Author Topic: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13  (Read 23229 times)


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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2012, 08:08:54 pm »
(( And I could bring Saya to find Nocqae and Takai to help them out somehow, if that's okay with KnifeKnut. :)  Then the wolves could maybe meet up somehow.. I'm gonna bring the wolf hunter in in my next post. Not sure what I'll have her do yet but she's coming.
I'm stressed out about school right now so ideas aren't coming too easily; please bear with me xD
Don't forget that I'm open for plot ideas if anyone has any ;D ))

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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2012, 08:40:28 pm »
[[ What if.. they go into the laboratory and fail to take the Flower Maiden with them..but she escapes into the forest..!? Bear with me, I've been inactive for a day or so due to sore throat and it is killing me. OTL (Also, school work is too..) ]]
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 11:12:32 pm by SoaringAway »

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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #52 on: October 04, 2012, 03:59:31 am »
(Anyone can come and help, Lawl. I don't care who. xD)

Offline KnifeKnut

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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2012, 02:28:24 pm »
(@ShyShadie: Sure, that's fine. Waiting for your post :) )


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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #54 on: October 04, 2012, 03:11:41 pm »
(@ShyShadie: Dun, dun, DUNNNNN!!

@Soar: That's a good idea, and I hope you feel better! ^^

Plot idea: How about the Noble has figured out a way to control wolves -with a chip implanted in them or a collar- so our characters have to fight them?)

Offline Shadow13131

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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2012, 07:12:33 pm »
(@Narujen: that could work, lawlz)

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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2012, 07:06:21 pm »
((@Naru: That sounds like a cool idea XD
Not going to post yet, going to give others a chance to post X3))


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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #57 on: October 06, 2012, 07:35:24 am »
(@Draco: Thank you. xP
Yeah, give the others a chance to post you! >8|

Also, I was just thinking, but there needs to be a reason for Daichi to leave the city. What with his crush on Sarah it'll take something major to make him want to leave with the other wolves.
Let's see...




I've got it!

Instead of Daichi being with the pack when they go to try and get the Flower Maiden, he decides to stay behind and then when the pack goes to rescue the Flower Maiden the Noble gets in the way -in the process Alith escapes- and after the pack gets out of the building the Noble sends soldiers and the wolves that he/she is controlling after the pack to kill them. Meanwhile, Daichi went to check on Sarah and Hana and while he's talking to them a few of the bad wolves and a soldier find him and attack him and in the process Sarah and Hana get killed, which makes Daichi want to have revenge on the Noble so he joins the pack since it is the best chance he has at running into the Noble.

What do you guys think? Good or bad idea? =D)

Daichi was inwardly humming a tune as he skipped through the crowd of people, ignoring their stares. He always felt happier after seeing Sarah and he didn't know why. Maybe it was her aura? Well, whatever it was he had been wondering lately if he should stay with her permanently. Not as a mate of course, but as a bodyguard or whatever one would call somebody who fetches food.

"What did humans call 'em again...?" he mused. "Sav...survan....?" He shook his head. "Nah. Uh...surven?" As he tried to remember what the word was he passed a teenage boy waving a rolled up paper around.

"Extra, extra! Read all about it! Servant stabs employer for not paying him!"

Daichi stopped and his eyes widened slightly when what the boy said reached his ears. "That's it! Servant!" He continued walking, tail wagging happily as he chuckled, "I wouldn't mind one bit being 'er servant."

Since he was daydreaming about being Sarah's servant he didn't notice the faint scent of a she-wolf as he got closer to the alley where his steak was and even when he passed the spot the she-wolf had been the scent of the steak overpowered that of the she-wolfs.

"Now that I've done my good deed for the day," he paused to plop down in front of the steak and he smacked his lips, "it's time for me ta enjoy my steak!" he said and with that, he dug in.

"So good!" he moaned.


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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #58 on: October 06, 2012, 08:15:22 pm »
(( Alright, all of them are great ideas! c:
But that's so sad.. Poor Hana and Sarah..
I'mma cry when I read that. T-T
Hope you feel better soon, Soar. Sore throats are a good excuse to eat lots of ice cream and popsicles ;D
Sorry for the wait - I was gonna post last night but I kept doing this at the keyboard:

Let's see what I can come up with here.. ))

