Author Topic: Land of Lynthia [Remake.] [Inactive since 04/05/2013]  (Read 44959 times)

Offline caiktin

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #180 on: February 06, 2013, 03:44:34 am »
After Carina had finished dealing with all the patients in the brewery, following after Raven as she extracted the exper's from the stationary bodies and disposed of them, she didn't return to the castle. The cleric knew that her adoptive father would be worried for her, even more so if he had heard about the ordeal that had gone on at Zale, but for once, she couldn't bring herself to care a whole lot. There was no point in going there if she was just going to come back and begin her journey to meet with the strange male she had encountered, and she wanted to keep an eye on the town tonight, despite the fact that it wasn't her duty. Some Patrol Recruits had been positioned around the clearing where the festival was held, and more still a bit further into the forest, surrounding the area. Not only that, but guards from the castle would be wandering the perimeter until they were satisfied that Zale was free from harm once again. The scene with the exper's had shaken everyone.

Instead, the cleric retired to the inn, where she was lucky enough to receive the key to a room with so many people queuing up for the vacancy. Barely aware that she had no suitable night costume with her, Carina  had crawled on top of the bed with her eyes barely open, and fell asleep before her head hit the pillow. Normally, the princess didn't have any issues with sleep, she could fall into a slumber at the flick of a switch, and wake up energized and ready at the drop of a coin. She had learned to get what sleep she could, when she could, no matter where she was or what the following day would behold. Having trained herself to do this, it was a rare occurrence to have her subconscious mind at work while she rested. Tonight appeared to be another case entirely, though, for her mind, which was normally filled with a comfortable nothingness, was playing back what she had seen in her head that day. The cherry festival that turned into a disaster within moments, all the fighting and bloodshed, not to mention the few civilians that had been captured by the expers. The paralyzed patients, many of which she could help, and few there was no hope for. The cleric had been in the middle of total pandemonium before, but not quite like that. Her subconscious seemed to take pleasure in teasing and taunting her with this, and when Carina awoke the following morning, she felt like she hadn't gotten any sleep at all.

Dawn had not even broken by the time she'd had enough of lying around atop the bed, gazing at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes, watching the occasional spider scuttle across it and then race down the wall to hide behind something. Feeling like she was lazy, and having her hands still instead of busy doing something, were two things that the Lady hated most of all, even when it was some ungodly hour of the morning and she should at least try to catch some decent sleep. Ignoring what she should do, the cleric swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, much more awake than she should be before the sky has barely had a chance to lighten. Never mind that, she had a job to do now. She and her gelding had to get on the road soon to meet Alistair, but Carina had to be patient to some extent. She remembered that Raven wanted to join in the "meet-and-greet" too, and in the mean time, busied herself with getting her palomino fed and watered.


Noah, having slept for a generous amount of the late afternoon, wasn't in any desperate need for sleep when everyone else seemed to retire. Not that he would have been able to sleep much anyway, the mercenary was still charged up with adrenalin and a keen, alert state to get very far with rest. So he gave up his room to an older man for only a small fee on top of what the man would have to pay for the room (because Noah was willing to nab some coins of anyone in just about any way), and stationed himself at the bar of the inn for a night. Naturally, he was drinking, and managed to chat up a few of the fine young women there too. The eye-catching female bartender was having none of his flirting, but a pair of girls who appeared to be drinking their memories of the exper incident away took the bait. Needless to say, Noah was quite pleased with his decision to stay up for the night. The mercenary finally ordered some food, drained his tankard time and time again, and spent the rest of his night in the company of the two females, stumbling out from one of the well-hidden back rooms in the inn just before the first streaks of sunlight blemished the dark sky.

((Sorry for the seemingly pointlessness of both my posts, will improve as the new scene progresses :3))

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #181 on: February 06, 2013, 05:34:58 am »
((You're completely fine ^.^
I'll make another post though after this I'm waiting on Wolfy and JD. Both really need to post to show they're still in the RP, especially JD so we know where his character is D: ))

Raven had gone straight to her room at the inn when her services were no longer required. Outwardly she seemed completely fine, her demeanor the same as always if just a bit tired. However, as soon as the door to her room had closed she had collapsed in a coughing fit, hacking and wheezing while trying to muffle it with a hankerchief. A cold sweat broke over her body and her vision blurred, body shivering despite the warmth coming from her head and the temperature in the room. After a minute or two of sitting on the floor with her back braced on the door, the mage had quickly rose when she recovered from her coughing fit, going over to a small table and set about taking out some ingredients from her robe. Raven had hot water brought up to her (which took awhile, quite curiously. Either the maids were preoccupied with something or busy tending to other guests) and with it, she inserted the necessary ingredients, measured precisely. When the strange concoction was finished brewing, she took a few, heavy droughts from the cup, squinting at the taste but putting up with it. Afterwards, she headed straight to bed, and fell in an uncomfortable sleep.

