Author Topic: Pendant 14+ :P  (Read 1306 times)

Offline LionHybrid

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Pendant 14+ :P
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:04:00 am »
Pendant Amari Houdini.
Gender; Female.
Parents; Adonis, Nazi.
Siblings; As far as she knows, she is the only child.
Personality; Evil, dark, cold, soulless, unforgiving, retched. [Anything, the evil part of you're mind can think of.]
Mate; Most likely none.
Offspring; She'd make a terrible parent.
Pack; Thinking of joining Red Ra}V{age.

CHAPTER 1; Forced Bonding.

It was one of those odd evenings of the late winter in the GreenLime Laboratory. A scientist named after Dr. Phillips III. He was very much known around the Haiku Village, he took dogs off the streets, and provided many samples, and animal testings. However, he had two special mutated mutts. One a dog, and one a wolf hybrid. He planned on breeding the two, and seeing the outcome of the mutts. Phillips approached the first cage, greeting the snarling, and mean wolf hybrid. He had a tarnished pelt, and German like markings. Phillips called him, Adonis. As he walked along, Adonis would attempt to break free, and kill the laughing scientist. Approaching the last cage, was the quivering dog. She was a silky creamy pelted female, her eyes blue as the ocean. Phillips called her Nazi. As he left the room, the two mutts had some time to chat, as they poked there muzzles through the bars. "Hey, what's you're name?" Spat the angry Adonis. His lips curled into a snarl, as he watched the Laboratory doors. "It's, Nazi.." The dog would pull back into her cage, rubbing her left front leg with the other. She peeled her head down, staring at the bottom of her cage. "Cool name, mine is Adonis." The hybrid would try to shake free, wondering what the female looked like. "Damn, I hate this wall that blocks the view from each other." He said, trying to flirt, but didn't go as he planned. "I suppose.." The dog whispered, as she would slowly retain her weary ness. "I'm a bit tired to chat, sorry Adonis." Nazi would roll her eyes slightly, looking the other direction from were his voice boomed. "Y'know, mister Science Face plans on breeding us." He would snicker, and sit down, half of his maw peeked outta the bars, as he would scent, and feel her emoticons. "What!" Nazi quickly un-curled herself from her comfortable ball. "What do you mean, breed us." She would would scramble to her fours, her nose shooved into the wall of which Adonis was behind. "Well, I overheard him saying he plans on breeding us, and doing something with the pups." Adonis shook his head, and placed his ear beside the wall, listening to her whisper. Nazi mumbled a few curse notes, and nearly began to whimper loudly. "I don't plan on getting any puppies at my age." She growled at Adonis, and her hackles raised in instinct. "Oh, don't fret. I promise it'd be quick, angel face." Adonis flung his head from the wall, in which Nazi was ramming into. "Don't call me that, fool." She would hiss from her teeth, as she continued to ram his cage from hers. "Hey stop that! We'll get caught!" Adonis would yell at her, he began to growl, and bark towards her direction. His cage nearly on the edge of the table. "Fine." Nazi would snap back, and flip around. Her back facing him. Phillips came running into the room, his mouth parted, and his eyes almost an angry red. "Whats going in here." Phillips would yell at the mutts, and race over to Adonis's cage, and quickly push him back onto the table. Adonis would attempt to bite his hand, and snarl in his face. "Oh, don't be like mutt." He would hit the cage with force, and vibrate Adonis slightly. "I'll get you one day, fool." Adonis would scream out to the scientist. Knowing, he couldn't understand what he said. "Shut it, Adonis, or I'll cancel you're plan." Phillips would snicker, and slam the doors. "Dam.." Adonis would huff, his chest expanding. "You alright angel face?" Adonis would coo, only to hear Nazi crying. "You alright?" He would rotate his ears forwards. "No, I am not all right.." She would whisper. "But, I think.. I am gonna take a nape as of now." Nazi would flop to the cold, metal ground of her cage. Attempting to make herself as warm as posible. "Okay." Adonis would do the same, but he was more worried about Nazi, then sleeping.

