Author Topic: Prom Night [Inactive since 12/12/2012]  (Read 16178 times)

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2012, 11:24:20 pm »
James Cambridge

"James Michael Cambridge! Get your behind up now!" Came a shrieking voice that belonged to no other but his mother. Jolting from his bed he frowned at the small spot of drool that lay on his pillow. "Yuck..", he muttered wipping the side of his face with the backside of his hand. "James! You better be up!" His mother's footsteps echoed up the stairs that led to his bedroom. A small sigh escaped his lungs as he counted off in his head. 3...2...1. Just as he had suspected a furious mother came bustling into his bedroom with a scowl on her face, who then relaxed when she saw him standing near the edge of his bed. "Oh, you're up. It's about time! Get ready and come down to breakfast." She exited his room quietly and shut the door before she returned to the kitchen. All James could do was shake his head and retrive his clothes for the day. Puling his dresser's draws open he pulled out a white t-shirt and a grey hoodie with denim jeans before pushing the drawers in. He his clothing on for the day and cruised down the stairs to the diningroom. "Hey sport. Prom today, huh?" His dad said who was nose deep in the daily newspaper with a large mug of coffee. "Yup. I still don't have a date though." James picked up a piece of bacon that was sitting on a plate in the middle of the table, only to have his hand slapped by his mother when he returned for a second strip. "James...manners please. If you want more get a plate. And I'm sure you'll find someone." James retrieved a plate and pulled on 3 more pieces shoving them into his mouth. "Sorry," he managed to say in between mouthfuls. His father gave her a disapproving look before returning to his paper. He took a large swig of his coffee as he flipped through the pages until he reached the crossword puzzle section. "C'mon Jen. Let him do what he wants. Today is suposed to be a fun day for him. Speaking of which, you'll need to leave now if you want to make it to school on time," his father said glancing at a watch that was fastened to his wirst. "Really? Not good! Bye!" He hurried to the front door grabbing his bag and phone before walking out into the rainy morning.

James didn't mind walking at all, but when it was raining he always had something to complain about. Especially when cars drive to close to the sidewalk and water splashes up getting people wet. Walking by the homes he smiled to people who were on there way to work and school. Pulling out his phone from his jean pockets he checked the time and his messages. The clock read '7:50', making James eyes widen as he broke out into a slight jog. Finally he reached the school, pushing through the mass of students who camped out in the halls. He kindly refused a piece of parchment that a girl was handing out before he entered his next class. No time to go to my locker now. Choosing a seat in the front he pulled out his notebook for the class and began to write what the teacher had already wrote on the board.

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2012, 04:42:09 pm »
[I'm going with the idea that they don't have dates yet, but will have the ones listed in the app]

The twins sat in their usual spot on the bus: in the back and sitting on their knees for a nice view of the entire bus. Only the back of the bus really had any energy. The front and middle were usually the tired students who were dozing off in the morning or listening to their iPods. "So, Fred, do you have a date to prom," a rather flirty freshman asked. She wasn't the most attractive girl and lacked a real personality, only having the irritating flirty personality around the twins. "Of-of course I do. I mean, have you seen me," Fred asked jokingly. Jackson raised an eyebrow to his brother response, but decided to let it go, hoping this lie would go downhill for Fred. The disappointment was evident on the girl's face and Fred did feel bad for a second, but this emotion was quickly covered with panic as she asked, "So, who are you going with?" Jackson couldn't stop the cheshire cat-like smile that worked its way to his face as he anticipated his brother's scrambled answer.

