Author Topic: Nothing Else Matters  (Read 1496 times)

Offline Fellthefox

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Nothing Else Matters
« on: September 15, 2012, 10:32:40 pm »
Nothing Else Matters

The dieing space cruiser lerched to its side slightly as alarms continued to blair on the bridge.
The fox at the captains seat remained calm as he watched everything around him spark  and crackle with energy. Out side the cruiser's windows a battle of almost 20 ships took place around a watery blue planet, silent energy blasts firing between them.   
"Yes captain?" asked the wolf  at navigation.
"Would you silence the alarms please?"
The wolf nodded and flipped a swich on his computer. No one else was on the bridge, the captain had ordered that they all evacuate to the life pods. The red fox knew it was in his honor to go down with his ship, as all captains should. His first mate has chosen to stay as well, although he had asked him not to. Before he could save the wolf, Seito had ejected the last working life pod on purpose.
"Music, sir?"  the dark wolf asked.
"Something classical please, and a glass of what ever we have most expenive in here for both of us." replied the fox.
Seito turned a popular Earth tune on, and brought two glasses and a bottle of wine over. The ships rocking made it difficult though. Another blast hit and the ship trembled beneath them. Seito stumbled, but the fox caught him in his arms just in time. Seito smiled into the captains eyes. The fox smiled back, and both sat against the metallic grey wall. After pouring a glass for both of them, he leaned his head on the foxes shoulder.
"Its been an honor serving with you, Captain."
"As with you, thank you for every thing my friend."
The ship shruddered once more. Seito looked out the viewing station. It seemed their dead ship was being pulled into the planets gravity. Slowly the ship picked up speed as they were drawn in.  Panels and instroments on the outside of the ship were begining to burn off.
"Captian? Theres something Iv wanted to do for a long time."
The fox looked at the the wolf questionably. "Seito, call me Fell please, formalities dont matter now."
Seito suddenly moved him self over to sit on the fox's lap, and pushed his muzzles onto the captain's own. Fell's eyes went wide, but he didnt push the wolf away.  The fox relaxed and wrapped his arms around the wolf's back.
Explosions rocketed the bridge around them as they kissed, the lights and music had gone out a minute ago as the ships power finally failed, but they paid no attention. It simply didnt matter.
"Fell...I love you, I have for a long while now".
The fox looked into the eyes of his friend and pulled him close.
"I love you too."
Seito smiled and cuddled into the wolfs chest.
The fox rested his chin between the wolf's ears.
"I always will love you, no matter what life we are in my beautiful wolf. Always will." Seito brought his muzzle back to the fox's. No more words were need to be said. Nothing else mattered.

Offline Anathema

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Re: Nothing Else Matters
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2012, 10:43:00 pm »
This is actually quite good, and simultaneously quite depressing! :( There are a few typographical errors, but it doesn't detract from the overall poignancy. I do have to ask, though! is the title perchance a Metallica reference?

Offline Fellthefox

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Re: Nothing Else Matters
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2012, 11:23:29 pm »
This is actually quite good, and simultaneously quite depressing! :( There are a few typographical errors, but it doesn't detract from the overall poignancy. I do have to ask, though! is the title perchance a Metallica reference?

Iv been trying to eliminate as many errors as possible but they seem to keep popping up >.<
It wasnt ment to be a Metallica reference. Its not a band Iv really listened to, although its pretty popular with my parents ^^;

Offline Kaniah

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Re: Nothing Else Matters
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2012, 03:41:15 am »
Nice work, it has a great base. Try building something off of it?