Author Topic: ~Woofley's Characters~  (Read 6010 times)

Offline Woofley

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~Woofley's Characters~
« on: December 06, 2012, 05:29:51 am »
Hur hurr. Well. I was going to make a thread like this ages ago but never got 'round for it. So. Bios. Yes. Most of these characters aren't used for just one rp, so their ages and such do jump around a bit XD
EDIT: Major editz. Ohnues o.o "The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters)." 'Nother thread ;D


|| Wisteria

Name;; Wisteria
Nickname;; Wist, Wisty
Age;; Usually Teen
Gender;; Female
Species;; Wolf
Other Info;; Wisteria is usually used for OOC though I use her for role-playing too. I don't use her that much anymore, though, lol. She has been in too many rps for me to count XD

|| Quicksilver

Name;; Quicksilver
Nicknames;; Silver, Sil
Age;; Usually Young Adult
Gender;; Female
Species;; Wolf
Personality;; Silver is quite sarcastic and unfriendly to most wolves, though she is usually kinder to pups as long as they don't get on her nerves. She may show a degree of friendliness and understanding to wolves that have experienced similar situations to her. Silver doesn't really care about things that don't concern her very much, such as wolves entering her pack's territory. As long as they don't steal food and don't bug any of her pack mates, she just ignores them. She will try to protect her close friends with her life, but the only real close friend she has had was her brother, and he was killed by a battle between Silver's birth pack and a rival when they were just teens.

|| Nicole

Name;; Nicole
Nickname;; Nic
Age;; Young Adult
Gender;; Female
Species;; Wolf
History;; Nicole's birth pack was a small one, made up of five adult wolves and four of Nicole's litter-mates. Rearing the pups would have been okay with a larger pack, but it was a struggle with the tiny amount of grown wolves. Times were hard and the bad hunting conditions didn't help at all. The adults struggled to get enough food for themselves, let alone for the five growing pups. Nicole and her siblings grew quickly and they soon were old enough to run around and play. Hunting mice, sneaking out of the den and play-fighting became some of their favorite past-times. But while the pups played, oblivious, the adults faced a huge problem. The pups were starting to eat solid food so it would be even harder to feed all of them. The grown wolves were becoming dangerously thin- they couldn't go on for much longer with so little food.

One morning, Nicole and her siblings woke up to a den empty save for each-other and a deer carcass near the entrance, seemingly freshly killed. They waited for days, living off the kill and water from a river close to the den. By the time they had finished the carcass, they had lost all hope. The pups had to use their own skills of hunting to keep them alive, and the only successes they had were hardly even worth it- just rats.. They managed to keep themselves fed for a few days, but one of Nicole's sisters couldn't catch enough food. The pups tried desperately to get enough food for her too, but after a while she refused to eat. "Feed yourselves." They didn't back down and, a day later, they woke up and she wasn't there. Disappeared without a trace. Well, at least to the pups with their limited tracking skills. They didn't have much time to grieve. The struggle of keeping themselves from their sister's fate was too hard to let them think of anything else.

A few days later, when they were trying to hunt, a lone lynx spotted the pups. Nicole last sister's sharp eye spotted it and she alerted Nicole and her brother with a quick yelp. They bolted off, but her sister was too slow. The lynx caught up to her in a second, and in one swift bite, it was over. Nicole and her brother regrouped, shaken and confused but not harmed. They hadn't seen what the lynx had done to their sister. They searched around wherever they could think of, but finally, they stumbled upon a carcass, torn beyond recognition. Nicole and her brother looked over it, their hopes plummeting lower as they saw more. A little brown pup with one white sock and a white ear. Nicole let out a small sob of horror and her brother looked away, closing his eyes and willing it not to be real. He had been close to her- very close. After several minutes, they trudged off. They'd have to hunt before dark.

A while afterwards, Nicole woke to see that her brother had left. His scent was fairly fresh, but she didn't make an effort to follow it. She just got up and walked in opposite direction, the direction of a small rabbit. She was still young, very young, only just over four months. But she was determined to live. Survival was a battle, but Nicole was a fighter. This was her new life, a traveler, not weighed down by a pack.

