Author Topic: No one is going to like me after this, are they?  (Read 7055 times)

Offline PanicedPan

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No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« on: August 10, 2012, 04:45:45 am »
Oh lordy...where to begin with this. Well to start off it's a bit of a rant. (Note: When I refer to wolves, I am refering to the grey wolf, since it is the most popular and the biggest problem.)
Wolves....the grey wolves to exact (or is it spelled gray?) and the fanbase that comes with them.

I like wolves, heck, I love wolves all kinds of wolves, the grey is one of my favorite right next to the maned wolf. There are so many cool facts about the greys that just make this one of the most interesting animals to me. How they communicate being one of them, their ranks, how they raise pups, and how they hunt. I know the 'pretty' facts and the side of this animal, so do many of it's fans. But why is that when people hear the 'dark side' of the grey they turn a blind eye and act as if it is an insult?

 Let me explain. I was looking around on DeviantArt (an art website.) and found a stamp saying "Wolves Are Dangerous Animals, Not Cuddle Bunnies!". I approved of this stamp, because it is true wolves are dangerous just like anyother wild predator like the bear, panther (another name for the moutain lion for any of you who don't know), ect... Yet, for some reason, many, and lord do I mean MANY fans of the wolf were repeating comments like "Humans are more dangerous!". I nearly wanted to take a rolled up Hunters magazine and smack them across the face with it. Why? Answer is simple, they missed the point of the stamp.

That stamp was trying to tell all of the wolf fans that actual wolves are not the same as the wolves in the Balto movies, Ookami, or Wolf's Rain. If you were to run up to an actual wild wolf you better pray the wolf picks flight over fight and in recent years the wolves have been picking fight a bit more often. I can not stress this enough as it is... Wolves. Are. Dangerous. Animals! Wolf fans who make comments like "Humans are more dangerous" obviously know that, I know that, anyone who watches the news, read history books can see what humans can do. I do not deny that the fact that humans are dangerous, but for some reason so many wolf fans deny the fact that wolves are dangerous. I'm sorry to say, but something that can run faster than you, can take you down, and shred you apart with its fangs and claws is a dangerous animal. Bears can take a human down, run faster, and have shredding fangs and claws, moutain lions can take a human down, has shredding fangs and claws, they are dangerous! So what makes the wolf so special to say that they're not?

Wolves are aggressive and dare I say a bit of a power hungry animal at times. It's disturbing to see the dark side of animal. At first I didn't get why so many wolf fans get so ticked when someone would tell the dark facts about the animal, but now I do. Many wolf fans idolize the wolf to be this perfect being to the point they don't want to listen to facts about the wolf that isn't praise.

Let me list some of the basic 'praising' facts about wolves:
1) They are pack animals, either made of of a family or unrelated wolves.
2) all wolves in the pack pitch in when it comes to raising the pups
3) wolves howl to communicate with other wolves
4) wolves mate for life
5) wolves have been known to adopt pups froma different pack

Some of the not so wonderful side of wolves:
1) Wolves have been known to be aggressive and not just when it comes to territory. Being the smallest of the litter doesn't mean jack-squat, if you can survive to adulthood and are aggressive there is a chance that you will become a high ranking wolf or even the alpha, yep the biggest bully gets to be leader. A she-wolf killed her own father and then becomes the next alpha.
2) wolves mate for life, but they don't stay loyal to simply one wolf.
3) wolves won't always accept pups from other packs, some might even kill them because of competition (this include other predatory animal cubs)
4) wolves will steal another animal's kill, they are opportunistic hunters
5) wolf packs can reach into high numbers in packs it can a simple 5 wolves in a pack to 10 to even 20+, which is alot of mouths to feed (inculding pups) compared to solitary predators. This can cause a huge lose of prey because of wolves, and wolves hunt alot, this means less food for other predators including the wolves themselves.

I have no doubt in my mind if I were to post this on a video about wolves on Youtube I'd get thumbs down so fast it make your head spin, not to mention the many angry wolf fans that flame me for 'talking bad' about the animal.

