Author Topic: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay [Open and Accepting: Join away~!]  (Read 37423 times)


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Note to Past Members:

Precisely what it sounds like- the old thread for my PMD roleplay has grown rather- old if you will. . . we appear to be constantly shutting on and off, so I've decided to simply remake it. Go ahead and throw in your older characters- they're more than welcome if anything at all! Just, take note we'll be starting off on square one again---

On the beach, in town- wherever. Basicly a "Fresh New Start" if anything at all!

ANNOUNCEMENT 1/8/13: We have a new OOC-Chat for our talks of nonsense and stuff~! oDo.

The Link is right here- take note that I /am/ capable of banning members.



Vassily and Polarus: Currently entering a conversation on the beach. (Location: Beach)
Tsar, Metis, Karak: Tsar is currently conversatiing with Metis and Karak, Metis, who has recently bought something, is preparing to leave in order to find Eve. (Location: Triason Village)
Eve: Basicly wondering around, nothing important. (Location: Heading away from Triason Village, towards the Guild)
Brutus: Managing his dojo (Locaction: Triason Village)
Maxi: Not doing much, sitting about at his shop. (Location: Triason Village)
Fern and Ednah: May appraoch Polarus and Vassily soon. (Location: In forest near the beach)
Kiwi and Tea: Have recently broken up from a conversation. (Location: Triason Village)
Jade: Has not entered roleplay yet. (Location: Somewhere *-*)
Totora: Hiding behind a sign-post (Location: Triason Village)

Strikes can be recieved if I believe you've been rather rude, disrespectful, or have been simply unreasonable. You are permitted to recieve four strikes until you are booted out of the roleplay-- Hopefully I will not have to add a 'Ban' section to the front post.

DRAGONITE-- One Strike


"Lately there's been talk of humans turning into Poke'mon. . " The words escaped the Guide Member's lips as he looked warily at his comapnion, seemingly searching the other Poke'mons eyes for a trace of the same worry and interest. The news in which had been recently been told by a visitor (In which had departed immediantly back to the other side of the region) had been quite- startling if you will. Not normal at all. . no, not at all. But- It was interesting none the less!

"Is that even possible?"

"Apparantly so,"

"Well. . alright- if hasn't happened around here quite yet though, so I doubt we'd need to worry!"

"Yes, we shouldn't worry!"


It's precisely as it sounds like. There's been rumours- true rumours of Humans turning into Poke'mon and suddenly washing up in rather random places. Such a phenomenon hasn't yet taken place around your area however- that doesn't mean it won't though.


(Top Left Corner- Large Mountians)
A Large mountain said to hold one of the greatest of treasures- Only extremely expirienced Explorers may enter Sycoral, or at least have a chance of even making it through. Surrounding 'islands' are "The Land of Windy Breath", "The Land of Burning Embers", and "The Land of Crackling Thunder".

(Top Left Corner- Thundering Clouds)
One of the trials you must manage to get through before entering Sycoral- It's said that a legendary Thunder bird resides within Crackling Thunder, who is also supposibly part of the trial. Surrounding 'islands' are "The Landy of Windy Breath", "The Land of Burning Embers", and "Sycoral Mountain".

(Top Left Corner- Gust of Wind)
One of the trials you must face to get to Sycoral- It's said that the graceful ice bird resides within the Gust of Wind, who is also supposibly part of the trial. Surrounding 'islands' are- "The Land of Burning Embers", "The Land of Crackling Thunder", and "Sycoral Mountain".

(Top Left Corner, Flames)
One of the trials you must face to get to Sycoral- It's said that the blazing Fire bird resides with Burning Emberts, who is supposibly part of the trial. Surrounding Islands are- "The Land of Windy Breath", "The Land of Crackling Thunder", and "Sycoral Mountain".

(Top Left Corner, Sea before Sycoral, Embers, Breath, and Thunder)
The sea in which appears to be only crossable by large, expirienced water-type Poke'mon. These seas are terribly rough, and sailing isn't precisely advised.

