Author Topic: .☼.Shattered.☽. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]  (Read 16879 times)

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2013, 10:25:00 pm »
Oh good. I was hoping that's how it was. If it wasn't, I was going to have to rework that massive post lol.

Edit: Added my Celestial post...

Celestial Pride

    The small leopard cub remained hunkered down where the wolf had left him near a den, the vile monster sat a few paw lengths away and seemed disinterested in his captive. Torrinos' mind mulled over his most recent experiences. He'd wet himself when Ream snatched him from his hiding spot and cried out in protest as he was hauled away. His pleas for help had fallen on deaf ears and he found himself on enemy turf watching the tails of his pack disappear, the combatants breaking away to return home. The little cub had been lost to the enemy camp and now sat amongst it's ruthless members. He felt himself quake with fear, a seemingly endless rumble of twitching nerves that had, so far, denied him any rest.

     Tor was so lost in his fear, he did not spot the tigress until she was already upon him and Ream. Her presence made him shake more. "STAY" was all the wolf said... it was all that needed to be said. He cowered even more, his nose nearly touching the ground, as Tor had no intention of disobeying the ill-tempered Ream. If his captor didn't rip him to shreds for trying to run, one of the other killers in the camp would. While they conversed, his eyelids drooped slightly and, despite his nervous muscles, the cub nearly fell asleep. "COME ALONG" Tor's head lifted slightly, ears laid back. He stood, feet full of thistles from keeping his crouched position for so long, and plodded along behind Ream with his tail curled under himself in fear. As they began to leave the camp behind them, little Torrinos finally spoke for the first time since the barrier, "C-can I go home?"

    Rook hadn't been in the fight for long since he was on the far side of the territory when the battle began. It had taken a scout quite some time to track the dark wolf down and deliver the message and for the pair to get back to the battle. By the time they had returned, there wasn't much left to do but carry back the dead. He had hauled more bodies than he could keep track of and it seemed as if the whole pride had been slain. He was sore and exhausted from the effort... and had overslept. Even though his past left him full of hate for felines, something he was trying to overcome, Rook found himself aiding Sake. "Help me over to those warm rocks, pup." he said "Ah, better already. And can ya fetch me a morsel?" ... "What is that? There's hardly anythin' on that ol' bone! Youngin's today don't know nothin'" ... "Now there's a smart pup. That'ins much better."

     Rook endured the old lion's demands until he settled down and tucked into his meal. The young wolf tried to slip away but the elder wasn't done with him  yet. "Hav' I told ya 'bout the time the barrier flooded over?" Rook sighed, his neck fur ruffled in agitation "No you haven't but I nee-" "Well it was back before Eva. I don't reckin' she was even born yet." "I really can't st-" "Don't interrupt, pup. It's a good tale." Rook found himself sitting on the ground glaring at the old geezer on the rocks as he began the gripping tale of a huge storm that had poured rivers of water on the area and a few cubs that had decided to venture off during the downpour. "The barrier was churnin' with waters, from edge to edge it was FIVE lion's wide and them senseless youngin's had got stuck in a fallen tree halfway 'cross. Took ol' Bartos to fetch'em, course he weren't so old really. Not much olderin you I reckon... Where was I... Oh. Pair looked like scrawny stripped rabbits when he got'em out. They got all in all sorts of trouble fer it. Were stuck cleanin' the dens... 'er was it tendin' the elders? No matter, them cubs never did go near water again." Sake chuckled then wheezed slightly, a grin on his maw, "Mornin' Eva." Rook had lost himself in the story (he had to admit, it was pretty good) and had failed to notice his leader's approach. He jumped to his paws, fighting to restrain his rising fur, "Morning... I mean GOOD Morning, Lady Eva." Old Sake flicked his tail as she spoke, "We're doin' fine, was just tellin' this here pup 'bout the barrier floodin'... Don't reckin' I've told you 'bout that Eva?" He continued on without waiting for an answer, "Why those waters was churnin' and the barrier was SIX lions wide!" "You said five..." Sake glared at the wolf and snapped "Mind your manners, pup, an' stop innerruptin' your elders. I meant to say SIX..." Rook gave Eva a look that begged to be sent somewhere else, anywhere else.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 03:50:17 am by Buttons Lady »