The wind and snow flew past her face, whipping through the cinder-colored fur as she slunk toward the prey. She was fairly concealed amongst the outcroppings, as her fur was only a bit lighter than the stones, and the gales of the snow storm kept her scent away from her target. The she-wolf paused, ears perked, when the weak deer cried out from the top of the hill, turning his head in all directions as he appeared to search for others of his kind. The stag left a blood trail as he continued trudging through the dense blanket of ice, the red liquid freezing quickly and becoming buried under the falling snow. His right antler had been completely broken off somehow and all that was left was a two-inch, bloody stump in its place.
Saya turned her own head to the right, squinting to spot her camouflaged brother, who was leaping to escape a dent in the earth where the snow had been deeper. The scene amused her - it looked as if he was a mound of snow come to life, born from the ice, with his pure-white pelt - something he had inherited from their mother.
He gave himself a shake when he was free of the depression, then looked over to find his sister watching him though he couldn't make out her expression in the haze. With their distance, he had barely caught her tail signal to charge. The deer was weak enough that they wouldn't have to chase it for long before it tripped or fell from exhaustion.
The sibling wolves picked up their paces, plunging through the snow in strong, hunger-driven bounds. It had been weeks since either of them had had warm meat, and they were not going to let this lucky find escape. Saya snarled as they approached the buck, baring her ready teeth. The white-furred Hiro barked in the thrill as the stag bolted across the top of the foothill. The chase was on.
Then it seemed as though the hill's peak was everlasting. No matter how fast the two wolves ran, the deer was always the same distance ahead of them.
Out of nowhere, thunder cracked. Their prey burst with a great flurry of snowflakes, blending with the snowfall and disappearing before their very eyes.
Saya skidded to a stop, sending snow flying from the ground ahead of her. She stood there, her peridot eyes scanning the surroundings in confusion. Then she turned to look to her brother, but he had vanished as well.
"What? No! Hirooooo!" she howled in dismay, beginning to panic. But her brother was gone, and she was completely alone in the blizzard. She tried to cry out for him again, but no matter how she tried her voice was too weak to be heard even if there was someone else out there to hear her.
"There's no way I'm leaving you," an unknown voice echoed, sounding faint with distance. "Even if I have to drag you around, you're coming with me!"
"Who's there?" called Saya, hoping to get an answer, but with no such luck, as her voice was still too quiet. The she-wolf began running down the hill, but her movements were in slow motion. She became frustrated with her useless actions. "What the hell is this?!" she cried out helplessly.
With the snow turning to sleet and piercing through her thick coat with sharp, pricking stings, a pair of two wide, black, slightly curved lines appeared from the snow before her. Her maw parted slightly in awe, eyes widening nervously as the horizontal lines split in the middle. Soon she found herself staring into giant, fire-colored wolf eyes.
Hiro's eyes.
"Go," boomed his powerful voice, commanding her. The earth began to tremble beneath her paws and before she could find out why she was completely engulfed by an overpowering avalanche.

Saya's head lifted as she woke with a start, panting heavily. Her light green eyes darted around the room as she assessed where she was. A small breeze blew into the area, brushing through her cheek fur. It certainly wasn't mountain air..
A dream... she sighed tiredly. I must have been more exhausted than I thought. The memory of her brother came to mind, causing her to clench her eyes shut as her head drooped weakly. She was all alone in the search now.

Saya had been resting in one of the rooms of an abandoned hotel. It was probably one of the more quality ones in the city before it was shut down for whatever reason. A couple of rats squeaked and scampered audibly inside the air duct, one of them gnawing on the rusty vent in the wall as it searched for an escape. There was no telling how long the rat infestation had been in the building.

The outer wall had once been made completely of glass, but now most of it was gone. Some of the loose shards remained on the balcony, small particles of floating ice falling down to freeze to their surfaces. Being in a dome, it wasn't natural snow, but somehow the humans - more than likely a noble - had invented (or payed someone to invent) a machine to create rain and snow for the inhabitants, just to give them a feeling of normalcy in the dreary state of the world, she supposed.

Another gale burst into the room and ruffled her fur as she gazed out at the city. There was something more than just the musty smell of the city on the air, though. She smelled blood, and it wasn't human blood.
Then she realized what the random thunder in her dream was - it was a gunshot.
In an instant the she-wolf was back to her human form and leaping from the balcony railing to the roof of the neighboring building. Saya ran across to the left side and peered over the edge, spotting them immediately - two wolves. One male, one female; the female had the male's arm draped around her shoulder as she tried to help him.
She frowned - normally she distanced herself from others, but she could not bring herself to leave this pair alone.
Leaping from the roof and landing in the alley, she stood there for a moment to let them see through her human disguise before walking toward them, her low-heeled boots clicking against the pavement.
"Hey," she greeted with a note of worry in her smooth voice. The wolf approached them and carefully placed the male's other arm around her own shoulder. "We can take him up there," she said, pointing to where she had been staying, then glancing around for humans. If the other female accepted her help, Saya would at least be able to help protect the male wolf while he healed (though she doubted that whoever had shot at him would find them again), and then she may be able to get them some food. Just because she was afraid to get close to anyone didn't mean she wanted to see other wolves die.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 08:35:31 pm by ShyShadie »

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Re: The Road to Paradise - A Wolf's Rain RP (Remade - Accepting!) PG-13
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2012, 08:55:56 pm »
At first, Takai thought another human was coming after them. Then the scent of wolf hit her, and she relaxed a little. Nocqae would have been literal dead weight for her, but with help she could make it. "Thanks," she said to Saya, only half-looking at her. Even though there wasn't a scent of a pack, one could never be too sure. "If you're a member of a pack, we can't offer much..."