Author Topic: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (OFFLINE)  (Read 8374 times)

Offline mersulla

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?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (OFFLINE)
« on: November 02, 2012, 04:58:31 pm »

The website !

-The small pup crawled in to a tiny wet box next to the junkyard. The awful smell of the gas was stuck in his small nose. He sat down in the box and felt the rain on his fur, while watching how hundreds of people rushed by without even looking at him. After a while waiting for the rain to stop, he saw how a woman stopped next to him and he started to wag his tail. The woman stared at the dog and said : "What a filthy parasite, all of these should get killed before they spread !"
The puppy was broken. Even he didn't understand a word the lady said, he knew what she meant. The puppy bended over and tried to apologize whatever he had done to the humans, but then something hit him and everything inside his eyes blurred and fade away.-

Info :

"The Gateway To Hell" is a mapped FeralHeart roleplay where you play as a stray dog by creating your own story and uniting it with the other players. It's a long term, literate city roleplay.
In TGTH any kind of realistic action is welcome. With this I mean anything that could happen in real life.
The roleplays meaning is to survive in the big city full of humans. The city is like a minefield for a young pup or even an adult male. That what you called as a dog's best friend, is also dog's worst enemy.
With this we wan't to show you how cruel humanity can be. Could you just try to live as a small pup in that world what most of us ruin for their own good ? ...
Defend your family's honor, young one.

Rules :

1. You must be at least over 12 years old to join.
2. Only one character per person.
3. Do not download the map before you're accepted to join the roleplay.
4. No wings, no bright colors etc. Only semi-realistic characters are welcome.
5. Respect the RP host's.
6. Keep it calm in the roleplay, drama between the players is not welcome.
7. Do not edit the map at all.
8. No mating in the map please.
9. Keep the swearing small.
10. Do not claim that the map is made by you.
11. Agree these rules.

The map :

Pictures of the map and some more information :

Do not copy any of the pictures without my permission.
The map is pretty big if you ask from me. It's not like huge, it's just semi sized. It has a wide river in the middle of it and both of the sides has a lots of buildings and other stuff. I don't own any of the meshes, they belong to their respective owners.

How to join ? :

First of all, you have to do the character application and get it accepted. If it poorly does not get accepted, I'll tell you what's the matter and you shall try again. If your application gets accepted to the roleplay, all you have to do is download the map and join the group.
To join the group without me being anywhere, you have to search for a group called "TheGatewayToHell - Roleplay" and send a request ! If I haven't accepted your group request, you can roleplay without being in the group while waiting me to accept it. Just make sure your character is accepted.

The character application form :

Pleace reply your application form to this thread !

*In-game username -
*Roleplay example -

Your character's ... :

*Name -
*Age -
*Gender -
*Personality -
*History -
*Family -
*Breed -
Something else -

-Describe what your character looks like, or post a picture !-

Downloads :

Welcome and congratulations, I suppose you're now accepted to join !
(Do not download the map if your character application is not accepted !)

The map download (145.56MB) :

It might take time to get in the map first, but the second time you try it's much more faster.

Have fun y'all !

~ Mersulla (Quies)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 11:09:10 pm by mersulla »

Offline FighterWolf399

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 11:24:07 pm »
In-game User: FighterWolf399
RP sample: The large brute stayed planted where he was because he heard a yowling that was as loud as he has ever heard. He rushed to the dogs aid after he had the strength to move. He saw a large brute with his ivories stained with a crimson liquid. The blood was dripping off his fangs as soon as he saw me I knew a fight was laid at my paws once more. The brute launched at me and pinned me down. "So what is with games?" I asked while chuckling. I got my hind paws under his stomach and realeased my muscles sending him flying. I sprung up and lunged at him and sunk my ivories into his scruff as I picked him off the ground and slammed him down. While he was down I smashed his cranium into the ground. Sooner than I thought the brute's banner was between it's legs as it ran off. I watched him leave and rushed to help the fae.
Name: Alistar
Age: 5 wolf years
Gender: Brute
Personality: Aggressive, loving, loyal, caring, helpful
History: He doesn't know since being a test subject in an ATF
Family: Dead
Breed: Chimera, Wolf
Other: ??
Looks: He is a large brute and he has jet black pelt and dark gray underfur. With red markings.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 02:49:02 pm by Razmouhi »

Offline wolfboy2

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 01:14:25 pm »
In-game username -wolfboy2
*Roleplay example -her ears perks there was a strange sound it sounded familiar,-runs to the sound -  and   then bark (woof) she was traped!

