Author Topic: CLOSED [moved to Shattered]  (Read 12317 times)

Offline Stitchy

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2012, 08:33:01 pm »
((@Russ: 'Kays xD, but you didn't have to install it just for me, though I guess it's nice~ x3. There isn't much to do there xD, it's pretty much like MSN, you click in the box and type, though you'll have to add me first, I'll send you my contact in a PM, don't want any stalkers sending me requests suddenly xD.

@Kasai: Heh, I guess that counts me quite active that I posted first? xD, I just don't like waiting and wanted to get this thing on the road, I'm full of ideas atm, so yeah~ xD. (Btw Alrighty is with 1 'L' :B, grammar police coming through |D)

@Everyone: And you can call Shawky? xD, that's the nickname for my fursona, and some peeps call me by that name xD. One even calls me Mr. Shawky lol. xDDD, now post, I'm so excited for some reason, don't mind me |D))

((EDIT: @Everyone: You can also call me Shadow, so...yeah~ xD, you choose~ :3))

((EDIT 2: @Russ: About the RP, I didn't know that just yet, that Rook was afraid of them, so yeah~))
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 09:17:42 pm by DJWolf »
Ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good~
If you mess with me, the ones I love or with my friends, I'll make you wish you have never existed, I'll turn your head sideways, then chunk it off and bite a piece from it like an apple, then play football with it and feed it to the dogs~

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2012, 09:37:45 pm »
((@Shawky: And here I was just gonna call you DJ lol. I had a whole lot of info in my RP sample but little hands helped erase it for me and I just didn't have the energy to retype it all up. I probably should have, it was basically his backstory but -shrugs-))


Offline Stitchy

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2012, 09:40:50 pm »
((@Russ: Heh, mkays~ xD, now add me to Skype~ xD))

((EDIT: @Russ: Also, you should get yourself a siggy and a picture xD, I could see you better then from all the posts, and it looks nicer~ xD))

((EDIT 2: @Kasai: Hai Kasai :3, make this go banzai xD, don't mind me lol, I'm tired and I'll start talking insane stuff when I'm tired~ xD))

((EDIT 3: @Everyone: Well, I'm going to go to bed now, so I wont reply to any of this until like tomorrow in the middle of the day by the time zone +2 GMT, or sth~ It's in the East Europe.))
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 10:03:09 pm by DJWolf »
Ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good~
If you mess with me, the ones I love or with my friends, I'll make you wish you have never existed, I'll turn your head sideways, then chunk it off and bite a piece from it like an apple, then play football with it and feed it to the dogs~

Offline ToastGhost

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2012, 12:57:21 am »

Offline Stitchy

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2012, 02:32:31 pm »

As Ahri finished, a wolf that she went past from, started his introduction, though it was a bit..well, nervous, for some reason. That somewhat didn't surprise Ahri, as she knew some males are like that, 'I guess I'm too pretty?' she thought to herself and chuckled a bit. Males like those were rare to see to her anyways, but they wont get anything done, too shy, and not quite her type.

After he was done, another wolf suddenly seemed to rush in, 'Another male? Are there any other females except me and the tigress?' she thought to herself a bit annoyed. The wolf that rushed in, seemed quite aloof and cool, and that grin looked kinda dumb, Ahri didn't like him at all from the first sight. 'Let's see...thinks he's an hot-shot, acts like he's the coolest guy on this forsaken planet, and cuts into every conversation. Exactly the type that I get a lot, I thought I'll be free of that when I join this pack..' she rolled her eyes and looked at the ginger-white wolf with an annoyed face. 'At-least he's not something the others are - trying to flirt with every girl they see, unless that's an hidden side...' She was now more annoyed, and just tried to surpass it, by looking towards the leader, and seeing the last wolf, and a leopard left for introduction.

((@Everyone: Ooh, Ahri's already angry, don't try to piss her off too much xD, she has been dealing with way too many males, so don't test her, for your charry's sake xD. Oh and I'm going to explain some things, I make thoughts green and like this: 'I think I'm going to stay near the dens today, I'm too tired to hunt at the moment.' and speeches lime green and like this: "Do you really want to know what happens? If I were you, I wouldn't try that." I hope that cleared some things x3))

((EDIT: @Brodylove: You should have a picture, I missed you in the member count >.<, and if I think about seem inactive too..but you might come around, so here's an advice, go catch it~ xD And t'was nothing big, just had to add like 3 words to the RP~))
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 12:07:05 am by DJWolf »
Ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good~
If you mess with me, the ones I love or with my friends, I'll make you wish you have never existed, I'll turn your head sideways, then chunk it off and bite a piece from it like an apple, then play football with it and feed it to the dogs~

Offline Player927

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2012, 03:06:07 pm »
((I was going to reply yesterday, but my hubby wasn't paying attention and my kiddo decided to take the open pack of chicken nugget sauce and use it to finger paint my mouse, keyboard, and monitor. He basically busted into the bathroom with the baby in hand, furious and snarling, and all I could do was laugh. I think she may have killed my keyboard (I'm on my mate's PC) but it was too funny at the time for me to be mad about it. Then we went to Boo at the Zoo which, in my opinion, wasn't worth $45 +food but was still enough fun that we may do it again next year without the all-inclusive arm bands. Guess I'll edit this and try to post real quick. Oh -random- I had a dream that I totally stole Brodylove's name. Why? I can't remember, but I did.))