Looking out the window as they were arriving at the school, Fred pointed to a blonde in a turquoise sweater outside. "Uhhh, her." The freshman seemed very unconvinced as her jaw tightened at the obvious lie. "Really? What's her name, then?" Fred knew Melody, but couldn't for the life of him remember her name at that moment. Jackson, who was under less pressure to answer, muttered Melody's name under his breath to his brother. "Um, Melody. Melody Parker," he replied. The freshman, who had met Melody before, just wrinkled her nose. "Why would you go out with that freak?" The twins both got a bit tense. "Freak," Jackson questioned. "Um, yeah. You've never noticed how weird she is? She's always talking to herself or humming and singing to herself. It's like she's high or something. She probably is, actually," the freshman snickered. Fred glared at the freshman. "Shut up. You don't know her well enough to say something like that," he snapped. Granted, Fred didn't know enough about her to defend her, but she had always been nice whenever he talked to her. The bus came to a stop right then and Fred sprang up from his seat, getting off the bus before the sleepyheads in the front could even grab their bookbags. Jackson followed his brother towards the front doors of the school. The second Jack finally caught up, there was a crack of lightning and then a full downpour. The two then ran towards the entrance, pushing past some of the younger students. They both took the fliers, each knowing they would either end up in the garbage or at the bottom of Jackson's locker, since he was the messier of the two. Fred searched out Melody and glanced over to his brother once he found her. "Hey, I'll meet you in class, I'm gonna go ask her to prom." With that said, he started to walk towards her.  

Melody looked up from her book occasionally as she began to approach the school. Fully intent on not letting the student body ahead interrupt her, she continued to read, only looking up to avoid colliding with someone. She marked her page with her finger as she heard a crack of lightning overhead. Flinching a little, she threw her book quickly in her bag. She just managed to close her bag when it began to pour. Trying to sneak through the crowd, she received her flier and continued to walk. She looked down at the flier, now pretty wet and only partially readable. From what she could read, it said where prom was being held and when. The flier was primarily aimed at couples, which Melody couldn't help but feel a bit miserable about. She didn't have long to feel miserable since a huge crowd of prom enthusiasts were coming towards her with their silver and pink glitter. Melody tried to step back, but realized her fate was inevitable. A guy with a can of pink glitter spotted her and quickly approached the shy looking girl. Just as he finished shaking the can, he ended up spraying Fred, who jumped in front of Melody. The boy had been aiming for Melody's hair, something that would easily show the massive amount of pink he was going to put in, but, instead, Fred got a full face of pink glitter.

Fred closed his eyes after realizing the glitter would be hitting him in the face and turned to Melody when it stopped, who couldn't help but let out a high-pitch, breathy giggle at the sight of the twin with his pink glittered face. Fred smiled at her and, once she was done laughing at him, asked, "So, Melody, do you have a date tonight?" She giggled again, making Fred's heart leap into his throat. "I'll go with you," she replied with a smile. Fred smiled widely and looked up at the clock nearby. "Oh! We better go," he realized, pointing to the clock. Melody followed his finger and nodded. "I'll come pick you up later. Can you write down your address for me and just give it to me later?" Melody nodded and Fred ran off to his locker. Grabbing his books, he ran to his first class, just missing being late. Jackson sat in the back of the human anatomy class beside Mirabell, saving a seat for his brother by setting his feet on the desk in front of him. Just the sight of Fred's completely pink glitter face and Jackson was in a fit of laughter, along with a few of the other people in the class. "Hey, I got my date. I'm happy. Where's your date, Jackie," he asked tauntingly, taking the seat that was saved for him. Jackson ignored his brother, smiling at the pink glittered mess. In the meantime, Melody walked into her study hall with a content smile, opened her book, and sat down, losing herself in the world of her books.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 04:55:08 pm by Kasai »

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2012, 06:48:12 pm »
He stood up silently pressing a button on his phone, he placed it into his pocket and took the ear phones out of his ears and put them in his pocket with the same pocket that the phone was in. He thought to him self 'better get to class.' He sighed and walked into the class room choosing a spot at the back, most people were at the front but he didn't care the slightest. He yawned and got out his book and a small note book that was full of his drawings, he quickly wrote down what he was meant to with a red pen with dark blue ink, that looked like black ink. After that he put the book aside and got his notebook choosing a clear white page. He got out a white pencil with black striped going side ways. 'Hum. What to draw to day.' He thought doing a outline of a floppy ear then about a couple of cementers away he drawn another ear. 'Pit bull.' He decided to a pit bull shaped outline of its head drawing a few markings and a nice patch around a eye. He drawn a nice shaped nose and a snarling mouth showing sharp teeth. He drawn a chain collar and a big staffie body with a small thin tail, and 4 stocky legs. He put some markings on the body and the tail and he made some more muscles. He got out a black pencil and started to color in the picture carefully.

