Author Topic: CLOSED [moved to Shattered]  (Read 12323 times)

Offline Kasai

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CLOSED [moved to Shattered]
« on: October 07, 2012, 08:03:36 pm »

It's dark and cold. Your paws are achy as the start of winter is setting upon the land. A snap of a twig draws your attention, and you look up to see a silhouette with piercing blue eyes. A chill runs up your spine and your fur stands on end as you begin to back away from the figure. As it takes a step towards you, you run to the side and past the figure. Just as you feel the creature's  teeth are about to grab your hind legs, it stops. Running a few more feet, you turn around to see the dark creature staring at you with anger in its eyes. You stare at the creature, a bit dumbfounded and out of breath. A light crunch of leaves announces a new individual and you turn your head from the dark beast to see a light colored tiger with bright, green eyes looking at you as if you are her cub. "Welcome to Celestial Lands... Would you like to stay for a little while?"

? W e l c o m e ?

Good or Evil? Celestial Pride is good in nature, but that doesn't mean every member behaves or doesn't have some things in their past they would like to forget. We are a literate roleplay and an active one. If that means you can only reply to this thread on the weekends, that's fine but not touching your characters for week after week is not acceptable. I do not plan on having this rp on a map unless someone is willing to make one. I will explain the territory later.

? B a c k g r o u n d ?

This "pride" is actually a clan. It is built up of both canines and felines. This wasn't always the case, however. This pride was originally created by a lion and his pride who fought an enemy pack of hyenas, the Archon Pack. Through members leaving or gaining, the species have become varied in each to the point of becoming clans. The lion previously mentioned was named Kai and was born a ruler. He took over the pride when his father passed away and battled the Archon Pack. As time passed, lionesses would leave Celestial Pride to join the pack and, against his will, Kai was forced to let some hyenas enter his pride. This was only the beginning as tigers, wolves, and various other predators joined Celestial Pride and Archon Pack. The two are still in constant warfare for prey and territory, but the main difference is Celestial Pride's morals and that they would prefer not to have a fight while Archon is always looking to battle.

? C e l e s t i a l L a n d s ?
Celestial Lands is primarily grasslands and water. A waterfall and a pretty mild river run through the middle of the lands and densites are primarily located at the top of the waterfall. The leader makes it a rule that all members, besides those told otherwise, should be in their dens at night for safety purposes. Acacia trees are most commonly found in the territory along with a various assortment of flowers and rocks. No one is permitted to go to the borders alone. Even guards must have a buddy. This is due to enemies being prone to attacking anyone who roams even close to the border.

? P r i d e R u l e s ?

? Respect each other in the pride, especially those of high ranking. (This includes no harming each other.)

?We accept anyone of the canine or feline families. Meaning no mythical creatures or prey animals of any type.

?Borders are to be approached only with a buddy or a group. Those trying to interfere with the enemy will be punished accordingly.

?All members are responsible for the young. They are our future. Without them, we are nothing.

?Harming a member in any way will not be tolerated.

?Punishment is only given out by the leader(s). At this time, that leader is Eva.

?Mating must be kept within the pride. If a member's mate is not part of the pride, and the mate is either neutral or a rogue, the mate can be asked to join the pride and/or Eva's permission must be given. If the member's mate belongs to Archon Pack or and other enemy, the member will be asked to either leave their mate or leave the pride.

? R o l e p l a y R u l e s ?

?Be as active as you can. I know I personally cannot get on here every day but at least try and get on once a week unless you let me(Kasai) know otherwise.

?There is no limit to character amount, so long as you can keep them all active!

?No drama. That respect rule is followed out of character as well. Please do not disrespect each other.

?Please no "sparkle" anything. Neon colors are okay to a point or in good taste. If your character looks like a rainbow threw up on it, I probably won't accept it.

?No text talking. Lol lyk dis iz so ttly stoopid.... You get my point.

?Be at least semi-literate. A "fail post" of two sentences is okay once in awhile but constantly provides little for people to respond to.  

?No power-playing, godmodding, or anything of the like. People like to be able to control their own players, so let them.

?Swearing is permitted, but do not abuse this privilege.

?Gore should be kept minimal. A crack of a bone is okay, but describing was veins/tendons/whatever snapped and how isn't really needed.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 01:49:46 am by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 08:11:39 pm »
? R a n k s ?
L e a d e r s
The leaders have the highest rank in the pride and will be mates. Should either of them die, the other shall stay in this rank until they die as well. When both leaders die, the heirs shall reign unless they are too young. If no heirs are born and the leader(s) hasn't chosen a successor, the advisor will take the role of leader unless challenged by another member of the pride. Must be mate of Eva to apply.

H e i r s
The heirs are the offspring of the leaders. They are to be treated like the other cubs, but are more protected than the others. Do not apply.

A d v i s o r s
This is also the second-in-command. They take over if the leaders are gone and the heirs aren't old enough or responsible enough to lead. They are usually put in charge of keeping watch over the heirs. Must be earned.

E l d e r s
These are the members of our pride who are the oldest and might have some physical problems that disable them from doing any other jobs in the pride. Their only job is to live out the rest of their lives in peace and to offer advice when needed.