Wolves are being hunted, big deal!
Deers are hunted, bears are hunted, but you don't see too many people getting up in arms about it. I've asked this question before to several different people who want to ban wolf hunting. This is my question: "Why should we give wolves such special treatment? What makes them a special snowflake to the point that hunters shouldn't hunt them, but it's okay to point the gun at bears and bambi?"

I've seen a thread that was titled "Why do people hate wolves?" (this makes me want to facepalm, but I'll explain that later in the rant) [/color]  . This person, Emily (I'm not trying to harrass you and I hope you don't mind me saying you're name.) says she doesn't believe "that we should hunt wolves or predatory animals, there is a balance" not an exact quote, but it was along those lines. This is what I say, predatory animals do kill eachother and it is for competition, they don't care about eachother. All the bears, panthers, and wolves care about are themselves, their survival and the survival of their offspring. Wolves, bears, and panthers, could give less of a rat's backside about eachother, they don't care about the balance.

If bears were to suddenly just die out, all that means is more prey for the panthers and wolves, they don't care if one predator goes excinct it just means less competition. Hunters and humans that do not hunt however, would stop the hunting of bears before they die out and put them on the endangered species list to try to bring back their numbers, and when they're numbers come back they are able to be hunted again this goes for any animal that hunters are allowed to hunt, such as panthers, wolves, and deer.  When any of these predatory animals see a shortage in prey, they don't get together to have a woodland meeting and try to work things out. These predators don't have a hunting season like human hunters do. These predators don't regulate themselves, they don't check to see if they need to rationalize the prey if they see a shortage. If wolves were to see a shortage in food they'd probably move off somewhere that does have food.

Simply saying it's okay to hunt prey animals but not okay to hunt predators makes no sense to me. There is more to nature than just the food chain like grass gets sunlight, deer eats grass, deer gets eaten by wolf. There is also, once again, competition amoungst the predators that have no problem killing eachother or see the eachother die out.

Hunters do more than just shoot animals, hunters also help keep balance like how the white tailed deer population went up, the other predators couldn't keep up with the numbers and the large population of deer was spreading into neighborhoods and other civialization so it was up to the hunters to keep the population low. Saying animals that are hunted such as the wolf " have done nothing wrong" isn't a very good point, really it just goes back to keeping the population in check. In away hunters are too part of nature. They justdo more to the animal they kill than just eat it or give the meat to the poor, i.e decoration. And before people rage at me for actually liking taxedermy or animal hydes let me say this. I'd much rather admire the animal's beauty after it's death, like caring for it's hyde than let it rot in the ground. Some call it sick and cold hearted, I say it's a pretty keep sake. A better example is like keeping something that once belonged to a now deceased loved one, like a toy, clothes, or a lock of hair.

Calling someone a wolf hater or disliking someone simply becaus ethey do not' like wolves has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

I'm not going to be very nice when I say this, but who gives two heaps of dog crap if someone hates wolves. I have said this before in a post and I'll say it again. Somone who does not like wolves, or hates wolves is not a big deal. There are people who hate/dislike cats, who hate dogs, who hate roaches, hyenas, vultures, and snakes. But you know what? It doesn't matter, as long as that person is not killing animals or harming animals out of spite I don't see a problem. People who have called other people 'wolfhaters' also need a slap on the face with Hunters magazine.

All what this really comes down to is that I don't understand alot of the wolf fans, they deny things and/or are a bit too sentive when it comes to the animal, hunters (I wonder if any wolf fans has ever had a an actual mature conversation with a hunter and not label them all as 'animal murders') and the people who are not fans of wolves. Not to mention it's frustrating, I've seen such dissappointing things form people in the wolf fanbase that now everytime I see a grey wolf I can only see the rabid fans praising the animal like a god and saying things that are hyporcritcal, and selfish. I mean dear lord can rabid wolf fans be selfish! It's okay to point the gun at bambi, but at Kiba it's no-no? There are wolf fans that well now that wolves are no longer endangered and still want them to be protected as if they are! I know everyone is entilted to their opinion, but my sweet lord that has got to be one of the most selfish things I have ever seen. Save an animal that doesn't need to be saved simply because it's your, special, favorite animal...