Your character's ... :

*Name -flee
*Age -2 years
*Gender -female
*Personality - protective ,aggressive not to much, likes to swim and swift
*History -she was a house dog and escaped
*Family -dead
*Breed -akitoli (border collie and akita)
Something else -she is tuff for a girl

Offline Nyanpuppeh

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2012, 03:27:02 am »
*In-game username - nyanpuppeh

Roleplay example -

Moonlight washed the cool city streets in a silver-blue glow. The soft sound of drizzling rain hummed against the decaying sidewalks and buildings. All was silent except for the sound of trotting paws splashing quietly in the puddles. The night was a bright one, but the dog did not know. All he could see was black. All black. His breath was quiet and quick, coming out in shallow gasps, visible against the cold air. He'd been running for hours. He was tracking someone. Rather, something. The scent led him here, to the city across the river. Yes, he was here. Flight could smell his foul stench. He stopped suddenly as the smell of fresh food called him forward. He slipped into the alley behind the bakery, climbing a few tin trashcans, following the scent to a windowsill. There, just hanging, was a rather soggy string of sausages. Flight wondered why it hadn't been picked up by some other carnivore, but he figured in all this rain no average dog could pick up the faint trace. He ate hastily, not knowing when his next meal would be. Silently, he slipped back into the rain. He took in a deep breath. His head turned to a crushed overpass. He found shelter among the rubble, and decided he should stop for the night. His paws aches and his pads were nearly bleeding. He picked them carefully, cleaning out any grime picked up from the city's filth. He curled up, heaving a heavy sigh. Flight thought that this must definitely be the place he was looking for, just as he was covered by the thick blanket of sleep.

Your character's:

*Name - Flight*
Age - Nearly 2 (dog years)
Gender - M

Personality - Flight is sarcastic and intelligent. More so than many of his elders. He has seen things no other wolf has, heard truths whispered by the trees that only a blind dog could hear. He sees and understands the world differently from others. It honestly seems as though his disability puts him five steps ahead of anyone else. While his humor is amusing, and he has no filter when it comes to speaking of things just the way they are, Flight does tend to get a bit cocky. Of course, however intelligent he may be, he's hardly two years old. He also has a tendency to do things without thinking ahead. Then, he doesn't really care. The only thing he sees that is worth living for is avenging his family, thus bringing out his darker side.
History - Flight grew in a world without man in an abandoned city resembling London. Many strays and small packs drifted in and out. He was born under a dumpster in a dark alley. He lived with his mother Aswver, his two sisters Den and Kaider, and his brother, Archer. One late night, a strange wolf-like dog came into their territory. He was huge, and immensely strong. He smelled of death and madness. He had asked Aswver for directions, when he suddenly attacked her, killing her. He knocked Flight to the side, and Flight hit his head, knocking him out. When he woke, his brain had been damaged in such a way that his sight was gone forever. He found the strewn remains of his mother and sisters. Archer was gone. Flight stumbled off into a nearby forest, not knowing he was considered a loner. After a year, his senses are sharp. It's as though he can see even better than before. He is now looking for a pack.

Appearance: A Border Collie mix, Flight's fur is completely white, with black markings that resemble those of a Border Collie. His left ear tends to droop down when he's relaxed. One half of his face is marked, the other is not. The side that is not has three distinct, black patches under it. Above the hind leg markings are more of these patches. The pads of his paws are a dark brown-orange. His eyes are dull and grey, with no signs of pupils, irises, etc. He cannot see anything out of either eye.
Family - Archer / elder brother
Breed - Border Collie mix
Something else - OOC: I love the idea, and I can't wait to join.

Offline natbug19980

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2012, 02:27:54 am »

In-game username - Natbug19980

Roleplay example - Sirea, watched everything, her eyes open and alert. She couldn't do anything to help herself, as she had laid on the ground watching Kat fight she yelped, letting out a howl from her inner self, a cry for help. She listened as  a gunshot went of, she turned her head quickly back towards Kat, all she saw was that a dog was lying on the ground, most likely a dead one, she panicked and yelped, trying to warn Kat of the dangerous humans. Knowing Kat wouldn't listen she just lay whining into the wind, her now fading voice sounding like a soft breeze itself. Sirea whimpered and whimpered, she attempted to howl again, calling for one of her pack mates to help, but couldn't even get a sigh out of her seemingly lifeless body. When she had fell she felt as all the breathe and living strength flowed out of her like a stream into a vast lake. She watched as Kat fell to the ground as the deadly humans had shot two rounds into her organism. Sirea yelped, or at least she tried. She wanted to say so many things at that moment, but instead stayed silent, knowing that might actually help Kat. Sirea had to stay strong, she had to keep her eyes from shutting themselves. She watched as Kat got up to hurt the poor humans. Sirea watched from start to end, how she had bite into their necks and twisted, hearing the bone chilling snap. She watched as Kat drug herself into the forest, hoping she didn't forget about her. She could heard thuds on the firma, from where her ear was basically glued to it. She held her breath, hoping it wasn't more hunters, this time looking to kill her. Sirea opened her eyes when she had felt herself in the air. She wanted to scream, she had never felt like she had been flying and didn't really like it either. She was thankful and very glad to know that it was Tsuki that had come, and that he had thrown her onto his back. Sirea held on with all her might as Tsuki ran through the woods. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the small lengthened ride. She feels herself getting lain onto the ground and just stays still, hearing Tsuki's words in the background, "Shh, they are coming." Sirea lay completely still, not knowing who it was or what it was that was coming closer towards them. She stuck her nose upwards and sniffed the air, she caught a faint whiff of the humans scent, she could smell it getting closer. She lay still, not moving a muscle, just barely breathing. (My post from The Realm of Shadows Roleplay.)

