Author Topic: The Arena  (Read 1445 times)

Offline zoey419

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The Arena
« on: September 02, 2012, 07:34:25 pm »
Another fight RP?! Yes, yes I know, it's a bit unoriginal, but this is your typical Ficho Tunnel, sit in a circle and wait 'till you can say "-grabs throat shakes and throws you. killing you-". This is a fight for honor, pride and the safety of your life.

OOC Rules:
1. You may NOT kill anothers persons character, outside or in battle. You must get permission from the person roleplaying the character.
2. Powerplaying, godmodding, mary-sues, or anything of the like will NOT be tolerated. If you do it once, I will give you a warning. Do it again, I will kick you from the group.
3. This is a LITERATE rp, with UNREALISTIC COLORED characters. Literate, meaning you must have correct grammar, punctuation, etc. and have a post length of at least 3 sentences. Unrealistic meaning, your character can be any color you want, but no neon colored characters, mkay?
4. This list of rules, the 'OOC Rules, must NEVER be broken!
5. No powers! AT ALL! They great for some RPs, but not this one.

Fight Rules:
1. A fighter under the age of one year cannot fight someone older than one year in the arena. They must receive training from an older and more experienced battler until they are of age.
2. The Host picks a 'style' of fighting, the number of Fighters in one fight, and counts down the fight for them. They may not fight until the Host has counted to one.
3. You may not kill (unless you've spoken to the Host and the 'victim' beforehand) and you may only stop when the Host commands it or the opponent surrenders.
4. Follow the style. If you are told to fight in a certain style, DO IT!

Styles of Fighting


Tooth and claw fight- A fight between two fighters that do not have special powers. May also mean two fighters that have powers but cannot use them for a change of pace. Considered the normal and most honorable fight, where 'Dirty-fighting' can be considered its opposite. Best for the fighters that have more brawn.

Dirty-fighting- A fight that depends on stealth and your abilty to avoid or even predict your opponents hits. It combines dodging, tripping, and lunges at the neck and stomach. Fighters who master this style often use their surroundings to their advantage, making them quite sneaky and diffucult to beat. Considered the less honorable of the two 'One-on-one' styles because it depends more on being clever and less on having strength.

Group fights:

Team battle- Two teams of fighters are selected, and the two teams fight against each other until one team gives in or is defeated.

Free-for-all- A select few fighters are put into the arena and the fight goes on until the last fighter stands.

Dog-baiting- Usually used as a punishment for losing or breaking one of the rules. A fighter is restrained to one spot in the arena while 2 to 4 other fighters are set on him. They keep on until the restrained is fatally injured, or at worst times, dead.


The Hosts (only 2 per pack)
The Hosts are the people who enforce order around the arena, choose who goes against who, the style, amount of time in the arena, and basically runs the place. The Host may or may not be a retired champion fighter. A Host may not be a Medic of Trainee. Hosts must never play favorites and must always think for the better of the pack. When a Host dies, whether it be by natural or unnatural causes, a new Host must be chosen by the pack.

The Medics (only 2 Medics per pack)
The Medics are extremely important to the arena. They have a vast knowledge in the area of herbs and use their skill for the benefit of others. Medics however, may not train pups in the way of fighting, or become involved in ANY SORT OF VIOLENCE. They can not become Hosts or Fighters after they've chosen to be a Medic. Medics must be honest, healing anyone who needs and wants it. If a Medic die, whether it be by natural or unnatural causes, a new Medic must be chosen by the remaining Medic.

The Fighters:
.. Pretty self explanatory.. They are put in the arena and made to fight against each other. They must listen to the Host and follow the rules. They may go to the Medic if they are injured, though they may heal themselves if they wish.

The Trainers:
They train the next generation to fight, or heal, and to survive. They are most often retired, Hosts, Fighters, or Medics.

The Trainees:
The next generation. They are trained to fight, or heal and to survive.


Name: (Your real name or fight name)
Gender: (guy or girl?)
Age: (How old are you?)
Species: (What kind of wolf?)
Requested rank: (Host, Judge, Medic, Trainer, Fighter, Trainee)
Personality: (who are you? x3)
History: (How'd you end up here with all the crazies? ^.^)
Appearance: (Pic or description.)
Roleplay Sample:

We are known as The Aruine Pack in-game. We are mapped, unrealistically colored (no neons though), realistically Roleplayed, active, and strictly literate. Hope to see you soon!

PLEASE NOTE! This was heavily inspired by FusedHearts Arena RP! The download sadly didn't work for me so I decieded to use the idea and create my own Arena RP. Also note, I do NOT own the map, I am not that talented. x.x
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 02:39:04 pm by Awesome&Cooler »