Comment and give me your opinion if you wish, I will respond to any comment. All opinions are welcomed here, however don't be suprised if you are given reply that isn't something you agree with.

P.S I am not saying you have to like hunting, it's fine by me if you are against it. I am no fan of hunting myself.

@w@ hewwoooooo :3


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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2012, 05:00:07 am »
Everyone is going to hate me after this?

I'd like to disagree with the title, and agree with your point.
I personally loove wolves, they're my second favourite animal. But do I think that 'they're special', or 'they shouldn't be hunted'? No.

Like you've said, wolves are nothing special compared with the other hunted animals. In my point of veiw there simply 'another part of the food chain'. They aren't anything special that deserves protection against hunters.

Thank you for explaining to people all this.


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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 05:09:08 am »
Praise to you! Yes I love wolves, favorite animal, (though I'm best known as a feline on FH but whatever!) and you make a great point, I don't go spazing everytime a person says wolves are dangerous. That's what I love about them, yes I like to watch wolf vids. but I don't treat them like something special unless someone treats their fav. animal special. Animals get hunted, yes it's depressing, but not one of them gets the royal treatment. Great work on this, nice job! :)

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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 06:12:42 am »
*sigh* I know I'm going to seem to be the spoil sport, but in BOTH cases you're wrong.

YES wolves are not cuddly and fuzzy pets

NO they are NOT as dangerous as you are making them out to be.

Those who go, oh, wolves shouldn't be hunted and blah blah blah? I disagree with them. People like you who go about how it should be left alone are ALSO wrong.

they don't care about the balance.

uhhh... Yes, they don't give a stuff about the natural balance, but that doesn't mean IT DOESN'T EXIST.
case 1. There was a species of deer going endangered in Yellowstone park, because all the young were being hunted by coyotes. Why? Because coyotes didn't have any threat from wolves because at that point in time, wolves had disappeared from that area.  The wolves were reintroduced into that area, and the deer population that was rapidly decreasing STARTED INCREASING. Why? BECAUSE COYOTES COULDN'T JUST WALK INTO A FIELD AND START PLUCKING DEER YOUNG OUT OF THE GRASS AT WILL BECAUSE WOLVES SCARED THEM OFF.

Here's another point for you. the population of animals actually does balance itself out. if wolves grow too high in numbers, they die of starvation. The lack of wolves then allows the deer to grow in population. The deer numbers are then brought down by wolves, who will increase in number due to teh surge in food supply. they will keep each other in check this way.

Of course, saying that this balance is perfect without some intervention somewhere by humans is flawed, but more often than not the intervention is needed BECAUSE humans stuck their fingers into the balance.

That stamp was trying to tell all of the wolf fans that actual wolves are not the same as the wolves in the Balto movies, Ookami, or Wolf's Rain. If you were to run up to an actual wild wolf you better pray the wolf picks flight over fight and in recent years the wolves have been picking fight a bit more often.


Look, yes, wolves ARE dangerous, but you know what? You're more likely to be attacked by a coyote or a badger or what have you. A wolf will abandon a kill before it'll meet face to face with a human, and the only real cases of wolf attacks that are fatal are committed by those INFECTED WITH RABIES and thus driven out of their minds. Attacks are also done by those who have been taught by humans not to fear humans like they would naturally, and feed them. Wolf expects food, when not given it can act aggressive. These cases do NOT result in death. In that case it is a case of human stupidity not wolves being a natural born human attacker.

So let me repeat that for you.

RABID wolves are deadly to humans, Unafraid wolves are a danger but not a true deadly threat, natural wolves as they should be are NOT a true threat.

Oh, another issue with what you just said. Funny fact, the number of attacks are DECREASING. Sorry, they are not becoming more likely attack... Unless wolves are becoming worse and worse at attacking over the years, in which case you would still be wrong...

wolves won't always accept pups from other packs, some might even kill them because of competition (this include other predatory animal cubs)

funny fact, you make it seem like wolves are monsters for doing this, but they're not, as EVERYTHING does it. You target wolves in this like only they are the monsters for attacking others, every other creature is free from this terrible sin. Every predator in the world will kill cubs to reduce competition.

