Author Topic: Is it just me or does no one check the preset request section of forum anymore?  (Read 7106 times)

Offline T0XIIIC

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Really, think about it. ARE you going to kill people to get the preset? I mean, come ON! You're not going to keep the preset long, are you? And, if you're complaining about a TINY little mistake, DO IT  YOURSELF.
Yeah, i'd agree with you. It's a waste of good time! I WAS going to make maps for people, although i'd trick e'm by doing the opposite if it were me.
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I'm not trying to sound harsh or anything, but I seriously doubt anyone will offer to make you a free preset, unless you give them something in return. If anything, why don't you learn how to make a preset? I personally wouldn't be able to help you in that field, but check around the fourms of even Youtube. Plus, It's the school year now for most, and no one really has the time for things like this anymore. The bulk of the FH commununity does happen to have lives you know. (Even I do xD)

I even found a video of how to make one.

Offline Nemena

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I can't help but echo the other's words! I do take an occasional gander there- and would happily try to help if it's a unique, but simple, request-... And if I'm aware that the preset/character would be used for many, many, many months. Sadly, it's rarely the case; it's often incredibly detailed (and realistic!) presets required for short-term use. They're certainly possible- but the most complex ones can take up to 10 (or much more!) hours of work.

The self-entitlement's a little off-putting too, apologies; I'd happily help with complicated requests if something substansial was offered in return! :D
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 04:44:43 pm by Nemena »

Offline Tanglemask

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Recently I've been taking preset request. But now I have them up the gazoo. 13 to do.
I mean, I love doing presets. I don't care if I'm paid or not. The thing that does bug me like LordSuragaha said is that, eventually they stop using them. Admittedly, I've done this quite some time. When you make over 100 presets, some get left behind. I may not use them in game seeing as you can only have 12 slots (Which man do I wish you could have so many more) But I do use quite a lot of them in my videos I make. It does upset me to find that the presets I've spent hours on go to waste. Even when I'm loaded with coding ones.
As i hate to admit it, I do have to start charging DA points for presets. The thing is I set up this weird system. Simple presets = free. Anything else is a point added. I really don't like having to charge people for them, but again, why should I have to take hours out of my day just for someone to have a preset they may use 1 month, till they grow tired of it and use another.

There are a lot of preset makers out there. I've noticed them. And to see how many people improve is great. After time, after so many presets, you improve. You can make the design yourself. The preset yourself. And then you can smile proudly when you say "I made it myself".

And uh... That's pretty much my input. As much as I know some of my presets won't be used anymore (Happened quite a lot with me) I can't stop making presets. It's an addiction -shot-. And I probably won't stop. Cuz at least I use my personal presets. Maybe not in game. But all of them, somehow, someway, are included in the videos I make. And I think that's enough for me.

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Offline Forests

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I make alot of presets, and my requests are closed currently due to stealing, claiming etc. I wish people would just request presets they want, and not for the hell of it ;n;

Also, I get alot of people referencing from other's art and characters. It's really ticking me off.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 11:35:37 am by Forests »
No longer on the forums. Maybe around the game every now and again.

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Offline XtremeOwnage234

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Is it possible for you guys to keep the registration open for more than 5 seconds? I've been hearing about new people trying to make an account and not being able to due to the time limit being 5 seconds.

Offline LordSuragaha

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Is it possible for you guys to keep the registration open for more than 5 seconds? I've been hearing about new people trying to make an account and not being able to due to the time limit being 5 seconds.

Please keep on topic.

Registrations open at random and stay open for about 2hrs when they open. If you just so happened to catch registration right as it was closing that's why it seemed like it was only open for 5 seconds or however long you claim.