Now a young adult and having been a loner most of her life, she doesn't remember much of her old pack. The memories of her siblings' deaths and her resentment to her old pack for leaving them behind are all that are left.

|| Akkari

Name;; Akkari
Nicknames;; Akka, Ak
Age;;1 Year {Teen}
Gender;; Vixen {Female}

"We'll be back soon, Akka, just wait right there."

Abandoned by her parents at a very young age, Akkari seemed to have little chance of survival. A little puzzled at why they had left her with a rabbit carcass, she concluded that her parents had set her the task of guarding the kill while they went out and did other jobs. She waited by the kill, alert and ready to jump out and greet her parents when they did come back, or maybe to defend it. Days later, there was still no sign of her parents and Akka was starving. Only when she couldn't stand her hunger anymore she ate the kill, deciding that she'd explain to her parents when they came back. Time seemed to drag on at a snail's pace and Akka only left the scraps of the carcass to have drinks out of a nearby river, despite the distractions around her that she longed to investigate. More days passed and Akka, confused and miserable, decided that her parents couldn't find her so she would have to find them herself. She traveled for a while, trying to ignore her new hunger, and she came to a clearing with a pile of large rocks. Grinning, Akka scampered up the pile, investigating the crevices between the rocks and looking at the land around her from the higher vantage point. As she explored the rocks, she didn't notice an eagle circling high above. It had seen her. When she did notice the bird it was too late; it was diving straight for her.

It happened quickly. One second she was about to be picked up by an eagle and the other she was in the grip of another fox. She distinctly remembers hearing the screech of the bird as the fox ran off, holding Akka by the scruff. They were going very fast, Akka knew that much. After a while, the fox glanced around then stopped, plonking Akka onto the ground, looking at the kit. "'Eyy kiddo, why were you out there all alone?" The fox asked. "I was guarding a rabbit for my parents while they went and did stuff and they didn't come back!" Akka said matter-of-factly. "So I'm searching for them!" The fox looked at her curiously. "Well..." She began, "Want to stay with me for now? I can help you look for your parents. How long have they been gone?" She finished. "Oh, also, you can call me Ghost." The fox added, smiling. Akka noticed that there were many wounds on the fox's body, including some fresh ones, but didn't say anything. "I dunno, a week, maybe." She paused. "And nice to meet you, call me Akka, short for Akkari!" She said proudly. For a moment, the other fox's smile faded, probably because she suspected that the poor kit had been abandoned, but only for a moment. "Nice to meet you, Akka! How about you come with me, you must be very hungry; I have some food back at my den." Akka nodded quickly. "I am hungry, I even ate the rabbit that I was supposed to guard for my parents so I'll probably get scolded for that!" The fox turned around and led Akka into a well-hidden den. "Make yourself at home! The food's to the left." Ghost called before attending to something at a back corner of the den. Akka ate ravenously and filled her empty stomach before wandering over to Ghost.

"Whatcha doing?" Akka asked, peering around the other fox to see a pile of shiny objects. "Stuff." Ghost replied, yawning slightly. Akka poked at a dagger with her paw. "What's that?" Ghost looked down at it. "It's my dagger." She replied. "What's it for?" Ghost didn't say anything for a while. "Fighting." She said, smiling and ruffling the tuft of fur on the kit's head with a paw. Akka sneezed. "When can we search for my parents?" She asked, looking up at Ghost. "Well, we go now, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, kid. Finding a fox in a large forest like this one is like a needle in a haystack." Ghost looked down at the kit and saw the devastated look on her face and quickly added, "But there is still quite a chance that we'll find them!" She smiled reassuringly. "What will happen if we don't find them?" Ghost paused for a while. "Well, you can stay with me! I'll teach you all about herbs and even a bit of fighting if you're up for it!" She grinned, hoping that the kit would be satisfied with her answer. "Yeah! I wanna learn how to fight!" Akka said enthusiastically and grinned widely, seeming to have forgotten about her parents for that second; she was young and easily distracted.