"Why should we give wolves such special treatment? What makes them a special snowflake to the point that hunters shouldn't hunt them, but it's okay to point the gun at bears and bambi?"

Wolves are also known for being hunted in some of the most disgusting and crude ways. Mowing entire packs down from helicopters, poisoning meat and leaving it for them to find. While I do not think it should be banned completely, the way it is done sometimes is completely ridiculous. Those that think reducing entire packs to shreds just so they can hunt huge numbers of moose should be stopped, those that do have the aim of wiping the wolves out from areas should be stopped. This goes for EVERYTHING. Hunt sensibly, not cruelly, follow laws and for goodness sake DON'T START HUNTING ENDANGERED ANIMALS.

So yes, sometimes the other side has difficulty seeing the whole, but from what you've shown me, you do to. BOTH SIDES NEED TO WAKE UP TO REALITY. BOTH SIDES are wrong in cases, and BOTH SIDES need to get their act together. I could write more about why you are wrong, and why they are wrong as well, but honestly, I know you're not going to read a word of what I write, as both sides think they are perfect. The reality isn't your view OR theirs, it is somewhere in between. Your side views them as dangerous wild beasts that would happily turn on man, and they view them as perfect.

You know, when you see something like this, with two sides, you know the best side to take? The one in the middle. The one that is most likely to be true because both sides will have exaggerated to one side or the other while the truth lies in the middle.

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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2012, 06:28:58 pm »
"NO they are NOT as dangerous as you are making them out to be."

I'm not trying to make them sound like blood thirsty beasts. I'm simply saying that a wolf can be as dangerous anyother animal, like a feral dog. They can do serious damage to a human if they feel they need to like anyother animal.

"Look, yes, wolves ARE dangerous, but you know what? You're more likely to be attacked by a coyote or a badger or what have you. A wolf will abandon a kill before it'll meet face to face with a human, and the only real cases of wolf attacks that are fatal are committed by those INFECTED WITH RABIES and thus driven out of their minds. Attacks are also done by those who have been taught by humans not to fear humans like they would naturally, and feed them. Wolf expects food, when not given it can act aggressive. These cases do NOT result in death. In that case it is a case of human stupidity not wolves being a natural born human attacker."

I should have worded that differently, I meant to change that to say that when the wolf population was high, wolves seemed to have lost some of their fear of humans and had become a bit more bold. Which was not a good sign. And there were more reports on humans being attacked, but now, I think, as you said before those have decreased do to the hunting. The animal that people would most likely be attacked by has nothing to do with what I said in my post , I'm saying that alot of wolf fans have this image of the wolf being a harmless animal  that if you were to randomly run up to one in the wild it'll come give you kisses like a pet dog.

"case 1. There was a species of deer going endangered in Yellowstone park, because all the young were being hunted by coyotes. Why? Because coyotes didn't have any threat from wolves because at that point in time, wolves had disappeared from that area.  The wolves were reintroduced into that area, and the deer population that was rapidly decreasing STARTED INCREASING. Why? BECAUSE COYOTES COULDN'T JUST WALK INTO A FIELD AND START PLUCKING DEER YOUNG OUT OF THE GRASS AT WILL BECAUSE WOLVES SCARED THEM OFF.

Here's another point for you. the population of animals actually does balance itself out. if wolves grow too high in numbers, they die of starvation. The lack of wolves then allows the deer to grow in population. The deer numbers are then brought down by wolves, who will increase in number due to teh surge in food supply. they will keep each other in check this way.

Of course, saying that this balance is perfect without some intervention somewhere by humans is flawed, but more often than not the intervention is needed BECAUSE humans stuck their fingers into the balance."