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2012, 01:32:53 am »

Mirabell huffed as she wrote down the many words her teacher was writing on the board but she wasn't really paying attention, thoughts were jumping through her head like hyper monkeys. She watched as a few late students walked in and rushed to their seats and opened their textbooks acting as if they have been in the class the whole time. She grumbled as her red hair kept falling on her paper and obstructing her view, she quickly grabbed a hair tie from off her wrist and swooped her hair into a messy ponytail. I just can't seem to concentrate today. she thought to herself as her teacher spoke but it seemed no sound was escaping his lips, she rubbed her face then looked back up seeing that the class and the teacher were looking at her. "Well Ms. Mirabell?" Mirabell froze and glanced around frantically not knowing what to do "I'm sorry I wasn't listening.." She looked down at her desk then back up at the teacher "I see.. Well I will need you to stay after class." Mirabell moaned as she heard the snickers of her classmates. Hearing the bell ring her classmates stood up and left the class, she could still hear their snickers as they left the room "Ms. Mirabell, my desk please." She looked at her teacher, he had a broad chin and strong facial features and his eyes were a piercing blue "Coming.." She said quietly. She walked up t his rather large desk, she looked at the contents on the desk the typical teacher things were set neatly on his desk around his old school computer. She took a seat in an older oak chair that creaked at each movement she made trying to make herself a little comfortable. "What happened today? You never seem to "leave" the classroom, you are always so focused." His stern gaze made her uneasy "Uhm..Well ya know prom is tonight..Just thinking is all." She felt her palms becoming a little sweaty. He nodded his head "I understand. You may go, but pay more attention on Monday okay?" He chuckled as he motioned her to the door "Okay, I will." As she scooted away from the desk and rushed out of the classroom and to her locker.
    Mirabell knew she would be late and took her time at her locker and hopefully be able to have Mr. Sanders call her Art teacher after school to excuse her tardy. She sighed as she sat at her locker and stared at the many books and Homework assignments she had to turn in that day. She looked down at her dark hoodie and sighed as she saw all the pink and silver glitter that covered her torso "I was hoping it would rub off." She rubbed her forehead, she looked like a she belonged in some sort of Fairy-tale starring as the fairy.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 02:01:29 pm by Miki. »

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2012, 10:05:50 pm »
He slowly stood up as they got dismissed. He put his textbook in his bag and put his blue bag with the pit bull drawing in his bag. He sighed and looked at Mirabell doing a quick tut sarcastically and walked out smiling. He walked down the hall to his locker and done the combination slowly opening it, he stuffed his bag in and got his phone out and there was 1 message from his friend that lived in Australia, it read 'Coming round to your country soon, wanna hang out when I get there?' He shrugged and quickly text back. 'Sure, when u comin?' He put the phone slowly back into his pocket and lifted it out again getting another text it was from his dad. 'In work till 6, cya later son.' it said and he yawned texting back. 'K cya later.' He put the phone in his bag then lifted the ear phones out and put it in his back pack and shut the locker slowly, but it still made quite a bang. (Short... Is it break?)

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2012, 04:16:47 am »
No, it's second period. If that's what you were asking about.)

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2012, 08:07:40 am »
Okay thanks :) ))

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2012, 05:34:35 pm »
((I'll have to leave this roleplay. A recent injury just came up and I'm pretty busy with other things. Adding on to the list, Thanksgiving Break is soon and I'm going on a plane to Arizona.))

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2012, 11:33:46 pm »
Okay, sorry to see ya go Crystal, but I completely understand. :3)

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Re: Prom Night||Open! Post!||
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2012, 08:48:47 pm »
No one is rping... xD))

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Meep Meep.

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