Later, they went out and searched until nightfall but didn't find any sign of Akka's parents. Akka was disappointed and Ghost was too, for the kit's sake, though the adult wasn't really surprised. "Oh well, we can search tomorrow! Maybe I can teach you about some of the herbs while we look." They found nothing that could be connected with Akka's parents, not even a scent. That night, Akka woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Ghost wasn't there. Alarmed, she ran to the entrance of the den and called out. Ghost must not have been too far away because she came bounding back to the den. Akka could smell fresh blood on her and saw that Ghost was holding a dagger, also covered in blood. She looked up at her with wide eyes; it smelled like another fox's. "W-what were you doing?" She asked. "Protecting us. There are some bad, bad foxes out there, kid." Ghost sighed. "Who are they?" Akka asked as they walked back into the den. "A skulk..." Ghost said evasively and settled down at the pile of herbs to tend to her wounds. "What's that? A skulk, I mean," Akka asked. "A group of foxes. Some are fine and some are not, but I wouldn't stick around one to find out if I were you. But one's moved in near to us and the leader is... let's just say we don't like each-other much." Akka opened her mouth to speak, but Ghost spoke before she had the chance to. "You should get some sleep." Akkari nodded, yawning slightly, before curling up and drifting off to sleep.

The next day, they didn't search; Akka knew that Ghost needed the rest. She thought of what she could do to help, then had an idea. Grinning to herself, she set off. A while later, she came across what she was looking for; the scent of a rabbit. Though she had no training whatsoever, she wanted to bring something for Ghost since she had been so nice to her. Akkari soon found the rabbit, but had no idea how to hunt. So, after thinking for a little while, she dashed out towards it. With no experience in hunting, Akka had leaped out way too early rabbit darted off, but Akka followed in hot pursuit. She chased it as well as she could, though more than once she nearly lost her footing. The rabbit paused and Akka bounded forward, but she missed it and stumbled. Tumbling down a steep incline, Akka cried out in surprise and pain as she bounced off the ground. After what seemed an eternity, the little kit came to a stop. She ached all over and whenever she tried to move pain surged through her body. Akkari whimpered and cried out, not knowing what else to do at such a young age. Soon, she heard rustling nearby and stopped, looking around with her ears pricked. Ghost burst through the trees, a look of alarm on her face. "Akka?" She asked, rushing over as fast as she could despite her own wounds. "Oh, thank god... Why are you out here?" Akkari only answered with a sniffle. Ghost sighed a bit. "I'm gonna get you back home... where does it hurt?" "Everywhere." Akka said, trying to hold back whimpers and be strong. Ghost picked her up by the scruff and gently carried her back to the den. When they got there, the fox tended to Akkari's wounds. "Eat this." She said, showing Akka a dark green herb. Akka chewed it and wrinkled her nose. "Eat it, it'll help." Ghost warned lightly, smiling a little at the kit. After a while, Akka swallowed. "Yuck..." She said after a while. Ghost chuckled. "Does it hurt anymore?" Akkari paused for a second, then a look of surprise crossed her face. "No, not at all," She said, looking up at Ghost. "How?" Ghost grinned. "How 'bout you get to sleep." Ghost nuzzled Akkari and smiled. Akka smiled back.

Ghost raised Akka like this for months, giving her fighting lessons and teaching her basic herbal remedies. Akka preferred the fighting over the herbs, but she did both without protest. Slowly, they stopped searching for Akka's parents, not to say that Akka hadn't given up in her heart and often imagined them coming in to greet her and they'd live like old times. But Akka was starting to become very close to Ghost and knew that it'd be hard to leave even if her parents did come back; Ghost was like a second mother to her. The other fox decided to teach her to hunt properly at six months old, even though it was a little early, mainly because she wanted her to be able to fend for herself if anything were to happen to her. She also taught Akka the basics on how to effectively use a dagger and, though it was awkward holding the dagger in her mouth and at first she couldn't use it at all, she eventually got used to the feel of it.