CHAPTER 2; Due Date.
"Todays the day, angel face." Adonis would bat his tail on the tin medal cage floor. "Hoorah.." Nazi would clinch her jaw, and say with as much sarcasm as she could muster out. Phillips had collected some leashes to put on the dogs. As he came calmly walking through the doors, adjusting the leashes. "You two ready?" Phillips voice was deep, and on edge. "Oh! Adonis, look at you behaving." Phillips would chuckle, and open his cage door, Adonis would sneer, and try to hold back the bite he had been waiting to do for so long. As he clipped the leash onto the wolves collar, he had slowly drug him out. "Wait here." Phillips would tie the leash near the door, as he grabbed a pink leash for the female. He approached Nazi's cage, and she grew nervous, her teeth slightly baring. "Oh, today you're stubborn the one, huh Nazi." Phillips would unlatch the cage door, and clip the leash onto her. "Come you two." He would untie Adonis, and walk them to a large cage, fit for two. Nazi would try to tug back, and fight it. But, Phillips was too strong, and finally she had given the fight up. Adonis chuckled, and tried to act as good as he could. Phillips finally approached the cage, and unclipped the leashes, shooving them both into the cage. "Now, I'll leave you two alone." He would sneer and exit the room. "Ready? Angel Face?" Adonis would sit down, awaiting her to speak. "I guess.." She would stand there, her bodice shivering. "Alright!" Adonis flew up, and did what he needed too.

CHAPTER 3 BirthDate.
The pregnanted Nazi would flop to her side, Adonis nuzzling her. "You alright, Nazi?" Adonis would cock his head to the side, his orange eyes slithered onto her belly. "Well, it's not as big, and painful as I thought." Nazi would giggle, and swish her tail to the side. They both licked, and kissed each other. "Just think about it, months ago, you hated me." Adonis would chuckle, and watch Nazi as her lips pulled back into a smile. "Ya, I guess." Nazi would lick under his chin, and a painful jolt shot from her hips. "Ow!" She would squeal. "What what?!" Adonis freaked out, and he flew up. "I think its coming!" Nazi looked down, at her tail, and she tensed. Adonis whimpered, and he couldn't very well do much about it. "Nazi, hold on!" Adonis started to howl, hoping to draw attention. Luckily, Phillips came racing in, and crouching down, staring at the pained Nazi. "It's alright, girl." He smiled, and took her out of the cage, and put her in another room. Adonis was left alone, and he wasn't sure if she was ok, or not. He paced around the cage for hours, until he heard small little howls, and Nazi's howl as well. "Weird, I would of have thought there was gonna be more little howls." He paused, and sat down. Staring at the door were Nazi was. After two long hours of pacing, and waiting. Phillips had came through the door, holding a small brownish cream-ish bundle. "Look boy, we only got one pup.." Phillips said disappointed, and Adonis smiled, and tried to lick the pup through the cage. "Its beautiful.." Adonis thought, his eyes sparkled. "It's a girl." Phillips would pat the well behaved Adonis, and return back into the room, of which Nazi, and there pup was. "Wait.." Adonis smile would wipe clean from his maw. "I wasn't finished.." He would whisper, and look down. Then, a spark of luck came to him, Nazi, and the newborn returned into the same cage as him. "You're back!" Adonis beated his tail side to side. "Yup!" Nazi mumbled, with the bundle of fluff in her maw. "Shes beautiful." Adonis's eyes would follow the pup, as Nazi placed her down. "Of course, Phillip wanted to call her Pendant." She whispered, singing to the pup. "Oh.." Adonis would coo, and lay down, finally relax besides her. "Were one big happy family." Nazi would smile, and lay down, tired of the day. "Agreed." Adonis never felt so happy in his boring life. "Agreed.." He repeated, and closed his eyes. "Night Nazi, good night baby Pendant." Adonis would wrap around them.