Author Topic: -Improved- Secret Saturdays RP!  (Read 1001 times)

Offline SugarBeast

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-Improved- Secret Saturdays RP!
« on: December 16, 2012, 11:08:28 pm »
The new Secret Saturdays Roleplay! I made my own a while back, and decided to make a re-vamp. The Secret Saturdays is a cartoon that started up back in 2008, and (supposedly) ended in 2010. It is a cartoon based on the adventures of cryptzoologists Drew and Doc Saturday, their son, Zak, and their pets, Fiskerton, Komodo, and Zon. Any additional information should be looked up.
The roleplay will be held by me, Fleetfoot, and will be located at the Water Mill until I either make a map myself, or find someone to work with on one.
Directions to get to the Water Mill: Open Feral Heart -> Go to Tools -> Got to Map Maker -> Look for Water Mill and click 'Load map' -> Find the 'add portal' box and click it. If there is a check there, you have succeeded -> Go back to the main menu, select your character, and head down to the Cape of Distant Worlds. Find the Water Mill portal, enter, and you're in baby! I'll most likely be playing as my OC, who is still a work in-progress, or Doyle. Tell me the passphrase 'pancake' (so I know if you read this or not c; ), then ask me about joining (there will be a group). I'd like if you contacted me ahead of time.
Any type of characters are welcome, whether it be an OC/FC, one of the original character, or a cryptid! Of course, there are limitations, which will be explained below.
-This is a LITERATE roleplay, so please refrain from using 'text language'. Example: "Omg! What r u doin?!" . Stuff like that. I'm NOT saying you have to know the whole dictionary, but please make an effort.
-There will be NO godmodding/power-playing of any kind. Saying things like 'no miss' or 'He killed him' when a fight has just begun is not acceptable.
-No character is set in stone. Example, two people can be the same character, but we'll try not to have both out at the same time, unless it's for a private, separate roleplay outside the general roleplay.
-Yes, there CAN be private roleplays for more 'adult' things, per se, but PLEASE keep that in a separate roleplay in Whisper or Party Chat, outside the group. I'd like for people not to do too much physical stuff while we're at the Water Mill, even if it isn't that inhabited most of the time. It's still pretty public and easily accessible if you know how to get to it. I'd take it up with me if it's a must.
- If you wish to pair your OC with a character, please ask the person playing as that character instead of forcing yourself upon them. If they say no, please respect their decision.
-Please, if you have a character with powers, or if they're the epitome of everything good in a character, try to limit. I want the RPs to be at least somewhat realistic.
If any of the rules above are disobeyed, you will be warned. If done multiple times, you will be removed from the group.
Hamilton's Mass Marking Pack:
Ringo and Delay's Item Pack:

My deviantART: DragonMasterRoru
My FH username: demonwolf64
Or message me on here!
Greetings, I am Quill the Astral feline, novice literate roleplayer and enjoyer of all things that include animals, sci-fi/fantasy, and anything in between!
Currently I'm looking for people to include in an RP for a show called 'The Secret Saturdays', so if you're interested, please do drop by!