Author Topic: The On going FightWolves  (Read 2526 times)

Offline buggerbug50

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The On going FightWolves
« on: November 28, 2012, 12:54:38 am »
It has come to my attention there are numbers growing in fight wolves/ fight dogs and many people agree this is extremely offensive. It connects very much to the real world and many agree to stop it, but the fighters claim (and I quote) "This is nothing like the real world, this is merely in game". But the gladiators say "We are gladiators not fighters" Yet the gladiators ARE fighters what do all of these groups have in common? Well all of themfight in arenas like people do in the real world. Many request, and I am one of them, that this stops because we see it as animal cruelty and I wish to stop it. So please reply to this and if a mod/admin gets pulled in and wishes for it to stop I will be very grateful and I speak for all of COV Anti Fightwolves. Thank you and please do reply.

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 01:26:19 am »
The only problem is Laura, most of these fight wolves are kids, that do not know all about situations like these. This may be an issue to many members, but if you do not like them, you do not have to join them. When I sit in ficho, sometimes these things do get out of hand, and that is why you send a screenshot to the mods. If it does become a bigger issue in the future, then Red or the mods might start to take action.

I also would not like to offend you, but there have been lots of other posts like this, and what is said is ''If you don't bother them, they wont bother you'' or ''You don't have to participate'' or even ''All you have to do is block them. Problem solved.''

I am not on the fightwolves side, but I do not also see the point in ruining their fun and power. They are just Rping.

It would also be a lot of work just for the mod and admins. Even so, they would not all stop.

I do not know how long you have been on this game, but this is just like the big rape issue we had. The server was shut down the entire week to get people to notice, and even now, we catch people in bonfire.

It is just a trend that may die, or may go on.

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2012, 03:06:50 am »
I have to agree with Slydragon, it's nothing but roleplay. I do see these fight wolves/dogs all the time but they don't bother me in any way... unless they start breaking the rules, like cursing at each other and such. Other than that, I just ignore them and go on with my own RP.

Offline rosyann1

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2012, 10:48:30 pm »
I am actually one of the "Fight wolves" think about this, have you ever Rp'd a fight, or wanted to Rp  a fight, well this is mearly what the fight wolves are doing pretending to fight for fun nothing more, and in doing so there is intent to say that animal cruelty is ok. I love animals and hate for animals to be hurt and im sure all the other fighters think the same way or else they would not be playing feral heart.

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 01:34:50 am »
Animal cruelty? Pfft, no. Do these fight wolves/dogs resemble the average canine? |D Not really. They are cartoony thangs, and all they are doing is RP. They don't bother me, I actually get a kick out of watching them, and things can get ridiculously hilarious sometimes. XD 

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2012, 05:59:31 am »
If anyone would be offended by this it would definitely be me as I have often worked myself with abused dogs that were the victims of dog fighting and many other forms of abuse. I have seen first hand the atrocities of dog fighting and honestly the RPing that goes on about it while a bit insensitive to the topic is not that serious. I have sat around in Ficcho often just eavesdropping on the FightDog/Wolf RPs and I rarely see them take things out of hand. Infact I concern myself more about bullying within the groups than the actual context of the RPs. Honestly I haven't seen things get so bad that reporting is needed. These individuals usually have no intentions of being disrespectful to others. They are just building a story of their character and as Sly said most are silly kids that do not understand the severity of the topic. My main character himself is a war dog and is just one character of a very brutal and realistically violent story I wrote. I didn't write it for the like of violence but to make a point and to express a cruel reality. Does it make me a bad person for doing so? No. Does it mean I support the cruelty I wrote about? No.

 There are many possibly "disturbing" RP topics that go on in this game and if you want to point out this one than why not the whole Lab/Experiment animals RPs? There are tons of those around with equally sickening stories of cruelties done in real life...  The fact is that all RPs have some extent of violence in them, it's what creates the story. While the Fight Dog/Wolf RPs are not my thing I am not going to be biased against them either. As long as individuals are not promoting violence and animal cruelty in real life I see nothing wrong with the RP as most of the time the story is about wolves and dogs fighting each other. If there were humans involved that's when I would have some concerns. Animal to animal fighting is normal and fine because it happens in nature no matter how brutal it is but humans forcing animals to fight then we have a problem but most people who play this game are animal lovers and I don't see anyone here with cruel or malicious intentions.

As sly said:
 I sit in ficho, sometimes these things do get out of hand, and that is why you send a screenshot to the mods. If it does become a bigger issue in the future, then Red or the mods might start to take action.

If things become out of hand like people are joking about it like many do with the "rape" topic basically making a mockery of a tramatic experience then I would give them a warning and report them. If you see people directly supporting cruelty or starting trouble with users in game about it like arguments etc that lead to further trouble then that's when I think its time to report. For the most part though If reading this doesn't change your mind if I were you would just avoid these kind of Fight groups especially if you feel so strongly against it Laura. I do respect your opinion though.

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2012, 10:22:43 am »
Aye.. I agree with most of you. This is nothing like real life, it's not like they're actually hurting real animals.
Yes, some of us might be slightly offended by this as most of the people in FH love animals. But like Sly said, they're mostly just children,
who probably don't know what they're doing.

So unless they're breaking the rules there's nothing we can do/need to do.

I've gone over there a couple times too, and have barely ever needed to take action.
There's nothing really 'wrong' with those RPs, unless the fights get a bit 'too' detailed.

As Sura said, there's a bit of violence in every RP. And I don't see how this RP is any different.

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2012, 11:40:51 am »
^ Agreed.

I agree with if it gets out of hands, mods can do something.

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Re: The On going FightWolves
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2012, 03:27:29 am »
Yes, Its true, That's animal violence just they said it "just like the real world", I really love animals, but I dislike how did in real life they still hurting them forcing them to fight each other, I really want to stop that kind of violence and slavery to animals, well back here, just like Ramine said, they aren't breaking any rule, and like Slydragon, they are mostly kids.