Author Topic: ?Blooming Creek Dog Park - Open and accepting - accepting literate roleplayers!?  (Read 16303 times)


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o3o I died when I saw all dem cute dogs.
-Snuggles Hermes, Evielena, Bernard, and Lilliana.- D'aawwwww!

Blake + Tara

Blake watched the sky dissolve into a single, sandy shade through squinted golden eyes. A pink tongue slid from between teeth still white. He lay on his side, his lower body partly under a tree. "Taraaaa, what're you doing?" Blake barked loudly at his twin sister, only a few feet away from him. He turned his skull so that he was looking at Tara. "Nothing," Tara barked lazily, her tail swayed to and fro in the wind. "Why do you want to know?" She asked her brother. Blake sighed, "I'm bored, we should do something. Sarah brought us here so that we would do something, let's not waste our time." he barked even louder. Tara let out a soft growl. "Fine, but what should we do?" She sighed. Blake stared at Tara for a few seconds. "Meet other dogs I guess, it's good to be social sometimes." He barked. Tara glared at her brother, and growled. "Fine, let's go, but let's check on Sarah." Both Aussies padded off to check on their owner. Sarah was seated on a bench next to some of the other dog's owners. "Ah! You're both back, we still have some time left so if I were you two I would go play with the other dogs." Sarah said sweetly. She gave them both a treat for returning to her, and shooed them away. Tara and Blake ate their treat's noisily and trotted off. They didn't know where they were, because they were new to Blooming Creek. They ended up in the middle of an agility course. Tara glanced over at two other dogs and growled. "What's wrong, Tar?" Blake asked his sister, curiously. "Oh, nothing." She barked.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 09:24:16 pm by Rhea »

Offline heartsgirl99

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((aww...Lilliana looks so cute! Temporal, is it ok if hope has a small crush on Bernard? I feel like I can hug all of the puppies and dogs right now *starts to hug hope, lady, Lilliana and bernard because they are puppies*))

lady lifted her head to see her owner with the leashes, her fluffy tail wagging. "hope, lady, come here girls" lady obeyed and walked over to jake, allowing him to put a light blue leash onto her collar. After jake put a leash onto hope's leaf-green collar, she and her "sister" followed jake to the front door, their tails wagging and their tongues lolled. Lady wanted to run to the car first thing after the door opened but she diddnt want to hurt jake or her "sister", hope. As the door opened, lady calmly followed jake and hope towards the car.

now next to the car, hope could see Jake's dad, waiting for him, her and lady to get into the white car. "I wonder if the park is going to be huge and full of friendly dogs and fun stuff to do" "me too. Maybe the park may have a pool or a place when we can eat free beef favored treats!" she said to the king Charles spaniel puppy. As the car door opened, hope watched as jake got into the car before she and lady jumped into the white car. "I guess the pups can't wait to go to the new dog park" hope coulden't understand some of the words that Jake's dad said about them but she ignored it. As the car started to move, hope felt a odd feeling under her paws and she lifted her head to see the sky moving. oh no, the sky's moving! she thought, her brown eyes fixed onto the window.{mini time skip} a few mintunes after the ride, jake opened the car door and got out, letting hope and lady jump out of the car. the sky stopped moving....weird she thought, landing onto the ground with all four paws. She then followed jake and lady towards the park entrance, her tail wagging happily like she forgotten about the sky "moving". Jake opened another door, letting the two pups inside before closing the wired door. Hope turned her head to see jake getting the leashes off of her's and lady's collar. "here you go, now go have fun and don't start a fight" hope could understand "don't" "fight" and "fun" in human talk but she ignored the other words that jake said and followed lady to a open area, leaving jake to sit on the bench with the other owners.
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Offline Celeyan

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Tara & Blake gon' meet Zalayax <3

Offline Jackalfur

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((Thank you for accepting me, Crystal c:
Thanks! And sure, Hope can have a crush on Bernard. x3))

.o ????? o.

Voices came from downstairs, along with the scent of food, which drew Brook to awakening. She hadn't even opened one eye when a paw jabbed at her side, bringing a tinge of pain to her senses. "I'm awake, I'm awake," she yawned heartily, lifting her head from the mass of baby-blue satin blankets. There was Bernard, sitting in front of her with an enthusiastic grin on his face. "Wake up, Brook, wake up! We're going to the dog park today!" The female German Shepherd couldn't help but smile at his excitement. He acts like it's the best thing in the world, she thought in amusement, Maybe he'll make a few friends along the way. She was most certainly proud of him, whether she showed it or not. "Alright then, go downstairs and eat. I'll be right with you." Brook stretched each leg in turn, a yawn rushing to her jaws instantly after. As she headed down to the ground floor, the aroma of chicken and beef-- her most favorite food --wreathed around her, causing her mouth to flood with water.