(Top Center, Large Mountains surrounded by forests. 'Blue Dot' Section Only)
Basicly your average mountains- littered with several kinds of treasure in which varies from completely usual to agonzingly rare. Mission ranks that take place here may also vary- usually in between Rank C and S to be abit more exact. The forests are said to hold some of the richest of berries- which also vary (Oran, Rasp, Lum, Pecha, etc. . )

(Slightly Lower Top Center, Large Forest- Orange Dot ONLY. Does not go past Mt. Yokamoa)
A strange forest in which appears to be always full of life- literally everything gives off an eerie glow, which is every life form's strongly radiating aura. Lucarios and Riolus tend to avoid this area- for it's been known to make some of them slightly insane because of the terribly high 'aura levels'. Of course, this is only a false rumour. Inhabitants of Aura Forest tend to act like some sort of 'family'.

(Slightly Lower Top Center, Strange 'Thunder-like' Mountain, below Aura Forest)
Mt. Yokamoa is more like a Crystal cave if anything at all- infact it's even been nicknamed 'Crystal Cave' because of it's manny shimmering and shining minerals in which reside within the sort of cave-mountain. At the very top there's said to be a waterfall which leads to a secret cavern, in which of course; holds an immense crystal. Weither or not someone has gotten said crystal? Well, we dunno the answer to that.

(Almost direct center, just below Aura Forest and Mt. Yokamoa)
Just as it sounds like- Applewood forest is a rather immense. . well- apple forest if anything at all. It holds some of the ripest and richest apples in Hanarete.

(Below Apple wood forest, center- basicly everything on that little 'island')
Large caverns in which hold most of the D to B rank missions, basicly a place for those just getting started with their missions. Rock, Electric, Fire, Ground, and the occasional Grass-type Poke'mon reside in here.

(Bottom left, the entire island)
An island once believe to be a meer illusion- but proven to be actually real. Nothing much goes on out around here- however, there IS a rather interesting temple somewhere within the forest and fog-covered mists of this island.

"_____" TEMPLE---
(Small temple above Lost Island-)
An unamed and undiscovered temple with an unknown purpose- basicly, roleplayers decide what happens here!

(Bottom Right corner of map- the entire island in which thins near Mt. Yokamoa)
Just as it sounds like- where the two Guides (One belongs to the usual Wigglytuff- the other, a Guide master in which Fused Hearts may re-make or another completely new member might create.). Just seperatinh the two guides in the middle of the island is Triason Village, a rather cheerful place in which most inhabit-- It holds a variety of banks, shops, etc. . along with several residences' homes.

(Top Right corner- large cloud)
Said to be home of the legendary Poke'mon Rayquaza- not much is known of this place, as it is quite unexplored. The only thing proving it's existance is the temple-like figure seen atop the cloud that never goes away.

(Just below the Sky temple- the ice mountain, volcano, and small tunnel at it's base.)
A series of tunnels in which can either lead to you to the Emberago Temple or Icarius Temple--- it's rather hard to navigate about in here.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 09:22:57 pm by GavelSwingingBlacki? »


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Re: Poke'mo Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 07:23:06 am »

1) Keep foul language to a minium- this is meant to be the fluffy version of Poke'mon.

2) Be respective to other users within the roleplay- as said a thousand times. . hate the character, not the roleplayer!

3) Please try to keep yourself away from constant drama, I kind of- despise it if you will. On occasion though? Go ahead!

4) Try to make your characters are creative as possible! Don't base them off of other famous characters from other fandoms. Let your creativity Flooow.

5) If your looking for a high position such as 'Guide Master'-- unless you were in the earlier version of this roleplay, please Personal-message me about it!

6) If you have read through the rules thoroughly, please put "Taco Burito Man" somewhere random in your application.

7) Don't make your character any sort of mary-sue or gary-sue! I seriously just like, hate those.

8) Be realistic when your in battle- if your fighting a level fifty and your only level five. . your probaly dead on the first round.

9) Please have your posts be a minium of at least six detailed sentences- in other words, a paragraph. I know you've been to school! So don't bother trying to trick me.

10) Mild blood is permitted- just, don't go terribly over-board o3o.


Once Human?-
Appearance- (Species, Strange colours on the Poke'mon- yougetit.)
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- (Scarves, Necklaces, allthatfunstuff.)
History- (Optional, it's quite understandable that you don't want people knowing your characters' past :3)
Personality- (If you'd rather simply construct the character's personality through roleplay, please whisper me.)
Extra- (Basicly. . anything you feel like you should add o3o)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 04:10:44 pm by Milleniuco »


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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2012, 04:31:56 pm »
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 03:28:23 am by Milleniuco »


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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [WIP]
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2012, 04:32:15 pm »



Name- Ednah

Gender- Female

Age- Twelve

Level- Eighteen

Species- Audino

Once Human? - Bingo!

