Author Topic: Kristakie Ostantai ~*Added*~  (Read 2456 times)

Offline CrimsonFeathers

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Kristakie Ostantai ~*Added*~
« on: November 12, 2012, 08:38:21 pm »
Kri. (I should've made the image smaller, but that means effort...)

Apearance: Ashen pelted with a lighter underside. Teal hued markings adorning her appendages and muzzle, giving a perminant snarl effect. Darker Azure eyes with silvery scars ravaging her pelt from her near past. A mane as black as sin with a mane which matches.

Age: Two canine years, aobut a teen. Though has the body size and mass of a young adult of around four.
Gender: Female
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Pack: N/A

~ Her Story ~
Kri was in an odd family pack, where the alpha, or her farther, enjoyed beating his pack members into submission. To ensure his dominance. This was the males inevatable downfall, for when a rival pack invaded. The canines of the pack were too weak from the beatings the alpha gave them to fight back and so the alpha was chased out. Immediatly after the possesion of the pack, they moved home land. And so Kri lost connection with the pack and got lost within the landscape of ice and snow.
Her wonderings through the icey, almost barren wasteland was paused as a blizzard struck and hunger began to claw at the walls of her stomach, meat being the only thing to quell the beast inside. The blizzard made the pup simply crouch and huddle down and hope to survive the howling winds. She called for help, her cries cutting though the symphony of the glaciers, alerting creatures of unknown intentions to her location.
The traumatized pup saw a looming figure, it's pelt the colour of only the devils shadow, it's mane of the same hues and it's staring eyes betraying no emotion to the scarred, scared pup which was almost hidden beneith a carpet of snow. The pups cries fell into small whimpers under the males gaze. Then it opened its maw, giving the pup a full view of pink gums and sharp ivories. Then the beast spoke...
"Now that you have alerted the snow beats to our current residence.... Would you like to be quiet, little one?"
The male stated, entirely formal in his speech. Kri merely stared at the male with wide eyes clouded over with pain and sorrow. Her mind broken by her close past, yet still capable of ratioinal thought.
"I am known as Tenebris... And you are?"
The brute nodded as if her silence was an answer, but as he noticed the scarrs and wounds upon her bodice, he knew she probably had good reason to remain quiet.  With a mutter he bent his cranial mass down, brushing what snow he could from her pelt, then engulfed the pups scruff in his maw, noting her shivering and small whimpers of fear, biting down gently for grip as he lifted her, his breath melting what flakes of ice where left. Tenebris carried the fae to shelter, lest she froze to death in these arctic conditions, placing her down on the rough, carpeted flooring of an abandoned warshelter.. The reason for this things existance in the South Pole was, before the time of canines and the world brimming with human 'intelegence' the sea was near and the battles were coming with ships and bombs. Though the ice claimed back the sea in it's frozen snare after the humans have fallen and almost became extinct in the land.
Tenebris sighed at the fae, a frown furrowing into his facial features.
The pup blinked at the adult and the adult frowned at the pup, though after a short spell the pup decided that she liked this male and she was safe here. So she rose to her apendages and began to amble about, inhaling the scent of the humans things which had been enclosed in ice burrows with little enterance. The male sighed and shook his head, wondering of her mental state. Was her mind as scarred as her mass? All he could note now was that she was quiet. If she was a mute with words then he could deal with that, it wold make the teen years a lot easier to deal with, if they stuck it out that long.
Time had begun to pass and the pup grew, at a shocking rate, dispite the lacking of food. Later it turned out she could use her voice, and she had no name, or one which she could recall. So Tenebris named her after what he heard. Cry, though she thought this wasnt as elaberate as his, and so changed and lengthened her name.
Tenebris was rather confused at her growth rate, was the stress which her body and mind went though causing this? She was at least six months old, though her anatomy was of a young teen... There was nothing that could be done, so he taught her the fundementals of life and looking after herself, because to be hones he cared for the fae and wanted her to be able to defend herself against others, especially males. At least while he wasn't around...
They had to leave this area, for life was becoming too difficult in the bunker.
"Come along, Kri. It's time" He called from the enterance of the shelter where they had grown used to the harsh life in the ice.
As usual the fae was quiet, in both voice and pawsteps, she ran and scattered dust and hardened clumps of clay, landing with odd thumps and small explosions as they hit the terrain. She continued along the rafters, heading towards the enterance before she lept down landing in a crouch, peering up at the male before stnading and looking out the the eternally falling snow. Her age was now of ten months, but with the mass of an elder teen. She looked to Tenebris with a puzzled expression upon her features, he nodded in responce. He had grown used to her silence and their bond had grown. She was like the daughter henever had. Kri shared this bonded feeling. He was the farther she wished she always had.
They headed into the snow, the latest blizzard had passed, leaving a small respite before the howling winds started up once again. Though they always left a beautiful lanndscape of perfectly flat land which reflected the suns radiance in a wonderful spectrum as there where traces of oil left in the frozen liquid, due to the humans now banished from existance. The two wondered in the plain in search of a new shalter.
The female continued to grow in her alarming rate. At one and a half years young, we continue her story.
They heard a strange sound, one with provokoed fear in both of their hearts, making shivers traverse down their spinal cords and lobes to flatten against necks.

