Author Topic: Notices...  (Read 4718 times)

Offline Faith.

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« on: November 11, 2012, 08:39:18 am »
Hey all ^^
I've been playing this game for one-two weeks now, and I noticed something:
95% Of the characters that aren't born in the pack, have dramatic bios, such as an enemy pack/clan/pride whatsoever killed their whole natal pack and they were the only one that survived, their parents died at birth because of a stupid reason or even unknown reason and there are a lot more dramatic bios i've seen, but yeah, it would take a while to write 'em all.
And now, I'm talking about the literate rpers too, not only the illiterate. I understand that a few wolves in the pack, 3-4 or even more have a dramatic bio, but the rest? I mean, it's not so realistic, is it? After all, in a pack the most wolves are born in it. There could be some packs that are formed of loners and such, but not all of them are in this game, right?

Also, there's another subject i've been interested in for opinions, do you guys think its easier to rp as an adult, teen, elder or cub/pup/kit?

Have a nice day all of you ^^

I hope this is the right category for this thread o.o

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 08:44:35 am »
I honestly don't think that many people are really paying attention to the realistic-ness of background for their characters. People want RPs to be fun, so they make them fun by adding some sort of twist to assist their RP.

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 08:45:06 am »
XD I must admit I have bios like that for most of my characters XD, cause what can you really say when entering a pack and there really isn't no one with you but you XD, it seemed like a good idea at the time for me, but now I realize how silly It saw to have a bio like the one u are describing.

I find it more easier to RP as a pup, but then again...pups really don't do much but play. Roping as a adult isn't that bad either. Not sure, I guess it all depends on the user
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Offline Faith.

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 08:53:12 am »
I honestly don't think that many people are really paying attention to the realistic-ness of background for their characters. People want RPs to be fun, so they make them fun by adding some sort of twist to assist their RP.

True, but how come they don't get bored of making this sort of bios all the time?
I've seen people who had no dramatic bio at all and were born in the pack have tons of fun and be a part of all the interesting stuff.

Offline Slydragon99

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2012, 09:03:03 am »
I honestly don't think that many people are really paying attention to the realistic-ness of background for their characters. People want RPs to be fun, so they make them fun by adding some sort of twist to assist their RP.

True, but how come they don't get bored of making this sort of bios all the time?
I've seen people who had no dramatic bio at all and were born in the pack have tons of fun and be a part of all the interesting stuff.

They probably don't get bored because, one, it makes their characters seem more interesting. Also, having one of those bios gives you a cool RP to work with.

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2012, 05:56:47 pm »
I think one of the reasons of people having those bios is because they want attention. You say you killed a whole pack and then you act all depressed in the pack and when no one pays attention to you a hoard of wolves comes chasing you for revenge and then you die and when someone comes to see what happened finally you coma back to life magically and finally get the attention you wanted. :P I know the drill. Once I was in some lion pride or whatever and my character falling in the water turned into some sort of bad lion chasing her. Don't ask how those things connect. But I probably did it for some sort of attention, or just because I was bored.

Answering your other question, I believe RPing as a teen/adult is much easier. Being a wittle puppy or wittle cubby or kit, well you can't do much until you get older. You can't have complex thoughts. You can't hunt. You can't do anything, really. All you can do is beg for food, play, and act adorable. Teens are fun to play as opposed to adults sometimes because they are still young and more inexperienced than adults, but can still have more complex thoughts. For a while all I did was make yearlings until I finally broke the habit. XP It's more of a preference because when you see all those pups running around in Ficho and Bonfire..."DEMONGIRL FIGHT PUP" or, "Shadow M Pup," you may think that they prefer to be pups. Just a guessss, pfttt.

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2012, 07:14:56 pm »
To the first question:
I don't think there's anything wrong with having an "extreme" history. It all depends on the group, and how the individual person roleplays. If they feel their character needs some horrid depressing past before they join their current pack, let them. If they prefer that their character has less of a sordid past, that's great too. As long as they aren't complete mary-sues, I don't think it does any harm. :P

To the second question:
I dunno. Personally, I think there's not much difference between the levels of rp for each age group. If you're a pup, you busy yourself with looking cute. If you're a teen, it's all about the angst. And adult characters are busy keeping track of all the younger members, without going crazy at the same time.
Personally, I think it's easier to start rp with a pup char, that way they grow up in the pack. It's harder to start as an adult, because they haven't been with that group their whole life.
But meh...that's just me~ x3

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2012, 07:25:25 pm »
Mmm... I don't know. I agree with Sly here, kind of. I don't mind what someone's past is as long as they don't use it to gain pity or cause drama. Though that's not to say that they can't ever bring it up; just as long as it doesn't get out of hand, I see no issue to it.

In regards to "most wolves are born into a pack", I'm assuming that you mean that when you join a RP, you would pretend that you were originally born into that pack. And if that's not what you mean, don't mind me xD But at any rate, I know that if I join a RP that has been already running for a bit and I know little to no people in that RP, I find it extremely hard to just pretend like my char was born there. Too many back stories I've missed and all. Not to mention the fact that I choose the RPs I had that character in before to be remembered by that character, making it part of his/her past.

As a side note, you have to remember that people want their character to stand out for something, and almost always there is some emotion meant to be invoked - anger, pity, remorse. As long as it doesn't cause drama in RP, I don't really see an issue with it. Not that many people want just an average character living in average life from an average pack in an average RP.
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Re: Notices...
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2012, 07:28:33 pm »
I'm surprised that people actually write bios (I thought I was the only one!).

Anyways, as the above poster mentioned, people want to stand out. As humans, we're often pushed to the back or overshadowed by others. We want excitement, we want to feel special, so we put that into our characters. No one can blame them. As long as it doesn't cause problems in RP, I don't see a problem.

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Re: Notices...
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2013, 07:00:40 pm »
Second question-my answer:                                                                                                                                 
I think it's best to play as pup, they just stay at den and play... Sometimes it can be boring so you can be teen because they need to learn many things, like hunting, even if you can't hunt. They also can take care of younger pack members. If you want to be leader, fight, enjoy lone life or find a mate, adult is perfect. And i think it's best to be loner and adult if yo are new and just starting to explore game features.
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