When I say wolves and other predators don't care much of the balance, I didn't mean they didn't do their role natrually to help the flow of balance by doing basic things for survival like hunting deer so the deer population can stay in check or even killing other cubs for competition. The wolf scared off the coyotes, because they were another predator that was competion for them like eating their prey, or kill their own wolf cubs, I don't think it was because the wolves saw what the coyote was doing was messing up the balance because they were killing young prey. The wolf neither do other predators, really enjoy sharing prey with other predators. Wolves, coyotes, and bears are all natural rivals. Let me make an example.

Let's say the wolvers were slowly dieing out from, whatever reason, would this stop a bear or any of the grizzly bears from stealing food from wolves or killing them when they feel the need to? (like if they felt threatened, defending cubs or even it's a kill)?  No, because bears wouldn't care if the wolf was endangered like how humans would. Humans see the wolf a part of the natural balance, bears just see a rival.

Another example is what one of the reasons why wolves were being hunted again. Population control. The wolves were successful at a comeback, too good. They were is high numbers and, as I said before, could cause problem for the other animals. When you have a predator animal like the wolf reach in high numbers that means that there will be more mouths to feed, the large number of wolves will consume a large number of prey. Wolves wouldn't care if they were growing fast in numbers and make it harder for other predators to find food. The the wolves wouldn't have a meeting saying that "hey we need to lessen up on the hunting the food chain is getting out of wack". Wolves will just do what they know which is to survive. That means less prey for the other predators and there will be starving population of animals who will possibly get sick and spread a disease or become desprate to the point that more of them will to start scavange for human food. Now like you said before, nature can balance it's self out, but who knows how long that would take? For nature to just balance herself out like it could take quite a while to slowly kill off a chunk of a population just so it can slowly become balanced out again. That's when the hunters stepped in stopped it before it coul get that bad. This isn't just for the wolves, I'm sure they'd do the same if it were bears or panthers.

True this wouldn't be a problem if humans didn't over hunt the wolves, but at the same time I feel like we didn't really monitor the growing population of wolf and allowed it to get to a high number. I see wolves as the canine version of a rabbit, you throw two out in the forest turn you back the turn back around then suddenly you see twenty.

"funny fact, you make it seem like wolves are monsters for doing this, but they're not, as EVERYTHING does it. You target wolves in this like only they are the monsters for attacking others, every other creature is free from this terrible sin. Every predator in the world will kill cubs to reduce competition."

 All that was is just a fact about the dark side of the animal, nothing to do with portraying them as a mindless blood thirsty beasts. I know this is how other predators deal with competition such as bears and lions, I'm was just pointing out how wolves are not excluded from acts like this. Besides this rant wasn't circled around other predators that have a 'not so cute' side to their nature, this is mainly about wolves and how many of it's fans won't accept this  animal as what it actualy is.(or at least how I feel about it) Wolves are neither good nor bad, they are just, and are simply animals who try to survive even if it means doing what we humans see as cruel acts of nature. It's like what I said before, wolf fans idolized this animal to the point they don't want to believe that it does things like this. I find it funny that you are making a good example of what I mean when I tell these facts about this animal you take it as if I am insulting them. At least that's just what it seems like to me.

"Wolves are also known for being hunted in some of the most disgusting and crude ways. Mowing entire packs down from helicopters, poisoning meat and leaving it for them to find. While I do not think it should be banned completely, the way it is done sometimes is completely ridiculous. Those that think reducing entire packs to shreds just so they can hunt huge numbers of moose should be stopped, those that do have the aim of wiping the wolves out from areas should be stopped."

Now this I agree with with. I do not agree with the fact that they were hunting the wolves from helicopter, it didn't seem fair as well as the poisoning. Though I am not a fan of hunting, I do give hunters (at least some) the respect of hunting in a fair way, like hunting the animal on ground, tracking it down . Not things like trapping them or, as said before, airial hunting and poisonig it doesn't give the animal any chance, while the more tradional hunting does.  I have been told by my friend (a hunter) that since the wolves number has gone down to a balanced number ways of hunting by copter, or poisoning has stopped.

"follow laws and for goodness sake DON'T START HUNTING ENDANGERED ANIMALS."