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2013, 02:26:45 am »
-le bump-

I'll use this spot to post my Archon characters when you're done with your post Kas. Unless you were just going to repost to make a new post for Archon... then I'll post after you :P

Offline Kasai

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2013, 05:11:54 pm »
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 07:01:40 pm by Kasai »

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2013, 04:17:54 am »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 04:20:44 am by Buttons Lady »

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Re: .☼.Shattered.☽. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2013, 02:04:57 pm »

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Celestial Pride
Name:  Lexie ( Nickname: Lex)
Ingame/Forum Username: sparticles/Taylor
Gender: female
Species: Black Panther
Age: Cub
Personality: Freindly, curious, brave, loud, energetic, playful, respectful and hyperactive.
History: Separated from her family cause of a big fire causing her to be along, she now wonders if they are still alive.
Mentor: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Former Mentors/Apprentices: N/A
Parents: Shadow (Father) Phhantom (Mother
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Prisoner: N/A
Status: pick one for me. 
Health Status: 100%
Other: 1 Scar on her front right leg from the fire.
Rp sample- Lexie wondered around the burnt out forest in search for her family, over the ashed mounts the crawled alone and scared. No scent had been left for her to follow, no one around to ask. She looked around as she was frightened as the remains of burnt trees was left, the smell of smoke surrounding the sky. Dust clouds just starting to ass through as she came to river, decideing to cross the river she jumped in carfully swimming accross. Reaching to other side she shook the water from her ash black pelt, as she began her search again. (the river blocked to fire from passing to tbe other side) Realising her journey just got harder as she looked through the forest, trees ass tall as buildings holes as deep as a sea. She paced her eyes back an forth then she began to walk, Feeling a bit worried of what might happen she walked lightly so she didnt make a sound which was hard as the dry leaves crunched beneth her paws. Coming to a ditch in the ground with man paw prints around, she followed a large pair of paw-steps as she cam to a large den sight burrowed into a tree as she hid in the leaves. Hoping, just hoping the creatures here were friendly.
Edit: Cactus.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 07:42:46 pm by Taylor »
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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #55 on: January 14, 2013, 04:27:38 pm »
Ooo someone for Torrinos to play with if he ever gets over being kidnapped :)

Looks like your keyboard sticks, lots of extra letters (accross, ass instead of as) or missing letters (ass instead of pass, man paw prints instead of many?)

Also, cause I know Kas will mention it later on, you left something out of the app. Read the rules again so you can fix it. Kas can be a bit "prickly" about the rules lol :D

Offline sparticles

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2013, 08:57:27 pm »
Ah thanks and yea a few of my buttons are missing and often stick or don't type, as soon as I am on my laptop I will edit my post.
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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #57 on: January 15, 2013, 11:41:11 pm »
Approved! Welcome to the pride =) Feel free to make your first post.

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2013, 03:46:48 pm »
Bump... ?

Offline Kasai

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Re: .☼.Shattered.☽. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« Reply #59 on: January 20, 2013, 12:05:05 am »
☼ Celestial Pride ☼
Location: Dens // Kai Lake      Weather: Cloudy and cold. 23°F / -5°C
     Month/Season: Late November/Winter      Time of Day: Late Morning

Evangeline gave Sake a polite smile and noticed Rook's pleading look out of the corner of her eye. Clearing her throat a little, she interrupted the old lion. "Sake, I'm sorry to interrupt, but this story sounds too thrilling to not have a larger audience than just Rook and I. Besides, I know Ream has been dying to hear one of your brilliant tales," she explained. Ream was probably the best listener out of the group and the only one not to complain about Sake's tales. Rook would grow irritable of the stories, Eva would put a happy face on for Sake, but complain later, and Obi would just bluntly state he didn't care or be rude in some other way and walk off until the tale finished. Ream was the only one to listen without complaint. "How about this evening, when we all gather after the hunt to eat. Besides, I need Rook for an urgent... Barrier situation. Yes, a Barrier situation that could only be helped by a guard, such as Rook," Eva explained, lying through her teeth as she nodded her head to the Barrier for Rook to follow her. She would take the guard up to the Barrier, but the two would then just journey beside it until they could return to the other pack members at Kai Lake.

