Author Topic: FeralHeart Creepy Pasta (oDo. ProbalyLike.TheFourthOne.)  (Read 2978 times)


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FeralHeart Creepy Pasta (oDo. ProbalyLike.TheFourthOne.)
« on: December 17, 2012, 10:31:44 pm »
Of /course/ whoever is reading this thread has probaly played FeralHeart, you know the game in which every map seems to have some sort of tradition-

Poke'mon in Ficho Tunnel.
Uproar of Warrior Cats in Flourite Plains.
Accescenscion Island, which is more like Fandom Island if anything at all,
You know, the rather. . eccentric community if anything at all- but extremely fun, none the less.

Of course I'm not going to ramble on about "Amg everyone disappeared fkfdkkkfk" in this little 'creepypasta' or anything- as a matter of fact, this has nothing to do with anything obviously fake or something ridiculous in that category.
But, I suppose I should stop wasting your time by blabbering on about completely unnecesary things to talk about and just get on with the story.

Basicly, it was like any other day in FeralHeart- I was derping in "Fandom Island", doing the usual within the party chat, which of course was literally flooding with yellow and names of countries, Orginal Characters, or Homestucks.

Considering the fact that I may as well be addicted to our usually rather organized roleplays, I was probaly stuck in that chat for about six to eight hours, enjoying myself until "Snapped!Shirakawa" ended up killing my character . . yes, we do happen to take part in lot's of horror roleplays, thank you very much.

After that I kind of didn't want to roleplay anyone else- considering L Lawliet, Glen, and Milleniuco didn't seem to be precisely fitting at the moment (I didn't want to make yet another entrance either derp)- I fled to Ficho tunnel, getting onto my favourite Poke'mon character in which had developed several mixed relationships with my friends geo, caf, and vap's characters.

Only thing was, as soon as I got into the usual dull, brown-grey tunnel with the occasional crystal here in there, everything was black (And by that I mean the terrains). My first thoughts of course were "Honking Terrains BU", in which I soon discovered WHERE indeed Blacked out- well, the one's for Ficho anyway. Being the arrogant fool I am, I simply re-downloaded the patch for the thousandth time, and headed back to Ficho, in which was now normal.

Well, almost normal that is.

As soon as I logged on, there was this "Chain HoundoomM" infront of me (Don't you just hate it when you spawn on another person?), which I of course said "derp" to, blowing my cover (I have quite the tendacy of 'being a ninja'- Caf usually always notices though.Derp,) and then I simply walked over to the rest of my little group and roleplayed Poke'mon for about four hours- or until they all logged and my eyes started burning with a terrible sense of agony. (I'm not addicted, no matter what you say.)

Now, here comes the actually SCARY Part- Yup, I believe everything above was just a pratical waste of your time. Aren't I so considerant?

The same Houndoom from before (Which I didn't pay much attention to durp.) walked up to me, and did the usual "Pokes Felix, yawning", which I simply blew off by telling him I was terribly braindead and tried at the moment.

Of course the canidae wouldn't leave though. But he didn't say anything else either-

Just, stood there and glitched in a way I've never seen someone glitch before.

The wings (Which OBVIOUSLY did not belong on a bloody Houndoom!) Seem to retract themselves from the body abit- looking kind of like the cool ones you may see on some characters. The ears seemed to literally drive back into the character's head, in a manner in which was impossible with the way FH was set up. Smile? An epic Cheshire sort of grin, and the eyes, in which were glowing slit- appeared to be. . . well, creepishly hyper realistic, like a member made a brilliant eye texture mod in which I totally would of downloaded without a second thought.

I'm not one to get creeped out by much though (Much unlike the person in "Sonic.exe" seemed to be- I would of actually found that game to be terribly amusing, considering it would of been hacked- seems like a legit logical explanation anyway.), so I just typed a "Dude, your glitching like heck" into the chatbox. I think he must of been afk/brb though- because he didn't reply.

After that I basicly just fled to MS Paint Adventures to get caught up abit on Homestuck, read it for about a half an hour, wearing my glasses so my eyes wouldn't fall out.

When I got back to FeralHeart though- there was the textures again, missing, and the water one seemed to have been replaced with ice.

Hell, it actually LOOKED like ice- not to mention that bloody Houndoom was sitting on it, fur now looking so realistic that I felt like I could just reach out, pet it, and feel that freakin epic fluffiness. I wanted whatever fur texture he had soo badly at the moment- the character seemed like some animal in the forest- it simply looked. . perfect. Every part of the body was brilliant, the porportions were as accurate as one could get them.

I even tried seeing if this guy had a inside on his body- rather than the normal hollowness each character seemed to carry.

Unfourtantly, just as I was about to find out- the F3 camera froze, and seemed to be simply flung aside by an invisable force or something similiar to that.

I tried again.

Same result, as expected.


Finnaly the other person's character said something, in which was my favourite saying-

"Curiosity Kills the Cat".

I told him "Ya, suppose it does BU".

The character only nodded in a look of approval.

At that moment, poor Felix was pretty much murdered by the epic-fail Houndoom with simply brilliant textures.

Brilliant Textures



. . oDo. TheEnd.
NoneOfThisActuallyHappenedLolololol. -Trollface-

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Re: FeralHeart Creepy Pasta (oDo. ProbalyLike.TheFourthOne.)
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 04:50:49 am »
epic FAIL want somthing scary? search for slender man creepy pasta or ben drowned

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Re: FeralHeart Creepy Pasta (oDo. ProbalyLike.TheFourthOne.)
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2012, 03:11:26 pm »
shockstarz, that's really kind of rude.
I'm all for critique, but that wasn't even close to one.

Mill, it was okay, but it was written way too casually. I barely thought like I was reading anything horror-based. Pretty nice read, though.

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Re: FeralHeart Creepy Pasta (oDo. ProbalyLike.TheFourthOne.)
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 06:02:44 pm »
Shock, that's kinda mean, as Galiou said.

Also, I tought this was a pretty cool story, but not really horror based and I WANTNTHOSE TEXTURES >:(
hi, i'm frankie!

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Re: FeralHeart Creepy Pasta (oDo. ProbalyLike.TheFourthOne.)
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 03:06:26 am »
well its not that scary i just actually thought this was funny but  i was like expecting blood and stuff. i think feral heart would be 10 times as awsome if everyone had good graphics like in this.( i think that felix was killed by jelousy XD)


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Re: FeralHeart Creepy Pasta (oDo. ProbalyLike.TheFourthOne.)
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 03:31:43 am »
I was expecting a horror story, but this is way better. :D