Name - Rook

Age - 4 Years

Gender - Female

Personality - Rook cannot always be trusted, she likes to lie sometimes to get away from things she has said or done wrong. She, like the rest of the mutts she knows, have no people/owners. She lives with the rest of the strays wondering around the city. Rook mostly hangs around the junk yard and dump, waiting for her humans, but on occasions just runs around the streets. Rook is a very protective dog, but she is also very paranoid, not knowing the humans in the city, knowing they could be dangerous. She loves to be around other strays, but also wants to be re-united with her humans. Rook is very loving and obedient, being trained in a professional course before being kicked onto the streets. She hears things some other dogs cannot hear, like the whispers of other animals scattering through the sewers below the streets. She sees many things she does not wish to see on a daily basis, like a human mother whipping her child in the hind-quarters for disobeying her. Rook, like I said before, is paranoid of those people.

History - Rook once had a family, that loved and cared for her dearly, but that all changed when her humans had to move into an apartment where pets we're allowed. Her humans had to leave her on the streets, hoping she would find a good home. They had put up fliyers for weeks before they moved into their new apartment, hoping someone would call to adopt her. No one called, therefore she was put to the streets, scavenging for food and water everyday. Rook barely had any friends, there were only a few other strays she could trust, but they could not always trust her. She mostly hangs around the dump and junk yard alone, waiting for her humans to come find her, and bring her home again.

Family - N/A

Breed - German Shepherd/Lab/Husky Mix

Something else - Rook is rather large, and always keeps her red collar on that her humans gave her.

-Describe what your character looks like, or post a picture !-

Rook has icy blue eyes and looks like the picture up top.

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                                                            Username: Natbug19980

Offline mersulla

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2013, 04:22:24 pm »

Offline natbug19980

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2013, 10:34:03 pm »
Alright, I tried downloading the map but it says that permission has been denied.

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                                                            Username: Natbug19980

Offline Nicholette

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2013, 01:16:58 am »
*In-game username - Nicholette

*Roleplay example - Derringer, the not-so-graceful behemoth of a dog wandered the alleyways and sidewalks of the large city, looking for her next meal. She could eat anything about right now. Her body was so emaciated and scrawny that the slightest fall from a high place would leave her to die on the cold ground. Her light periwinkle eyes shined in the car lights and in the rain. She saw a mother walking with a child or two occasionally that would ask to bring her home, but the human would always shun her or run away. Her stomach growled at a low volume and she knew it was time to find something quick, or she'd perish.

*Name - Derringer
*Age - 2 years
*Gender - Female
*Personality - A proud and strong female who stands her ground and doesn't back down from a fight. She isn't a mean one by heart, she is actually very kind, but if you get on her nad side, she'll mess you up.

*History - Derringer was put out on the street at about a "teen" age, because her master had to move to a small apartment that didn't accept large pets. She didn't understand why her owner abandoned her, but she knew she had to survive one way or another. She one day wants to be re-united with her master, but she can't seem to find where her human went. She often slips into a deep depression of thinking of and crying over her owner that she may never see again. Derringer has wandered around city to city looking for her owner, but she hasn't had luck. She sometimes thinks will probably be living on the streets for as long as she does.
*Family - None
*Breed - Great Dane

Derringer is a large black and white harlequin Great Dane with very light blue eyes. She is very emaciated from time to time, looking for a decent meal to have. She doesn't have any scars on her, but she may in the future. She has been wandering the streets of this city for about a year and a half.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 01:30:46 am by Nichole<3 »

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon!

Offline mersulla

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2013, 05:06:04 pm »
@ Sirea : Oh, which one did you try ? There's a sendspace download on the website (which is not working at the moment), and there's a mediafire download when you scroll down to the end of the thread. The mediafire link seems to be working fine for me.

@ Nichole<3 : Really nice, I love Great Danes ! Accepted ~

Offline natbug19980

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Re: ?The Gateway To Hell - Street Dogs Roleplay ! (Accepting and open)
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2013, 08:17:48 pm »
I tried both, neither are working for me. This is all it shows:

So, I don't know what to do.

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                                                            Username: Natbug19980