Author Topic: FeralHeart from a Kitten's perspective...  (Read 3733 times)

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FeralHeart from a Kitten's perspective...
« on: February 16, 2011, 01:49:38 am »
   Alright, so I guess I'll start out with the community. Yes, I know you've heard it from many people, it sucks.
There are a looot more less literate people playing the game though. I'm okay with it, its just that most of them seem to be a whole lot ruder and more annoying than the literate people. I think that the main problem is the lack of space for all of these new people though. There were plenty of less literate people in IT, but we all had plenty of space with dimensions, a huge variety of maps, and things to occupy us other than chatting and RP. I know that you staff have been saying that Kov will be adding some other things to get us involved in the game, and hopefully some more ingame maps will be added soon. It would also be wonderful to eventually see dimensions back. I'm sure once we're all spread out more, things will start to resemble the way they were in IT. At least I hope.
  A lot of people are also complaining about the 'raping' that has been going on around the community. I admit, I've messed around with my friends and stuff, but I don't just go around buttswinging in other people's space. Some people just take it too far, and although the block button always works, there are so many of them out there, and I honestly don't want to have to block somebody every time I log in. I'm not sure what exactly you could do to fix this problem myself, though.
  The new groups are pretty nice. I really like the concept you're getting at, but I think they need a bit of work. Ranks that you can name, order, and assign to people would be amazing for prides. Perhaps you could be able to assign other group members as 'admins' to be able to add people to your group, too. Because if a roleplay really takes off, its a little difficult for one person to add all of the new people who are asking to join xD Finally, the group listing @.@ Its quite chaotic. At least put the groups in alphabetical order? It might help things for now, but if that list grows exceedingly long you might want to consider other options x). Yeah, I think that about wraps it up for groups.
  The new chatbox is also a little confusing, considering that general, local, and all of the actions are all in one box. I like the feature of the chat filter, though. A lot x) I think that considering adding an option to disable all the 'Whoever has arrived' and all that would be wonderful. Its basically pointless, since so many people log on and off that you can't even keep track.
   I just have to say that I love the mapmaker! Its really easy to make maps now! C: Same with the preset maker. I love the way the presets are organized now. And with the custom objects, we'll be able to add things we could never had added in IT, so that opens up for a really unique mapmaking experience.
   I also looooooove the moviemaker. This is probably one of my favorite add-ons from IT. My only issue is, though, that I'd like to be able to create some running scenes, since I'm wanting to make perhaps a pretty long video. Heck, maybe even a whole series just made on FH. How cool would that be? Still, just seeing a still character change facial expressions and talk through the whole video without moving isn't very fun. I'm not sure if you were planning on updating that or not, but just sayin. ^^'

   I covered as much as I could here. Hopefully my feedback is helpful in some way x)

 *** Oh right, how could I forget. There's one more thing about the community that I forgot to touch up. Mature audiences only please.

Now, I know I talked about the rape, but this is a little different. It seems that all of those sick people on WolfQuest that seemed to be addicted to virtual sex have moved to FH. I see ads all the time in bonfire of people looking to 'mate' and 'have fun'. This is much different than in IT, when that stuff was reserved for groups of more mature friends just goofing off. In IT, I hardly ever saw people being serious with that kind of stuff. I don't mean to compare, but its the truth.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 01:58:12 am by Kitteh »


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Re: FeralHeart from a Kitten's perspective...
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2011, 05:41:55 am »
Pssst, you can turn the "Blahblahblah has arrived/left/disconnected" off.
Just press that ever beautiful ESC key, open up "Options", scroll down to "Arrival Chat Name Type" and select "Don't Show"

That aside, I agree with a lot of what you're saying here.
My friend got "raped" while we were RPing in the Temple of Dreams. I thought it was hilarious at first, but after a while... Yeah.
It's one thing screwing around with your friends, but molesting strangers is another. XD Sort of rude.
Hopefully after a few months, everyone will calm down and it'll be mostly mature people again.

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Re: FeralHeart from a Kitten's perspective...
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 09:30:19 pm »
Gilbert, you just saved my life XD

&& yeah, FH is still in beta form so I guess any game in beta form is kinda... chaotic X)
Still. Another thing that bothers me is people complaining about how much "FH sucks!" and stuff when they were urging Kov to get the game out asap. I mean of course its not going to be perfect the first time around >.>

Er, anyways, I'm done ranting xD


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Re: FeralHeart from a Kitten's perspective...
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2011, 09:00:48 am »
Yes. I know.
I am a hero. Praise me.

That's what I keep telling my friends whenever they complain about FH.  That it's still being improved.
Things will only get better from here. I'm going to stick with it, and I can't wait to see the great places it will go. c: