Author Topic: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Mapped][Accepting]  (Read 7830 times)

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2012, 06:37:25 pm »

Fraction: Ember Pond
Rank: Chief
Species: Liger
Gender: Male
Name: Wreq
Family Lineage: Son of the last Chief, no mate and no cubs, no siblings
Personality: Wreq isen't very serious, he enjoys relaxing and activities such as grinding herbs. He is rather annoyed by battles but will roll his eyes and leap into the thick of it to get it over with faster. When he had to go to Cub School, he was rather clownish and got in trouble often. In battle-classes it took him monthes to get even a relativly simple move correct. He much prefers anything he can sit and concentrate on and doesen't require much energy. He tires quickly and can't run very fast or far.

Rp Sample: Wreq padded over to one of the dens, grabbing  some herbs in his jaws before continueing to a sun dappled patch near the back of the camp. he dropped them on a smooth rock covered with powdered leaves before grabbing a smooth stone from nearby. He enjoyed the feel of the stone in hs jaws; Wreq often used the stone and his teeth had worn down a bit from grinding so often. The liger touches the stone in his teeth to the leaves and started rubbing the leaves into dust. He was a good friend of the medic because he helped so much. Wreq wished he wasen't born the son of the chief, he wanted to be a medic. He yawned, dropping the stone next to the larger one before continueing grinding the herbs.

Offline Krimzen

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2012, 10:49:45 pm »

Faction: N/A
Rank: Shaman
Species: Liger
Gender: Male
Name: Dikota
Family Lineage: Born initially into the Ember Pond Faction, Dikota was one of four cubs born to the tigress Matat, their sire being a past leader of the faction. Though his frailty and startling, supernatural pelt nearly led to him being abandoned to the vicious wasteland, a hag of a tigress took him in, raising him in the darkness of her den. He was kept and reared in secret, lest he be slain upon sight for his strange appearance.

Personality: Dikota was estranged as a cub, raised alone and in darkness, shrouded in secrecy. He is a beast of few, and cryptic words. The old queen that raised him was far from her right mind, though she taught him well in the ways of the tigers, learning the uses of the various herbs and plants of the land, be they for intents both innocent and malicious. Before the anniversary of his second year, he was taken to the Tree of Souls, where the Shaman of the time, a strangely wise and oddly colored boar took him in, and taught him the art of reading the moon, stars, how to listen to the winds and heavens themselves to bring counsel to the beasts that sought it from them.

 As he is often left to his lonesome now that his tutor has long since passed, Dikota spends most of his time tending to the tree itself and observing the great fire that burns within it, gazing into the flames for what seems like ages at a time. Some may even think that he sees the expanse of time through the blaze, unable to decipher the cryptic words he murmurs as he watches the fires dance.

Rp Sample: Dikota sat perched in his arboreal home, his head turned skyward as sapphire eyes watched the gentle twinkling of the stars.While the world around him sat in the deep silence of night, the liger could hear a symphony of voices. Some were soft, sweet, while others wept in his ears, others still let loose vicious cries of anger that rattled his senses, shaking him to the core as his body trembled.

"What do you see, Shaman?" A wolf asked shyly. Her voice was hushed, weak. It was a common misconception among the creatures of Eden, that he saw things to be foretold. But nay, spirits whispered their wisdom to him on the winds, only revealing themselves to be seen in his fleeting sleep.

"Grief claws at your soul, wolf. Welcome the cold and embrace it, let not fury stir your senses, hold fast to the earth and drink not from the offered paw." He spoke softly, his voice hoarse with a fury that was not his own. The hybrid turned his starlit gaze down upon the small ashen fae, seeing not the wolfess, but straight through her and the unborn pups that were coiled safely in her womb. "Their journey will not be one survived but one wrought from fire and tousled by the sands." He rose to his paws, stalking away from her, his words spent.

"Wait! S-surely.. There must be more, something.. Please.." She pleaded, chasing several waddling steps after him, her voice trembling with fear.

"Your path is not your own, child. What is to come cannot be avoided, only confronted." And with that said, he lept upwards to the more secluded boughs of the tree, his ghostly pale pelt slipping away and fading into the darkness. Crestfallen, the wolfess slowly trudged her way back down the precarious tree to find solid ground.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 12:03:46 am by Krimzen »

Adorable icon by Outputt on FA <3

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2012, 11:40:17 pm »
Accepted both Wreq and Dikota :3

Offline ShadowClasher

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2012, 02:59:27 am »

Fraction: Ember Pond
Rank: Unranked
Species: White Bengal Tiger
Gender: Female
Name: Inerria

Family Lineage: Xander and Amara, both unranked tigers of the past. Xander was a normal Bengal Tiger, and her mother happened to be a White Bengal Tiger. Others say Inerria was an "accident" of the past and wasn't even supposed to be alive at all in her Fraction. It caused her to be alone a lot of times.
No Mate
No Cubs
Inerria is usually an OK to be around tiger. She isn't snappy or short-tempered or that one weird cat who'll snap at everything someone else does. She's usually quite nice, actually. Due to some parts of her past and the fact that she wasn't ever meant to be born, she can be a bit of a grump at times, aswell. Inerria dislikes talking about her past, yet she would love to help others if they had problems. Stories of when she was a small cub she loved to tell, though she will always exaggerate slightly. She's a fan of young cubs and trainees. Inerria also has a strange habit of talking to herself, sometimes when she's bored or she feels lost.

Rp Sample:
Pale and stormy-grey eyes stared out across the Pond. Dull, black claws scratched at the soft dirt of the grassy ground and a striped tail curled around a female tiger's paws contently. Silence filled the air until she couldn't help but start talking to herself, "Come on, dearie, don't get lost on this beautiful day." The sun shined down through the trees, mirroring off Inerria's white coat. Other tigers and lions and ligers moved around her, calmly. Few stopped to say a few words, but Inerria was barely listening. She only remembered few words that they said, if they said anything at all. The white tiger laid down, resting her cranium down onto her paws, drifting into a light sleep.

Waking up a while later, Inerria gathered her surroundings again and sighed. Still nothing seemed to be going on, yet the air now felt the wind of tension and others of her Fraction seemed to glare at her like something was wrong. She stood up, feeling her bones creak slightly. Shaking it off, she padded closer to see what was up. Others had gathered around something near the pond, and Inerria couldn't wait to see what it was. The female trotted up and poked her head through the small huddle of her fraction. The sight overwhelmed her, and she fought back every emotion inside her. She stared blankly, just hoping and wishing it would all be over soon.


~Picture Coming Soon~
Fraction: High Rock
Rank: Unranked
Species: Amur Leopard
Gender: Female
Name: Kesi

Family Lineage: Sedric -X- Amara
Both were Amur Leopards. Kesi's sister, Athlene died when she was born.
No Mate
No Cubs
Personality: Kesi has a kind-enough nature. She's not always like, "OMG ARE YOU OK, CHILD???" and almost never is. Kesi is kind of dull and emotionless at times, yet she can be funny in the same moment. She'll always protect the ones she loves the most, and won't be afraid of what cost it'll be. Attacking her Chief? Your tail's most likely going to disappear in the next two minutes. Loyal is what she is, and nothing less. Kesi will fight for anything she believes in. She'll fight for her life. Her Fraction. Anything worth it. Don't doubt the female.

Kesi is has no mate, and isn't in a hurry to change that at the moment. She enjoys living and her life.

Rp Sample: [Herp-a-derp. Taken from Inerria's sheet. x3]
Pale and stormy-grey eyes stared out across the Pond. Dull, black claws scratched at the soft dirt of the grassy ground and a striped tail curled around a female tiger's paws contently. Silence filled the air until she couldn't help but start talking to herself, "Come on, dearie, don't get lost on this beautiful day." The sun shined down through the trees, mirroring off Inerria's white coat. Other tigers and lions and ligers moved around her, calmly. Few stopped to say a few words, but Inerria was barely listening. She only remembered few words that they said, if they said anything at all. The white tiger laid down, resting her cranium down onto her paws, drifting into a light sleep.

Waking up a while later, Inerria gathered her surroundings again and sighed. Still nothing seemed to be going on, yet the air now felt the wind of tension and others of her Fraction seemed to glare at her like something was wrong. She stood up, feeling her bones creak slightly. Shaking it off, she padded closer to see what was up. Others had gathered around something near the pond, and Inerria couldn't wait to see what it was. The female trotted up and poked her head through the small huddle of her fraction. The sight overwhelmed her, and she fought back every emotion inside her. She stared blankly, just hoping and wishing it would all be over soon.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 04:12:14 am by Kirigishi »

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2012, 03:21:17 pm »


