Author Topic: Waxen Specters (Semi-Literate/Literate Lion Pride - Mapped! - Open!)  (Read 2629 times)

Offline CadyD16

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"I have something to say." Didn't he always, though?
The sullen, pale King stood just outside the pride cave, glaring at every single lion who unwisely crawled into his line of vision. They were all mangled. Broken inside and out. They were still of some use; Hamish Wyn supposed so. With a flourish, he sat, eyeing his jet black claws that were flexed out in front of him. He let the pride wait in bated breath, but he was doing them a favor. They needed to catch their breath before they could give him their full attention, didn't they?
Feeling as though he were betraying his self respect, Hamish stood up again, releasing a roar that left his jaws and rung through the ears of everyone. They looked up, their eyes weary and their fur bristled with a mixture of dislike and worry.
"I hope you're all happy," growled he, his claws clicking on the stone as he hung off the ledge, hissing the words like he was ridding a bad taste from his maw. "Good things come to those who work hard for it, and today, I daresay, is our lucky day."
Every lion pricked their ears in interest. A few others scoffed and turned away, no interest in their Chief's words.
"The cave may not be big. I'll need to ask a choice few of you to sleep outside, if you'd be so generous," Sir Wyn sneered. "You may not like it, but then again, I'm trying to remember a time when I actually cared about any such thing."
In response, many glares were shot at him, but he didn't seem to notice.
"You won't be happy, but when we all get right down to it, who the hell is?" He sat again. "Things will be run as they always were, apart from a few microscopic alterations..." He turned to the sickly, younger members of the pride, and they all stared up at him with pleading, scared eyes.
"Cubs may free roam as much as they like."
An uproar of angry, outraged snarls and yells answered this decree. Hamish snapped his teeth, doing his best to silence them. "Shut up and listen to me, you fools! I can hear my father's voice in your heads. He's still speaking to you. Still ordering you around like a pack of mindless wild dogs! I won't have that. He's gone." He jumped from his perch on the edge of the stone ledge, and he weaved through his pridemates, stalking, and they growled in his direction, while others shied away, while some even smirked. "He's gone," he repeated quietly, approaching the end of the crowd. His voice breached a certain type of inaubility, shushed. It shook, broken in the dead air that surrounded their new home.
"All of you, get to work. Blazers, be off on your way; we need food." He leaped from the ground to the cave entry again, flicking his tail with disdain in the direction of the lions he was so dutifully turning his back on. "I do not want to hear another word out of any of you for the rest of the day."
With that, he vanished, swallowed up in the shadows of the cave. He wanted his space, and in turn, he got it.  


Far away from the Grasslands is where this pride was first founded. African Lions with coats much fairer than others began to form a band that grew when more rogues joined, and in time, when cubs were born. At night was when they'd leave their home to hunt, and the glow that radiated off their palid fur became a regal honor to bear. To be bred to such upper class was a thing to be proud of. For, as it was known, they lived in the lushest area for prey to venture, and among many other plain, average lion prides, they were the strongest one of them all. Other lions of different prides bowed in both reverence and fear for the biggest force in the Serengeti. It wasn't a surprise that after a while of good deeds, kind words, and oodles of respect from every creature, their bloodline would become a reminder of royalty. When you wanted to speak to a mighty Chief, you went to the Specters - of which they were soon addressed.

Things went on like this for a very long time.

The most recent generation was a greatly unpleasant one, however. Chief Hector and his mate, Mender Malkia, bored a son named Hamish, of whom they spoiled rotten. He was certainly not the most humble of any Heir the Specters ever knew, either. He didn't have any friends in the pride, simply because he treated everyone poorly in belief that he was the most important above all. He was left angsty and clueless when tragedy befell the pride, both his parents abruptly passed, and he was left as Chief with only half a pride of scrawny, unhappy lions, and no home. The pride was forced to travel, and travel they did, until one day they came across the Grassland Valley, where they settled in the unclaimed mountains. There, they made a fairily comfortable home (at least, for Hamish's picky standards).

Now, newly addressed as the Waxen Specters upon the beginning of Hamish's reign, they are just settling down in their new home, and are in need of members. Accepting outsiders in is not a thing Sir Hamish is fond of, but until they are strong again, it will have to do.


