Author Topic: Land of Lynthia [Inactive since 21/10/2012]  (Read 26017 times)

Offline dragonlover6

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #60 on: August 29, 2012, 11:43:17 pm »
If only I had a horse... travel wears down my soles. As well as my soul, now that I think of it.

Zyemar looked down at the trail he trod across, the gentle crunching of boot on mineral being one of the only sounds keeping him moving. After an unsuccessful hunt, and an unfortunate theft leaving him beyond distraught. The elf put a hand behind his back, feeling the soft fabric of his robes but also a cutting emptiness of one of his dearest possessions; his bow.

The thief snuck up on him, he would claim. Zyemar let him off easy. But the damned thing was so hard to catch and so... slippery it evaded his capture. Now the elf was stuck without his backup weapon; almost a veil of security. Although being adept at magic he still craved the weapon, especially being Gifted. The elf would never be able to use his gift again if he could not find his beloved bow.

He looked up past the hood of his robe and noticed the boundary of Castle Town. Good. Zyemar could use a strong drink and a look around. Perhaps someone had caught sight of the thief? He'd imagine it would be too hard to spot... the only problem was that citizens would give him odd looks as he would give the thief's description. Perhaps if he slightly altered his words?
Decisions, decisions...

A sudden cry snapped the elven mage out of his thoughts, a flutter of dark feathers catching his attention just before entering the city. Most birds general didn't catch his attention, as they were common, but this one had a key detail that Zyemar would spot continents away. The graceful, wooden object clutched in his talons was his bow!

"There you are, you snake swallowing vermin," he snarled. The falcon he glared up at was, oddly, heading above the city. As Zyemar came through, avoiding the masses of people walking by he kept his eyes trained up at the airborne thief. It was heading straight across the road, leading to the inn and some neighboring shops; this he could tell. That would mean he would have to act fast, avoiding people and trying to not draw too much attention. His magic was probably not allowed to be used within city walls either. The elf would have to somehow get the bird to land...but how?

Perhaps the inn would be the answer. Even if the hordes of passerby may scare it off, the lure of fresh meat being cooked within could perhaps attract it? Although many places had the sweet aroma of food in Castle Town, the falcon was heading toward the inn already. Zyemar decided to make his move. "Excuse me, pardon, apologies," the elf murmured to some protesting citizens as he shoved through, trying not to lose sight of his mark. Soon the inn came into view, and now he had to somehow make the falcon land...

The bird suddenly banked to the left and landed on the building right in front of the inn. Zyemar frowned only a little; it didn't go quite according to plan but at least something was happening... He brushed the minor inconvenience aside, deciding it was sacrificial for his bow.

The elf stopped carefully by the road, hiding beside a shop. He looked as his target; there were a few barrels, boxes, beams, and other supplies piled up to the roof, which wasn't very high to begin with. Zyemar, for this, was grateful. However some parts of the 'stairs' were a bit loose.

"If I fall," the elf murmured, "the ledges near the roof look like I could grab them...if not, there are some soft bits of straw down below that might break my fall." His plan, and his second plan now progressing, he slowly crept up to the side of his target building. Scaling the barrels, beams, and boxes, Zyemar prayed that the falcon wouldn't move. It sat perched on the edge of the roof, his bow under both of its feet completely as its head swiveled around. The elf received some odd looks as he proceeded, but he did not notice in the slightest. In the world it was him, the devil bird, and his beloved bow.

Finally reaching the top, Zyemar clung to the roof and held out his hand.
"Here bird," he murmured, somewhat soft in his voice. The falcon did not budge. "Come on you wicked mass of filthy feathers..."

His enemy cried out gently and hopped a few paces back. He snarled in frustration, forced to go across the roof with his whole body now. Creeping along gently, he continued to try and convince the falcon to come over to him. It did not move as he got closer, and eventually in triumph grabbed the bow.

However, in a sudden whirl of motion the already unbalanced elf was temporarily thrown off of his center of gravity more as the falcon took off. It could not go very high with his weight but it took him across the road. In a long cry of surprise Zyemar realized he was losing altitude clinging onto the bow held by the bird and heading toward the front of the inn! The furiously flapping avian finally let go of the bow, releasing the distressed elf heavily against the wooden structure of the in, tumbling off to the side and into some bags of feed, the wind knocked out of him.

Coughing and trying to right himself, Zyemar shook his head. Sudden victory gripped him as he realized that his bow was once again in his possession! Fixing it across his back once more and stepping over the chickens that gathered at his feet the elf dusted off his robes and tried to avoid the stares and words coming from concerned citizens, muttering that he was fine and sometimes not even answering at all.

