Author Topic: Sonic RP: 'The Rebellion' In-game(Sometimes) And Forum RP. Open and accepting!  (Read 4549 times)

Offline Larka13

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Humans have taken over Mobius... Many have become slaves, and the ones that were spared that indignity have been discriminated against and shoved around for nearly 40 years now. The MSP, or Mobian Slavery Police, capture and enslave any rebels or troublemakers. They rule the cities. The towns. The rural areas. They are in complete control.

That is all about to change with the forming of The Rebellion.

This RP is based on a small Mobian rebel group in a futuristic era.(Hovercars, hoverboards, etc) . All Mobians are accepted, be they hedgehog, fox, hawk, or chameleon. Also, you have the ability to be an existing Mobian! That's right, you can play as Sonic, Shadow, Amy, Blaze, or even Charmy! All Mobian ages are accepted in the Rebellion. So you could be a six year old warrior, or an 18 year old medic. It's all up to you! The group would start of in different places, and we would slowly join up. I've been roleplaying this rp plot with my friend for awhile, and it gets pretty awesome, trust me.

There are many positions in the Rebellion.

Leader: They make all the major decisions in the group. They choose when to attack, who to attack, etc.

Second in Command: These people are chosen directly by the leader. When the Leader is absent, they are in charge.

Head Fighter(s): Maximum of two head fighters. They are the best fighters in the group, and lead the Warriors into battle against the MSP(Mobian Slavery Police). They have the power to change a warriors position to another position, if they first ask the Leader.

Head Scout(s): Maximum of two. The Head Scouts are sneakiest of the group, and take lead the rest of the scouts on spying missions to MSP bases or to find a new base if the Rebels hideout is discovered. Also have the power to change a member of their positions position, if they ask the Leader first.

Warriors: These are the fighters in the group, led by the Lead Fighters. They are the ones who go firs in battle, and are the one of the strongest of all the positions.

Scouts: These sly members are the ones who scout out enemies for movement, and look for possible future bases in the case that the current one is discovered. They are led by the Lead Scouts.

Techs: As you probably guessed, these are the ones who develop new technology for the Rebels. They get their own room, and each get a special laptop and working space. Chrissa 'Ember' Lombardi is our only tech so far. She is currently working on a special device, that only a few people know about.

Medics: The healers. They are knowledgeable in the field of medicine, and do their best to heal injured warriors and scouts.


Dating and... -cough- S.E.X is allowed in the RP when we get it started, but please, for the sake of our younger members, keep it PG.13.

No godmodding or insta-hits, Mary-Sue/Gary-Sue, etc.

The point of this RP is to make new friends and new enemies, and to have a good time. Feel free to make them!  ;D

Please no Txt Chat such as loox or wlks or any of that.

Be descriptive

If you have a problem with someone in the RP, settle it in whisper.

Obey the Rebel leader. The leader has the right to choose a person to be their right hand man, and have the power to change most members positions, except mine and the Heads. If that is the case, you obey them too. If there is no one who wants to be the Rebel Leader, I'll take it on.

Have fun!

READ THIS. This Rp is mapless, and takes place IN Feral Heart and not in the forums(This may change later). Sadly, I cannot be on often because my computer that has Feral Heart broke completely and I cannot download it anywhere else, so I can only play it on certain weekends at my friends house. So, if you could be so kind as to put the following information on your comment, I will add you ASAP!

Picture (Optional)

Username (So I can add you)

Character Name

Motto: (Optional)



Species (Mobian)

Species type (such as hedgehog, fox, etc)

Wanted Position

Special Abilities (Such as Super speed, psychokinesis.)

Talents (Such as inventing or being a great musician)

Hoverboard? (If so, describe its color, design, etc)

Fur/Skin color


Eye Color


Occupation (Optional. For example, my character lives in a boarding school because she's an orphan and works at a Truck Stop diner as a waitress.)




Quirks (Anything special about your character, like an item they cannot go without or something)



Theme Songs (Optional)

This RP has been a dream of mine for a long time. I'll add you next time I get on, and if anyone you are on we can RP. Again, please write your description in your comment and I will add you ASAP.

Good Luck!

My Character is posted below.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 09:25:01 pm by EmberTheFox »

Offline Larka13

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If you comment, you get a cookie and ice cream!

Ember the Fox

Chrissa 'Ember' Lombardi

"Technology can either be the solution of a problem, or the cause of one. I happen to create both. And frankly, I love it." -Ember the Fox


Gender: Female


Species type: Fox

Fur Color: Black with red arm and leg stockings.

Eye Color:
Blue when calm, but they turn red when she's using pyrokinesis or when aggravated.

Hair: Short and black, with her bangs covering her right eye.

Special abilities:[/u] Pyrokinesis. When she becomes enraged, her whole body becomes engulfed in flames.

Talents: Music. She plays the piccolo, piano and wood flute. She loves the light, mystical music like Reset(Thank You) in Okami, which is one of the theme songs below. She is also a great inventor, and loves hover boarding on awesome red and black hoverboard.

Works as a waitress in a truck stop(Don't worry folks, she's a good kid).