CHIEF - The leader of the pride, in every sense of the word. For whatever reason it may be, everyone accepts and respects this lion's orders... No matter how erratic they may be. Defying the Chief's law is the wrong choice. That much is true.

MATRIARCH - The highest ranking lioness in the pride. This rank can be earned by any female from any rank, besides Menders and, of course, Statue Guards. Blazers and Grunts are the two most expected ranks for Matriarchs to come from. It is not required for the Matriarch to be mated to the Chief, though it wouldn't be the first time it has happened; Whether the Chief chooses his mate as Matriarch, or simply in result of the two in these ranks hitting it off well enough. In any case, the Matriarch is nearly always at the Chief's side, helping him make the tough decisions.

HEIR - Son or daughter of the Chief. When a son is older, he is to be Chief. On rare occasion, a daughter might be taken under the wing of the current Matriarch, though it is much more often seen that she trains in the art of another rank and stays there, unless she, perhaps, rises in rank. If two males are Heirs, only one of them is chosen by their father and, on occasion, the current Matriarch, over the other depending on who has the more favorable qualities to be Chief. The one not chosen will simply train with ease in another field of work while their sibling is taught the ways of a leader.

GRUNTS - The fierce warriors of the pride. At all costs, they will defend the pride until they are retired, or under some misfortune, taken a little earlier than anyone would've liked in battle. They are fearless and bold. Both males and females are considered good in this rank, which is why it is loosely open to any who may show an interest.

BLAZERS - The Specters' form of Scouts. They are the fastest runners, which is why this rank is quite popular with light-footed, maneless lionesses. Teenaged males may sometimes take this as a parttime job in the pride, if one main rank to train for isn't enough. They are messangers, hunters, and pretty good swimmers, too. Certainly the most athletic lions in the pride.

STATUE GUARDS - Hamish's vigilant guards, as one might expect from the name. Before his ruling, they used to pace the border for trespassers. While that is still a thing they do, another task at hand is in their responsibility: Sitting outside the pride's main (and only) den, keeping watch for any trespassers who may have plans to sneak inside. Their sleeping hours differ greatly in comparison to the rest of the pride; They're often up at night, keeping watch, while everyone is asleep. They get their much needed rest during the day, while a fresh batch of guards take over those afternoon hours.

MENDERS - The healers in the pride. They take no interest in fighting; In their humble opinions, fighting only leaves them more wounds to clean. They spend their days collecting herbs for poultices and other such reasons, with a means to heal the sick and injured. Delivering cubs is another thing they're known for.

NOVICES - The adolescent learners of the pride, who are taken under the wing of a more practiced lion who has already earned their mature rank. Novices need to understand every aspect of the rank they're training for before they can move on into it, which is usually after a special evalu'ation to prove their skills to both their Chief and their teacher.

CUB MOTHERS - A Cub Mother can be two different things; As it sounds, the pregnant or nursing mother of one or more cubs who needs to push aside her pride duties to focus on parenthood. Or - to Hamish's great disbelief - a selfless lioness who looks after cubs while their mother is away. A form of a cubsitter, one might say. This is a parttime job in the pride for females who are, naturally, good with cubs (would you really take it if you weren't?).

YOUNG - The cubs of the pride, with no responsibilities as of yet. In the Great Tragedy (of which nobody - Hamish included - speaks of), many cubs died, and on the journey to the Grasslands, there was no exception. As there is hardly any room in the den that the pride now inhabits, Hamish cancelled out the rule about cubs needing to stay in a secure den; They are encouraged to walk around to their leasure, which might be one thing that all the anxiety in the pride stems from.

ELDEST - The oldest lions in the pride. They are typically the ones that know the Chief best, which is why Hamish in particular often goes to them (in private) for questions that they are most expected to know better answers to than him. Probably the only rank in the pride that he doesn't completely shun without good reason.

OOC Rules

(OOC rules can be found on our website: though, do read the rest of the thread over before going there. You may also find our map download, and many other things you'd surely need to know for joining. Now make sure to do one thing: To make clear you read this part, put "salami" somewhere in your application.)

