Author Topic: ~.~The Cave of Dreams~.~  (Read 1179 times)


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~.~The Cave of Dreams~.~
« on: August 20, 2012, 12:30:41 am »
((This is a story, which is also a roleplay in the off-topic roleplay section. You can find it there if you'd like to join, but for now, this is the chapter book version of it. No, I am not advertising for it. I just thought some people might find the story version a bit more interesting. =3
Also, here are the characters. New characters will pop in around the story as we go.))

Terra - English Mastiff - Female - Leader - Mate is Kota - 4 years old

Kota - Doberman Pinscher - Male - Hunter - Terra - 3 years old

Takiq - Siberian Husky - Male - Hunter - Ivory (deceased) - 8 years old

Shira - Siberian Husky - Female - Hunter - None - 2 years old

Jack - Jack Russell Terrier - Male - Hunter - None - 1 year old

Blossom - Japanese Akita - Female - Healer - None - 1 year old


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Re: ~.~The Cave of Dreams~.~
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 12:47:33 am »
Ivory, Ivory, Ivory, why did you have to go? You are gone and all of our pups are gone as well. Am I a magnet to bad luck? the Siberian husky thought as he walked along the dense, tangling trails of the forest of Fallen Island. Even one bad move would mean grave danger.
         As Takiq turned around with his head looking behind his shoulders, he felt a dropping motion around him and he yelped in fear. He was falling off a small peak! He landed into the bushes below and felt a sharp pain in his front left leg. This enhanced his pain even more, causing him to howl with pain. Then without a warning, he grabbed onto a plant with his jaw and swallowed it suddenly.
        I wasn't supposed to do that!
        A terrible pain was soon in his stomach and he was on the brink of passing out. Calling for help, he let out a last howl for assistance.

After a while, Takiq woke up to see a white figure standing in front of him, but everything was blurry and dizzy and he couldn't see correctly. Fear froze his whole body as if he were made out of ice. "A-are you a ghost?" he whimpered. "Am I dead?"
    "No, silly! You're in my den." The voice was bright and cheerful, strangely familiar, but there was an uncertain edge to the female dog's tone in her voice. Was she afraid of something?
     Takiq looked confused, but he could not stand up because of the pain. He suddenly felt very embarrassed to be in a female's den. His vision cleared and he made out the figure; Blossom, the healer of the dog clan. "I'm sorry, Miss, but why am I in your den? I know I'm in pain, but I can take care of myself."
    "Takiq, you just don't understand," Blossom said with a sigh. "You broke your leg and you ate a poisonous plant that's called moon-claw. You will live for a month, but someone will have to find the cure because if someone doesn't give you the cure in time..." Blossom paused for a moment and the rest came out in a pained whine.
    "You will die."