((Edited with a post))


    Rook's head shot up as Eros strolled past and started his intro. From the little bit that they'd spoken, he knew Eros was born within the pride but he couldn't really remember much else. Despite his cocky personality, Eros seemed like a decent guy and the dark wolf was actually looking forward to patrolling and protecting the pride alongside him. No doubt, the two would make a formidable hunting team. Then again, Ahri would make an interesting hunting partner as well. Not as long-legged or possibly as swift, but she could easily fit where a wolf his size couldn't and that in itself makes her a worthy addition to the pride. Rook let his gaze drift up to the leader and medic. Was this the whole pride? He could have sworn there were others somewhere... a scout perhaps. Was the leader the only feline he'd have to deal with? He could only hope that was the case, but, as his mother always said, spotting prey and catching prey were two different things.

((Edit: I just realized Rook didn't say or really do anything except look expectantly at the leader lol))
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 04:11:21 pm by Buttons Lady »

Offline Stitchy

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2012, 05:11:07 pm »
Then again, Ahri would make an interesting hunting partner as well. Not as long-legged or possibly as swift, but she could easily fit where a wolf his size couldn't and that in itself makes her a worthy addition to the pride.

((@Russ: Okay, I'm not sure if you meant her, or your charry~ I've to know because I wouldn't know how to make the RP or how to correct you, because Ahri is actually quite sleek and somewhat long-legged, she's a fox. She uses her head to hunt, not her paws btw x3.))

((@Everyone: I'd want to post another post already but I can't really say anything else here, so my RP post will be for another time~ I think there's like 2 inactive members at the moment? (At-least seemingly..) And yeah, there's quite less of us here~ Also I might, or might not have a 'friend' of mine join this Role-Play~ xD))
Ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good~
If you mess with me, the ones I love or with my friends, I'll make you wish you have never existed, I'll turn your head sideways, then chunk it off and bite a piece from it like an apple, then play football with it and feed it to the dogs~

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2012, 05:39:48 pm »
[Not waiting for the two other members to post. If you guys post, just introduce yourselves and catch up to where we are.
@Everyone: Sorry for me not posting for a bit, but I'm getting the remnants of Hurricane Sandy/Frankenstorm. I'm not on that east coast, but close to it. We got power knocked out on and off throughout the night and I got off school today because of it. It's freaking CRAZY outside. No trees near my house got knocked down, but neighbors had some trees knocked down and the city next to me is pulling people over for driving in this unless it's an emergency. Supposedly the wind should be dying down throughout the day (fingers crossed because tomorrow I get to go to school in my halloween costume if everything settles down!). So, yeah, weather is crazy and now I'm back for a bit =) ]

The leader and medic carefully listened to each speaker, determining their personalities and what they might shape out to be through this pride. The medic's eyes remained on Rook as the jumpy new guard introduced himself. Tripping over words and obviously lacking quite a deal of confidence, the young guard seemed to be an easy target for Archon, and the old wolf knew this. He memorized the wolf's face and name, knowing he would have to probably find him at some point at the edge of the border. The confidence the young guard lacked was soon found in Eros, who trotted over to the group and introduced himself to the new members. As Eros introduced himself, Obi looked over to Ahri, the only other female in the group besides Evangeline, who was also the lone feline in the group. Said leader now spoke to the group as introductions finished up. "We should start heading out if we want to be back before sundown. The entire land is pretty filled with prey, so feel free to head in any direction, but please stay within the borders. Venturing outside of them will subject you to danger quickly. Archon is very good at hiding and manipulation- do not underestimate them." With that said, she hopped down from her rock and was followed by the medic as her usual hunting partner. Once the pride actually got really acquainted the two would likely switch partners.

Despite the two's distant relationship, they did have a distinct understanding towards each other, especially when it came to what movement meant what. Eva's ear flicked and Obi's head quickly turned in her direction, spotting the same buck that she did. Eva glanced to the old wolf to see him show only a tooth or two in a show of determination. She wasn't sure if he realized this gesture but it always meant that, even if Eva changed her mind, he would get this prey. Both crouched low and circled opposite ways, both blending pretty well with the grass. They waited, watching each other for a sign until, finally, Eva's tail flicked in the air, a sign that she would be the first to approach. Slowly stalking towards the buck, she was spotted and she leaped on the running buck's back as it went towards a waiting Obi, who pulled it down by its neck. The two stood over their fallen prey and looked around, both knowing Archon would hear the cry of the buck since it was so close to the border. Sure enough, true to their greedy nature, a young male hyena appeared just at the edge of the border, only a few yards away. The hunting partners snarled at him, both protective over the land. Realizing he had been spotted, the hyena took off in the opposite direction. "Mark the land by the border and let's get going," Eva ordered, grabbing the buck by herself as she waited for Obi to return to help her carry it back. They had to grab the prey several times on the way back due to its weight, but they eventually returned to the middle of camp. The wolf abandoned it without a word to his leader, taking a drink from the nearby river. Eva stared at the wolf for awhile, knowing he was very adamant about hiding his past, but she knew if he would open up to someone, he might be less of a grouch and much easier to work with.However, as shown by how he stood and his rough exterior, he would never open up to anyone for quite awhile.

[I think we only have 3 active members right now, so if you guys want to team up as a group of 3, that's fine. I just wanted to get my hunting post out of the way because I don't see me having much time to post by tomorrow. =) ]

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2012, 06:38:45 pm »
((@Shawky: I was referring to her but I figured a fox, despite being long-legged and female (the ideal mix for men lol), would still be considerably smaller than a wolf, which would make it easier for her to slip through thick brush and undergrowth while he would have to go around or try to go over it.))

((@Kas: Hope you get to wear your costume and the weather doesn't get any worse for you!))

Offline Player927

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #59 on: November 01, 2012, 03:38:38 pm »
((Bump? I don't mind the 3 of us running in a hunt. I had just posted so I figured someone else would want to lead us wherever we're going.))