IC Rules

1. Obey the orders of your Chief and Matriarch. Their words are law.
2. No betrayal. Associating yourself with the enemy is naturally forbidden, and it will typically lead to banishment or death, depending on the mood that Sir Hamish is in.
3. Despite unruly management, no leaving fellow pridemates behind to die under any circumstances. This is an old rule that goes back many generations, and is one thing that Hamish has left intact about their past ways.
4. Do your job, and do it right. Slack off all you want, but when push comes to shove, you'd best be prepared.
5. The pride, though already tainted with unpure blood, would like to stay as pure as they can manage. Refrain from forming a romantic bond with outsiders who refuse to join the pride.


HEIR - There might possibly be more than one Heir, but only one of them will be taking their place as Chief of the pride. From cubhood, through his teenaged years, he is taking everything in that his father teaches him concerning leadership. The day he graduates is the day he becomes Chief.

GRUNTS - Novices training to be a Grunt will normally spend their days practicing fighting moves and techniques with their teacher, or with other Novices their age. Open combat is the forte they are required to master if they wish to graduate.

BLAZERS - Sprinting, agility, hunting, and swimming are the main things a Novice training to be a Blazer needs to know. In a session, much racing is going on. You'd best stay out of their way when they rush past; They aren't planning on slowing down. Not even for you.

STATUE GUARDS - Excercise might just be as important for these lions - typically males - as for any other rank, really. They are taught vigilance, but are overall training in every way possible to get bulky and strong. They don't have as strict of a training plan as Grunts and Blazers do.

MENDERS - A Novice in training to become a Mender needs patience, and an understanding of herbs, where to find them, and what to do with them once they're collected. Unlike the other ranks, it is often required that a Mender Novice sticks by their mentor's side the most throughout the day, unless by chance they're sent out on some solo herb hunt without their teacher.


GRADUATIONS - When a Novice comes to impress their superiors, the Chief will gather the pride to announce this, and officially state that the young adult can then move into their mentor's rank. The pride will celebrate with a big party (dancing included in activities, because the pride is cool like that), mostly involving the Novice's close friends and family. By the following midnight, they are then known as the rank they've spent training for.

WEDDINGS - When two lions wish to be wed, a ceremony is held on the premise (whatever spot the couple chooses, even if it's in the main cave). After the Chief talks them through their vows, they are to trade over an item to one another that they specifically chose for the occasion; Typically, things like necklaces, roses, feathers, or tail leaves are exchanged for the receiver to wear, expressing their marriage to one another. They may lick one another on the cheek before everyone departs from the area to party for the rest of the day (again, much dancing and slaphappiness). Though there was much debate about it in the pride's evolving past, the settling conclusion was the fact that any gender combination is aloud to be wed.

BIRTHS - When cubs are born, the parents are simply battered with compliments. When they are given names, they are to stand by the Chief and Matriarch on the ledge in front of the main den. They officially introduce the cubs to the tribe and state the names the parents have chosen. This ceremony is usually very quiet, and soft murmurs of congratulations to both the parents and the cubs are often thrown around once again.

DEATHS - When a member of the pride has died, their body is laid out somewhere on the premise, where everyone may come to pay their respects before burial. Though this spot is often inside the main den, where an individual may go in to have some time alone with the corpse in order to mourn by themselves for a few minutes. After this, the Chief and Matriarch lead the pride to the burial area, where either of them may give a speech about the deceased lion before dropping the body into the hole that was dug out hours before. After the Grunts, Blazers, Statue Guards, and Novices work together to fill the hole, close friends and family may linger here for as long as they like, even after the rest of the pride departs.

Character Creation Preferences

I don't ask much when it comes to creating your lion. I think everyone here knows what an African Lion looks like. One thing I must advise, however: If you plan on making a character who survived the Great Tragedy, and has traveled to the new territory to make the WS, your lion must have paler fur color, symbolizing their... bloodline, of sorts. Lol.
Otherwise, go crazy with the colors. No neons for fur and manes, though. Eye color can be any color you'd like, of course.