Finally coming through the doors of the inn the elven mage sighed.
"Now I REALLY need a drink," he grumbled under his breath.

(It's okay if the tussle outside is noticed or not, it's not very important to him. It's just what I had inspiration for at the time and I was in a writing mood and if it interrupts the current conversation among Mask and the others, I apologize. XD

Also a crazy stunt like this is rare for Zyemar, he usually has more caution but this was a rare desperate and hilarious case. =P)

Don't kick me when I'm down. Because when I get up, you're screwed.

The name's Vant, don't wear it out hunny |3

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #61 on: August 30, 2012, 08:26:17 am »

A sudden cry snapped the elven mage out of his thoughts, a flutter of dark feathers catching his attention just before entering the city. Most birds general didn't catch his attention, as they were common, but this one had a key detail that Zyemar would spot continents away. The graceful, wooden object clutched in his talons was his bow!

((My reaction: XD *Falls outta chair and starts laughing*

The whole time up until that part, these were literally my thoughts: Oooo, who was the thief?! Was it some goblin monster? Maybe a small creature with two heads... or perhaps it was some sort of walking tree.

*Finds out it's a falcon* ROTFL
And the rest, icing on the cake! XD))

((Oh, and as a little side note/question, what is your signature from? I swear I know that it's a movie and I've seen it before but I can't remember!))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: Land of Lynthia (Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #62 on: August 30, 2012, 10:05:14 am »
I've edited my roleplay post to make it longer :3.

I was bored =DDD

Offline Kutanra

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #63 on: August 30, 2012, 01:23:18 pm »
"Of course, I've been at this a while now. And despite my attitude you see now I am well trained and not afraid to take people on. And..." he smirked " confident about it. I'm sure my skills, combined with your friend here, will guarantee you success." He knew he shouldn't make promises one can't be sure to keep, after all things don't always go according to plan but this sounded pretty easy.

There was a thump and the squawking of surprised chickens and Calid turned to see if anything was visible outside the window when he heard the wolf's little speech end with "Oh yes, and shut your mouth please." He looked back to see what this masked figure had done to displease the wolf and discovered that last was aimed at him.

"Huh? But I didn't say anything b-" Calid realised what the wolf had done and in a moment inner panic hit him, oh gods could all wolves do this or was he a Gifted? Suddenly every bad thought he wasn't meant to think flowed into Calid's head and the more he tried to empty his mind the worse it got; finally he casually lifted his hand to the back of his head as if to scratch it, gripping the hairs at the nape of his neck painfully tight, the pain focusing his senses and clearing the thoughts.

(This is my first time getting to know Calid, he's more...jerkfaced than I thought he'd be XD)

Offline LasVagas

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2012, 03:03:08 pm »
( 'Ello. Hope you don't mind me joining :3. (WIP Post) If there are some mistakes in spelling, i will correct them once i have done with the application. Application finnished)

Name: Tumpsking Roswell (He preffers to be called, for short Tump or Tum)
Age: Around the age of 20 years, but he looks much older than he really is.
Gender: Male
Race/Breed: Pure Dwarf
Ability/Power/Skills: He has no powers, but a Skill he has is being gifted at making good weaponry, such as bow and arrows out of bits and bobs he can find on the ground. A ability could be his will power. He would never look down to fights involving, ofcorse, the king.

Appearance: Tump is much shorter than other dwarfs, maybe the height of a average she-wolf on all fours. He is buff and broard, with hardly any neck or legs, just some large feet and thighs. He has droopy undereyes, large hazel eyes, over-large ears and a stumpy nose, which has a scar running down the left side. He has some bushy eye brows that stoop low onto his eyes. Tum's hair is a dark brown, specks of gray here and there, and could not be combed, because it is so tangled. A shaggy short beard, also containing gray hairs, and if looking carefuly, you would see broken pieces off combs stuck in there. Most of his body is bumpy with scars. As for his clothing, he wears a deer skin waist coat, lined with fur of a racoon. The waistcoat is a brown with freckled white spots, and contains many pockets, and the front has a few buttons sewn on. He wears over the waist coat a dark brown cape, also lined with racoon fur, which he ties around his neck. He wears on his head a mole skin night cap that is very creased, which he only takes of inside buildings. A large, heavy bronze belt sits neatly on his waist, mainly to hold up some baggy elk skin trousers. For shoes, some wild boar fur slip ins, which on the top bares a black button on each. He has some metal armour on his arms, going from his elbows, down to his fingers, on each arm. On the middle finger of his left armour bears a single encrusted Ruby, which he had found when he once went down into a mine.

