Author Topic: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp  (Read 11246 times)

Offline aviannerd

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Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« on: October 30, 2012, 09:21:45 pm »

Deep in the city, the lights turn out. You believe your all alone until you hear growling. Grotesque looking dogs are in another room. They are all gnarled up and mangy, probably from the extreme tests, but those dogs are always hidden in the basement cages. Newer dogs are kept in the top cages, the ones that don't look so gnarly. There are only 5 dogs though that don't get tested on. They are treated like the pets of this place and are trained to be guard dogs. Usually in the morning, people will disappear with long sticks that have a syringe on the end and tazer sticks. You will hear high voltage zaps followed by a loud, painful yelp and then a few minutes later, there will be a grotesque looking dog flailing under shackles that pin it to the mobile table and the table will be put into the testing room, where those who haven't been gory enough to move downstairs get front row seats to the painful, abusive tests that could almost kill a dog if it wasn't for the jab of the needle on the stick that fills the subject with something that makes them heal faster and keeps them alive longer, even through the brutal tests. They feel the pain and are not knocked out but they don't die as easy. They get the injection every time before they are tested on with those brutal tests.
Some tests include: Switching the normal skeleton with a metal one and making artificial organs replace the normal ones, burning the skin through with treatments that are supposed to cure, Crossing the breed with other animals through injections, changing the iris color, placing unborn pups into another female, and changing fur color. When the dog is dead and useles, they end up tossing it into the closet so it could be thrown out back with other dead dogs later. Of course burns and stuff don't count as to go to the basement so there will be some dogs up in the cages with others that don't look bad or aren't used for the test yet.
Last to know is the guard dogs are set out front and tied to a leash to a pole so they keep out tresspassers. The dogs are well tempered with each other and were trained to grow up together like a family but as for the dogs inside, if the guard dogs see them they will try to brutally murder them, along with any other animal that gets too close or isn't caged. The dogs should know not to mess with caged animals.

This takes place in the country. It is in the middle of no where but sorta a farm feel. There's a barn next to the humans house for the farming stuff. There is a giant fence around the area the people own though so the dogs can't cross the fence and the place could seem like an average farm because the house and barn blocks the view of the laboratory. There is an electric fence play pen for the lab dogs to get fresh air and excersize. The electric fence is too large to jump and if a dog tried jumping it and actually succeeded, there are humans monitoring them with tazers so they would be taken down and tossed back in.

The cages are a bit dull. They sometimes could be filthy but there is dog food and water. Some times they sneak things into the dog food or water. Before the true tests begin they will be given steak, ham, chicken or dear meat, any kind of meat honestly but it will be filled with honey that has tranquilizer in it so they will enjoy it but then fall asleep. After that they are placed on the table and shackled down and injected with the serum that will begin to make them stronger and ready for the test. When awake the serum hurts like **** with the feel of burning inside your organs even though there is no physical harm. The tests are not as brutal until the 3 or 5 serum, then they get full out.

Test room
There are many cages filled with dogs and many lab tables with shackles. The shelf is full of chemicals liquids in bottles, ointment creams and pills the dog will be tested on with. There are also doctor tools, a heart monitor, an ultra sound thing, and a table with scalpels, syrenges, and Ointments, and swabs.

There are giant test tubes that dogs will be submerged in that sometimes does freaky stuff. Some are for cloning, some for altering their genetics and some will just be used to preserve the dog for future use, of course the dog will be tranquilized first. There are a ton of test tubes though. There are also blue prints that go to each cage number.

The back
There are often poorly buried dogs and shovels by the back door. The dogs are always gnarled up looking from either the tests or the guard dogs catching them. The wounds have often bled out so the flesh is pink and dry.

Pack Rules:
Don't go out alone or at storms/night (Meant to be broken)

 If you see an insane, avoid it or kill/chase-away it quickly
 Protect each other with your life and don't kill/harm one another
 Violence, Swearing, Gore, Sex, all accepted
 Please be active, at least I would like to see you sunday.
 No power play, invincibility, instant-heal, god mod, txt tlk, H0M35TUCK T4LK, or drama
 Problems ooc? Take it to pm, we don't want to hear you whine
 We're all equal, no mary/gary-sues, I mean come on, your not that great
 Be nice and stay in character, all ooc is in party chat and in ()[/color]

