Author Topic: ? An'acho ? ? The Elder Society ? --Now Open, Please Consider Joining!--  (Read 1503 times)

Offline Karakuri

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History of the Tai'pol...

      They say there lives a society of wolves...deep in the forests of An'acho, where few dare to venture. Unlike most wolf packs, who toiled with day to day life just to find food and fight off predators, the wolves of this pack pursue knowledge, and are closely human-like in nature. While not standing on two legs, they are rumored to have abilities such as writing, crafting, drawing, and other such arts. It is a mostly peaceful place, since they rarely venture from their sanctuary to meddle with the affairs of others of their species, except for small pilgrim groups, or a lone traveler. But lately...trouble in the form of prophecy has stirred up the society, striking fear in the hearts of many, and a grim determination in others. How much longer will the Elder Society last? Their fate is in your capable paws, young Tai'pol.

An'acho's Lands...

    The land of An'acho is a small, island nation, mostly covered in forests and streams, with beaches around the edges. However, there are a few regions you must come to know of:

  • Nemu Village: Located in the middle of An'acho, Nemu Village is where most of the Tai'pol live, and is the only "town" on the island. Rather small, but it also contains the shops and most of the places where the Tai'pol work and gather, as well.

  • The Scar: Considered haunted by most of the Tai'pol, "The Scar" is a burnt stretch of ground. This is a reminder of a massive fire that blazed along this region of the island long ago. Full Moon Laboratories is located here.

  • Full Moon Laboratories: This is where many scientists work, figuring out things to make the life of the Tai'pol better, and assuaging their own curiosities. Full Moon Laboratories is also where Project ?MA? and other projects are held. It is located on the Eastern side of the island, inside The Scar.

  • Moonlit Pool: More of a...romantic point on the island, this is just a small, clear, shallow pool on the Northern point of the island that is away from the views of the prying Tai'pol.

  • House of Ancients: The House of Ancients is sort of like a shrine on the Northern part of Nemu Village, dedicated to the Tai'pol's two divinities, Levia and Behemo.

  • Courthouse: As the name says, this is where the Monarch and the Council create laws and judge the crimes of the accused. Also located in Nemu Village.

    --Map Coming Soon!--

    Government and Religion...

        The government of the Tai'pol consists of a family of monarchs, and a small Parliament under it which is elected by the citizens. The monarchs rule by divine right, but their laws are monitored carefully by the Parliament. It is a unitary government, meaning that this is the only branch of law in the society, and they are responsible for keeping the order. The citizens of Tai'pol also enjoy the free enterprise system, which means they get to run their own businesses without much restraint from the government. Their currency is a small bronze coin called an Udeli.

         The religion of these wolves differ from their brethren in the fact that besides a small respect for ancestors, they don't view them as gods or anything. While different religious views are accepted, the main religion on the island is Levian, which involves the "Twin Dragon Siblings", Levia and Behemo. Levia is often the Elder Sibling, a white female dragon who is capricious and childish, but will defend her people. Behemo is the younger black dragon, calm, stern, and fair.  

    Laws and Rules...

    Rules for the RP:

    • No Godmodding, Powerplaying, or General Mary Sues: I will not accept you if your wolf is perfect, overpowered, or unbeatable in any way. Godmodding, Powerplaying, and Sues are a pet peeve of mine, and I will not stand for them being in my rp. Also, when fighting, if you do, then don't just one-hit kill someone, dodge all attacks, and have all of your attacks hit. Unless you're fighting, say, a pup, or you're a pup fighting an adult, both sides would sustain injuries. Also, don't tell me your wolf is 'pretty', 'hot', 'sexy', 'beautiful', or the like. TELL me what they look like!

    • Please be Literate: Another peeve of mine is literacy. Please don't traipse in here with bad grammar, text talk, and the like. I understand mistakes sometimes, but seriously?

    • Ask me if you want to start something big: Want to have another project pertaining to the prophecy, or another that's sort of outlandish? PM me and I'll see if it's good for this rp. Want to start a revolution? Great. Just PM me on here, and if you can get people to follow along, then more power to you! I'm open to ideas, just ask!

    • Keep secret things secret: Honestly, this should just be common sense, but it doesn't seem to be on Feral Heart. If you're starting a revolution, working in a black market, or have a secret lover you're not supposed to have...don't advertise it on General! It's more fun to have someone walk in on it, or spy on it on accident, than it is for EVERYONE to see it coming!