Personality: Tumpsking, pronounced Tumpskin is a secretive dwarf that likes prying into others personal affairs. He would rather spy than get on with his own life. Apart from being nosey, he loves to drink. Anything from Ale to pure Rum would suit this dwarfs lifestyle. With all the drinking, he can get very tipsy and sink back to his small hut, in which he lives in, to sober up untill he is fully aware of himself, before going back down to a pub for another round. Tum's sentences are short and gruff. He would talk quickly, quietly and never stop to pause for air. Apart from his life as a 'alcoholic', he takes strolls into places which he would never normally wander to. For him, a  good walk clears the mind and steangthens the muscles. The only time Tump is happy is when surrounded by people, eaves dropping, but he does wish for some friends once in a while. It gets a little lonely living in a hut by himself.

History: His childhood is uknown by himself and others, since he was in a horrific accident containing a hammer to the head, which happend around the age of sixteen which made him loose all memory, and Tum had to be taught the main things about himself. A few years past after the accident, and Tumpsking learned the most important thing in his life: Drinking. His life consisted of that for a long time up untill this day, and the poor Dwarf now has no shoulder to cry on, so he streangthend himself to hide his feelings from the world, untill he has a fully formed friendship, which he thinks is highly unlikely.

Vocation: Bounty Hunter
Strengths: A strong will power, a good crafts man.
Weaknesses: He is very shy, which leads to making him lonely. Also, he has anger problems.
Extra: He likes eating. If you give him a platter of snails he would eat it. He is never fussy. I like cookies. Also, i am hoping to get hi involved some how. Maybe a meeting at the pub.

Code: [Select]
[color=blueviolet][size=11pt][font=Perpetua][b]Name:[/b] [i]Tumpsking Roswell (He preffers to be called, for short Tump or Tum)[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Around the age of 20 years, but he looks much older than he really is.[/i]
[b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i]
[b]Race/Breed:[/b] [i] Pure Dwarf[/i]
[b]Ability/Power/Skills:[/b] [i]He has no powers, but a Skill he has is being gifted at making good weaponry, such as bow and arrows out of bits and bobs he can find on the ground. A ability could be his will power. He would never look down to fights involving, ofcorse, the king.[/i]

[b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Tump is much shorter than other dwarfs, maybe the height of a average she-wolf on all fours. He is buff and broard, with hardly any neck or legs, just some large feet and thighs. He has droopy undereyes, large hazel eyes, over-large ears and a stumpy nose, which has a scar running down the left side. He has some bushy eye brows that stoop low onto his eyes. Tum's hair is a dark brown, specks of gray here and there, and could not be combed, because it is so tangled. A shaggy short beard, also containing gray hairs, and if looking carefuly, you would see broken pieces off combs stuck in there. Most of his body is bumpy with scars. As for his clothing, he wears a deer skin waist coat, lined with fur of a racoon. The waistcoat is a brown with freckled white spots, and contains many pockets, and the front has a few buttons sewn on. He wears over the waist coat a dark brown cape, also lined with racoon fur, which he ties around his neck. He wears on his head a mole skin night cap that is very creased, which he would only take off inside buildings. A large, heavy bronze belt sits neatly on his waist, mainly to hold up some baggy elk skin trousers. For shoes, some wild boar fur slip ins, which on the top bares a black button on each. He has some metal armour on his arms, going from his elbows, down to his fingers, on each arm. On the middle finger of his left armour bears a single encrusted Ruby, which he had found when he once went down into a mine.[/i]

[b]Personality:[/b] [i]Tumpsking, pronounced Tumpskin is a secretive dwarf that likes prying into others personal affairs. He would rather spy than get on with his own life. Apart from being nosey, he loves to drink. Anything from Ale to pure Rum would suit this dwarfs lifestyle. With all the drinking, he can get very tipsy and sink back to his small hut, in which he lives in, to sober up untill he is fully aware of himself, before going back down to a pub for another round. Tum's sentences are short and gruff. He would talk quickly, quietly and never stop to pause for air. Apart from his life as a 'alcoholic', he takes strolls into places which he would never normally wander to. For him, a  good walk clears the mind and steangthens the muscles. The only time Tump is happy is when surrounded by people, eaves dropping, but he does wish for some friends once in a while. It gets a little lonely living in a hut by himself.[/i]

[b]History:[/b] [i]His childhood is uknown by himself and others, since he was in a horrific accident containing a hammer to the head, which happend around the age of sixteen which made him loose all memory, and Tum had to be taught the main things about himself. A few years past after the accident, and Tumpsking learned the most important thing in his life: Drinking. His life consisted of that for a long time up untill this day, and the poor Dwarf now has no shoulder to cry on, so he streangthend himself to hide his feelings from the world, untill he has a fully formed friendship, which he thinks is highly unlikely.[/i]