G u a r d s
These are members skilled in fighting and will prowl our borders to make sure there is no danger lurking there. They will also protect the dens. *Difference between guards and warriors: Guards are more like the first line of defense against an attack. They hold off enemies until the warriors can be gathered for the offensive attack. Once the warriors are ready, the guards would fall back to protect the young or anyone incapable of fighting. If there is an attack with only one individual enemy or a small group (not a whole pack), the guards will fight the battle.  

M e d i c s
The medics, or healers, will tend to anyone injured within our clan. They are usually needed during or after battles, but wounds always need to be healed.

W a r r i o r s
These are members skilled in fighting and will defend our clan in battle against our enemies. Hopefully our warriors won't be needed, but we must always be prepared. *Difference between guards and warriors: Guards are more like the first line of defense against an attack. They hold off enemies until the warriors can be gathered for the offensive attack. Once the warriors are ready, the guards would fall back to protect the young or anyone incapable of fighting. If there is an attack with only one individual enemy or a small group (not a whole pack), the guards will fight the battle.  

S p y /// M e s s e n g e r /// S c o u t
We rarely see these members since they are usually outside of our borders delivering messages or spying on clans/prides/packs that are pending being our allies or spying on enemies.

C u b S i t t e r
These are the members who watch over our precious cubs and pups and protect them from danger. They are permitted to teach them how to hunt or fight as well during spare time, but these skills are going to typically be taught by the parents.

C u b s
The youngest members of our clan who still have many things to learn before they can get a different rank.

T h e L o s t
Our deceased, kidnapped, or lost members.

A p p l y !

Leaders, Advisors, Guards, Warriors, Cubsitters, and Lost

Code: [Select]
[center][img]150 X 150 SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]

[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Name:[/b] NAMEHERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Ingame/Forum Username:[/b] INGAME-USERNAME HERE/FORUM-USERNAME HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Gender:[/b] GENDER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Species:[/b] SPECIES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Age:[/b] AGE HERE (options: cub, older cub, young teen, teen, older teen, young adult, adult, mature adult, senior)[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Personality:[/b] PERSONALITY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]History:[/b] HISTORY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Mentor:[/b]MENTOR HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Apprentice:[/b]APPRENTICE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Former Mentors/Apprentices:[/b]ANY PAST MENTORS OR APPRENTICES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Parents:[/b] MOTHER AND FATHER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Mate:[/b] MATE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Offspring:[/b] OFFSPRING HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Status:[/b] RANK DESIRED HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Health Status:[/b] CURRENT STATE OF HEALTH (percentage; what's wrong/healthy)[/color][/font]

Heirs, Elders, Medics, Spies,and Cubs

Code: [Select]
[center][img]150 X 150 SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]

[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Name:[/b]NAMEHERE [/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Ingame/Forum Username:[/b] INGAME-USERNAME HERE/FORUM-USERNAME HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Gender:[/b]GENDER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Species:[/b] SPECIES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Age:[/b]AGE HERE(options: cub, older cub, young teen, teen, older teen, young adult, adult, mature adult, senior) [/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Personality:[/b] PERSONALITY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]History:[/b] HISTORY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Mentor:[/b]MENTOR HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Apprentice:[/b]APPRENTICE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Former Mentors/Apprentices:[/b]ANY PAST MENTORS OR APPRENTICES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Parents:[/b] MOTHER AND FATHER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Mate:[/b] MATE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Offspring:[/b] OFFSPRING HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Status:[/b] RANK DESIRED HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=white][b]Health Status:[/b] CURRENT STATE OF HEALTH (percentage; what's wrong/healthy)[/color][/font]
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 01:55:30 am by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 08:12:12 pm »
? M e m b e r s ?

Member Count: 7
Males: 5
Females: 2

L e a d e r s

Name:Evangeline (Eva)
Ingame/Forum Username: Kasai/kasai
Gender: Female
Species: Tiger
Age: Adult
Former Mentors/Apprentices:-x-
Parents: Sera-x-Cero
Mate: -x-
Offspring: -x-
Health Status: 100% Healthy

H e i r s
None. Do not apply.

A d v i s o r s
None. Do not apply.

E l d e r s
None. Apply?

G u a r d s

Name: Rook
Ingame/Forum Username: Player927/Player927
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Age: Young Adult
Mentor: none
Apprentice: none
Former Mentors/Apprentices: none
Parents: Sattine & Lord Axian
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Health Status: 100% Healthy

Name: Eros
Ingame/Forum Username: Toast and Jam/Toast
Gender: Male
Species: Maned Wolf
Age: Young Adult
Mentor: -x-
Apprentice: -x-
Former Mentors/Apprentices: Mentor; Varric
Parents: Gwynn-x-Van
Mate: -x-
Offspring: -x-
Health Status: Healthy; 100%

M e d i c s

Head Medic

Name: Obi
Ingame/Forum Username: Kasai/kasai
Gender: Male
Species:Timber Wolf
Age: Mature Adult
Former Mentors/Apprentices:-x-
Parents: Ria-x-Oron [both dead]
Mate: Erina [deceased]
Offspring: Akila, Ream, Oki, Shayla [states of health: unknown]
Health Status: 100% Healthy

W a r r i o r s

Name: Ahri
Ingame/Forum Username: Romas695/DJWolf
Gender: Female
Species: Red fox
Age: Young adult
Mentor: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Former Mentors/Apprentices: N/A
Parents: Krystal & Vargas
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Health Status: 100%; healthy

Name: Driz
Ingame/Forum Username: Brodylove/Brodylove
Gender: Male
Species: Leopard
Age: Adult
Former Mentors/Apprentices:None
Parents: Reece X Ish (Both Deceased)
Mate: Single
Offspring: None
Health Status: 95%, a couple scars and bruises from getting into fights when he was a loner.