I doubt that any responsible and rescpectable hunter would start hunting endangered animals or any hunter for that matter.

"I know you're not going to read a word of what I write, as both sides think they are perfect."

Don't be so quick to assume that just because I don't agree with everything you say automaticly means I'm going to ignore it. I made this rant not only to vent but in bit of hopes a wolf fan who fits the discription of "takes in no facts of the animal that doesn't seem positive" or who get offended when someone doesn't find wolves all that great.

I know not everyone is going to agree with me and I do see where you are coming from, perhaps I should get better at wording and explaining this better. It really did just feel like you misunderstood what I meant at times.
@w@ hewwoooooo :3

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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2012, 06:54:36 pm »
I completely agree with Kyu here. I'm not going to go into too much detail and quotes and all that because I really don't have the time right now and because I'd just be writing what Kyu said, but...

Yes, wolves are dangerous animals. Of course they are. Of course they are more powerful than us and could easily take down a human. But, in all honesty, how many seek to kill humans or, at least, will attack unprovoked? Now take out the ones that are infected with rabies. That number is a VERY small one. The continent of North America reported only TWO deaths due to wolf attacks in the year 2000 that had valid records. That is not including people who were mauled, of course. But that number? it's very slim compared to what you seem to be making of it.

A wolf is like any other animal. They hunt to live, and we sometimes hunt them to live. Even or sport. And you say that any responsible and respectable hunter would not hunt endangered animals, and yet it keeps going on. There are many irresponsible and cruel hunters as well, and it is generally not getting any better. Wolves play on instinct. Every living thing does. A horse will kick your head in if you're scaring it. A bird will peck at you and fly after you if you touch their nest. A wolf will attack you if you threaten it and its family.

The reason we pay no mind to deer being killed or turkeys or other game is because they're not in danger yet like wolves are. We let our mind pass over them because they aren't being killed in cruel ways or are beginning to lose their hold on the world.

There's a wolf sanctuary in my state near a relative's home. They were NOT made into domesticated animals there. They were fed, they were cared for, made sure they were clean and healthy. They wouldn't hang around everyone 24/7 and were no lap dogs, but they were fine around humans. I spent about two weeks visiting family. About a week I spent volunteering with the wolves. There was a power there with them. These animals were stronger and faster than I was, and I feared them as any other would. But the more I worked with them the more they started warming up to me. We'd go out walking through the fields to where the pack would be and just sit with them. Even the pups would come over and we could play with them, and the adults would sit by our sides.

Yes, wolves are dangerous. Yes, they can kill you. But mutual respect does wonders for these animals.
Resigned, quit, and basically long gone.

P R I D E <3

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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2012, 07:55:52 pm »
First, I just want to say how glad I am to not be raged at like I thought I would be.

In my first post about how wolves being wild and dangerous, I didn't mean it to sound if I was saying they are vicious beasts. I was trying to say that people seem to forget that this animal is not the equivalenvt of your pet dog Buddy. I'm not trying to make it seem like they're the big bad wolf, it's like I said in my reply Kyu they are just. As like what you said Crin, they live on their instincts their need to survival. That's all I meant when I listed the facts about them, not praising them or degrading them.

Wolves are not endangered anymore, at least not the greys. That's my problem, people were (probably still are) trying to ban the hunting of an animal that doesn't even need protection anymore. They should be treated equally like any other animal that is hunted, not be given a free pass simply because they are your favorite animal, or were once endangered. That was one of my main points in my rant, "Why give the wolf special treatment when there are deers and bears being hunted?" I can see what you're saying about the turkey and deer, but it still makes no sense for people to rage at hunters for hunting the wolf.

Sadly there are hunters that give the respectable ones a bad name, no responsible and respectable hunter would go after an endangered animal.My friend, a hunter, finds it very wrong to go after any proected species, he himself loves animals and worked with many, I can't tell how much it ticks him off when he sees something like poaching and or illegal hunting. I guess it just takes a few or even one person to ruin a good image.