She awoke as the suns rays touched her eyes, blinking groggily with eyes stinging even though the light was soft and not at all bright. It was almost like waking from a hangover except without experiencing getting drunk, but nonetheless Raven rose from bed and set about getting ready. Dark circles were quite noticeable from her pale skin, and she splashed cold water in her face to wake herself up and clear her mind. She set about removing the robe she wore for her performance (stained and wrinkled now) and donned on another that was more simple and matched her eyes. Packing up the rest of her belongings (washing out the cup she used the previous night), the mage headed out.

Finding the princess wasn't much difficulty. Of course Raven recalled her horse and just headed toward where it was tethered at, her theory guessed correctly as she saw Carina tend to her horse. Leaning against her staff, Raven remained at a suitable distance, hood drawn over her head to hide the look most likely remaining upon her visage from the previous night. "Greetings, royal one," she spoke, her voice as strong as ever despite what had happened. "Sleep well?'

((Apologies for being a bit short and choppy ^.^'))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #182 on: February 08, 2013, 12:07:50 am »
((Bump? Are JD and Wolfy still around..?))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Wolf}

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #183 on: February 08, 2013, 01:06:18 am »
(I'm still around, but I'm still recovering from my flu.)

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #184 on: February 08, 2013, 01:18:38 am »
((Alright, thank you for letting us know :3))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline caiktin

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #185 on: February 09, 2013, 08:03:43 am »
Carina saw Raven approaching the quiet fringe of the clearing in her peripheral vision, and she halted the gentle attention she was giving the palomino to turn and face the mage. "Raven," she returned the greeting with a small bow of her head, stepping away from the gelding slightly to better converse with her. "I've slept better, but nothing I'm not ungrateful for. How did the rest of your night go?" That was a little lie, as the cleric would do almost anything for a more adequate rest than the one she had just received, but appearing unsatisfied seemed pointless.

"I'm about to saddle up to meet this Alistair fellow, are you still going to come along? I'm under the instructions to come alone, but I think you might be better with this sort of thing than I." Carina had her uses, but with the puzzling history of Alistair still fresh in her mind, she felt she might need the extra hands in figuring this one out. Momentarily turning her back on the mage to finish preparing her gelding, the cleric mounted him in one fluid movement, and eased him around so she could face Raven.

((Sorry that was short! No post from Noah because I don't yet have something to do, if something doesn't pop up with Amber, he'll be going to spy on the meeting with Alistair.))

Offline Wolf}

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #186 on: February 09, 2013, 03:48:46 pm »
(We're doing a time-skip, yes? Does that mean Amber has been healed from whatever went in her ear? Once I know that I'll find the time to post something!)

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline caiktin

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #187 on: February 09, 2013, 11:16:33 pm »
((Yeah, Amber's all healed up by now and back to her normal self!))

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #188 on: February 11, 2013, 02:29:47 am »
((I still haven't seen JD around, if he isn't back by the time Raven and Carina reach the location where they're suppose to meet Alistair I'm afraid we have to exclude him from the RP for the time >.<

I have a plan B, so they can still head there.))

If the mage caught the little fib made by Carina, she didn't show it. Though Raven suspected from the start her sleep hadn't gone very well, after all who would of had a good night's rest after the previous events? "Well, like you, I've had better," Raven replied in return. She had a feeling it may cost her later but there was no helping for it now. Sometimes her illness was just too much of a drawback, and the mage loathed how much it held her back.

With her staff supporting most of her weight, Raven walked closer to the adopted princess and her stallion, her weakened state hidden well with her confident demeanor. However, there was a bit of hesitance as she eyed the gelding that now held Carina, the mage remaining where she was as she contemplated. "Hm, and I suppose riding there is our only option?" She inquired, though she already knew the obvious answer. Just like with humans, Raven never did very well with animals, either, at least most of the time. She had no experience with riding a horse and honestly the thought of it didn't exactly thrill her. Not that she was scared, of course not, but even she had her limits. Plus, she'd have to share the ride with Carina, not only was it a violation to her personal space, there was that particular talent of the Cleric's to consider as well. The last thing she'd want was to have her rummage through her mind again, but this time she was prepared.

((Shortness! Sorry it's a bit useless and sloppy, too, had to find a way to lengthen it since not much is going on currently >3> Kinda stalling for time xD))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Wolf}

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #189 on: February 11, 2013, 03:17:52 pm »
Amber walked around the center of the village, looking around the stands. After looking around and realizing that there was nothing of interest. Amber started heading back towards the inn. "I should probably go say thank you to Noah for saving me... Even though I don't want to." she said at the thought of having to say 'Thank you'
Amber walked towards the inn, trying to see if Noah was inside the inn. "Wonder where he is..." she said to her-self.

(Shortness! But I gotta go. School is calling -.-)

"I Believe I can Fly!"