S p y /// M e s s e n g e r /// S c o u t
Ingame/Forum Username: candy2468
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Age: Older teen
Mentor: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Former Mentors/Apprentices: N/A
Parents: N/A
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Health Status: 99% Healthy

C u b s i t t e r s
None. Apply?

C u b s
None. Apply?

T h e L o s t
None. Apply?

« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 06:24:17 pm by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome[WIP]
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2012, 08:31:36 pm »
? A l l i e s ?
None. Apply?

? N e u t r a l s ?
None. Apply?

? E n e m i e s ?

? A n n o u n c e m e n t s ?
?(10/7/12) Celestial Pride thread created.
?(10/7/12) Archon Pack added as an enemy.

? I m p o r t a n t I n f o ?
UPDATED 10/9/12  
It is currently late Fall. The cold breezes are creeping through the land and winter coats are coming in.  
It is afternoon and partly cloudy. No storms expected tonight. Storms expected tomorrow morning into tomorrow afternoon.

? B a n n e r s ?

Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 02:05:55 am by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome[WIP]
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 11:54:57 pm »
BUMP. Open! =)

Offline Player927

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2012, 03:07:43 am »
Rook grins at the old medic "So we meet again, Obi..."

It's hard to see in the small pic, but he's got some blue-grey markings that blend into his coat really well. He should have scars as well but I'm not sure I'll get around to a preset for him.

Name: Rook
Ingame/Forum Username: Player927/Player927
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Age: Young Adult
Personality: Big-brother/Protector to the ladies but only after he's tried to woo them and failed (which generally always happens). Has an unusual sense of humor and duty. Although somewhat robust, he lacks training and is a bit of a klutz, but tries his best to succeed. His past required him to be obedient and submissive to higher ranks. Has issues with big cats but is learning to cope (not all big cats are bad cats)
History: Born into slavery, his mother raised him alone, never telling him of his father's empire and his royal heritage. The enslaved prince attempted to leave with his mother as a teen. He succeeded where she failed to escape their lion captors. He survived for several long months before finally wandering into Celestial lands and joining the clan. None would realize his royal lineage unless they saw him next to the great Lord Axian himself.
Mentor: none
Apprentice: none
Former Mentors/Apprentices: none
Parents: Sattine & Lord Axian
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Status: Guard
Health Status: 100% Healthy
I had an RP sample but lost it when I had "help", I can post another here tomorrow...

Code: [Select]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Name:[/b] Rook[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Ingame/Forum Username:[/b] Player927/Player927[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Species:[/b] Wolf[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Age:[/b] Young Adult[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Personality:[/b] Big-brother/Protector to the ladies but only after he's tried to woo them and failed (which generally always happens). Has an unusual sense of humor and duty. Although somewhat robust, he lacks training and is a bit of a klutz, but tries his best to succeed. His past required him to be obedient and submissive to higher ranks. Has issues with big cats but is learning to cope (not all big cats are bad cats)[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]History:[/b] Born into slavery, his mother raised him alone, never telling him of his father's empire and his royal heritage. The enslaved prince attempted to leave with his mother as a teen. He succeeded where she failed to escape their lion captors. He survived for several long months before finally wandering into Celestial lands and joining the clan. None would realize his royal lineage unless they saw him next to the great Lord Axian himself.[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Mentor:[/b] none[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Apprentice:[/b] none[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Former Mentors/Apprentices:[/b] none[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Parents:[/b] Sattine & Lord Axian[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Mate:[/b] None[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Offspring:[/b] None[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Status:[/b] Guard[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=skyblue][b]Health Status:[/b] 100% Healthy[/color][/font]

Offline Kasai

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2012, 03:14:19 am »
Obi's face goes blank as he mutters to himself. "A whole new RP with Rook... lucky me."

Accepted! =)

Don't worry about the RP sample. I know you can type more than a sentence. We've RPed before XD
Nice history, by the way!

Offline Player927

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2012, 03:41:30 am »
Prods Obi with a paw "I was knocked out in the last RP, or did ya forget old timer?"

Thanks Kas. Hopefully we'll get lots o'people soon so we can rp :) I've miss rping so much lol.

Offline ToastGhost

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2012, 05:02:12 am »

Offline Player927

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Re: ??Celestial Pride?? - Canines and Felines Welcome
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2012, 02:54:42 pm »
-Rushes up to Eros and begins to pet/hug/smother before looking at Kas- Can we keep him? Please please PLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE!?!!??!?!