Appearance- Unlike most Audinos that are naturally pink, she is a shiny version that has a light purple tone which replaces the pink and lively color that the usual Audino are present with and has deep green eyes but oddly, they seem to reveal lighter shades of grey that tends to scare others if she merely stares. Her curly feelers that has the ability to hear her heartbeats from others just like a stethoscope but she cannot understand emotions from merely heartbeats since it can vary widely (and since humans' heartbeats can change at anytime for different things.) She is shorter than most Audinos and the top part of her right ear is missing ( a rather small chunk of it) and a scar from stitches is viewable but seeing as how hospitals (and stitches) don't exist in this realm of Pokemon, it is presumed that it was either a burn or bitten off.

As a human, Ednah usually wore the same items that she does as a Pokemon but she of course wore large sweaters, jeans, and bright yellow rain boots since where she lived, it always seemed to rain. She had a hospital-identification bracelet around her wrist after going to the area for several times due to illness and she decided it was best for it to stay, in case something tragic and unexpected were to happen to her.  She had greyish-green eyes with short curly bright brown that was always picked up since she wasn't able to fix it up when she was ill.

Anything Extra In The Appearance?- Later on in the RP, she'll construct a possible scarf made out of different fabrics with their own designs and place pins into them like the explorer ranks. However from the start, she'll wear earmuffs over her ears despite whatever weather it is to prevent herself from overhearing anything since she gets headaches rather quickly. The earmuffs are blue and fuzzy.

She can be seen later on also carrying a tote bag that'll be considered her inventory will all sorts of items including maps and berries but it is ragged, brown, and is also patched up. The insignia of the guide will be present on the front of the bag.

Rank-  Would-be Normal Rank Explorer

History- "..Past?" Ednah shuffled uncomfortably away from the questioning party and hung her head low. She isn't in the mood to discuss this (but the creator is!)

As a human, Ednah had suffered from several medical conditions ever since she was young like how she is prone to headaches if she hears loud noises or is confronted to completely new environment such as her new body. Her parents were constantly checking her into different doctors and such for they worried too much on her physical health over Ednah's own emotional health and to be frank, she never did enjoy being pushed around when she started to settle down somewhere and that did take quite a while. Even with school, she was constantly missing days and in elementary, children do have short memories ( at most) and eventually forgot that the empty seat in class did belong to someone. As for her ear, not even Ednah remembers what happened since the surgery occurred when she was rather young, possibly almost a year old and she never did care much about it.

She would occasionally black out and fall on the ground and stay unconscious so her parents shipped her of into a hospital where she would get tutors and such but she would tend to leave her window opened during the night to hear the outside world for it was much more quiet than the busy atmosphere of the hospital and much more peaceful. Ednah soon began to drift off far more as she'd gotten older but left the hospital after her father made the realization that his daughter wouldn't be able to handle the world unless she was out of the walls and could handle herself. Her schedule was molded to fit that of a child her age: school, chores, after-school activities, and quality time with family. It was difficult for Ednah to adapt to these new events and lifestyle but she was able to get comfortable until IT happened. One day, Ednah did fall asleep but this was late in the afternoon as she returned from home but she collapsed onto her bedroom floor and curled up into a ball after hearing a high-pitched noise.

All Ednah remembers is feel the odd warmth of the summer sea brushing up against her and the tingly feeling of sand attaching to her skin when she first discovered that she became an Audino. From then, she hid herself away from the outside and usually trained herself seeing as how she remembered her father's words. However, she kept up her favorite and only hobby of knitting intact seeing as how she at least has fingers and is slowly making one with random fabrics she finds along the road.

Personality-  Ednah was always closed up in the majority of her life-time until recently and will have difficulty in expressing herself and understanding certain situations and will end sheepishly scooting away from the issue and watch for the sidelines. She will always try to cope in anyway kind without discussing to anyone of what she is doing but if someone does ask, she'll usually look up and mutter that "wouldn't waste your time discussing about her [my] boring task." Not the best person to come straightforward and try to sink into her heart, she is rather slow in adapting in new environment all together and being comfortable will take time seeing as how she never did settle down anywhere as a child and those experiences only prolonged how long it'll take for her to become use to people and life in general.

