Author Topic: A rant  (Read 3498 times)

Offline OblivionNecrosis

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A rant
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:03:32 pm »
Not even sure if this goes here since I'm not really forum orientated.
So for a little while I've been scoping out trouble and figuring out clan or pack arguments around Fluorite Plains and many other area's. But every time it's usually someone complaining about someones 'lack of rp' or 'illiterate'. I don't know if i'm going to get hell for this or not but do any of you realize the damage that's being caused?

When a younger Roleplayer tries to RP with the more advanced roleplayer right away they get harsh words of being 'illiterate'. Often this lasts a few minutes or almost an hour of them trying to defend themselves and you get those that think they're self righteous enough to say who or who cannot rp. Let me tell you if you stepped outside of FH to a few sites they would be chewed apart for even mentioning 'illiterate'.

1. Unable to read and write: an illiterate group.
2. Having or demonstrating very little or no education.
You expect a young kid to know how to type perfectly?

The last few weeks have been pretty bad actually, I stopped looking for anyone breaking rules to see if I could help with this idiotic thing of who can or can't Rp and sadly a few Role players have quit because of it, so guess what? They're young in their rp years and now know that Roleplay sucks and it's nothing but rude and heinous people.

Another thing that really gets to me is the complaining that there are not enough "Literate" around or 'they should ban all the Illiterates or Godmods'. I don't see them going off to teach some kids the basics of RP, why do you think there are 'godmod's or 'Powerplayers'? because this day and age no one will teach them; Hell you'll even find a few friends of mine that decided to come on here and try and teach others and they're roleplayers of 1995 - 2012 and though they have a massive range of vocabulary they go down simple for the younger to teach them and you know what? A couple were able to get a paragraph out after 3 weeks and even one of these guys will rp with kids who can do 'one post's.

Roleplay is about having fun and making it stress free. it's supposed to be a stress reliever but all I see is a hell of a lot of stress going on in FH. And it's also about 'length' on here, not 'quality'

And that's all I have to rant for. I guess i'm just tired of Roleplay being such a damn case of 'you can rp' and 'you cannot rp' because that's what's going on in FH.


Offline blakyhart

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Re: A rant
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2012, 02:15:18 pm »
I agree fully with you. This is a major problem and I myself have considered departing from Fh and seeking role-play on other forums for Im growing sick and tired of all the behavior being presented. -sighs- Vamp is correct, it needs to stop before all of FH poofs becaus of it. Maybe not FH entirly but many of the experianced role-players will flee as many are considering... Im just saying yea... I agree with you Vamp.
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Re: A rant
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2012, 04:13:41 pm »
I agree with you, however, little children should not be on FH, considering you'll find a lot of rude and inappropriate members on.
As I joined when I was 12 (possibly 11, cannot remember clearly), I observed other's without asking them for a demonstration and got to learn the differences between illiterate, semi-literate and literate. Also, people get a fair education on grammar and spelling in general, since that's what you should start off with any school.
But indeed, newcomers will find it difficult to adapt and learn proper literacy, but I can see why these people get annoyed with them. Most of them - not all - often territory claim, or break the rules in many ways. Especially when you find Literate role player's being approached by illiterate Warrior Cats and starting off a very tedious and unnecessary fight.

Also, there are plenty of Illiterate members coming into some of my groups, and when I ask for an RP sample, they start to fuss and get angry because they do not know what it is, even when I explain it to them. Some people who have grown up with the English accent cannot even string a simple understandable sentence together when they're 15. Thats generally why people look down on them. But I agree with you on the case of being overly rude to newcomer's, since they'll have a hard time to understand any sort of literate roleplay.
I think there should be official Role-play helpers on FH, just to get people started and understand things in a less brutal manner.

Thank you so much for posting this rant, it's quite an important topic. xD
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Offline Nightfangy

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Re: A rant
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 04:28:13 pm »
I agree with you 100% most warrior cats rps I have been in have been filled with these trolls. One person was being yelled at because they were not that literate or the mods were just getting annoyed with her but for no apparent reason. I taught this person how to be literate so the mods did not ban her she had lost her left eye and was in the hospital and came back to the role play still understanding! I had a couple of those mods saying they hated her personally and wanted her to leave! Some were even yelling at her just for no apparent reason and of course she ended up getting banned from the rp from the admin just saying she was annoying the other mods! I have also seen some people in warrior cats rps getting bullied (mostly warrior cats rps cause that was in the time were there were warrior cats had taken over FH) long ago I had this happen to me I felt personally hurt on the inside luckily the person that was annoying me was banned from the rp. This has to stop now I am with you! 
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Re: A rant
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 10:54:50 am »
I actually quiet resonantly, tried to make a group to teach younger RPers how to be 'literate', my friend had already tried to teach a person and she got quite a bit of success, so yeah, I tried that again today, no success because I couldn't find anyone!
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Offline LiesUnderOath

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Re: A rant
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 09:42:21 pm »
I happened upon something like this the other day, unfortunately.

I am what is known as a "literate" roleplayer, but I don't just stick to "literate group" roleplays. I honestly don't care how bad or good your typing is, a good roleplay is dependant upon the background and depth you give your character, not how you type the story out. As long as you give me time to type a longer post, we're good. x3

I hate it when a bunch of people get together and rant in General about how "Illiterate suck, they should gtfo." It IS just a game after all, and not everybody is there to start these big groups and big long posts that go on forever. .-.
Everybody is entitled to their own style, whether it's a full post or not. Chances are, most of these ranters didn't start out "literate." I didn't.

And another thing: Not everyone on this game speaks english as a first language. For all you know, you're throwing insults at them for trying to speak a languange that has been known to be hard to learn..