Author Topic: Maiores Clan -a dragons only roleplay clan- now accepting  (Read 1379 times)

Offline Karouselle

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Maiores Clan -a dragons only roleplay clan- now accepting
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:21:28 pm »
  You're standing in a brightly lit forest clearing, there are flowers covering this entire clearning like a blanket. The flowers have a nostalgic smell...the memories this nostaligic scent brings back are too beautiful for you to feel as though you're in the same place. You feel as though you're no longer in the world you had been in. You're in your own world.Feeling safe, you lay down among the flowers, and rest your head on the ground. You can hear birds singing in the trees surrounding trees, their song like a lullaby. As you lay here, nothing matters...  you could stay here forever... the happiness you gain from this stop... begins to become heavy... you cannot hold your eyelids up any longer...this place... is lulling you to sleep. It's alright. It'll be here when you wake up...and with that, you close your eyes.
  A large thud nearby awakens you. You jump up quickly and are immediately alert. You look around...the trees are gone, you're surrounded by the night sky, the flowers and a rocky border, as if to keep you from falling. You run to the closest edge and see the highest treetops of the forest and the sky below you as well as annother island like the one you're on. You look around, there are many islands around. You're on a floating island. You step back. As the shock settles in, you turn around and see a large winged beast standing there, watching you with an amused expression.
Welcome to the Maiores (My-oh-res-s) clan, outsider. Maiores means ancestors.
you're here because you fell asleep on one of the portals on accident. *The beast flaps it's wings and lays down* You are one of us now.  You cannot return home, without flying, but even if you did they wouldn't understand what happened. We, the dragons live above your natural world. We harness elements within ourselves and we do not bother to deal with your kind...your old kind. Well...except for lunch but that's another story.
You will discover your elements soon enough, now- we must explain all rules.

1. HATCHLINGS (baby dragons)
None, unless you were born into the group, a member has adopted you having found you discarded somewhere, or if you ended up becoming a dragon, via the only way accepted, being on a portal when it moved to the sky *each member may only have up to 4 eggs at a time.

If you do not know how to type without spelling something wrong every few seconds, do not request to join. I can accept u or ur every so often, but if you're not using the proper forms of words such as your and you're and they're and there as well as common capitalization, there may be an issue. Remember, capitalization is the difference between getting reported and not being reported.

You must have been one of these options to get in
*born into the group
*joined as an adult character (this will only work for a short time without the portal)
----Make sure you have my approval before you begin to roleplay with the rest of us----

you joined. Be active. I belive that's fair. If you feel left out, jump in. If you feel someone else is left out, help them.

5. Romantic Interaction
-you may flirt, that is fine. Nobody wants to see you doing anything else. It's okay to, just don't give us a play by play.
-birth, well...DRAGONS DON'T GIVE LIVE BIRTH, it's okay to have your offspring and such but we don't need a play by play.
- the hatchlings may not hatch until they've got someone to play their role. If they don't have someone playing their role within 2 weeks of being laid, the egg dies and there will be nobody playing the role.

-okay, the only exception to this is the unborn and new borns.
Your character must have been active for about a month before you're allowed to kill it off.

please no in group fighting, fight with anyone outside the group, i don't care. If you do fight, no god moding.

8. Names
keep them appropriate


adults- in game rp character tag should have name, a(for adult) as well as a capital D and a capital MC
ex. Karouselle aDMC
hatchlings- in game rp character tag should have your name, an h, and the first letter of each parent's name as
ex. Karouselle hmfDMC

9. POWERS (Elements)
Each person can have 3 elements.
-Hatchlings will have one from each parent and one of their choosing.
Element choices *This is the element table, refer to it later on

Earth- green or brown
Fire- red or orange
Wind - light blue or white
Water - a shade of blue
Ice - light blue
Weather grey or dark blue
Plasma dull pink or royal blue
Darkness  black
Psychic (can play with your mind, create illusions etc.)

10. POWER (positions)
i will appoint these. nobody else can. I'm in charge. There is no fighting about this, no ifs ands or buts, i am in charge, Shut up. :)

Use the colors from your elements, refer to the element chart. Wings are a necessity.
your wings must be the same color as your markings or as your underfur, whichever looks better.

12. Have fun
:3 but follow the rules.

13. Character Submission
*position ( if any)
*mate (put the name or put N/A)
*children (post amount, if none put N/A
*bio (of character

Offline Hotdogsrule

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Re: Maiores Clan -a dragons only roleplay clan- now accepting
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2013, 07:39:42 pm »
*name    Hurricane
*element Water
*mate N/A
*children N/A
    Hurricane only kills if needed. She shows greats amounts of mercy, although in a fight she can deal great damage. She has a large appetite, shark being her favorite food. She can get bouts of work done in short amounts of time and rarely takes any breaks, and has a knack for remembering things from fighting moves to herbs, tasks she needs to complete to gossip.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 07:41:25 pm by Hotdogsrule »

(i don't even like hotdogs)