frown. "The Masters shouldn't take her." Gilda didn't understand as to why she said it but she felt influenced by her thoughts..but they weren't actually her own. Someone else was once in her shoes before.  "For certain, we must keep Anne under care and prevent such tyrants from abducting her even if they're acclaimed higher beings. For not they do selfless but with only avarice thoughts." This wasn't her own words but that of the Philosopher.

Offline Karakuri

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Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
« Reply #839 on: January 29, 2013, 11:51:00 pm »
"Mmn...greedy? Or just lonesome?" Elluka remarks softly, shrugging. "While I agree on the fact those two should not be reunited in the fashion Allen imagines, I understand his reasoning. Well. Sort of." Unlike the former servant, or even the woman before her, the Vector of Memory hadn't had anyone to consider a sibling since...blinking as if stirring herself from thought, she looks up. "Although using those two as his little pawns wasn't the brightest idea. The maid gets a little...excited with people, and the butler follows suit. But I must ask, though. How in the Master of the Heavenly Yard's name did you get him to change his mind earlier and lie to his sister? That was exactly who they were sent after, and I'm sure he tried to reason with you all. But to just turn around and tell her it was the wrong child? Unheard of." Look at that Philosopher skill, Gilda. You just made ol' Lorencio tell a lie.
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?