By the time Akkari was ten months old she knew how to hunt semi-well, how to fight normally and also a little bit of how to fight with a dagger too. She knew some herbal remedies, too. One night, a stranger came into the den; Ghost pretended to be asleep and, when the strange fox had looked in the other direction, she jumped out with her incredible speed and managed to pin him down. "What do you want?" She asked harshly. He smirked up at her. "You know well what I want. You don't think that the death of my father went unnoticed in my skulk?" The fox, a strong male, kicked her off and rolled onto his feet. The two enemies circled while Akka watched from the shadows, eyes wide. Ghost struck first, leaping for the other fox's neck, but he dodged and tripped Ghost over and pinned her down. He smirked. "Nice knowing you." Akka panicked and leaped out at the stranger, surprising the fox and knocking him off Ghost, who got to her feet and helped Akka wrestle him to the ground. "Reinforcements!" He yelled in the direction of the den entrance and two more foxes entered. Ghost ran for her dagger, grabbing it and running at one of the foxes. The fox that Akka was pinning down looked up at her. "Kill me. I know you want to, Ghost would want you to too." Akka snorted. "Gladly," she snarled and bit his throat.

Akka felt strange and a little sick, but she knew Ghost needed help. She ran over, seeing that her dagger had been knocked out of her mouth. She leapt at the fox pinning Ghost down, but it wasn't enough. She saw as he bit Ghost's neck. Akka let out a choked sob and, her strength fueled by her anger, she ducked under the fox, tearing at his underbelly before quickly zipping out. He staggered back, a little surprised at her speed, and Akka quickly dashed in again, this time aiming for his neck. She hit her target and he thudded to the ground next to his other companion, who Ghost had already dealt with. Akka ran to Ghost. "G-ghost?" She whispered, tears in her eyes. Ghost smiled weakly. "Akka, you did well..." She whispered and Akka watched as the life left her friend's eyes. "No, no no!" She wailed, curling up, closing her eyes and just sobbing.

The next morning, she woke up to the den, covered in blood. Firstly, she dragged her enemies' bodies out of the den. Then she padded away and dug a grave near the den, under a flowering tree and, as gently as she could, she brought Ghost to it. "Goodbye..." She whispered, blinking back tears. Ghost had been more than a mother to her; a trainer, a big sister, a friend. Akka covered the grave in and, with a final look, walked away. She did take the dagger, knowing that Ghost would have wanted her to have it.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 09:22:59 am by Woofley »

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 02:03:18 am »
Heya Woofley nice to see you on the forums ^^ Love the characters as well. I think I've met most of the chars you have on here in game, except for Ari... dun think I've met her yet. :P Anyway, awesome job on the characters, see ya in game. :)
<--The Hunt-->

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Offline Woofley

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2012, 09:28:11 am »
'Ello Hunt, and lol, I haven't been using Ari much lately. Aaand yep, decided that I'd actually post something on the forums c8 lulz

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2012, 09:50:14 am »
Hmmm, screenshots of your other chars possibly?
Anyway Aeriana looks more like some kind of hyena to me, but maybe that's just 'cause of the black mask.

Offline Woofley

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2012, 10:39:16 am »
I just found an old screenie of Wist, but others will come when I have the time to take 'em, lol.
And yeah, about Aera, that's probably because she has the hyena mask xP

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2012, 07:40:04 pm »
Very nice characters Woofley!

+floof for your good work ;3

Cheers~ // Shallow

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2012, 03:37:25 pm »
Awesome characters
floofs for youz CX

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2012, 03:39:29 pm »
I think that the name Wisteria fits the first canine perfectly.
All of the canines are gray. x3. It looks good and formal.

Offline Woofley

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2012, 09:06:47 am »
Aw, ty all! :D <3
And lol, I have a slight obsession with gray canines c8 I made a brown one the other day, though. I'll post 'er on here when I have de time~

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Re: ~Woofley's Characters~
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2012, 04:46:30 pm »
Cool characters!!! Love them all, fabulous bios as well ;) Keep it upp
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