"I wonder if that fat old tabby is around today!" she heard Bernard exclaim while bouncing around his kibble. "Bernard, you must try to avoid fights with the cats, not be excited about them," Brook reminded the young male, swerving around the dinner table and toward her food and water bowls, which rested on the same side of the kitchen as Bernard's. "Not all cats are waiting for you to show up. You're still a puppy, remember that." She barely caught a "Yeah, yeah, okay" from her foster brother, but decided to ignore his sarcasm and eat.

"Brook, Bernard, time to go," called a tall woman with brunette hair. She had two dog leashes already gripped in her hands, though Brook personally thought that Bernard was the only one who needed a leash. He'd already run off after a rabbit yesterday during his stroll around the backyard. Allowing Felice to clip a leash, an olive-green colored one, to her collar that was of the same pigment, the older Shepherd shook out her tan-and-black coat while watching Bernard try to get out the door as the human clipped his leash on as well. That was Bernard for you.

As they arrived at the dog park, Brook stared out the window at all the dogs. I've never seen so many dogs in my entire life! she thought, amazed. "Wow! Look at all the dogs! I hope I can make some friends here!" Bernard whimpered happily, his tail wagging up a storm. Brook smiled to herself and pushed the car door open with her head, giving Felice a warmhearted lick on the cheek before taking a bound from the front seat. Her little foster brother nearly crashed into her side trying to mimic her leap, and she rolled her eyes in amusement. "You klutz," she joked, nudging the pup's shoulder gently, "be more careful next time. You might hurt yourself." Entering the park gates, Brook followed Bernard, watching him closely so he didn't speed from her view on an expedition to explore the park.

- ???????? -

The alarm of a clock rang through the halls, to where Lilliana was sleeping in a small, dainty-looking lavender dog bed. The puppy let out a squeak of protest, though with the smell of puppy kibble drifting from the bedroom door she couldn't resist getting up, along with the tweeting of the robins outside the window. She wanted to watch the birds from the window sill, but she didn't know how to get up there without Briana's help. With her dark hazel eyes glancing toward the light being scattered on the floor, Lillith stood up and fluffed out her cream fur. Firmly closed cardboard boxes sat near the foot of the bed, and instantly she had an idea.

Hopping up onto the first box, she noticed she could jump onto the bed from where she was now. If I could just climb the rest of the boxes... I'll be able to reach the window sill! she realized with a jolt of pride. Briana would surely be proud of her too, right?
The dachshund climbed from one box to the other, gripping the tape with her stubby paws so she wouldn't fall. Another two jumps later, she'd cleared the staircase of cardboard boxes, swelling with pride and joy. "I did it!" she whimpered quietly, hardly being able to contain her excitement. With a grunt, she took a leap from the last box and landed squarely on the ledge. By the time she'd gotten there, the mother robin was just finishing up with feeding a worm to her babies. They're so cute!

Suddenly a mrrow echoed from the open window and the adult robin fled, leaving the chicks behind. "Hey, Lillith!"
A large tortoiseshell tom glided around the corner of the outside window sill with a content look on his face. Lilliana's ears twitched in response to the greeting. "Hi, Rudy! What're you doing today?" she yipped, watching as the cat lowered himself down onto the space beside the flowerbed. "Mrrrow, nothing much. Watching the birds." the feline purred, licking one of his mottled paws thoroughly before swiping his ears with it. "You mean you don't eat them?" Lillith's eyebrows raised in amazement. Most cats she'd seen were targeting birds for prey rather than entertainment. "Oh, no! My cat food is way better in my opinion. Birds are just, well... feathers and bones."

In the middle of their conversation, the bedroom door swung open and the tortie stiffened, leaping to his paws in alert. "Sorry, no time to talk, gotta run!" he mewed quickly. "Bye Lilliana!" And he was off before the dachshund puppy could say her farewells. She looked behind her shoulder to see Briana walking toward her. "What are you doing up there? You could hurt yourself!" the teenager scolded her dog gently, wrapping her arms around her and cradling her close to her chest. Lilliana let out a whine of protest. "You're brave, to stand up to those boxes like that, though," Briana chuckled and carried the English dachshund out of the room. "Wanna go to the dog park?" Yes, oh yes! Lilliana wagged her tail happily.