She wears a black hoodie with this symbol in red: and black cargo pants. In a formal occasion, she will wear the clothes in her picture above.

Personality: Often indifferent and distant towards new people, so she can easily be described as a punk. but when she gets to know them she becomes very enthusiastic and kind, especially to those interested in technology. When she is working at her job however, she becomes very distant and foreclosed, so she doesn't object to much, which her boss takes advantage of. When she starts to become very emotional, be it from sadness or anger, she will find a secluded spot and meditate.

Sexuality: Straight as a line.

History: When the humans suddenly appeared on Mobius, many Mobians were taken in as slaves before there was a law preventing unpaid slavery. Her parents, a black wolf named Lance and a white and blue fox named Sapphire were among them. When she was born, her parents escaped and quickly her in the care of a  nearby orphanage. Her parents were soon killed by a human-run police force especially created to capture Mobians. She was raised in the orphanage, and works at a truck stop as a waitress and dishwasher, earning her a tough and indifferent personality. The beginning of her passion for technology is unknown, but she has always found she has a knack for fixing things in the orphanage, such as their abusive headmasters coffee maker. The orphanage doubles as a school, and the headmaster is also a stern teacher and principal. Luckily, because the headmaster finds her useful, he is ever so slightly easier on her, which has earned her a very high intelligence level.

Quirks: She rarely shows her pyrokinesis to anyone, not even in the orphanage. She is very attached to her black laptop, which as a number of useful software and hacking devices inside. She loves hover boarding, as she thinks it symbolizes her freedom.

Fire, people who stand up for themselves, darkness, technology, and being solitary. And as a teenage girl, guys.

Girly girls, water(It hurts her), being overcrowded, and lack of technology in any way shape of form. It makes her go insane. Lips sealed

Theme Songs(Yes, I know these are video game songs):
Reset (English). Skip to 0:30 to hear the singing.

Wind Waker Unplugged (Feel free to pretend to play the flute.)

Hidden Village!
(Please, feel free to play the air guitar and whistle along. :))

Offline Larka13

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Oh, cmon guys. You can join, I won't bite. :3

Offline CreamWolf

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This thread is very colorful. owo RP looks good too, and I think you should give being leader a shot. But, quite interesting + unique. o:

He will eat your LAVENDER cookies.

Offline Larka13

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This thread is very colorful. owo RP looks good too, and I think you should give being leader a shot. But, quite interesting + unique. o:

....Well, if you say so.... XD

Offline CreamWolf

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I'll give you cake if you do so. ;w;

He will eat your LAVENDER cookies.

Offline tutternbubba

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    • YushiroGowa7201
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Picture (Optional)
No Picture Since I have no idea how to post pictures in here =P

Username (So I can add you)

Character Name
Sonic The Hedgehog
In Game: Sonic TH Modern

Motto: (Optional)
No motto, Used to be Gotta Go Fast until Internet Memes took over...



Species (Mobian)
Mobian, Duh =P

Species type (such as hedgehog, fox, etc)

Wanted Position
High Priority

Special Abilities (Such as Super speed, psychokinesis.)
Super Speed

Talents (Such as inventing or being a great musician)
Breaking the sound barrier, Defeating enemies

Hoverboard? (If so, describe its color, design, etc)
None, never thought it would have a use to him...

Fur/Skin color
Overall Color: Blue
Underfur: White
Skin (Barely see it): Tan

Side Mane

Eye Color

Do red shoes count?

Occupation (Optional. For example, my character lives in a boarding school because she's an orphan and works at a Truck Stop diner as a waitress.)

Giddy, Adventurous, Looking for excitement in life

Straight, barely "does" it

Sonic has been around even before the Mobian takeover, previously fighting Dr. Robotonik from taking over the forests of Mobius along with his other friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and whole lot more. How he was born is unknown, he won't say anything about it. But he does claim to have 2 siblings, Manic and Sonya. Their locations currently are also unknown, as he doesn't know what happened to them when the Mobian takeover happened. As soon as the takeover began, he was almost taken by Human officials but he managed to scramble away when he was visiting Mobius City. During that time All of his friends were taken by the officials to be slaves. But then he met the Mobian Rebellion, who sought to take over again and demand peace and tranquility. To this day Sonic has been running as one of the Warriors that are still fighting for Mobius.

Quirks (Anything special about your character, like an item they cannot go without or something)
He LOVES Chili Dogs, and can't go for a day without Chili Dogs, at least 1 Chili Dog will make him happy

Chili Dogs, Running, Kicking Eggman's A**, Helping others, Fighting for freedom

Silver, Any Non-Rpers calling him "Sanic", Sonic.exe, CPs in General, Eggman, Metal Sonic, The year 2006.

Theme Songs (Optional)
Official: His World Instrumental Extended (Intense Quality)
His World: WARNING! Turn down your volume when you watch this

Unofficial: Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

I hope you accept me into this, I've been looking everywhere for more Sonic RPers in Feral Heart, they're rare these days...
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 11:44:19 pm by starwarsman »
"Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine"
-Ludwig van Beethoven