Author Topic: ? The Powers of Ssidere ? (PM comments to me! WIP)  (Read 1722 times)

Offline LuinLasse

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? The Powers of Ssidere ? (PM comments to me! WIP)
« on: September 03, 2012, 01:38:35 am »
Greetings, my fellow literature-interested-person!
*cough I'm stupid cough*

Please sit back and try to enjoy this relatively short story.

Please, do not say I copied or did anything; this is a story entirely thought of in my mind and my mind alone. So if it seems like another plot from someone else' ideas..... just save that comment for somewhere else. I haven't got the time to read everything.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 11:08:03 pm by .:Luinara:. »

Offline LuinLasse

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Re: ? The Powers of Ssidere ? (No Comments Yet! WIP)
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2012, 01:38:57 am »
I have the plotline in my head, but I'm mostly writing this as I go. Please bear with me...

"Where are we going, Momma?"
The woman holding Rayiss's small, chubby hand made no reply. Her face was hidden behind a curtain of brown hair, but a few tears could be seen glittering along her cheeks.
Rayiss lifted her dark green eyes from her mother's face and looked around. They were walking at a fast clip down a seemingly abandoned street. Tall, dark buildings loomed overhead on either side, glistening in the moonlit rain that pelted down in the night. Rayiss shuddered and mewled a bit, her green eyes confused and frightened.
"Here, my love... Listen to me." Her mother had knelt down suddenly and clasped Rayiss's tiny hands in her own. "You must be strong. Never give up. Just keep going... I love you..." Her words seemed strained as they whispered through her lips. She leaned down and kissed Rayiss's forehead.
Rayiss now felt her eyes well with tears. She didn't know what was going on; she was just a bewildered little girl holding her parent's hand. "Momma...."
A pair of tall men strode out of the shadows, cloaked in dark coats and hoods. "This her?" one asked.
Rayiss had no time to scream for her mother before she was grabbed by the men and carried away. She felt a cloth against her chubby face, and just before she faded off, she caught a glimpse of her mother far off down the street, head bowed.

That night came back in a flash when Rayiss awoke, her eyes snapping open. Groaning, she sat up and tried to lift a hand to her head. What...what's this? she wondered when she discovered a series of slender tubes connected to her forearm. They clicked together when she shifted.
Looking around, she spoke. "Hello...?"
Her voice was raspy. It cracked from disuse. Clearing her throat with a painful cough, she tried again. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
She was strapped loosely onto a table in a dimly lit room. The walls were a solid white, and the floor was light gray. Everything was spotless; though that everything only included the table she was on and the lamp that flickered dully nearby. The door was tall and thin with no window, just a plain white door.
When nothing happened, Rayiss leaned back on the table and breathed out, trying to straighten her thoughts.
Where am I? What happened? Why... Why am I here?
Nothing else was in her head other than those questions and the memory of when she'd been left by her mother. Her mother.... It seemed so long ago when she'd last seen her.

An abrupt opening of the door triggered a quiet scream from Rayiss. A few of the tubes on her body fell off and hung limply from the place they came out of the wall behind her.
"Hello, Rayiss Ssidere," the man who'd walked in said. His face was covered with a white mask with no apparent slits for eyes or breathing. A pure white coat covered his body.
Ssidere.... "Is that my name?" she asked aloud.
After a loud chuckle, the man replied, "No. It is what you are, Rayiss. You're a Ssidere."
A what?! The inquiry exploded into her mind. What on earth was a Ssidere?
As if reading her thoughts, the man with the white mask explained. "A Ssidere is a being who has the ability to adapt to any environment, mindset, or physical feat. Anyone could come along and quickly teach you how to do anything they wanted, and you would form to it. For example, you could simply reach your mind out to an Olympic swimmer and gain all of his or her swimming abilities. Though, you cannot keep changing and gaining different abilities this way. Your body can only handle so much." He motioned to her delicate-looking figure. "You are one of the rare ones; a female."
Rayiss looked down at herself. She was clothed in a thin gown with a button-up front. They made a pattern all the way up to her throat, but Rayiss paused when she stared her her chest. Wait... WHAT?!
She was set into a state of shock when she saw how she'd changed. She had a very pretty figure, not the childish roundness she had before. She was definitely 'womanly'.
"H-how long have I been here?" she asked, eyes wide and her entire body trembling.
"Exactly thirteen years."

« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 02:33:19 am by .:Luinara:. »

Offline LuinLasse

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Re: ? The Powers of Ssidere ? (No Comments Yet! WIP)
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2012, 01:39:08 am »
"Th-th-thirteen years?" Rayiss didn't know what to think. How could a human be kept alive for that long and not know a thing of her past? "Y-you mean... you mean I've been... asleep this whole time?" she asked the man, finding it hard to place her words.
"Yes," he stated flatly, now losing his patient tone. "You've been kept alive by the advanced medical science of our Team, right until now, which is the age where your powers truly emerge. You, my young Ssidere, will be assigned a Keeper. He will care for you while you are, let's say, put to work."
Rayiss tilted her head and was about to ask another question when she felt a sudden numbness in her right arm where one of the tubes was needled in. She fought to keep her eyes open, but she lost the battle and was sent into a spiral of darkness.

"Uuunnggghh...." Rayiss rubbed her head - wait.. she rubbed her head! There were no more tubes attached to her and she wasn't lying on an uncomfortable table! She snapped open her eyes and looked around, a sudden thrill coursing through her. But it was extinguished when she realized she was in a tiny, dark gray room with no windows and just a small bed in the corner, upon which she was resting. The light came from a round bulb in the ceiling with a short string dangling from it.
As if she'd been taking a short nap and not been sleeping for thirteen years, Rayiss leaped up and ran to the door that stood opposite of her. "Hey! Anyone out there?!" she shouted helplessly. Being out for that long leaves one's mind a little... muddled.
A swift click and rumbling noise startled the girl. She stepped back, hands clasped together in front of her chest and tears brimming in her eyes. She felt so afraid and confused.
The door slid open slowly, but Rayiss made no move towards it. Something held her there, and she literally had no control of her muscles for the moment.
Two people walked in; one was a tall man, much like the one who'd explained stuff before, and another was slightly shorter, but he looked to be clothed in normal things.
"Good afternoon, Rayiss," the tall man greeted. He closed the door behind them and crossed his arms over his chest. "I expect the Doctor explained all of this to you?"
Rayiss felt herself give a small nod, though she didn't consciously make the choice to.
"Good. This is your Keeper." The man motioned to his companion, who stepped forward.
"Hey-" He paused and cleared his throat, glancing a little nervously up at the taller man. "Hello, Miss Rayiss. I am Jaylin Grey, your assigned Keeper." He bowed briefly before stepping back, meeting Rayiss's deep green gaze with his own blue eyes. A silence ensued, but suddenly the tall man spoke.
"I will leave the two of you now. Mr. Grey, you are to be her mentor, as you are well aware. Teach her well." He gave Jaylin a severe glare, eyes dark, before turning and exiting the small room through the door. It slammed behind him.

Rayiss was released from the strange frozen state and fell back onto her bed. She leaned against the wall and drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them. Her eyes searched the floor awkwardly.
"Ahem. Rayiss- can I call you Ray? You're in the Housing District of our Factory. This room...." He stopped to glance around. "Is your home."
"Home?" Rayiss thought the word sounded odd. "Mr. Grey, why am I here?"
Jaylin held up a hand. "Just call me Jay." After a heartbeat of quiet, he continued. "You, as you know, are a Ssidere. Your powers are basically endless, and a bounty of energy is within you." He was reciting the long-practiced introductory that he'd prepared for this moment. "Since... since your kind is considered dangerous to humans... Ahem... You are to be living here, providing your strength for the good of all."
Rayiss lifted a brow, trying to remain outwardly stable. "The good of all? Providing my strength?"
"Uh..." Jaylin stared at her for a moment, seeming at a loss for words. "To make a long story short, you will be giving your energy to produce electricity for humans.... I mean, that's the basics."
Rayiss suppressed a cough of surprise. "Me?" What on earth could she do to produce electricity?
"That information is to be kept secret," Jaylin said as if reading her mind. "You will assume your position tomorrow morning for the Extracting. But don't worry. I'll be there to help." He lifted his hand again quickly. "I gotta go, so... see you tomorrow morning, I guess. Oh, and your meal will be here shortly."
With that, Jaylin left and could be heard locking the door and walking off down the corridor.
"Extracting?" Rayiss played the word around her tongue. An ominous feeling settled in the pit of her stomach at the thoughts she conjured up.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 09:25:32 pm by .:Luinara:. »

Offline LuinLasse

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Re: ? The Powers of Ssidere ? (No Comments Yet! WIP)
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2012, 09:26:09 pm »
Reserved for story writing~

Offline LuinLasse

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Re: ? The Powers of Ssidere ? (No Comments Yet! WIP)
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2012, 09:26:17 pm »
Reserved for story writing~

Offline LuinLasse

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Re: ? The Powers of Ssidere ? (No Comments Yet! WIP)
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2012, 09:26:25 pm »
Reserved for story writing~