So there is this city that used to have a lab testing on rabies and madness. It was never successful so it closed down after all the dogs escaped. They have been traveling the city attacking and killing each other and other creatures. The only difference is they made a similar disease to rabies, One that doesn't kill the subject but dulls the senses to think clearly and rendering it to a pure killer that fights instantly over anything for food and territory and anything. How you can tell a clean dog from a dog infested with Furia plague is they will cower and show fear instead of instantly showing their fangs and growling and either attacking. Furia dogs have pretty much separated from the world and if you look at their eyes the eyes will either carry a disease in them like being glossy/dead eyes or being tiny concentrated pupils for early stage. So far there is no cure and so far the sickness only reflects to other canines so a human was never bitten. Strangely though other canines were infected with Furia instead of just dogs. Wolves, Jackals, Dingos, Coyotes, Foxes, all canine breeds were infected by the Furia plague and they hide in the subways and vents during the day. There are sightings all over america but largely in Chicago, Los angels, and New york. The ASPCA is trying to get the stray mutts in control but they are smart enough to hide and get away and we know the subways are forbidden for they live in the subway for it runs all under america. But an occasional half eaten body of our canine friends show they are still there.
The police force and all other dog owners are sure to vaccinate their dog before Walking them or doing anything but sadly it had to be moved to monthly so the dogs don't turn mad. And all vaccinated dogs are given a red collar in order for people to know their ok and owned. However now people own every breed of canine as pet and service dog since there is no difference anymore.
Since the air is sickness the having 2 different colored eyes, having weird eye colors, Having strange hair/fur markings are a bit more popular.

I just wannu go home
There is a life civilization is oblivious to. The canines all over the world are always going missing, but the people are oblivious that those lost dog pictures are useless.  It rains often in this major wort to non stop city. Underneath a good section of the city is a huge lab full of these many mutated dogs, Some are cyborgs, some are chimeras, and of course there were the ones just used for testing chemicals that look like the dogs from resident evil, or as I like to call them, the gore hounds. The sad dog faces, once pretty little pets curled up beside a fire or running free through the woods, now disfigured and deformed to ugly looking freaks that one will never look at the same as they would look at your local stray dog. They all long for one thing in the end, to escape this terrible testing facility and return to the city as the dogs they were, finding their masters and living like they did before the laboratory. Mutants in the city, expired in the lab. They have no choice but to keep together and survive this filthy town as a family.

What do we accept?

Chimeras: They don't have extra animal heads, their heads are that of a normal dogs but they might have something like body and tail part lizard or bird wings and front chest area plus front legs feathers. You can't make it too big, it has to be easy to tell it's a dog. They can have multiple species combinations as long as it's mostly dog and has only 1 head, the dogs normal head. Antlers/horns are fine. Yes you can have a character with only 2 or 3 heads but they all have to be dogs and the limit for both is 1 like that. They wanted to see if it was possible to take genetic traits from another animal and put it on a normal dog, but they get more than the specific fur patterns. Instead they got things like half the animals body or wings. There were extra of tails sometimes, half the time they are the same breed tail like fox tails. Some times the subject has extra limbs by the tests.

Cyborgs: originally supposed to be normal looking dogs with their organs and skeleton made of metal, plastic, and rubber to increase their power and ability so they can see farther, smell more, hear almost everything, run and jump higher/faster, and be stronger. The only downside was that the metal was to large for the flesh to cover over so it shows on the canines exterior instead of looking like a normal canine. Yes they were given things like a lazer eye or syringe/bear-trap fangs.

Gore hounds: The dogs that are well alive and have personality. There sare many cases they were used for but most the time they are used as dummy's for them to test toxic chemicals on. Sometimes they test the ability to bring them back to life seeing if the dogs will spring back, it's a rare test but seems to be successful always for the dog has it's memory and personality back when it awakes. These guys are pretty much the useless ones to the lab since they are only used for testing chemicals.

White Coats: They are pretty much the bad guys of the story. They do the extreme experiments and tests on the dogs of their lab. They see the dogs as nothing more but tools most the time. Yes they might bity them at times but that doesn't change a thing, they wont smuggle the dogs out they will still test on them. Besides the small dogs most the time die by the extreme tests and it's hard to sneak out a big dog.

Wild dogs: They have no owner but these canines play an important role to the plot. There might be some that will become enemies to these mutants that escaped the lab, but moth the time others will pity them and even help them, like teaching them how to hunt, kill, and survive on their own. These wild animals are things like foxes, wolves, coyotes, Dholes, Dingos, and Jackals. All of every breed. A bonus I'm including oddly enough is the short-eared dog for out of the wild dogs it's the only one that looks like a dog and is in environment close to ours, however the limit of short eared dogs is 1.

Strays: The dogs that live in the city wild and free. They are often always filthy but at the same time some can still look kinda cute. They, like wild canines, have no master but might help the mutants survive the city. Strays often travel in packs and despise human life most the time, so they resent humans and envy pets, thus they really have the pets even if they aren't bad themselves. Strays are often a little hostile and cautious cause they need to me when in the city. Most the time these strays are mutts, mixed breeds between two kinds of dogs. Since lkittle dogs can't survive big dogs that well often times the strays are big dogs

Pets: Pampered and sometimes even spoiled. They vary to hating getting their paws wet or rolling in mud. They are almost often seen either at their house or otherwise on a walk. Most the time they are friendly and welcoming to almost anyone, others are stuck up snobs just cause of their pedigree. The breeds are half the time purebreed pedigree dogs or show dogs but then you got your tomboyish agility playful mixed breeds. The dogs are any kind from tosa, to corgi, even typical labs.