Any spelling/grammer mistakes please let me know... I'm very tired at the moment and I will be working on finishing this and editing the image. Goodbye for now.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 09:32:23 pm by Treble.Clef »

Offline InanisTesta

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 09:25:47 pm »
Your writing  keep suprizing me Cry, it could be written in a book if ya ask me, it's written very well, very detailed. I can't wait for the story to continue and therefore I will now be stalking you >:D -Insert Evil Laugh-

Anyhow, keep writing! -Huggle + Nuzzle-

Feel free to PM or whisper me in-game if you have anything to be asked, my username will be InanisTesta

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 05:38:37 pm »
A well made character, and a wonderfully written bio ~
It was a real joy to read it, keep up the good work!

Cheers~ ;3

Offline lonelies

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2012, 10:08:41 pm »
Lovley char and Bio,The hat works , Keep Up thoes amazing bios

Offline CrimsonFeathers

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2012, 07:51:23 pm »
Your writing  keep suprizing me Cry, it could be written in a book if ya ask me, it's written very well, very detailed. I can't wait for the story to continue and therefore I will now be stalking you >:D -Insert Evil Laugh-

Anyhow, keep writing! -Huggle + Nuzzle-

Thank you for all the kind words ;-; (I would have replied to all posts earlier but my computer decided it didn't want to post it >:I) And I think I'll wait until I have the scraps finished before updating again, so no little addings. And a Stalker?! YAY!!!- I mean Ermahgersh no >_> <_< Obviously convincing.

Offline CrimsonFeathers

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2012, 07:52:36 pm »
A well made character, and a wonderfully written bio ~
It was a real joy to read it, keep up the good work!

Cheers~ ;3

Thank you, I worked hard on it ;-; But the way some people seem to like my writing... I think I'll have the update up soon.

Offline CrimsonFeathers

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2012, 07:54:11 pm »
Lovley char and Bio,The hat works , Keep Up thoes amazing bios
Thank you, And I have another story which I doubt I'll be finishing, though I may put it up as it was about a character which died ;-; But I can't let her go.. So I'll add some to the story to make it seem finished, then upload it

Offline Larka13

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2012, 01:29:19 pm »
I am totally gonna be stalking you as well. I wanna hear the rest of this. >:)

Offline CrimsonFeathers

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2012, 06:06:03 pm »
I am totally gonna be stalking you as well. I wanna hear the rest of this. >:)

Haha, I think I'm almost done... just need to add/finish the rest and I'll put it up. Do you think I should add different characters or focus on one, and update the story as her 'life' goes on?

Offline Larka13

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Re: Kristakie Ostantai
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2012, 08:44:33 pm »

Haha, I think I'm almost done... just need to add/finish the rest and I'll put it up. Do you think I should add different characters or focus on one, and update the story as her 'life' goes on?

I think you should do both and see how that works out. I'd love to see the rest of them, and hear how Kri does.