    • Follow the Lore: Please just do that for me? Follow all of the stuff I worked so hard to create?

    • Romance and Gore: I'd like for people to be a little more mature in this rp. The romance thing falls along with the "Keeping Secrets Secret" rule. If both of you want to get all freaky with it, go off somewhere on the map and keep it in whisper or local. Otherwise, we probably don't want to hear it! As for gore, there might be blood in this rp, and can get pretty graphic, so I'd like this rp cast to be mature about it.

    • Activity: I understand school, extracurriculars, homework, groundings, and the like, but honestly, if you're in this rp, please try to make an effort to be on it pretty often!

    • Character Count: While in-game, this will not be held under a singular group, instead, if you have a separate group to make (ask me first!) that pertains to my rp, then you'll make the group, and you'll be able to find the map link here. So character count is unlimited, as long as you make their forms on here, and you don't go nuts with it.

      Laws for the Society:

    • Do not kill another wolf unless you can prove it was in self defense: While usually penalized by execution, higher officials can get away with paying a lofty fine.

    • Do not steal: This is usually penalized with a moderate fine, judging on the severity.

      If you have more laws you'd like me to add, just tell me!

      Terms for the RP...

      • An'acho: The name of the island.

      • Tai'pol: How the wolves of An'acho refer to themselves.

      • Project MA: MA is short for "Mem Aleph", or "Mother of the Gods". This is the name of the project run by Seth TwiRight in order to fulfill the prophecy. So far, no results have been successful for this research team.

      • The Prophecy: The prophecy states that An'acho will fall into darkness if the "Twin Gods" are not reborn. This is gotten several professions, such as scholars, priests, scientists, and politicians vying for the solution, since these young gods would be under their influence, and the current monarch has stated that if someone is able to resurrect them, then they will gain the position of monarch. There are also a few people doing this out of the good of their hearts, since they don't want to fall under darkness.

        Character Forms...

        Name: [first and last]
        Username: [Both in-game and forums, if a difference exists]
        Age: [Wolf years]
        Gender: [Male or Female]
        Species: [Everyone will put 'Tai'pol' until we have the Twin Gods born]
        Occupation: [This can be anything from a scientist to a blacksmith!]
        Looks: [Please be Descriptive in this, and include any accessories.!]
        Personality: [Yet again, give them little quirks and flaws!]
        What the Public Says: [Don't tell us their whole life story here, just some things we can gossip about!]
        Family: [This includes any immediate family, as well as mates or children]
        Love Interests: [If you have a crush on someone, or are just seeing them, and aren't officially mates, it goes here!]
        History: [This is optional]
        RP Sample: [Just a small one, if you'd like, around 3-4 sentences!]
        Other: [Have anything else you wanna tell us? Put it here!]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 07:04:19 pm by Karakuri »
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

Offline Karakuri

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Member Count:

The Royal Family:

  • King:

  • Queen:

  • Princes:

  • Princesses:


    The Parliament:



    • Seth TwiRight (3 Years): is a lanky younger wolf, with pale brown fur and a dull white underbelly and nearly colorless blue eyes behind a pair of glasses. He is often seen smirking or frowning, and has long legs. Seth has a small kink in his tail from a lab accident when he was younger, and his voice is quiet, with a slight snap at the end of it, always. He keeps his fur well groomed, but it can sometimes be messy due to him working so hard on his experiments. Mr.TwiRight has two faces; his public face is a polite, if not scatterbrained young brute that has a soft stutter in his voice, and seems to have the best interests of the pack in mind. Inside the lab...he is quite mad. The stutter leaves his voice, and the volume raises. He is prone to talk to himself, and is less polite than usual, especially if you interrupt his thought process. He's not immoral, and doesn't do bad things just to be evil, but rather amoral. He's willing to put aside morality for the sake of his experiments. Seth is rather fond of any kind of fish, and hates the taste of mouse. He is the Scientist in charge of Project MA, and has no mate. His twin brother is Pale. {Karakuri}


      Criminal Organizations:

      ~Levian Circle~

      • Leader:
         Pale TwiRight (3 Years): As his brother's identical twin, Pale has the same light brown fur and dull white underbelly, with the same colorless blue eyes. However, Pale is slightly more muscled, and doesn't wear glasses, and can often be seen with a jovial grin on his face. His voice is quiet like Seth's. Kinder than his occupation suggests, and a lot nicer than the rumors have him be, Pale is working towards resurrecting Levia and Behemo for everyone's good with a rogue team of researchers that don't work in the lab. He is unhappy with the state of politics in An'acho, and while a gentleman, he is also a criminal, and won't stoop below theft, murder, and the like to reach this 'better government'. He knows his brother is the preferred figure in society, but doesn't care, honestly. His followers, who share the same vision as him mostly, look up to him as the leader, and he tries to lead them fairly. Pale likes elk and deer, but says that fish stink. Leader of the Levian Circle with no mate. His brother is Seth. {Karakuri}

      • Second in Command:

      • Inner Circle:

      • Spies:

      • Brutes:

      • Grunts:

« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 07:44:29 pm by Karakuri »
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

Offline Karakuri

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[This is now open to join, everyone! Please start on your forms while I'm creating my own!]
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

Offline Karakuri

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Re: ? An'acho ? ? The Elder Society ? --Now Open, Please Consider Joining!--
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 07:34:32 pm »
Name: Seth TwiRight
Username: Karakuri, both in-game and forums-wise
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Species: Tai'pol
Occupation: The Scientist over Project "MA"
Looks: Seth TwiRight is a lanky younger wolf, with pale brown fur and a dull white underbelly and nearly colorless blue eyes behind a pair of glasses. He is often seen smirking or frowning, and has long legs. Seth has a small kink in his tail from a lab accident when he was younger, and his voice is quiet, with a slight snap at the end of it, always. He keeps his fur well groomed, but it can sometimes be messy due to him working so hard on his experiments.
Personality: Mr.TwiRight has two faces; his public face is a polite, if not scatterbrained young brute that has a soft stutter in his voice, and seems to have the best interests of the pack in mind. Inside the lab...he is quite mad. The stutter leaves his voice, and the volume raises. He is prone to talk to himself, and is less polite than usual, especially if you interrupt his thought process. He's not immoral, and doesn't do bad things just to be evil, but rather amoral. He's willing to put aside morality for the sake of his experiments. Seth is rather fond of any kind of fish, and hates the taste of mouse.
What the Public Says: "That brute...he's rather shy, isn't he?" "Yes, a model citizen, and working so hard to revive the village, too!" "But his brother's a rather odd character, isn't he?" "Well, I suppose there's a laggard in every bunch. You've heard the archetype of the bad twin, haven't you?"
Family: His parents, Adam and Maria, have passed on quite some time ago, but his twin brother, Pale, is still alive.
Love Interests: "You're joking, right? I don't have time to fool around with faes with work to be done!"
History: N/A
RP Sample:

Name: Pale TwiRight
Username: Karakuri in both
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Species: Tai'pol
Occupation: He does a lot of odd jobs, but secretly leads the Levian Circle
Looks: As his brother's identical twin, Pale has the same light brown fur and dull white underbelly, with the same colorless blue eyes. However, Pale is slightly more muscled, and doesn't wear glasses, and can often be seen with a jovial grin on his face. His voice is quite like Seth's.
Personality: Kinder than his occupation suggests, and a lot nicer than the rumors have him be, Pale is working towards resurrecting Levia and Behemo for everyone's good with a rogue team of researchers that don't work in the lab. He is unhappy with the state of politics in An'acho, and while a gentleman, he is also a criminal, and won't stoop below theft, murder, and the like to reach this 'better government'. He knows his brother is the preferred figure in society, but doesn't care, honestly. His followers, who share the same vision as him mostly, look up to him as the leader, and he tries to lead them fairly. Pale likes elk and deer, but says that fish stink.
What the Public Says: "That did he turn into such a bad seed? His brother has a respectable job, and he'll only work for a few days at a time, then laze about for a spell." "I wonder why he is always covered in scratches and'd think he's a part of gang activity, by the sight of him!" "I doubt it, I'm sure his brother would keep him in line."
Family: His parents passed away quite some time ago, and he lives with his brother, Seth.
Love Interests: "Ha! Think a fae can tie me down? I'd like to see one try!"
History: N/A
RP Sample:
Other: The Levian Circle is more of a darker Robin Hood-esque organization, but still perform criminal acts.
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

Offline Karakuri

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Re: ? An'acho ? ? The Elder Society ? --Now Open, Please Consider Joining!--
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2012, 08:24:49 pm »
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?