Meanwhile, the wolf was leading the cub towards Kai Lake. Kai Lake wasn't a secret to Archon Pack members and showing the cub this area wouldn't threaten the Pride in any way. Besides, a cub as young as this one would likely not remember all the places he was brought to especially with the large size of the territory. "C-can I go home?" Ream stared ahead as he continued to lead the cub to the large lake. "You don't know how prisoners work, do you, cub?" His orange eyes glanced down at the cub. "I'll try to make this as simple as I can: I own you. I am responsible for you, but I am far from a caretaker. I make sure you are fed and stay in good health in order to get something from your Pack in exchange. It could be food, a new member, a prisoner, territory, et cetera, et cetera." He looked over at the cub again and sighed. "Being afraid of me is pointless. I may be your enemy in this war and you may be my prisoner, but I am your protector. No one here is really out to get you specifically. You're lucky for that. We had some members here who would have loved to pick on you. They aren't here anymore, but, if they were here, I would defend you. Think of me as your not-so-willing protector," he explained as he wandered along the edge of the lake with nearly silent steps. His eyes drifted to Obi sitting on a rock ledge in the middle of the lake. Ream paused in his steps as he took the sight of the slightly beaten looking wolf in. It was obvious the old wolf was down on his luck and seemed pretty hopeless. It was also obvious he wasn't aware of the presence of Ream and the cub. 

☽ Archon Pack ☽
Location:Dens // Ellie Falls→Barrier      Weather: Cloudy and cold. 23°F / -5°C
     Month/Season: Late November/Winter      Time of Day: Late Morning

Alue's reaction to his command didn't escape Ryu's notice. He knew that cubs weren't her strong suit and that she would probably much rather take the job of finding food, but with her injured paw, Ryu couldn't send her to get food for the entire pack. “May I have permission to use force to prevent the cub from crossing the Barrier?” The hyena looked down in thought and then back to the spy. "Only the amount of force necessary to stop him. I don't want him hurt unless he is endangering the pack somehow. Otherwise, he is to only be picked up and brought back." He looked back and forth between his remaining adult members. "I believe that their head medic is thinking of switching sides due to the fatal mistakes of the members of Celestial Pride. Should that be the case, if either of you see him approach the border, I am to be informed immediately. Just call if you see any danger or if he approaches," he requested. "I'll be back a little after midday with any prey I can hunt down. Until then, keep watch over the young," he ordered, turning from the two to escape into the woods for some peace and quiet.

Panos's body told him to move away from Ellie Falls. The bits of ice in the water source made it that much colder to a young cub. However, Panos seemed to not be focused on the present situation and could care less about hid body's dropping temperature. His mind was focused on his brother, as it usually was. After lapping up some of the freezing water, Panos continued up the side of the falls to the stream located at the top. Continuing along it, he hit small sticks and rocks into it. His body remained slumped as as he walked along the stream without much concern for himself getting too cold, despite the pains in his paws from the icy ground beside the stream. Reaching a crossing for the stream, Panos crossed it to return to the side closer to Archon and Celestial's barrier. Looking around him to check for members of Archon Pack, he shrugged and continued towards the Barrier. Crouching low, he looked over at the other side from behind a tree, only a few yards from the Barrier. It looked so easy to sneak over and not get caught...

[I'll give Alue the chance to catch him X3
1. Sorry for the long-awaited reply. Midterms murdered me x.x
2. The top right part of my mouth is killing and it might be my 4th wisdom tooth that was just waiting for a year and a half after the other 3 got removed to appear...
3. My birthday is tomorrow 8D
4. This is feeling like a 2 person rp... because it is XD I hope more people apply soon.]
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 12:56:50 am by Kasai »