Waxen Specters Territory

Small note from Cady. :3

So, this is me talking for a sec. About WS, preferably. xD
WS is a group within a RP group, if that makes any sense. We started with one group - a cheetah tribe, called Crescent Miles - in a big map. Among our roleplayers, we started more groups taking territories within the map, it being so massive. So, basically, our characters are in different groups, but are in the same RP, and we are far from foreign when it comes to OOC speaking terms. :D So... I'm just putting that out there, and making that clear. :)
If you're thinking about joining this pride, consider joining the other groups displayed on our forum, oriented with our RP.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 11:55:43 pm by CadyD16 »

Offline CadyD16

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Re: Waxen Specters (Semi-Literate/Literate Lion RP - Mapped!)
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 10:56:37 pm »

Name: Hamish Wyn
Gender: Male
Age: Three Years
Parents: Hector -x- Malkia
Mate: N / A
Offspring: N / A
Personality: Cold, distant, and sullen. Young Hamish's mane has barely grown past his elbows yet, and his pale coat makes it impossible for cubhood spots to disappear completely in the light of day. He has already experienced too much of the cruel world for his taste, and what it did to tear apart his pride; He has turned exceptionally bitter for it. He may seem a tad bit unhinged in demeanor at times; It is merely a side effect of the nervous breakdown he suffered after his parents died, before the pride's journey to the Grasslands. Pondering his attitude and spunk so long ago, he is a very conflicted being, and in result, he doesn't smile very much. He is usually very quiet, but when need be, he can also be very loud and commanding. He treats any new or remaining members of his pride like dirt, but doesn't have too good of a hold on what all goes on in the pride unless he raises his voice (which probably explains why he chooses to yell so much when he's barking orders). Some might say the way he decides to run the pride is a bit irresponsible, but he's never really in any mood to take advice. In this case, it may seem totally impossible to get through to him. In all truth, it isn't completely; There's a sensitive side to him that comes out with gradual coaxing. Though it mostly depends on the mood he's in, part of the problem is the fact that no one knows where to start with him, and in all honesty, he isn't too sure either.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: CadyD16

Name: Blanca Delmore
Gender: Lioness
Age: 4 1/2
Parents: Harka Delmore (Father; Deceased) -x- Velvetra Delmore (Mother; Deceased)
Mate: N/a
Offspring: N/a
Personality: She is an easy-going Lioness, who is strict if needed and soft when she wants to be. Normally she is Soft and caring, looking to her friends for some fun. In trouble, she can be quick to think of a plan, and she is very wise. She can be strict and harsh, if of course that is needed. When a threat comes around, she is the one who usually gets to it first, for she is very protective and will stop at nothing to protect her pride.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Jessie Dagger/ Jessie



Name: Axel
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Parents: Both deceased
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Axel is normally friendly around lions he knows but can be aggressive around those he doesn't know. In battle he will fight to the death if it's needed to. Axel is very loyal and a good friend to trust.
Ingame Username/ Form Username: Wolf} / {Wolfy}

Name: Zari
Gender: Female
Age: Going on two years
Parents: Gonga and Auila
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Zari is just plainly a troll. She loves to mess with everyone despite the consequences that might occur afterwards. She'll pick at certain things about others just to get a kick out of it. Normally she isn't a sad person, she hates being sad really. Zari tries her best to be up beat. Young Zari, despite her troll like behavior, she can be mature at times and responsible. She is very loyal to her Pride but finds it unfair that Hamish is leading the pride and he is not that much older then her. He is the main one she messes with. Outsiders of the pride scare her slightly. She likes to know who she is around and talking to, she doesn't like the thought of being around others that she doesn't know anything about. And she is very competitive.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Silverdawn

Statue Guards



Cub Mothers


« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 08:00:35 pm by CadyD16 »

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Re: Waxen Specters (Semi-Literate/Literate Lion RP - Mapped!)
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 10:56:50 pm »


Crescent Miles
Storm Meter
Ignis Venators
Tainted Blood

« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 11:32:11 pm by CadyD16 »

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Re: Waxen Specters (Semi-Literate/Literate Lion Pride - Mapped!)
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 11:03:34 pm »
Would you like to join us? If so, fill out the application below! ^_^

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And once you do that, you can mosey on over to our forum (If you have any problems with the link, tell me. x.x) and read our rules, and download our map, and other such things... ;3
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 11:18:35 pm by CadyD16 »

Offline silverdawn

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Re: Waxen Specters (Semi-Literate/Literate Lion Pride - Mapped! - Open!)
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2012, 01:06:05 am »
Wow! Cady it looks great! -Flails-

Offline CadyD16

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Re: Waxen Specters (Semi-Literate/Literate Lion Pride - Mapped! - Open!)
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2012, 01:42:47 am »
^^ Thanks, Silver.