However, she is very self-reliant and determined to handle things by herself and she might even bluntly state that she doesn't require assistance seeing as how most of the time, she was by herself and had to take matters into her own hands as every one else in her life was busy trying to make a better future for her but not a past or present. Ednah can be rather sweet to those that do slowly take time to get to know her but by all means, she would usually be that quiet member that doesn't respond if placed into the spotlight and would only stare, signaling that she isn't going to answer. She is optimistic and would always try to see the light out of the worse situations and at sporadic and random times, she would usually be the one to come up to someone (who has a close bond with her) and try to cheer them up.

*Moveset includes:  Double Slap [Via leveling], Hyper Voice [Via Move Tutor/Merchant but she clearly hates how he made it "random"], and Heal Bell [Already had it when first Pokemon]
*Ednah does hate the fact she is an Audino for one reason: she hears everything but she gets headaches very easily. Therefore, she'll tend to cover her ears sometimes as she is too sheepish to ask someone to tone themselves down.
*Theme Song:


Name- Totaro
Gender- Male
Age- 13
Level- 8
Species- Totodile Big Jaw Pokemon
Once Human?- Nuh-uh
Appearance- His spine (spike-y things on its back Tongue) are thinner and shorter than average, his teeth are dull and smooth enough to rub and not be harmed, claws are somewhat filed down from being under used, his tail is somewhat longer causing him to be clumsy, has a missing tooth on its bottom jaw with a scar that trails its chin in a Serviper's body shape
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- A emerald bandana that is wrapped over his shoulder. It has a pair of cobalt wings on it
Rank- Just a new Pokemon coming to live in Treasure Town, in high hopes to make a machine that can fly
History- His abandoned egg was hatched with a pair of Cottenee. He is left with an overwhelming urge to drift in the breeze, as his parents do. He had seen a Zubat fly into a cave and had followed it, wanting to see how it was able to fly. In the looming darkness he had tripped over his tail and fell on the rugged bare cave floor. His cry had startled the Zubat, who were younglings like him. The mother, a Golbat, had glided over to him and dug her fangs into his bottom lip. His struggling had caused the alarmed Golbat's fangs to create curves on his jaw which seem to copy a Seviper's folded body. His tooth had come out when he was dashing out of the cave and tripped on his abnormally large tail.
He then became sensitive about eating meat since he couldn't chew without agonizing pain following. He had to switch from his carnivorous diet to one of an herbivore. He left his parents to find a way to invent a way to fly, without wings. His mum had given him the bandana to use along with a stick, to make a hobo-styled bag. He favored the bandana, so, he decided to wrap it around his shoulder for inspiration.
Personality- He is nervous about how others will judge him his true self, so he adjusts his personality that makes him comfortable with that person. He lies more than necessary due to his own insecurity and he masquerades his true personality as a normal, jolly natured Totodile. He pretends to be bubbly, supportive and caring, when he is truthfully selfish, paranoid, and hot-headed. The only thing he takes seriously is his ideals of soaring in the gusts of wind. When not around others, he is quite a daydreamer and, if you will, usually has his head in the clouds. He is undereducated and speaks with a slow drawl.
Extra- Moves: Scratch, Water Gun, Leer, Rage. He does not know how to build inventions or how to make them airborne. He expects it to come naturally. He got 500 Poke from his father. His mom and dad liked to call him "Toto." His bandana doesn't exactly stay. It usually slips down to his wrist and he has to tie it back up. He has Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth).


Name- Kiwi
Gender- Female
Age- Twelve
Level- Twenty
Species- Whimsicott
Once Human?- Nope!
Appearance- Kiwi takes on the appearance of a regular, genuine Whimsicott, except her left eye is olive-green, whilst the other is a normal amber.
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- N/A, though she eventually finds a pale scarf in a dungeon.
Rank- Town Civilian (Soon to become a Guild member)
History- "Y-you want to know about me...? Err, I'd rather not..."
Personality- A little skittish and naturally whimsical, Kiwi is a bit quiet and tends to stay on the sidelines, more or less just simply observing the others as they explore. She is obviously interested in being an Explorer, but she's just too shy to stand up and announce she wants to become one. She tends to be indecisive and slightly doubtful, and she is really sensitive to insults, but this clumsy Whimsicott is really actually caring and kind once you get through her fragile outer shell. Her voice is naturally quiet and soft, matching her personality in general.
Kiwi, despite her wariness at first, is cautiously happy-go-lucky with a high-spirited attitude, even though she's extremely self-conscious and shy.
Extra- N/A

