Author Topic: About the Custom Maps  (Read 1405 times)

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About the Custom Maps
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:01:54 pm »
Okay, so, you knows those roleplays with custom maps? One thing I notice is most people have a 'black' list, due to trolls and problem causing people joining the rp, getting the map, and then sitting and doing nothing but powerplay and argue? Usually people can only block them and hope they leave, but what happens when these people start their own rps and drag other unwanted people into the map? The leader ends up putting a password on the link, months later when they take it off more people continue appearing. Ive been thinking, and an idea has done nothing but bother me the last few days.

What if, in Map Maker, there was a box where you could type a username (or several). The people with those user name/s would be in control of the map. Now, I don't mean ultimate power, red name, HAHA I will ban your account forever!control, I mean they could block users from the map if need be. Perhaps like the block button, but it only shows when you are in the map and says 'Block [insertusernamehere] from map'. Said user would no longer be able to enter that private map, or no one else in that map could see them.

 My train of thought is that, if they made the map, or the map was made for them, shouldn't they be able to make someone leave if that person is causing trouble? I know you can report people if they are being vulgar, but what if they aren't, but are still dragging power-players, Godmodders, etc into a map that was made for a specific roleplay? What do you guys think?

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Re: About the Custom Maps
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 05:21:55 pm »
This has been brought up many times with various ideas of how they want this to be done.

But in the end there's just one person who can make the changes to the game so the custom map will work in a certain manner, and since this is the case, it doesn't help that there's no solid way of how it would be done.

The conclusion of from discussions in the past regarding custom maps, is that we'd most likely introduce a new type of issue in which the roleplay creator or map creator simply can throw members out if they do not feel like a roleplay is going their way, pretty much encouraging less tolerance towards each other, and even though the map itself might be made by the map creator, the map is still on the FeralHeart server itself. We'd replace old issues with new ones and personally I wonder if there's any better solution how to sort the control of custom maps.

Suggestions like the creator of the map having control like kicking users out of the map would clearly be abused, but not to mention the complexity of making such a thing in which the creator gets certain powers within their map only like kicks, blocks and bans. There's plenty of work needed, and I don't think something like that will be done.

When it comes to your idea at hand, having a "Private map" function that lets you add exactly those who you wish to invite is actually not a bad idea at all, and if it existed many things could be avoided, but the issue at hand when it comes to users interrupting roleplays, powerplaying or trolling in private maps would be far from gone.

The reason for this is that you wouldn't be able to edit this list on the go which would be very important, and instead need to re-export the map. Which means that they'd still have the old map, you'd still need to send the map around to everyone else, and if someone else started to do it, you'd have to do it all over again.

So on that part it wouldn't work any differently than it does now, but the idea is in the right direction I believe.

But in general it has always been the map creators own responsibility of who gets into the map, and once someone got the hand of the download, you cannot really force them out of the map.

Maybe the list of users for a private map would be possible, but I'm not sure how hard it would be to make and if any time will be put into it.
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