Humans: They are the weird sort you don't know how to judge. Some are masters some live alone some have family's some don't. Most the time they will be panicked by the mutant dogs at first but it depends on what they do next that defines them. A human is one you don't know what they will do next, but if you had a master you will understand them and their speak.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 08:28:26 pm by Kiji »

Offline aviannerd

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 09:40:46 pm »
Code: [Select]
        [size=50pt][b][u]        NAME        [/u][/b][/size][/center]

    [i][b]Character number:[/b][/i]  [First, Second, or Third character? - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Other characters:[/b][/i] [list of other characters you own in this rp - MANDATORY]

    [i][b]Full Name:[/b][/i]  [name and surname if applies - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Pronunciation[/b]:[/i]  [how do you pronounce the name? - OPTIONAL]
    [i][b]Nicknames:[/b][/i]  [any nicknames the character may go by. - OPTIONAL]

    [i][b]Age[/b]:[/i]  [Do not write in human years. - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Gender[/b]:[/i]  [Male or female, No herms. - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Sexuality[/b]:[/i]  [Give a sexuality. - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Sub-Species[/b]:[/i]  [Don't simply put husky, add the type like 'Alaskan malamute'. - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Birth Location:[/i][/b]  [Where the character was born (ex: New york) - MANDATORY]

        [center][size=50pt][b][u]PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS[/u][/b][/size][/center]

    [i][b]Physical Condition:[/b][/i]  [What is the character's physical condition. - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Expecting?:[/b][/i][Is your character pregnant? - MANDATORY FOR FEMALES]

    [i][b]Iris color:[/b][/i]  [Iris color - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Main color:[/b][/i]  [The base color of the character - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]Secondary body color(s):[/b][/i]  [Other colors found in the character's fur. - OPTIONAL]

    [i][b]Scarring[/b]:[/i]  [Visible scars  - OPTIONAL]
    [i][b]Other characteristics:[/b][/i]  [Other physical characteristics  - OPTIONAL]
    [i][b]Ailments[/b]:[/i]  [Visual physical issues. - OPTIONAL]

    [i][b]Voice[/b]:[/i]  [How their voice sounds. - OPTIONAL]

        [Paragraph of a physical description summary. - MANDATORY]

        [center][size=50pt][b][u]MENTAL CHARACTERISTICS[/u][/b][/size][/center]

    [i][b]Mental Condition:[/b][/i]  [Stable or insane. - MANDATORY]

    [i][b]Mental Issues:[/b][/i]  [Mental problems the character may have  - OPTIONAL]
    [i][b]Likes[/b]:[/i]  [Likes  - OPTIONAL]
    [i][b]Dislikes[/b]:[/i]  [Dislikes  - OPTIONAL]

    [i][b]First Glance:[/b][/i]  [What kind of impression does your character give when first seen? - MANDATORY]
    [i][b]In Depth:[/b][/i]  [What is your character like after one gets to know them? - MANDATORY][


« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 08:55:42 pm by Kiji »

Offline aviannerd

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2012, 09:43:39 pm »
Feel free to post.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 09:28:37 pm by Kiji »

Offline aviannerd

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2012, 08:17:09 pm »

              Pumec       [/center]
    Character number:  First
    Other characters: None

    Full Name:  Pumec
    Pronunciation:  PUH-MECK
    Nicknames:  1-13

    Age:  16 in dog years
    Gender: female
    Sexuality:  Bi
    Sub-Species:  Mutt
    Birth Location:[/b]  The lab



    Iris color:  Black
    Main color:  Grey
    Secondary body color(s):  White

    Scarring:  Ten scars
    Other characteristics:  Missing a leg and half an ear.
    Ailments:  Many places where muscle tissuse is showing, missing leg and ear.

    Voice:  Like the english dub of Bad Apple. Also speaks like this 'Vat?" instead of 'What?"

        Shes badly scraped up, the ten wounds are festering and always glistening with fresh blood, the injection won't let her heal. Her eye is the worst, blood is lightly coating the top.


    Mental Condition:  Insane

    Mental Issues:  Sociopathicy and sadisticness.
    Likes:  Injured dogs, food, blood.
    Dislikes:  Humans, whole dogs, water.

    First Glance:  A sweet but scarred dog, one who you can trust.
    In Depth:  Frigtening, sadistic, cold-blooded and cruel.

Born in the lab, she was tested on nine times. She was beaten once and is still angry at the human, whom she left a parting gift of scars. She was raised in a test-tube , removed from her mother of whom she had never met.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 08:34:19 pm by DJTrancix »

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 08:10:44 pm »

Offline faithsangel

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2012, 02:31:51 am »
sorry i havent been on in forever i almost forgot about this group

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2012, 08:18:44 pm »
No prob, but welcome back to the Crimson Saga! -lobs wads of confetti at-

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2012, 12:10:41 am »
 Question, do you Rp in FH or on the Forum?
Profile pic by Bawfle <3

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2012, 02:35:33 pm »
Both. The map is a work in progress, though.

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Re: Land Of Tears: Lab dog rp
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2012, 12:40:26 am »
Maps going great, screenshots will be posted soon.