Name- Tea (TAY-uh)
Gender- Female
Age- Twenty-three
Level- Forty-two
Species- Leavanny
Once Human?- Nope~
Appearance- Tea looks just like a normal Leavanny-- a tall, leaf-covered humanoid form with two long antennae extending from the top of her head, and milky red eyes.
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- N/A
Rank- Explorer
History- "You want to know more about me? Well, sure, why not~?"

Tea had a normal past, living in a hollow tree with her family while she was young. When she was leveled up enough to evolve into a Swadloon, she had become more self-confident and decided she was old enough and strong enough to leave the nest and become a Guild member. Her parents were unsure, but she'd managed to convince them she was independent and soon enough she was accepted as a rookie Explorer.
After months and years of training, she was upgraded to a full Pokemon Explorer, and her history practically smoothed out from there.
Personality- Tea is the cheerful, considerate type who will do anything to brighten up someone's day. She has a natural motherly instinct (as it's in Leavanny's nature) and likes to make clothing for the younger Pokemon, which is one of many reasons why she helps out at the daycare. She's almost never seen without a smile on her round, pale-yellow face, but don't underestimate her helpful, happy-go-lucky personality. This Pokemon is surprisingly fierce in combat.
Extra- None that I can think of... o3o;
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 05:55:56 am by Milleniuco »

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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2012, 09:24:49 pm »
*glomps* Thank you so much for remaking this roleplay~ I missed it ;w;
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, I haven't had a lot of motivation and now that the holidays are here, I'm really busy. ^^'

Name- Polarus (Pole-AIR-us)
Gender- Female
Age- Eleven
Level- Nine
Species- Zangoose
Once Human?- Yep!
Appearance- Polarus takes on the appearance of a regular Zangoose, nothing much else to add, except there is a pattern of red on her chest that forms a marking similar to a heart and her tail is fluffier than most. Besides that, she looks pretty normal.
Her human appearance is a rather tall girl with medium-length auburn-red hair and amber eyes. She usually wore a deep red jacket with a lighter undershirt, and normal old jeans.
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- A pure red feather that is pinned to her left ear. She seems to wear it at all times for some reason.
Rank- Rookie Explorer
History- "All you need to know is that I had a normal past! Why do you want to know my history for?"
Personality- Polarus, for one, is usually clever and boastful. She may not exactly get along with everyone, but she's pretty laidback. This Zangoose is rather sneaky, though, sometimes stealing a berry from someone else's dinner if she's still hungry, or attempting to leave the Guild unseen to train on her own. Another trait expected from this Pokemon is that she complains often, but that's no surprise if you're a good friend of hers.

Polarus is extremely outgoing and will often just stroll right up to someone and try to start a conversation with them. She is a bit ignorant, accidentally overlooking someone or something once and a while, as she has a surprisingly short attention span and usually has to have someone reminding her about chores or missions she has yet to get done. Even then, she tends to forget.
She is strong-willed and more or less "iron-headed", but she's a little skilled at planning and refuses to charge into battle without an ideal strategy, which is one reason why she can be seen observing the other teams from a distance at times. As a conclusion to her personality, Polarus is just about as crafty and cunning as a Zangoose can get.

Taco Burrito Man~! owo

ヌ - ド ル


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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2012, 11:29:17 pm »
Yaaay Tempeh oDo -Glomp-

Terribly understandable about the whole Holidays thing! .a. I'm personaly busy as heck too at the moment- o3o.

None the less though- Welcome back to the roleplay! -LeAccepts-

Wonderful character too! :33

I'm going to wait until after Christmas to start though- so those that join aren't wondering if their taking far too long to post or anything o3o.