A half hour later, they arrived at the dog park. "Wooaaaah! It's so... big!" The five-month-old puppy had no other way of expressing her amazement. With her paws and nose squished up against the window, she stared in awe until a pair of hands swept her off the ground. "Be good, okay? No fighting. Have fun, sweetie!" Briana nuzzled the canine's neck and got out of the car, placing her in the grass. "Bye, Lilliana! I love you!" The car's engine revved up and it pulled back, driving out of the parking lot. Lilliana waited until they left and entered the dog park.

((Yay, I'm regaining my inspiration! 8D))

ヌ - ド ル

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Yaaay! :D))


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Something caught Tara's eye, a large Saarlos Wolfhound. She padded away from Blake--who was too busy watching the other dogs at the agility course to notice his noisy sister had disappeared--, and to the dog pool where the the Wolfhound was. "You look like you're having fun." Tara grinned at the dog, her paws gripping the ground she was standing on. Her British accent hinted the sentence in a special way, maybe a flirty tone or maybe not. She turned her head away from the dog for a few seconds to see if her bratty brother was still standing in the spot he was before she left. After looking at the red merle Aussie, she turned her skull back to the canine in the pool of water. The tri colored female crep closer to the Saarlos Wolfhound with a sly twisted grin.

Blake had noticed that Tara was gone, after a few minutes had passed, but he stayed where he was. He got bored watching the dogs practice so he decided to see what his sister was doing at the dog pool. Blake crept up behind his sister just in time to hear what she was saying. He chuckled at Tara's comment. "What do we have here, sister?" The red merle Aussie reeled back on all fours, eyes glaring. Blake showed no emotion, although the grin on his flawless red colored face, his smile instantly fading into a frown and a very nasty scowl led on his face when he noticed Tara was talking to another male.

Sorry for the shortness in Blake's RP. I have school and work tomorrow, :U that's why.

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The female labrador seemed to have lost intrest in sitting down, and she pulled at the leash her owner was holding, begging to go on a walk in the fields. Her owner sighed and pulled the female away from her arm, holding her leather collar whilst clipping on the leash. 'So, you don't know anyone that has another labrador?' The owner said, holding the leash tightly with both hands. 'I am affraid not. I got little Bully done when he was young. Maybe you could advertise in the newspaper.' Bullet's mother had said, and the blonde lab did not know in his wildest dreams what they were saying. The humans said their fairwells and the owner and the other labrador departed out of the gates. What was that all about? he barked to his mother, but ofcorse she did not reply. Young Bullet turned his head, his long blonde ears flapping around as he did to see a large great dane looking at him and a Italian Greyhound who had sprinted off towards the agility course. Bullet looked away, and then back to the staring eyes. Bullet glared aswell, but his eyes had started to water as they dried up. This is our cue to go, mother. He whimperd, tugging at the bottom off her coat with all his might untill finally she rose in annoyance. 'What is wrong with you lately? You are scared of a female chasing you and now because there is another dog looking at you. Sit down for christ's sake!' She said with a very violent tone. He obayed and looked back towards the large male. Bullet breathed in, puffed out his chest and gained to both of his paws before slowly walking towards the dog. He whisperd silently to himself, thinking of something to say in a polite tone, yet firm. He lifed his head and realised he was inches away from the males chest. Bullet snorted and looked up. 'D-did you want somthing? If you want that shortbread i ate it. Yes, all to myself.' He said quietly. Maybe he could find some weakness in Duke but the great dane still looked at him as if he was a pile of squashed flies. Bullet looked down, but his eyes were still partly looking at the tall standing Dane, feeling quite awkward.

((It is quite hard to write long paragraph's when you need a response/reply.))



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True, True


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Jade woke up to a silver-and-white figure with eyeliner-black areas around the eyes and ice eyes tackling her and rolling her over about two times on the floor until the back of her head hit the bottom of a cabinet.  The pain caused her to yelp and she wearily stood up, facing Nevada with her brown eyes. Jade was definitely not amused with her brother. She sat down and lay down, waiting until the pain ebbed. "Oh my, I'm so sorry Jade. I wanted you to wake up because Hannah is taking us to the park." She raised her head up and glared at her brother. "And you had to do so by tackling me while I was sleeping?"
Hannah then made a clicking noise with her tongue and clipped both of them to their leashes. When they go there, she let them off. It felt good to feel "free."