[b]Vocation:[/b] [i]Bounty Hunter[/i]
[b]Strengths:[/b] [i]A strong will power, a good crafts man.[/i]
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] [i]He is very shy, which leads to making him lonely. Also, he has anger problems.[/i]
[b]Extra:[/b] [i]He likes eating. If you give him a platter of snails he would eat it. He is never fussy. I like cookies. Also, i am hoping to get hi involved some how. Maybe a meeting at the pub.[/i][/font][/size][/color]
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 09:37:58 am by *~*RainbowPass*~* »


Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #65 on: August 30, 2012, 04:17:40 pm »
((@Rainbow: OMGsh a Dwarf! Yes! This makes me happy, not many people RP dwarfs ;D
I also love everything about him! He is accepted...almost! The only thing I'm wondering you can change is the "cape" he wears. The "people wearing hoods" is quite more common than I thought, and I don't want to end up having the entire group wearing hoods so I'm now putting a limit on that ^.^'
Though if you like you don't have to get rid of the cape entirely, he could keep it but it just can't have the hood :3

@Caitlin: Oh, when you're finished with your form, could you please let me know and I'll go take a look at it? Thank you! ^.^

Going to wait and see if Calamity has anything to type before I go on~))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline LasVagas

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Accepting Members now on Hold)
« Reply #66 on: August 30, 2012, 04:43:32 pm »
((Thank you Kasta. Maybe he could have the cape, and not the hood but have one of those hats that people wear to bed. Sleeping hats, i think, but made out of mole skin. Would that be okay?))


Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Accepting Members now on Hold)
« Reply #67 on: August 30, 2012, 04:50:41 pm »
((Yes, that'll be completely fine :3))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: Land of Lynthia (Accepting Members now on Hold)
« Reply #68 on: August 30, 2012, 08:13:20 pm »

Katsa, this is pointless :\. Burt I just HAVE to say it :3.

Your signature.
It's awesomesauce :3

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Re: Land of Lynthia (Accepting Members now on Hold)
« Reply #69 on: August 30, 2012, 11:26:32 pm »
Vell, after more than a minute of indecisiveness, took in a deep breath and forced herself to stand up. It was a hesitant movement, slow and unsure, but one she felt compelled to do. With equally as reluctant steps she made her way over to the group of strange characters that she had been watching. Her eyes darted from one corner of the room to the next before gathering the courage to look straight at the group. Come on Vell, you want to do something different for a change. Just ask them. Vell made a small cough to signal her approach before speaking in a quiet voice.

"Uhm... I- couldn't help but notice..." She began, forcing herself to look at the hooded figure. She still couldn't tell anything about them, even from right up next to them. Vell brought her hand up to her opposite arm, rubbing it as if she was cold. It was simply out of nervousness though. She hated speaking to others. It wasn't necessarily that she was shy either, she didn't mind being around others; but when she opened her mouth, she tended to say things she instantly regretted. "That you..."

She noticed that she had begun gripping the room key that she still held in her other hand. God, why was this so difficult for her? Oh, come on! The talking wolf can speak better than I can. She took in a deep breath and opened her mouth, but was cut off by a loud thump, followed by the sounds of chickens, and a small crowd outside. A moment later, a disheveled elf walked into the inn. She watched him curiously, relaxing a bit with the momentary distraction. I wonder what that was about... Gah! I'm standing here like an idiot- just finish the sentence.

Vell coughed to clear her throat, her voice growing slightly steadier, "That you are looking for some... assistance. I-I could be useful, if you need a-anymore help." She waited for the reply from the hooded figure, her eyes darting over to the guy with the axe. She noticed how tense he looked, but couldn't put her finger on what she could compare the look to. What's got him on edge? Next she turned to what she had decided was a wolf, and not a dog. A faint red churned around him, signaling aggravation, or something of the like. This red informed her of two things. One, that the wolf was easily irritable, as she hadn't heard anything that would have been insulting to him. And two, that she could also read the emotion of animals.

She had never gotten a color of emotion from an animal before. It was always just a faint grey of neutrality, or another boring shade of nothing. Never before had she seen something so distinguishable as the red on the frame of the canine. It fascinated her, but she forced herself to look back to the hooded figure. She didn't want to stare like that. That would be rude and weird; not a very good first impression.


(I tweaked Vell's form a bit. Edited in the code too if you want to place it over the one on the character list ^^;)