Author Topic: The running- a tale from the city of kuzimu  (Read 1537 times)

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The running- a tale from the city of kuzimu
« on: November 22, 2012, 05:41:31 pm »
Intro: Oh... ok...
Here you go.
This didnt happen, its just a story.
 Im glad to have gotten out of there alive.
It wasnt the nicest place..
What am i talking about?!
Being stuck in that awful city... Wolves and dogs told me of infected two legs wandering around and eating animals or anything that moved or seemed alive.
I never saw any.. Hm..
They must have been trying to frighten me.. it was like a prison... only no walls, because if you wandered out of the city, you where sure to be killed, there isnt anything for miles, and anyone who went out, never came back, the cats say it was the infected.. Im not to sure about it..
Like i said, i never saw any.. Just dead ones.. and im pretty sure that two leg was rotten anyway..
Not infected..
But anyway.. im sure you want to know what exactly happened in kuzimu city..
Well... here you go..

I had woken up.. in the middle of a rotten town.. The buildings looked black, and there was dence fog all around, i wasnt able to see for miles.., even if there wasnt any fog, i dont think i would be able to see any how, the city was unusually dark. I tried to move, but it came to no avail.. My left front leg was broken, or at least i suspect it was.
I suddenly heard a rattle from behind the bins, i looked around and saw a paid of two dark green eyes staring back at me "H.. hello?" I called out to the figure
The figure grunted then muttered back "Greetings.."
The voice sounded soft and cifisticated, almost kinda like a butlers voice.
"Who are you? Where am I!?" I Demanded
The voice replyed back "I might be able to tell you, if you keep your voice down, and promise not to harm me."
I squinted at the figure trying to see what or who it was "I promise, Now i want answers!"
The figure emerged from behind the bin, A smokey black cat emerged from the shadows. His ears where quite ghoulish
And his eyes seemed to glow dark green, Yet his fur looked Very fluffy and soft
"My name is Liam" He said quietly
"And you are in kuzimu city, Now, try to keep your voice down, There are alot of rouge wolves around and i do not want to draw attention to my position, they want me dead ill have you know."
I Looked at the cat in surprise, I had only heard about this city in bed time stories, Or more, horror stories..
And now i was in the so called "Nightmare city."
The cat padded over to where i lay "And what might your name be?" He said softly flickering his tail and looking at my leg
"Ian." I said
"Hm, well Ian you seem to have taken some damage.." Said the cat as it tugged lightly on my ear to get me up
"I know, i dont remember how i did it.."
The cat chuckled "Hahha... no one does... No one remembers how they got into kuzimu city.."
He said as he helped me onto my paws
He looked back into the ally way for a second before nudging me to go forward
"We have to move, the Colick pack are coming through here"
He said quietly
"A pack? Finally, i can talk to some dogs who will understand.."
The cat lowered his eyes "You dont understand, every dog here is against any other animal who isnt in there pack, any loner dogs will be killed, We have to move NOW."
As he finished his sentence A few dogs came into the small clearing that we where in, They didnt talk, they made barking noises, and as they did, more dogs came too them
"COME ON!" Called Liam as he tugged on my tail to run.
I turned around and limped away quickly as the small pack of dogs growled and snarled at us.
end of chapter 1 -derp-
It depends..
I dunno o3o
Anyway yeah.. hope you liked it..

I do not even.png

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Re: The running- a tale from the city of kuzimu
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 12:31:19 am »
We are returning, i am one of the new owners... so i hope you would like to return.