Fraction: High-Rocks
Rank: Medic
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Name: Wyck
Family Lineage: Wyck's family line was always something of a letdown. The older members, all now deceased for various reasons, were usually the slowest of the group, oddly colored, and the last to agree to do anything willingly. His mother tried to fit in where she could be most useful but still never elevated her family's status. She bore one cub in her lifetime. His father, a large cheetah who fought fiercely in battle and actually had a decent reputation, didn't know Wyck was his own but neither did the cub. When the young cheetah took an interest in the medical field, his mother pushed him towards it. Slowly, Wyck brings honor to himself and his family line with each life he saves.
Personality: Generally a fun guy, Wyck loves to be in the middle of things. He takes his job seriously but tries to keep a the mood light even in dire circumstances. He will take time out of his day to play with the young and treats them with sweet berries along with their medicine when he can. He feels the need to take some blame for every death, regardless of the severity of the wound or the creature's fraction. Wyck often creates his own "tools", although they tend to be fairly rudimentary and generally lopsided. He is frequently caught muttering about the advantages of "retractable claws".

Rp Sample:
"Thank you Wyck!" Wyck watched a young leopard swat a ball of dried red dirt back towards an older jaguar cub. It had taken him three whole days to get the mixture right. It was fairly round, roughly as wide as his paw, and had finally dried out enough for use. The ball wobbled slightly on it's trip, "It's no problem kids. I'm just glad it rolls!" He sat and watched them for a moment, grinning as another pair of cubs decided to join in. He considered teaching the young ones how to make the balls themselves, then looked at his paws. They were stained a red-brown color. He smiled to himself; their parents wouldn't appreciate them making clay balls in their dens and staining their paws. As the ball sailed high towards the jaguar, a little leopard leaped and batted it out of the air. It hit the ground with a thud, small pieces chipping off as it was pummeled by the cubs again. It wouldn't survive long on these rocks... He'd have to make more.

He finally padded back to his den as the growing group, now almost double in size, started making up rules for a team game. Once inside his den, he began taking stock of his supplies. He was running low on a few items, nothing that wasn't too hard to come by this time of year. He trotted and hopped his way out of the rocky camp and to the more fertile growing areas of the garden. He had begun to nip off a few leaves and stems when something rustled in the brush ahead. As a medic, he preferred to heal rather than hurt, plus, he lacked any decent battle moves. As the first hyena stepped out, he gathered the few herbs he'd collected in his maw and gave it a questioning glance. "Are you the new Dim Sands medic trainee?" he mumbled around his load. When a second, and then third hyena began to slink out of hiding near the first, he took a tentative step back "I guess not.... I, uh... I think I have enough for now." Wyck turned tail and bolted as the hyena trio advanced. After a short burst, he slowed and looked back. The offending party snuffled around where he had been standing but didn't appear interested in pursuit. Just as well, he guessed. He had to get back to camp and start working on another ball for the cubs. The one they had must be demolished by now. The thought made him grin around his bundle as he padded back home.

((-sings- The Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne! :) I'm also a fan. I named my daughter Kaylee River.))

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2012, 06:33:25 pm »
You didn't need to post another rp sample though I'm glad you did because it's awesome.

Also askhfgaskjfasd. Fellow Browncoat <3
My daughter is named Kaylee Jayne! Are you sure you aren't my twin >.>

Really need to bust my butt to finish the map up now so we can starting rp'ing :3

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2012, 08:54:28 pm »
Okay, sounds fun.

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2012, 09:09:17 pm »
It's looking really nice, I say. He's been livestreaming while he makes it.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2012, 09:23:50 pm »
LOL I felt the need to put the sample up. It's gives me a chance to sort of rp the character for the first time in a controlled environment. Hokarty's was more backstory where Wyck's was just a testament to his good nature :)

And that's amazing! I'm sure there's been a flood of Firefly names since the show came out lol. I really wish Whedon could find someone to pick it up and do a few seasons as filler between the first season and Serenity so we could still have Wash and Book on the crew.

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Re: Edenwood Forest [Semi-Lit][Post-Apocalyptic][Multi-Species][Accepting]
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2012, 09:52:53 pm »
Derp my livestreams I usually boring since I'm more prone to having a call on skype going at the same time.
I'll have to try an open mic stream next time.

I think if another version of Firefly came out I would cry from joy. Kaylee has a "Jayne" in her class and his parents are pretty much the equivalent of Firefly fangirls. xD

Also for anyone that missed last nights livestream:

Ember Pond is finished unless anyone has any other suggestions. :3
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 04:43:04 am by The Hero Of Canton »