@w@ hewwoooooo :3

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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2012, 04:34:02 pm »
Hmmm.....let me try to point some things out that I do know:

-Wolves don't attack humans unless there is a reason to (such as invading its territory, being around its pups, injury, e.t.c.)

-Wolf attacks are rare. They are more likely to flee from you, than to attack you.

-Wolves only hunt when they need to.

-Wolves are not pets, but sadly people try to take a part of the "wild" home with them (e.g. wolf hybrids). Soon they discover that they are too much to handle and they end up getting destroyed.

-There are more wolves kept as so called "pets" than there are in the wild.

I love wolves, it's just that people give them a bad rap because they are simply doing what they do to survive. If you didn't want wolves hunting your sheep for example, then why not keep them in a high fenced in area? Or better yet, don't farm near wolf territory.

"Deep in contemplation."


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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2012, 05:16:27 pm »
Man...I don't like you now...But I don't even know you, so whatever.

First of all, and this really makes me mad, but you say that wolves are just 'an average joe'. Do you know how much trouble humans can cause? Humans are more dangerous than wolves. PERIOD. I don't care what you say. Wolves aren't some cuddly creatures, so I give you that. They aren't all vicious and rabid, either. Wolves don't EVER hunt humans just for 'sport' like many hunters do. They hunt to survive, and they attack to survive and protect others. Wolves shouldn't be kept as pets. Man has already tamed wolves a looong time ago and we know them today as dogs. It's also cruel to cage a wild animal for any other reason other then healing it's wound or something like that. And a good number of wolves are endangered too. To me, it just sounds like you're whining and this discussion will erupt into a forest fire.

So, thanks for ruining my day, friend. <3
-If you don't like my opinions, deal with it or ban me. It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.-
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 05:18:03 pm by Magical~Narwhal »

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Re: No one is going to like me after this, are they?
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2012, 05:45:19 pm »
Wolves are not endangered anymore, at least not the greys.

On the whole number level, sure. But it IS possible to wipe animals out of entire areas, and have plenty in others.

Like the Tasmanian tiger here in Australia. Did you know originally it wasn't only Tasmanian? It used to roam the mainland as well, but it was hunted into extinction on the main land and thus isolated to the island. I believe the Tasmanian devil is the same as well... Not too sure about that one though XD

I don't think it was because the wolves saw what the coyote was doing was messing up the balance because they were killing young prey. The wolf neither do other predators, really enjoy sharing prey with other predators. Wolves, coyotes, and bears are all natural rivals


that's what I said.

They don't care about the balance of nature, but either way, there is still a balance there.

And numbers become overpopulated because of human intervention as well. increasing numbers for the specific goal of hunting them for example. numbers wouldn't have to balance themselves out if humans didn't keep sticking their nose into it.

Let's say the wolvers were slowly dieing out from, whatever reason, would this stop a bear or any of the grizzly bears from stealing food from wolves or killing them when they feel the need to?

Never expected the animals to care, but wolves are smarter than you are giving them credit for. If wolf numbers are low, why would a wolf be hunting anything large enough to get a bears attention, why would it approach a bear at all? A bear can not wipe out all wolves, because while they do not like each other, they also respect each other.

Don't be so quick to assume that just because I don't agree with everything you say automaticly means I'm going to ignore it.

There are a couple of ways of listening, listening but not taking anything in, and listening and taking in points. You may not be ignoring me, but you are not LISTENING to the meaning of what I'm saying. I'm trying to say that just like the other side, you are exaggerating to get your point across, and that shouldn't be done, because that makes you like them. State facts, not exaggerations. They are making the wolves sound like fuzzy little pets, you are making them sound like mangy disease infested creatures that should be gotten rid of.  Neither side is right, so neither side wins any points and neither side gets to go on about it.

Magical Narwhal, You are proving their point on the wolfaboo fans don't listen. Wolves ARE just animals. Yes humans are more dangerous but THAT WASN'T THE POINT. They were trying to get those who think wolves are cuddly forest friends to rethink that, by exaggerating as well, but we'll ignore that for this part, not bashing wolves as a whole.

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