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2012, 03:11:08 am »
*glomp'd* Yay~ Thanks~! >w<
Yeah, I've been sticking around the house and helping my parents clean up x3 I can't believe it's almost 2013 already! *faints*
And thanks! Vassily looks great too~ He reminds me of Rupert from Fossil Fighters Champions for some reason xDD
Mkay, that's fine! ^^ I understand~ Thank you for accepting me! c:

ヌ - ド ル


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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 07:31:23 pm »
Welcome ;33
And t's sort of the same with mew o3o. Somuchcleeeanning -Flail-
And I don't know how he reminds you of Rupert- probaly because I never played Fossil Fighters though. . xDD

N' again~ welcome~! :33

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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2012, 03:17:36 am »
Yay! Remake~ I'm re-entering with Metis and Jade, if that's alright. I'm just gonna... Update their apps. And add a new character~

Name- Metis
Gender- Female
Age-  Twelve
Level- 14
Species- Vulpix
Once Human?- Nope.
Appearance- She looks like your regular reddish brown vulpix with six tails and a fluffy tuft on her head. She is a bit smaller than most Vulpix and her eyes are light purple/amethyst.
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- She wears a sky blue bow by her left ear. She calls it her "Lucky Bow" because she usually does better on missions while wearing it (it also has something to do with Jade giving it to her on her first day).
Rank- Explorer Bronze Rank
History- "Hush, hush, now...It's a secret."
Personality- Metis seems very spitfire and sharp-tongued at first which usually rubs others the wrong way, but underneath the brash exterior is a softer side. Upon getting to know her better you'll find she is very passionate about what she does, and is loyal to her friends. She has a strong sense of justice, almost never giving one a verbal lashing unless she thinks they deserve it. She would never choose snatching some treasure over saving someone in danger. The outlaws and criminals she goes after are always in some way tortured or at least badly treated before brought to justice. She is a terrible liar and quick to judge. Metis is actually quite shy and finds acting defensively is better than to appear weak or scared in front of others.

Name- Jade
Gender- Female
Age-  26
Level- 67
Species- Absol
Once Human?- Nope.
Appearance- Jade is a strong, well-built Absol with large paws equipped with sharp talons. Her fur is a snow white color and the rest is a deep navy blue. Her eyes are an eerie pupiless jade green, and you can never tell where or who she is looking at unless she turns her head directly at you.
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- A red scarf tied to the scythe on the side of her head.
Rank- Guild Master
History- "..." She does nothing but stare disbelievingly.
Personality- Jade has an air of authority around her that most would try to escape as soon as they can, and her stare is so heavy you can almost feel it weighing down on you. If you've angered her, perhaps you can feel it burning into your back. Jade has high expectations for the explorers in her guild, but is always willing to lend some good advice or be a listening ear. Usually, she is fair and brutally straightforward but can just as easily hide things and maliciously harm you in a subtle way. She really cares about her explorers in earnest, and anyone who decides to mess with them is in for a nice serving of sweet payback.
Extra- Because of her pupiless eyes and vacant stare, it is rumored among the guild and town that she is blind and has learned to simply hear and smell things. This of course has not been confirmed by the Guildmaster herself yet.

Name- Karak
Gender- Male
Age-  8
Level- 7
Species- Cubone
Once Human?- No.
Appearance- Your average Cubone, but much smaller. With a dinosaur-like build, a tan body, and an oversized skull as a helmet. And of course, his signature bone club which is much too big for a Cubone of his size. He often has to drag it around, but refuses to leave it out of his sight.
Anything Extra In The Appearance?- A scarf that nearly wraps around his whole body and may as well be a blanket or something. It has many holes and rips on it.
Rank- Shopkeeper (he sells berries and little trinkets he finds while exploring)
History- "I-I'd really rather not share..." (Yes, as with any other Cubone, lost his mother and now wears her disembodied skull *applause for originality*)
Personality- Karak is a timid but friendly and helpful soul. He is rather submissive and will agree with anything someone says unless prodded many times over to express his own opinion. While he has no problem with being around others, he usually keeps to himself and explores or hang around his shop.
Extra- He might join the guild sometime.

((Sorry if there are many of typos/mistakes, I'm kinda tired right nao xD))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;


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Re: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay (Re-make!) [Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2012, 03:55:37 am »
I trust you've read the rules- despite the fact that the code isn't in there o3o
(Quite understandable, considering you, as mentioned before- are tired xDD.)

Accepted, Accepted, and Accepted~ ;33

Glad to have yew back Fussie~! oDo